Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Peaks Island Times 1978 Peaks Island Times, 1977 - 1978 6-1978 Peaks Island Times : Jun 1978 Tim Fitzgerald Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_pit_1978 Recommended Citation Fitzgerald, Tim, "Peaks Island Times : Jun 1978" (1978). Peaks Island Times 1978. 5. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_pit_1978/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Peaks Island Times, 1977 - 1978 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Peaks Island Times 1978 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PEAKS ISLAND TIMES Vol.2, No.1 JUNE 1978 25 CENTS ARE WE PHoro FRANK DALEY PROTEC TED STORY·page 5 BRACKETT 11EMQRIAL CHu;cH STAPF WILL HOLD A rA8EWELL E­ MANAGING CEPTlON JUNE 11TH AT PM E:>ITOR TIM l'ITZGERALD FOR REV, HENRY HUDDLESTON PRODUCTION IRENE MURRAY AND FAMILY, ALL ISLANDS T. SHANE CORDIALLY INVITED, The Port:land Pl.aming Board ADVERTI SING LORETTA VOYER will hold two public hear­ TIM FITZGERALD ~ on the Areawi.de wacer SUBSCRI PTI ONS LORETTA VOYER Quality Manaf!/Dent Pl.an on DISTRIBUTION DOUG MACVANE AMERI CAN LEGION WILL HOLD THE Tuesday, June 13, 1978. SEC . - TREAS. I RENE HURRAY THEIR ANNUA~ SUIIMER FAIR ON The heariigs will begin at PHOTOGRAPHY & J ULY 8TH , LU~CHEON WILL 3:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. in EDITORI A:. START AT 11:50 AM, Roan 209, City Hall, 389 CONSU:.TANT LEON CLOUGli Ccngres.s Screet, Portland, Maine. If you are wable to attend these hearings, DOREEN MC CANN DANCERS please send your camx,nts THE Til1ES ASSUMES NO LIABILITY by letter to Donald l'.egathlin FOR ANY PRINTING ERROR IN AD - WILL PRESENT Planning Director, Roan 2ll, VERTISING OR OTHER MATTER, EX­ "PASSPORT TO HAPPINESS" City Hall, Port:land, Maine. CEPT TO PUBLISH A CORRECTION All correspondence received OF THAT POR~ION THAT IS I N ON MONDAY, JUNE 26TH will be distributed to d,c ERROR . 7:30 P .H. Planning Boaxd namers for their considerati.ai. GREENWOOD GA RDENS WE AT THE TIMES WOULD LI KE IF YOU HAVE BE EN RECEIVING YOUR EVERYONE TO KNOW ABOUT OUR' SUBSCRIPTION TO THE TIMES AT YOUR WINTER ADDRESS, PLEASE BE SURE TO ADVERTIS ING RATES, THEY ARE CHANGE THIS WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR VERY REASONABLE, ATS 3 .oo PER THE SU MM ER. CAU LORETTA VOYER COLUMN INCH, WITH A DISCOUNT 76 6 - 2S23. ON HALF OR FULL PAGE ADS , WE WILL DESIGN THEM OURS ELVES Public Service Announce<nent : OR YOU HAY SUBMIT THEM PRE­ PROFILE THEATRE , in Its n ew periorming space et DESIGNED IF YOU WISH , PHOTO­ 15 T en,ple St. , Portland, present& DevI d Freeman 's JESSE ANO THE BAN DIT OUEEN the s tory of Jesse James GRAPHS ARE AVAILAB LE WI THIN and Belle Sterr . Performances every Thursday, Frida y, THE AREA OF THE AD FOR AN Saturday, and Sunday evening et 8:00 thru June 25. ADDIT IONAL TWO DOLLORS, OUR Ce ll (207) 774-0465 for reservations. DEADL INE FOR ADVERTISING IS Tickets : Thursday & Sunday . •••• $4 .50 ( $3. 50 students and THE 20TH OF EVERY MONTH, IF senior citizens) Friday ........ $5.00 YOU DESI RE MORE INFORMATION PAGE 2 Saturday • .•.• • $5. 50 OR WOULD LIKE TO SUBM IT YOUR OWN PLEASE WRITE TO PEAKS eaks sland Times .. Subscriptions IS LAN D TIMES , P,O, BOX #53, ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPT ION RATE - $2 ,00 PEAKS ISLAND, ME, 04108. UNLESS HA ILED OFF PEAKS ISLAND, IF SO - $3,00 THAN K YOU , ED , PUBL ISHED MONTHLY NAME - ---- ------ ------ A SPEC IAL THANK YO U TO ADDRESS ______ _____ ___ ___ JOACH IM ARSENA ULT FOR THE TIME, EFFORT AND CITY ---- ---- STATE --- ZIP MATERIALS USED IN CREA­ CL I P AND HA IL TO: TIN.G OUR VERY OWN LI... ~ HEWSPAPER HOLDERS, In his statement, Edwards Secondly, oy opponent points out that "Although I finished 10th out of 10 in was successful in sponsoring the last primary and gener al l egislation for the Islands election. Finally, I am work­ during the 102nd Legislature, ing hard to win . The response I did not appreciate the on the Hill as well as on the uniqueness of the problems Islands has been warm and en­ of islanders. I did not co~ragir..g. 11 understand the special nature "If you want an islander o~ the island community to represent you in the Legis­ until I became a resident lature, just take a few minutes of Peaks Island. " "This on Tuesday, June 13th, and cast is one of the major reasons a vote for Russ Edwards . u why I decided to run for the Legislature again. The Islands need a voice i n government." "They need FREE someone to set the record straight when a politician reminds them that he only received three votes from the Islands in the last ]LAS SIFIEDS election or when a scna~or says ' That's their problem. FOR SALE: 19' FIBER~ They chose to live there. ' GLASS, TRIHULL , 45 H,P, In a statement released or when a city official · VOLVO OUTBOARD-NEW HORSE · to the Peaks Island Times call s Islanders "chronic ~J~~gB~ AND EXTRAS- CALL t his week, w. Russell (Russ) co:npla iners. " Edwards, Jr., d i scussed his candidacy for the Legis­ When asked why he thought lature . he could win inasmuch as elections have been con­ FOR SALE: Woo~ FoR ttQO~IN ~ Edwards, a Democrat, was trolled by mainland voters OR BRAIDING, lALL 7bb-229 / a member of the 102nd Legis­ in the past and his opponent lature and was successful is an incumbent, Edwards at that time in sponsoring offerred t he following. a bill which provided the YES, OUR CLASSI FIEDS ARE new car f e rry landing on "First, this i s the small­ FREE AND IF YOU WO ULD LI KE Peaks Island as well a s a TO SUBMIT ONE OF YOUR OWN bill which provided for a est district islanders have JUST ~BITE P,I, TIMOE$OS ever been a part of. The r e­ BOX #~5, P,I, ME, 41 , $2 registration fee for f ore, our influence ts that passenger cars used exclu­ much greater . For example, REMEHBER, WE WILL PRINT sively on certain islands. AU10ST ANYTH ING. BUT WILL in the last Democratic NOT ENCOURAGE THE SALE OF I n addi tion, he chaired a Primary a total of about ~pn:ao'M~ committee which developed Boo votes were cast in this the concept for a new.State district. Only 100 of them Museum, Archives and Library were from the Islands. Yet, and succes sfully eponsored there are over 500 registered legislation creating the Denocrats and Independents A new Haine State Cultural on the Islands--more than Building. Edwar ds also led CLOTHING enough to win--i f they wil l STORE an unsuccessful attempt to all turn out and s upport an abolish the Maine Milk Com­ island candidate. WHERE WE DESIGN mission and was successful AND SEW CLOTHING in a1tending t he original (Remember, Independent Portland Transit Di strict voters can vote in a primary WITH YOU IN MIND , bill to insure that the by just asking to enroll at l 11oULTON STREET employees of the Portland the Polls. ) Coach Co. would continue in PAGE 3 772-5549 their jobs. Edwards, a former captain for Casco Bay Lines in the KEY 11JVE CHESS: Q - R8 1950s, has had a "deep in­ t erest in the Islands since that time." PEAXS ISLA~D SCHOOL Nfil FRIDAY , MAY 26th: Xing Jr . bond under t hedirection of Mr . Wiener CHESS TOURNAMENT-Monday after­ p r esented a 3 0 ain ute concert at t"tt"tf"t""i::l(.11"4La'U) '1 :r;:r OOct:7'C:Of"t noons all year , Bud Lester has the gya . Another b and concert ~ ...-0.,0*"10 1-' • c.n '1 ::1 <'1'-< :7' given of his time and talent to has been sc heduled by ~iverton :r c. 1.11,.. c,o on organize and super vise a Chess • C:7' ~ ~- ::r- Elementa ry School for June 5th. g nc, l; '"tC."f Club. The tournament has been ::, o ,;,...~,o - C,.;::D;:J l'!l ::r'::l ..... t't u. going for several week s now and FOURTH GRADERS vill t ravel to oc.-o .... :,-~ the three top prizes are almost " .. '"t " .... () 0 August a with Mrs. Cleaons on >iVl 1110 ::r a" o -o all dec ided with 1 st place t o Fr iday. June 9th for tours of the OC->t"t :::r' CO +-' ::r' Josh Scandlen, Grade 2; 2nd place ~ >i ::, O ~ W 0 S t ate House , State Mu seua, Fo rt CllCC."0 ::1 -Cfll• Vl'"t to Pa ul Gorhaa, Grade 3; 3rd p l a ce Western & the Blaine Ho use . C >1()P l3 t"t '1 ... ..., .... 0 ... --· CIJ finals wil l be hel d soon among OONNVli-~ U);D, Torr Kelso. Gra de2, Ron Flash V'I (ll UI ;:J "~ N & UPCOMI NG BIG EVENTS Vari ous c lass t"t<• ,.O::r nOM' # Ro bert Deane, Grade 6. ~ .... '1 :::t c o p icnics , a fie l d d•Y, trips t o O" (II n,.fo't<ll :r () I-.,., the Island Libr ary, avard assem­ .- 1-'·0VI ~ooo. C t"t *"I00 -::1 ~~ BASBETBALL & CHEERLEADERS BANQUET b l ies and a graduation ceremony . :,1- 'v'<- Tu esday, MaY 16th t he school gya for Gradee 6 s t udents .
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