DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2013 Edited by Nanna Hvidt and Hans Mouritzen DIIS Danish Institute for International Studies 2013 Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 1 10/06/13 17.12 © Copenhagen 2013 Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS Østbanegade 117, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Ph: +45 32 69 87 87 Fax: +45 32 69 87 00 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.diis.dk Editors: Nanna Hvidt and Hans Mouritzen Layout: Mark Gry Christiansen Print: Gullanders Bogtryk a-s, Denmark ISBN (print): 978-87-7605-578-3 ISBN (pdf): 978-87-7605-579-0 ISSN: 1397-2480 The full text of this book can also be found electronically in EBSCO Publishing’s databases. DIIS publications can be obtained from the booksellers or ordered at [email protected] Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 2 10/06/13 17.12 Contents 3 Preface · 7 Chapter 1: Articles · 9 The International Situation and Danish Foreign Policy 2012 · 15 Claus Grube In the Shadow of Kim Davy: India–Denmark Relations in the Early 21st Century · 53 Ravinder Kaur The BRICS and Denmark – Economics & High Politics · 78 Mette Skak The Fiscal Compact, Euro- Reforms and the Challenge for the Euro-Outs · 113 Derek Beach Denmark Between Venus and Mars: How Great a Change in Danish Foreign Policy? · 134 Hans Branner Chapter 2: Selected Documents · 167 Chapter 3: Danish Foreign Policy in Figures · 238 Chapter 4: Opinion Polls · 243 Chapter 5: Selected Bibliography · 253 Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 3 10/06/13 17.12 Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 4 10/06/13 17.12 D Danish Foreign Policy ANISH 5 F Yearbook OREIGN P OLICY Editors YEARBOOK Nanna Hvidt Hans Mouritzen Editorial e-mail: [email protected] Assistant Editor Jakob Dreyer Linguistic Consultant Robert Parkin Editorial Advisory Board Clive Archer, Manchester Metropolitan University Hans Branner, rtd. Eric Einhorn, University of Massachusetts Daniel Hamilton, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Christine Ingebritsen, University of Washington, Seattle Tonny Brems Knudsen, University of Aarhus Henrik Larsen, University of Copenhagen Sverre Lodgaard, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Ove Kai Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School Sten Rynning, University of Southern Denmark Helle Rytkønen, Stanford University Bengt Sundelius, Uppsala University Ben Tonra, University College Dublin Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 5 10/06/13 17.12 Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 6 10/06/13 17.12 PRE F 7 Preface ACE Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook is about Danish foreign policy, including Denmark’s role in a regional as well as a global context. This particular vol- ume presents the official outline of Denmark’s 2012 foreign policy by Claus Grube, the Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. In addition, it includes articles by four scholars representing only their academic expertise (for authors’ titles and affiliations, see each article). Ravinder Kaur’s contribution constitutes the first academic inquiry into the causes of the Danish-Indian diplomatic deadlock in the extradition case concerning Niels Holck (the prime accused in the Purulia arms-drop case). Broadening the view, Mette Skak addresses the role of the emerging BRICS powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) in Danish foreign policy and offers her policy recommendations. Zooming in on the scene of the European economic crisis, Derek Beach analyses and interprets the Fis- cal Compact agreed during the Danish EU Presidency. Finally, shifting to a diachronic perspective, Hans Branner’s article about Denmark ‘between Venus and Mars’ stresses elements of continuity in our foreign policy history: activism is not solely a post-Cold War phenomenon. English and Danish abstracts of the articles appear at the start of Chapter one. The articles are followed by a selection of official documents that are considered to be characteristic of Danish foreign policy during 2012. This is supplemented by essential statistics as well as some of the most relevant polls on the attitudes of the Danes to key foreign policy questions. Finally, a bib- liography offers a limited selection of scholarly books, articles, and chapters published in English in 2012 within the field covered by the Yearbook. The editors of Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook are director Nanna Hvidt and Dr Hans Mouritzen. Jakob Dreyer, bachelor student in political science, has served as the assistant editor. The editors DIIS, Copenhagen May 2013 Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 7 10/06/13 17.12 8 DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2013 FOREIGN POLICY DANISH Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 8 10/06/13 17.12 C HA 9 P Chapter 1 TER 1· A Articles RTICLES Abstracts in English and Danish The International Situation and Danish Foreign Policy 2012 Claus Grube Danish foreign policy and the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2012 were naturally marked by the continuing international economic crisis, the repercussions of the Arab spring, and the Danish EU Presidency in the first half of 2012. The Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign Af- fairs describes the Danish Presidency and its results – not least in terms of strengthening the Economic and Monetary Union and enhancing growth and employment – and analyses the most important Danish foreign policy priorities of 2012. The article emphasizes Arctic, Nordic, and Baltic coopera- tion, developments in the field of international security, the continued high level of development assistance, the constant need to further the democratic and human rights agenda, and our shared interest in strengthening sustain- able, green growth. The implications of current developments in the interna- tional and European frameworks of Danish foreign policy are also analyzed. Dansk udenrigspolitik og Udenrigsministeriets aktiviteter var i 2012 naturligt præget af den internationale økonomiske krise, implikationerne af det arabiske forår og det danske EU-formandskab i første halvdel af 2012. Udenrigsmini- steriets departementschef gør rede for det danske formandskab og dets resultater – ikke mindst i forhold til ØMU’en og fremme af vækst of beskæftigelse – samt analyserer de vigtigste prioriteter i dansk udenrigspolitik i 2012. Artiklen lægger Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 9 10/06/13 17.12 10 herudover vægt på den arktiske dimension, det nordisk-baltiske samarbejde, ud- viklingen på det sikkerhedspolitiske område, opretholdelsen af det høje bistands- niveau, det konstante behov for at fremme demokrati og menneskerettigheder samt den fælles interesse i at styrke bæredygtig, grøn vækst. Udviklingen i de in- ternationale og europæiske rammer for dansk udenrigspolitik analyseres ligeledes. DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2013 FOREIGN POLICY DANISH Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 10 10/06/13 17.12 C In the Shadow of Kim Davy: HA 11 P India-Denmark Relations in the Early 21st Century TER 1· A Ravinder Kaur RTICLES The ongoing diplomatic crisis over the Indian bid to extradite Niels Holck, the prime accused in the Purulia arms-drop case, has disclosed the discrepan- cies upon which Indo-Danish bilateral relations are based. This article con- tends that the diplomatic deadlock is not an outcome of judicial procedures alone: political and cultural misgivings about India have played an equally significant though less understood role in creating the deadlock. India has long been seen either as Indica Exotica – beautiful, different and chaotic, far outside the familiar West – or as an aid-dependent society peripheral to the West. This view has been complicated in the past decade, as India has become categorized as an ‘emerging market’ within the BRIC assemblage. However, it is still seen as a dangerous and unfamiliar political and cultural territory. It is upon this dissonant fault line that the extradition case has unfolded within the Danish public domain. In order to understand India’s subtle signals, intentions and strategy, the article suggests that a more useful approach would be to locate the extradition bid within the broader context of India’s foreign policy history rather than outdated cultural generalizations. Den fortløbende dansk-indiske diplomatiske krise i tilknytning til det indiske krav om udlevering af Niels Holck, den hovedmistænkte i Perulia våbenned- kastningssagen, har afsløret modsigelserne, som det bilaterale forhold bygger på. Artiklen hævder, at det diplomatiske dødvande ikke er resultatet af jura alene. Politisk-kulturelle fordomme om Indien har spillet en ligeså vigtig, men min- dre forstået rolle. Indien er længe blevet set enten som ‘Indica Exotica’ – smukt, anderledes og kaotisk, langt borte fra det velkendte Vesten – eller som et sam- fund afhængigt af hjælp langt ude i periferien. Dette billede er blevet nuanceret i det seneste årti, hvor Indien er blevet kategoriseret som et ‘vækstmarked’ blandt BRIC-landene. Det ses imidlertid stadig som en farlig og ukendt politisk kultur. Det er på denne disharmoniske baggrund, som udleveringssagen har udfoldet sig i den danske offentlighed. For at forstå de subtile indiske signaler og hensigter samt dets strategi bør man fra dansk side se sagen i sammenhæng med Indiens udenrigspolitiske historie snarere end med forældede kulturbriller. Yearbook_2013_tryk.indd 11 10/06/13 17.12 12 The BRICS and Denmark: Economics and High Politics Mette Skak Denmark’s strategic opening towards the BRICS countries and other emerg- ing markets is analysed in the context of a changing world order implying additional strain upon universalist liberal values. The remedies proposed are a more whole-hearted embrace of raison de système dynamics, even in the DANISH FOREIGN POLICY YEARBOOK 2013 FOREIGN POLICY DANISH shape of great power
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