Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1964 Daily Egyptian 1964 7-7-1964 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 07, 1964 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1964 Volume 45, Issue 174 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 07, 1964." (Jul 1964). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1964 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1964 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Statewide Alert Test DAILY EGYPTIAN · Set Today SOUTHER1'4 ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY Staning today. the first C•• lIIi ••is Tuesday, July 7, 1964 Tuesday of each month will Ioon_._. Nu ... ber 174 be Civil Defense test time in Illinois. The test time for the pub­ lic warning devices will be Co-ops Open Workshop Today; 10:30 a.m. on each first Tues­ day of the month. according to a special bulletin to the fac­ ulty and staff. John E. Grinnell. vice pres­ Farm Needs of '70s Is Theme ident for operations. said the • testing time will be stan­ dardized throughout the state. E.~ I USDA OHicial Will Speak The 73rd General Assem­ ,~' bly made provision for the , At 6th Annual SIU Event uniform tests. CoL Donovan M. Vance, Illinois CD direc­ I Martin A. Abrahamsen, of ing the afternoon session, and tor, has announced the plans. the USDA Farm Cooperative Melvin Sims. president of the The stateWide uniform:c ~. Service. Washington, D. C., Farm Service. Inc., Bloom­ testing is designed to famil­ will speak OR "Needs for Farm ington. will speak about iarize the general public with Supply Services" at the sixth "Planning for the 1970's and the different signals, to re­ l. annual Workshop for Farmer Getting Changes Made." The duce confusion when Illinois •. Cooperatives on campus today. program also will include a residents are visiting in other r .. Anticipated Nee d s of panel discussion by coopera­ communities, and to conduct f Far mer-Members in tbe tive members. the teStS at a time when bus­ .. j. 1970's" win be the tbeme of Hal Charles. director of the inesses, schools and indus- ~ ,.. the worksbop, which is spon­ International Cooper a t i ve • tries are in operation. the sored by the Agriculture In­ League. will speak at the con­ bulletin stated. dustries Department. cluding dinner Bession on Tbe theme will be carried "Promoting Cooperatives in The test on the first Tues­ out in speeches and papers to day of each month will consist Other Lands." of: be presented during the day. Registration will be at 9 j Some of the topics covered are a.m. in the Agriculture Build­ LA one-minute steady blast j "Needs for Marketing Ser- ing Seminar Room. for the alen signal. vices:' by Walter Wills, pro­ 2. A one-minute period of fessor of agricultural eco­ Alton Firm Offers silence, followed by nomics at SIU. and "Needs 3. A one-minute of the wail­ for Farm Management and Jobs to Students ing tone or series of shon it. Other Business Services:' by blasts for the take-cover Albert Hagan, University of Openings for a cooperative signal. Missouri. work program With the Alton Glenn Heitz, deputy gov­ Box Board Co. have been an­ ernor of the Farm Credit nounced by the Student Work ROTC Head Gets Administration, Washington. Office. D. C., will speak on "Recent The ')ffice is accepting ap­ Transfer Orders Developments Toward Larger plications from students who To Maxwell AFB Cooperative Businesses" at have an in' erest in industrial the luncheon session. management. but will accept Col. George H. Blase, com­ '<Needs for Farm and Co­ applications from any aca­ mander of the 3,OOO-member operative Credit" will bedis­ demic field. Air Force ROTC detachment cussed by Aubrey Johnson, The cooperative program at SIU for the past five years, secretary-treasurer of the with the Alton firm is now in has received his transfer Federal Intermediate Credit its fifth quaner of existence. orders effective Aug. 20. Bank: at St. Paul. Minn., dur- and nine SIU srudents are Col. Blase, a native of St. Higher Education Board panicipating in the program Louis, has been assigned as this summer. This is the director of the Aero-Space Meets Today in Chicago largest group in the program Studies Institute, an activity " so far. according to Harold under control of the Air Uni­ The State Board of Higher L. Reents, supervisor of the Education holds its regular versity at Maxwell Air Force BIG FAMILY - The seven members who comprise the Joseph P. Student Work Office. • Base in Alabama. monthly meeting today in Chi­ The panicipants perform Rossillon family fill the compact apartment in which they reside cago at the Palmer House. He will be succeeded by at Southern Hills. Zigzagging downward by height from the father various duties throughout the President Delyte W.Morris plant. They work in quality Lt. Col. James F. Van Ausdal. afe his 'Rife, Yvonne; Suzanne, Roxanne, Jerry, Michelle and the will attend. baby, Jacqueline. control in order to learn the Col. Blase, a pilot in the paper bUSiness from raw pro­ Mediterranean Theater during 7th Member on the Way duct to its finished form. World War II and a veteran The srudents who panic­ of the Korean conflict. said ipate earn an average of $100 the Alabama move is sched­ Family of Six Finds Living Conditions per week while working at the uled to be his last assignment Alton plant. Reents said. prior to retirement. in June, 1967. Panicipanrs this summer At Southern Hills Tight but Educational are Craig Davidson. Paul Mai­ by Ed McCorkendale Yvonne, share the apanment With everything that there is liff, Leonard Ludasik, Neil Gus Bode with Suzanne, age 7, Roxanne. to do for five children-includ­ Yontz. Claud Vick, Ronald What is it like to live in 6. Jerry, affectionately mown ing 18 loads ofJaundry a week­ Rull, Charles B. Hellige. a seven-foot square for two as '"Hoss" and the male sral­ it is understandable that srrong David H. Magers and Roben years? wan of the family, 3, Michelle. hands are needed around the T. Keleher. That is how much space the otherwise known as "the house. The Student Work Office Joe Rossillon family has per Mickey Mouse:' and Jacque­ uThe two oldesr girls are is currently negotiating simi­ person in their apartment at line, 6 months. a big help With tbe housework." lar programs with the Shell Southern HillS-if you don't uTbe first thing I learned Rossillon added. "They have Oil Co. and Montgomery Ward. count the space taken up by when we moved here:' com­ to help before they can go out "It is hoped that these two the furniture. mented Rosslllon, "was that and play:' programs will be in operation According to R 0 s sill 0 n. "Mama" needed my help:' (Continued 011 Page 8) (Continued an Page 7) graduate student in speech, it isn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be. "We had apprehen­ SIU Rights Worker Is Beaten sions about moving our four. "I feel that they are doing unpledged elector campaign Neblett. national field sec­ soon to become five, chlldren the thing that must be done •••• to the city. retary for the SNCC, from a four-bedroom eight­ I wish there was something 1 The civil rights group said described the outbreak as room house," he said. could do to help the cause they went to the rally "just "pop bottles, ice and folding "The space here compares along," said Mrs. Pleasant to hear the speeches." The re­ chairs coming down on us to the kitchen and dining room Neblett about her son sult was a beating for thefour like rain." back in Kansas:' he added. C h arIes' s civil rights workers. Mrs. Neblett was resting Rossillon. who came to SIU activities. The Student Nonviolent Co­ at another son's home when a to work on his doctorate in Charles Neblett. an SIU jun­ ordinating Committee iden­ neighbor brought news of the speech, was on the faculty at Gus says he's going to trans­ ior, accompanied by three tified the group members as demonstration. Kansas State Tea c her s Col­ other civil rights workers, Neblett, 23. of Carbondale; "I wasn't able to sleep any­ fer to a university that will lege at Emporia. He now has let its students drink Cokes-­ walked into an Atlanta, Ga., Matthew Jones. 26, of Knox­ more for awhile," she said. the distinction of commanding states rights rally on July 4th. ville, Tenn.; Wilson Brown, "1 was just going to call if he can find one that will the largest family residing at accept his General Studies Gov. 30, of Birmingham, "'la,; and down there when Charles Southern Hills. George Wallace of Ala- Karen Haberman. 19. of Long credits. (Continued on Page 8) Ro.~siIlon and his petite wife, bama had brought his Island. N. Y. DAILY EGYPTIAN July 7. 1964 Lmmyer Donate. Boob Lincoln to Occupy Corner Of Morris Library Exhibit How were homes decorated home on various occasion::;. in the day of Lincoln? These two pieces are being When the new Heritage donated by the Stinson family Room in Morris Library is of Kankakee. Stinson was completed. one can see a formerly a professor of agri­ room in 19th century decor. culture at SIU. Many of the pieces of furni­ A cherry chest of drawers ture are actually associated made by Thomas Lincoln. with Abraham Lincoln.
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