[1535] uV4rnmirnI OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.] [REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL POST OFFICE, PERTH, FOR TRANSMISSION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 72] PERTH : FRIDAY, 14th AUGUST. [1953. Bank HolidaysMarble Bar, Koorda, Goomalling, consent of the Executive Council, do hereby declare Bruce Rock, Quairading, Ballidu, Wongan Hills. an open season for Finches of all species from 1st September, 1953, to 31st December, 1953, through- PROCLAMATION out the whole of the Kimberley Division of the State WESTERN AUSTRALIA. 1 By His Excellency Lieutenant-Geseral Sir Charles TO WIT, f Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most as defined in the Land Act, 1933-1950. CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Most Honoorable Order Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Goveroor. of the Bath, Commander of the Moot Excellent the said State, at Perth, this 5th day of [L.S.] Order of the British Empire, Governorin and August, 1953. overtheState of Western Aostralia andits Depevdencies in the Commonwealth of Aantralia. By His Excellency's Command, C.S.D. 439/51. IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the L. F. KELLY, fifth section of the Bank Holidays Act, 1884,I, Minister for Fisheries. the Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint the following special Bank GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Holidays: Date and Place. Monday, 7th September, 1953Marble Bar. PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles Thursday, 10th September, 1953Koorda. TO WIT, Henry Gairdser, Knight Commander of the Most Saturday, 12th September, 1953Goomalling. CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Tuesday, 15th September, 1953Bruce Rock. GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Mont H0000rable Order Governor, of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent Wednesday, 16th September, 1953Quairading. (L.S.] Order of the Britioh Empire, Governorin and Thursday, 17th September, 1953Ballidu. over theStateof Western Australia andito Thursday, 1'7th September, 1953Wongan Hills. Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Aastralia. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Corr. No. 7084/50. the said State, at Perth, this 28th day of WHEREAS by the Transfer of Land Act, 1893- July, 1953. 1950, the Governor is empowered by Proclamation By His Excellency's Command, in the Government Gavette to revest in Her Majesty as of her former estate all or any lands whereof G. FRASER, Her Majesty may become the registered propri- Chief Secretary. etor; and whereas Her Majesty is now the regis- GOD SAVE THE QUEEN tered proprietor of Wongan Hills Lot 1, as regis- tered in Certificate of Title, Volume 922, Folio 25: Now, therefore I, the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, do by this Pro- Fauna ProtectiQn Act, 1950. clamation revest in Her Majesty, her heirs and PROCLAMATION successors, Wongan Hills Lot 1 aforesaid as of her former estate. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 1 By His Excellency LieotenaotGeoeral Sir Charles TO WIT, Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most CHARLES HENRY Distingoished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Given under my hand and the Public Seal of GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Most H000urable Order the said State, at Perth, this 5th day of Governor. of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent August, 1953. [L.S.] Order of theBritish Empire, Governorin nod over the Stateof Western Aostralia andits By His Excellency's Command, Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. F.D. 122/52, Ex. Co. No. 1444. (Sgd.) E. K. HOAR, IN pursuance of the provisions of section 14 of the Minister for Lands. Fauna Protection Act, 1950,I, the Governor of Western Australia, by and with the advice and GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 1536 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [14 August, 1953. Factories and Shops Act, 1920-1952. and may, by any subsequent Proclamation extend PROCLAMATION the operation as aforesaid of section 8 to any other defined portion of the State; and whereas by Pro- WESTERN AUSTRALIA,)By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles TO WIT, Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most clamations published in the Government Gazette CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint on the 30th January, 1925; 27th February, 1925; GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order 4th June, 1926; Governor. of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent 11th June, 1926, and the 24th (L.S.] Order of the British Empire, Governur In and December, 1926, the operation of section 8 of the over theStateof WesternAustralia andits Workers' Compensation Act, 1912-1952 so far as Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. it extends to the diseases mentioned in the first F. and S. 604/28, Ex. Co. 1456. column of the Third Schedule set opposite the WHEREAS itis enacted by section 115 of the words "Mining, or quarrying, or stone crushingor Factories and Shops Act, 1920-1952, that the ex- cutting" as the description of process was limited pression "Public Holiday" shall mean certain days to certain defined portions of the State: Now, there- therein specified and any other day declared by fore I, the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice Proclamation to be a public holiday for the pur- and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby poses of the said Act: Now, therefore I, the said proclaim that the operation of section 8 of the Governor, acting by and with the advice and Workers' Cotnpensatjon Act, 1912-1952, so faras consent of the Executive Council, do hereby pro- it extends to the diseases mentioned in the first claim and declare that Wednesday, the 9th day column of the Third Schedule set opposite the of September, 1953, shall be a public holiday within words "Mining, or quarrying, or stone crushingor the Dalwallinu Shop District and the Dalwallinu cutting" as the description of process shall extend Specified Locality for the purpose of section 115 to the whole of the State other than thearea of of the Factories and Shops Act, 1920-1952, and all the Collie River Mining Districtasconstituted shops(except those mentioned inthe Fourth under the Mining Act, 1904-1952. Schedule) and warehouses shall be closed. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, this 22nd day of the said State, at Perth, this 5th day of July, 1953. August, 1953. By His Excellency's Command, By His Excellency's Command, WM. HEGNEY, (Sgd.) Wm. HEGNEY, Minister for Labour. Minister for Labour. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Factories and Shops Act, 1920-1952. AT a meeting of the Executive Council, held in the Executive Council Chamber, at Perth,this 5th PROCLAMATION day of August, 1953, the following Orders inCouncil WESTERN AUSTRALIA, ) By His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Charles were authorised to be issued: TO WIT, f Henry Gairdner, Knight Commander of the Most CHARLES HENRY Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Child Welfare Act, 1947-1952. GAIRDNER, George, Companion of the Most Honoarable Order Governor. of the Bath, Commander of the Most Excellent ORDER IN COUNCIL. [L.S.) Order of the British Empire, Gover;orin and over the State of Western Australia andits C.W.D. 1072/38, Ex. Co. 1454. Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. WHEREAS by section 19(2)(a)of the Child F. and S. 3257/28, Ex. Co. 1455. Welfare Act, 1947-1952,itis provided that the WHEREAS itis enacted by section 115 of the Governor may appoint such persons, maleor Factories and Shops Act, 1920-1952, that the ex- female, as he may think fit,to be members of pression "Public Holiday" shall mean certain days any particular Children's Court, and may deter- therein specified and any other day declared by mine the respective seniorities of such members: Proclamation to be a public holiday for the pur- Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, by poses of the said Act: Now, therefore I, the said and with the advice and consent of the Execu- Governor, acting by and with the advice and tive Council, doth herebyappoint the persons consent of the Executive Council, do hereby pro- named in the Schedule hereto to be Members of claim and declare that Wednesday, the 9th day the Children's Courts at the places mentioned. of September, 1953, shall be a public holiday within the Wyalkatchem Shop District for the purpose of Schedule. section 115 of the Factories and Shops Act, 1920- NorsemanEdward James Hicks and Desmond 1952, and all shops (except those mentioned in FitzgeraldO'Driscoll,viceThomas Drummond the Fourth Schedule) and warehouses shallbe Parker and Geoffrey Walker Lewis. closed. Bruce RockStanley Angove Browne and Stan- Given under my hand and the Public Seal of ley Farrall, vice Hugh Francis Rodgers. the said State, at Perth, this 5th day of August, 195?,. H. H. DOIG, By His Excellency's Command, Clerk of the Council. (Sgd.) Wm. HEGNEY, Minister for Labour. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Land Act, 1933-1950. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Corres. No. 7084/50. Workers' Compensation Act, 1912-1952. WHEREAS by section 33 of the Land Act, 1933- 1950, it is, inter alia, made lawful for the Gover- - PROCLAMATION nor by OrderinCounciltodirectthat any WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 1By HioExcellency TheHonourableSirJohn TO WIT, f Patrick Dwyer, Knight Commander of the Most landreservedpursuanttotheprovisionsof JOHN PATRICK DWYER, Distinguished Order ofSaint Michael and thisActshallbegrantedinfeesimpleto Lieutenant-Governor. Saint George,Lieutenant-Governorinasd over any person(asdefinedinthesaidsection) [L.S.] theStateofWesternAustraliaanditsDe- subject tothe condition that the person shall pendenciesinthe Commoswealth ofAustralia. not lease or mortgage the whole or any part WHEREAS it is enacted by section 2 of the Work- of the land without the consent of the Governor ers' Compensation Act Amendment Act, 1924, that and subject to such other conditions and limita- the Governor may, by Proclamation,limitthe tions as the Governor shall deem necessary to operation of section 8 of the Workers' Compensa- ensure that the land is used for the purpose for tion Act, 1912-1952, so far as it extends to the which the land is reserved asaforesaid;and diseases mentioned in the first column of the Third whereas it is deemed expedient that reserve No.
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