€ fl HIST WEM « *RT OtPf OF IO*YA COUP DES MQlNES U NORTH IOWA'S DAILY PAPER HOME EDITION MASON CITY EDITED FOR THE HOME tTHI BRIGHT JPOT "THE NEWSPAPER THAT MAKES ALL NORTH lOWAfIS NEIGHBORS" ASSOCIATED PBESS AND UNITED PRESS FUJJ, LEASEB WIRES THIS PAPER CONSISTS OP TWO SECTIONS VOL. XLVll FIVE CENTS A COPY MASON CITY, IOWA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1940 SECTIpN ONE NO. 29 R. A. F. HAMMERS ITALIAN FLEET, ff if * # WRECK>'£, S 2 FASCIST BATTLESHIPS V * * *' Third Fascist Battleship Is Reported "Seriously Dajmaged nnm waw in Britishh Wiwinn rcjFEADR cARivrAnSABOTAGEc *-*--*_LI." D*i*n*n nf Dnum,- COLD WAVE TO Biggest Sea Balance of Power TIGHTEN GRIP; Fight of War IS ENDANGERING n Mediterranean By J. W. T. MASON United Press War Expert 15 BELOW SEEN Crippling of at least onc-tliiid DEFENSEOFU.S. of Italy'_b fust line battle fleet Changes as Result "All-Time Low Mark with damage lo other fascist war ' 10 Actifof Sabotage vessels at Taranlo by British | lor Mid-November bombers must rank as the most in Recent Blasts Victory Will Release Powerful Units Important naval success of Eu- i Set at Des Moines lope's war. The Britfeh victory is Charged by Dies of British Armada to Join in Hunt a direct result of Italy's invasion DBS MOINES, C<P)—The-weather of Greece, which, allows Great By UNITED" PRESS for "Phantom" Nazi Surface Raider bmeau predicted that the record- Britain fpi jthe first time the use The fcdeial bureau of investi- breaking cold wave would tight- gation, ^lengthened to meet the BULLETIN en its grip on Iowa Wednesday of offensive bases within easy night, with 15 below tempeiaturcs striking lange of Italian ports. tin eat of sabotage against Uic CAIRO. (UP)*-A Royal Air Force communique Wed- national defense piogiam. inter- nesday said that British bombers afjain raided the bis a possibility for the noi thwostei n The serious reduction of It- v cncd Wednesday in the investi- part ot the state. alian sea^power, coupled with gations, of mysleiiou* explosions, 'Italian port of Durazzo in Albania on Tuesday and started The somber forecast followed the added strategic value at the accidenls and fires in'public and huge fires. , a minimum readine of three new British naval stations at private euteiput.es Ihat have degrees above zero in Des> Crete, now gives Great Britain caused estimated damage of *SL- Bj THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Moines early Tuesday to crack overwhelming predominance in Britain's royal navy "has struck a crippling blow at Uic the ^Mediterranean. Far reaching 000,000 in" the last-week. the all time low record for mid- * * * rfclurcd" above is the 35,000 ton Littorio, Italian battleship uhich may have been a victim ot the Italian tleet," the London admiralty repqrted Wednesday, November temperatures. The results :are certain to accrue to ferocious R. A. F. bombing attack at Taranto. The attack was admitted by Komc. seriously damaging two fascist battleships and probably a previous low for Nov. 12 was Britain's advantage, in addition The acls of sabotage in con- 6 above, set in 1819.. I IQ added security.- .• for- British nection with recent explosions third as well as two cruisers "snuggling behind their shore transports passing through the in -plants, working, on national defenses" at the Tavaijto naval base. The buieau also advised =lup-1 Mediterranean; defense orders \\tre charged by In addition, tv,p auxiliary warships there were reported pers to piotect consignments o£l .Representative St a r 11 n Dies, 64 Heroes of goods against possible 10 below Detachments fiom the Medi- "lying with their sterns under water.'' terranean fleet can now be made". chairman of the congressional Molotov, leadings in northeast Iowa and committee investigating sub- Report Prime Minister Winston Churchill told u cheering house, 5 below temperatures m tlie if the London admiialty desires versive activities. He did not British Fight of commons that "the result of the action decisively affects .southern half of. the state. for running down armored Ger- disclose where the sabotage.oc- Heports Wednesday averaged man raiders i—n the Atlantic---. Too, : the balance of power in the Mediterranean." curred, but said lie would- ask London naval experts said the victory would releaae about -SO degrees be!ovv normal,! greater protection can be given congress to appropriate 85,000,- Reach Canada Hitler in the weatherman said. ' supply shies approaching British 000 to continue his committee's Bremen powerful units of the British Mediterranean armada to join i^ if * -" ' I coastal waters, and it is possible Seamen Took Part in in a world - wide hunt for a* Sioux City* reported a~ minimum' 11he~ blockade -bf^the—Proneh-and investigations ,in an. effort to.. of 6 degrees below zero over Spanish Atlantic coast riiay be stop Oils menace to national de- • Battle'/^gjjinst Nazi - "phantom" German surface striking their ta'vgclt the inform- night. Hed Oak had a 5 below | tightened fcnsel ' Raider in Atlantic Parley raider — possibly the 10,000- ants .said. minimum and Mount Ayr 1 be- \ .Representative .7. P a i n c 11 ton pocket battleship Admiral Amid this icporled naval suc- *. * •Thomas (D-N. J.). a member, of Is Sunk By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS cess, apuareutly pliiicfimg Bn* The Taranto victory is the War's lovv.TtWas 6'above in'Des Moines ' BULLETIN BERLIN—Soviet Premicr-Foi Schecr or the L u e t •/. o \v^- at 9 a. m. Wednesday.- - -| Iiiit, ma;oi success, of _auplanes Ihe committee, said that three SAN FRANCISCO, «J P>—T li e tain's- command • of the -Medilci-- ovei heavily aimoied naval ves-explosions in Pennsylvania and Gcirnan liner Bicmcn, queen ot LONDONV" IUP)—The admlral- eign Commissar Vyacheslaff. Mo which attacked a convoy in raneun. waters" which Italians tali Only glinuner of hope for re- sels, it .'shows that, warships-'at New Jersey yesterday "can liai-d- the reich's merchant inaiine, which Iv said Wednesday that six lotov lield a foui-hour conteicnc mid-Atlantic 'Nov. -11. "mare nostrum—our sea,"-London lief from winter's first severe .anchor are vulnerable lo large ly be placed in the catogoiy oft dashed to freedom fvom New more merchant sliips from a Wednesday \\ith Adolf Hitler— Still another; British naval vic- raihlaiy quartet & announced an- prevue was the bureau's expec- bombs, aimed cffcctuely if the coincidence" and warned that at the outbiedk of the wai, convoy of 38 vessels attacked thqiv .second: — and informe tory at the expense of Italy was other triuinph'pii land,, in'llic fierce tation -that tlie weather would attacking planes die allowed tq otliei distucU might be expected the bottom of the Kattegat, by a German raider in mid-At- sources said that much of this tim reported by the London admiralty struggle in Egypt. not be "quite so cold" in the four miles off tlie cciist of northern lantic had arrived in port and \vas devoted to "negotiatiurii ' latei' in Uie day. The admuolty These sources-said British In- leach their taigelb "until the 'federal .government 1 west portion of the state Thurs- gets bard-boiled." Dcnmaik, atcoiding to vepoits ic- that only three were still miss- The nature of these ricgolia- said BiitMi wai. ships -fink <m dian and wfiltc troops liail cap- day afternoon. The British success, however. ccived here Wednesday. in e. tions was not disclosed. Italian supply ship, .set two others tured, lost and then recaptured The Iowa We need a bhake^up in oui The editors of llic • Danish- The di>cubsioii!> pic%iously ha atl<ime, damaged <mothei, and the slratcgic fort town of Galla- : Bj THE ASSOCIATED PRESS bat, on the Anglo-Egyplian- ported roads government so that'thcre will- be NcwesiaH- newspaper Bicn '• re- been described bioacily as, aime blJsled an lUilian de.stiayer in ;in Wednesday, potted icceipt <if a telegram AN EASTERN CANADIAN at developing a long-iangf pio- attack off Valonii, Albania, -Mon- Sudan frontier, in a four-day no moie coddling of subversive stating the Bremen apparently d>y nighl. cfasli in which the Italians "suf- periness in the vital necessity of protecting gioups or activities," he sjid. ' The PORT—Sixty-live seamen, most gtam of bO\iet-Nazi collaboiatiqn. lantic and Council Bluffs areas' I was sunk by a British torpedo. , of them ..wounded," were Canada's' With hcr.grovviiiff command of fered heavily." naval bases with defense planes federal government should co- A letter'to a member of .the and within 'cities and towns. j capable of driving off "attacking operate with the,employci-s'so.that heroes Wednesday—s,caucd, ex- *Foieig * u * M i n i b t e i the seas, the British noverhment .Reports reaching Lbiidoti •; from they can get tough about whom Scandinavian colony written by hausted ^survivors of .the armed Joachim von Ribbentrop and also announced the extension of Ihe 17 day old GieeR-Italian wai The patrol gave the following* ,.. ,. [n ,,.. a[r ,, relatives in' Denmark, lidded de- merchant ciuisei ^Jei\)s Bay, ReichsmJisjl Herman Goenng its blockade to three sides of tvont said Uje Haliant, weie .slill E they lure and fire." tails. .Th. e letter, said excursion early morning temperature aver-J De coinc confusea. vvluch saved at least*29 ship;, of A vveic among Hie Geiman dignitai- Africa, including Syria, French retreating from Korilza. 10 miles .ages: The thr,cc powder plant ex- tups to the ship aie available to convoy of 38 befovcb sinking, guns ies present. West, Africa, Liberia, Portu- inside Albania, abandoning equip- Northwest—Vicinity of Sioux Simultaneously with announce-' plosions occurred within an the public for the equivalent of 25 still xoarmg, in d mid-Atlantie Molotov spent the morning in cuesc Guiana, Madagascar and ment as they fled.
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