name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Abbott, Mary M Brisbane William Passmore 1882 Abbott, William M Mary ? 1882 Adams, (male) D Burke 1882 Adams, (male) D Walgett 1882 Adams, Walter D Sydney 1882 Aftill, Joseph D Terrick 1882 Ah Fat, (male) D Stanthorpe 1881 Ah Ghi, (male) D Stanthorpe 1881 Ah Kin, (male) D Stanthorpe 1881 Ah Pan, (male) D Cairns 1881 Ah Que, (male) D Brisbane 1881 Ah Sam, (male) D Rockhampton 1881 Ah Sam, (male) D Cooktown 1882 Ah You, (male) D Stanthorpe 1881 Ah, Fat D exhumed from Stanthorpe 1881 Ah, Ghi D exhumed from Stanthorpe 1881 Ah, Kin D exhumed from Stanthorpe 1881 Ah, You D exhumed from Stanthorpe 1881 Ahearne, (male) D Stawell, Vic 1882 Ahern, J.J. (male) D South Brisbane 1881 Alleyne, (Dr.) D Sydney 1882 Amhurst, Francis T. (male) D at sea 1881 Anderson, (male) D Maryborough 1881 Anderson, (male) D Jacob Anderson Brisbane 1881 Anderson, (male) D 1882 Anderson, Anders D Theodore Anderson Pialba 1881 Anderson, David D Brisbane 1881 Anderson, Henry D Sydney 1882 Andrews, Stephen D Maryborough 1882 Archibald, J.D. (male) D Sydney 1881 Archibald, James D Beenleigh 1882 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Armitage, R. (Rev.) D Adelaide 1881 Armstrong, Mary M William Armstrong Toowoomba William Arcdeckne Vanneck 1882 Armstrong, Peter D Normanton 1882 Atkins, James Bradby D Roma 1882 Aubrey, (male) D Townsville 1882 Aubrey, (male) D Keelbottom Crk 1882 Audley, Annie D Sydney 1881 Austin, Reginald D Yuleba 1882 Backhaus, Dean D Melbourne 1882 Backhaus, Dean D Sandhurst 1882 Bagot, (male) D Melbourne 1881 Bain, Annie M Brisbane James Stirling 1882 Baker, Margaret D Maitland 1882 Ball, (female) B John H. Ball Toowoomba 1881 Balliere, Francis D Melbourne 1881 Balls, W.C. (male) D 1882 Banks, St. H. D Balmain 1881 Barber, Charles D Melbourne 1882 Barbour, Frank D Sydney 1881 Barker, (Bishop) D 1882 Barker, (male) D NSW 1882 Barker, Frederick D London 1882 Barlee, C.H. (male) D NSW 1882 Barlow, Edward D Amby 1882 Barnett, (children) D Clifton Station 1881 Barnett, (children) D Clifton Station 1881 Barnett, (female) D Clifton Station 1881 Barnett, John D sydney 1882 Barraclough, (male) D Geelong 1881 Barron, (male) D London 1882 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Bason, Thomas D Gympie 1881 Bateman, John D Vic 1882 Battley, Fed (male) D Melbourne 1881 Baxter, (female) B F.W.E. Baxter Toowoomba 1881 Baxter, (male) D Eyres Land 1882 Baxter, John D Eyre's Sand Patch 1882 Baylis, (male) D Sydney 1881 Bazdwin, William D St. George 1882 Bearbice, Joseph D Rockhampton 1882 Beattie, Joseph D Bogantungun 1882 Bedford, (male) D Sydney 1881 Beeley, Henry D NSW 1882 Bell, Frank D NSW 1882 Bell, George D Bundaberg 1882 Bell, George D Bundaberg 1882 Bell, George D Bundaberg 1882 Bell, George D Bundaberg 1882 Bell, John D Carcoar 1881 Bell, Joshua Peter D Brisbane 1881 Bell, Joshua Peter (Sir) D Brisbane 1881 Bellman, Franka D Stawell 1882 Bennet, George D Rockhampton 1881 Bennett, Robert D Port Stephens 1881 Bennett, Thomas D Sydney 1882 Bennett, William D Port Stephens 1881 Beor, (male) D Brisbane 1881 Beor, H.R. (male) D Brisbane 1881 Berryman, Augustus D Nowra 1881 Biggane, Mary D Brisbane 1881 Billing, (Judge) D Vic 1882 Bird, Thomas D Brisbane 1881 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Bird, Thomas D Brisbane 1881 Bisley, Thomas D Brisbane 1882 Black, (female) B George Black Toowoomba 1882 Black, (male) D Charters Towers 1882 Black, Archibald George D Townsville 1882 Blackburn, William D Werna 1881 Blair, David D Goodna 1881 Blair, David D Goodna 1881 Blake, Judge D Brisbane 1882 Blencome, John D Carlton 1882 Board, (female) B G.L. Board Toowoomba 1881 Board, Annie Merritt D Toowoomba George Board 1882 Bohringer, (male) D Orange 1881 Bouffier, (male) D Cessnock 1882 Bourke, (male) D Vic. 1882 Bowen, Rowan Robert D Melbourne 1881 Boyce, William Martin O Toowoomba 1882 Boyd, (female) D Warwick 1881 Boyd, (female) D Warwick William Boyd 1881 Boyd, Carr (Dr.) D Brisbane 1882 Boyd, E.G. St. George D Jondaryan 1881 Boyer, Albert D Rockhampton 1881 Boyle, John D Sydney 1881 Bradford, Daniel D Murrumburrah 1881 Bradford, Daniel D Murrumburrah 1881 Bradley, Daniel D Rockhampton 1881 Bray, (female) D Sydney 1881 Bray, Charlotte D Thomas Bray Sydney 1881 Brennan, (female) D Nundle 1882 Brennan, Mary Alice D North Ipswich 1882 Bridges, (female) D John Bridges Nundah 1882 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Brookes, John D NSW 1882 Brooks, (Capt.) D Rockhampton 1881 Brown, (female) D Sydney 1882 Brown, (male) D Warwick 1882 Brown, Peter D Albion Nursery 1881 Brown, S.C. (male) D Sydney 1882 Brownfield, (female) D 1881 Bruce, (male) D Winton 1882 Bruin, (male) D Howard 1882 Buchanan, (male) D Gympie 1881 Buchanan, James D Goondiwindi 1882 Buchanan, James D Goondiwindi 1882 Buchanan, Malcolm D Emerald Hill 1882 Buchanan, Thompson D Moggill 1882 Buckley, (female) D Sydney William Buckley 1882 Buckley, Catherine D sydney William Buckley 1882 Buckley, James D Sydney 1882 Buckley, James D Sydney 1882 Buckley, James D Sydney 1882 Buckley, Peter D Sydney 1881 Buckley, Peter D Sydney 1881 Buckley, Peter D Sydney 1881 Buhot, John D 1881 Bullman, (Capt.) D NSW 1882 Bullmore, (2 males) D Sandgate 1881 Bullock, (female) D Melbourne 1881 Bullock, John D Melbourne 1881 Bulmore, (2 males) D Sandgate 1881 Bulmore, (male) D Edward A. Bulmore Moreton Bay 1881 Bulmore, Edward A. D Moreton Bay 1881 Burgess, Alfred D Sydney 1881 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Burke, (child) D Tiaro 1882 Burke, (male) D Tiaro 1882 Burmoondo, Billy D 1881 Burnell, (male) B George Burnell Toowoomba 1882 Burnett, Florence Amelia D Burpengary 1881 Burnett, James D Mt. Abundance 1881 Burnett, W.D. (male) D Murrumburrah 1881 Burns, (two females) D Orange 1881 Burns, Hannah D Owen Burns 1882 Buros, (male) D Orange 1881 Burton, Edward D Mackay 1882 Burton, John D Temora 1881 Burts, (male) D Malveros Downs 1881 Bush, (male) D Tambookum 1881 Butler, (male) O St. George 1881 Butler, Thomas D Chinchilla 1882 Butler, Thomas D Charley Crk 1882 Buzza, (child) D Maryborough 1882 Byfield, William Michael D Toowoomba 1881 Byfield, William Michael D Michael & Sarah byfield Toowoomba 1881 Byford, Frank D Waratah 1881 Byrne, George D Brisbane 1882 Cain, Michael M Patrick Cain Toowoomba Annie Josephine McDermott 1882 Cairns, (Dr.) (male) D Melbourne 1881 Cameron, Alexander D London 1881 Cameron, Alexander D Allora 1882 Cameron, Donald D Bowen Downs 1881 Cameron, Donald D Geelong 1881 Cameron, James George D John Cameron Toowoomba 1882 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Campbell, James D Rockhampton 1882 Campbell, John D Gympie 1882 Campbell, John Blair D Barron River 1881 Campbell, John Thomas D 1882 Cannon, (male) D Jandowaie 1882 Care, (male) D 1881 Care, Frederick D Toowoomba 1881 Carey, James D Brisbane 1882 Carlos, G.F. (male) D Rockhampton 1881 Carpenter, W. (male) D Inglewood 1882 Carr-Boyd, (Dr.) D Brisbane 1882 Carroll, J. (male) D Sydney 1882 Carroll, J.R. (male) D Sydney 1882 Case, (female) ala Grace Eberton D Montreal 1881 Casey, (male) D Mary Casey Brisbane 1882 Cather, (female) D North Willoughby 1881 Cavanagh, (female) D Lagoon Creek 1881 Cavanagh, James D Mrs. Cavanagh Dalby 1882 Cavanagh, James D Dalby 1882 Cavanagh, Morgan D Dalby 1881 Cavanagh, Morgan D Dalby 1881 Chadwick, William Andrew D Capt. Chadwick Newcastle 1881 Challanor, (Dr.) D 1882 Challinor, (male) D Brisbane 1882 Chapman, B. (male) (Rev.) D Windsor 1881 Chapman, Benjamin D Sydney 1881 Christophsen, Nils (male) D Pialba 1882 Clark, Ida Stewart D Dunmora 1881 Clark, John D NSW 1882 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Clarke, Marcus D Melbourne 1881 Clarke, Marcus D Melbourne 1881 Clay, John Charles D Rose Farm, Leyburn 1881 Clements, (male) D Reading 1881 Clements, (male) D Reading 1881 Clinch, Rose D Sydney 1881 Clinch, Tasman (male) D Ultimo 1882 Clinton, Eda D Mr. H.E. Clinton Warwick 1882 Clutterbuck, (male) D Charters Towers 1881 Cobb, George D Broken Bay 1881 Coble, George D Barrenjoey 1881 Coldham, John D Vic. 1882 Colgan, Michael L. D Toowoomba 1881 Consutiate, Achille D Sydney 1881 Cooke, George M R. Cooke Gomoron Ada Jull 1881 Cooke, Helen M Richard Cooke Toowoomba John Wright Hurford 1881 Cooper, John D Lachlan River 1882 Cope, (male) D Sydney 1882 Copeland, William D Grandchester 1882 Cornish, William D Sydney 1882 Corten, (male) B Charles G. Corten Toowoomba 1881 Cottrell, J. D Gympie 1881 Coxall, John D Tenterfield 1882 Craig, Thomas D Sydney 1881 Crawford, George D Brisbane 1882 Crilly, Patrick D Mackay 1882 Cross, Emma D Armidale 1881 Cross, George David D Inverell 1882 Cross, Henry Francis D Brisbane 1882 Crowley, (male) D Bungaree 1881 Crowther, John D Sydney 1882 name event parent event place marriage to/spouse of year Culhane, (male) D Emu Creek 1882 Culliton, Thomas D Sydney 1881 Curnow, Sampson D Sandhurst 1881 Cutler, (male) D 1882 Daisey, (male) D Ipswich 1881 Dalby, William D 1882 Dalton, (female) D Geelong 1882 Dalton, (male) D Geelong 1882 Daly, George D New Mexico 1882 Darlington, Thomas D Rockhampton 1882 Darragh, Charles D Rockhampton 1882 Davenport, George Henry O Toowoomba 1881 Davenport, George Henry O Toowoomba 1881 Davey, Charles George D Sarah Davey 1881 Davey, James D Eaglehawk 1881 Davey, James D Sandhurst 1881 Davey, Sarah D Charles George Davey 1881 David, Thomas O Tenterfield 1881 Davidson, John (aka Dickson) D Ipswich 1881 Davis, Alfred D Roma 1881 Davis, Charles D St. George 1881 Davis, Elizabeth D Harrisville 1881 Davis, Griffith D Bland Ck 1882 Davis, Thomas D Sydney 1881 Dea, John D Winton 1882 DeGruchy, H.G.
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