MARXIST- LENINIST JOURNAL THEORETICAL JOURNAL OF THE REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST PARTY OF BRITAIN (MARXIST-LENINIST) Vol. 3, No. 2 Price £1.00 July 1990 • On the 100th Anniversary of International Workers Day • Report to the Internationalist Rally, Montreal by Hardial Bains • The Deepening of the Revolutionisation of the Life of the Party and the Country - A Permanent Task by Ramiz Alia • Democratisation of Socio-Economic Life Strengthens the Thinking and Action of the People by Ramiz Alia MARXIST-LENINIST JOURNAL THBORBTICAL JOURNAL OF THB REVOLUTIONARY COMMUNIST PARTY OF BRITAIN (MARXIST-LBNINIST) CONTENTS ISSN 0960-4502 On the lOOth Anniversary of International Workers Day ......................................•.......................... 5 Report to the Internationalist Rally, Montreal, by Ha.rdial Bains ........................................... I5 The Deepening of the Revolutionisation of the Life of the Party and the Country - A Permanent Task, by Ramiz Alia•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45 Democratisation of Socio-Economic Life Strengthens the Thinking and Action of the People, by Ramiz Alia ............................................ 70 Printed and published by WORKERS' PUBLISHING HOUSE 170 Wandsworth Road London SW8 2LA On the 100th Anniversary of International Workers Day · Comrades and friends, On this lOOth anniversary of May Day as International Workers' Day, when working people throughout the world express their solidarity with each other's struggles and pledge themselves anew to the struggle for the end of exploitation of man by' man, it seems to us appropriate to make some remarks on the current national and inter­ national situation. Reaction at this time is on the rampage, thinking they have things going their own way, with the governments of Thatcher in Britain, Kohl in West Germany, Bush in the USA, Mulroney in Canada, as well as Gorbachev in the Soviet Union of course, putting huge pressure on the people, waging in particular an unprecedented campaign against communism, against the long-term aspirations of the working class, going all-out to give the idea that socialism is finished for ever. But can it be said that people in Britain, in Burope, in the other parts of the world are reconciled to the present situation, are happy to accept this verdict? Speech given by a representative of the Central Committee of the RCPB(ML) at a meeting to mark the 100th anniver­ sary of May · Day as International Workers Day, London, May 8, 1990. The speech has been edited for publicatton. 5 IOOth Anniversary of International Workers Day lOOth Anniversary of International Workers Day to impose in order to get the loans from abroad, are facing The voices of Thatcher and those like her, of course, the people with extreme and increasing difficulties. Even are very stridently saying that socialism is finished, that the benefits which the people in the Eastern European the people generally have come to the conclusion that countries had as leftovers from when socialist measures capitalism is the best system, it . w~ll give them th~ir were introduced after the war - the guaranteed work, freedoms and prospe·rity, that soctahsm has been tned the pensions, child care - all these things are now and it simply has not worked and that people did not disappearing. actually like it. And, of course, they use the changes which They are also making a very big fuss that there is have taken place in Eastern Europe to justify that. But freedom there now, freedom of the press, and so on. But, aside from the fact that in Eastern Europe nothing worthy for instance, in Hungary, it was revealed a few weeks ago of the name of socialism has existed for more than 35 that the major newspaper publishing houses there years now, at the same time one can legitimately ~sk have all been taken over now by Murdoch, Maxwell or the question, have these changes in Eastern Europe whtch the Springer monopoly of West Germany. One can ask, they make such a fuss about, have they solved ~ny of what sort of freedom of the press is this that the people the problems which face the people there? And tf one have? looks at the actual situation, the answer must be that As is known very well, national and ethnic strife has they have not solved anything there. reached quite horrific proportions. Tanks have been used If you take the question of the economic situation against the people in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekhistan, facing the people, of course the people have faced terrible and other republics of the Soviet Union. Just in the present economic hardship under the previous regimes, but what days, huge economic pressure is being put on the people is very clear even. now in the first months of some of in Lithuania, who have taken the decision in their parlia­ these regimes is that the economic hardships facing the ment to secede from the Soviet Union, a secession which people are becoming even greater. A few weeks ago, of course is their right. But huge economic pressure is the CIA I think it was produced a document saying that being applied - the cutting off of oil, the cutting off of the economic situation, for instance in the Soviet Union, gas, foodstuffs and so on - with the obvious threat of is gui"te disastrous. Following that the Supreme Soviet military intervention later. made a comment on it and said that not only is this true Then there has been a very dangerous reappearance but actually it is worse than they were say i ng 1t. was.' of openly fascist organisations in Eastern Europe. On And just in recent weeks they have announced in .the Soviet May Day in Poland, five fascist organisations held a Union that in the coming months up to 10 milhon people Congress in Warsaw, with openly anti-Semitic slogans. are going tQ be thrown out of work, prices are going to In East Germany, Nazi skinheads attacked the left-wing double. If you look at the whole period since these reforms demonstration. In the Soviet Union, there are open racist started, since Gorbachev came to power five years ago, attacks on Jews. All sorts of old quarrels are coming out the fact is that production in the Soviet Union is lower into the open again, quarrels over borders - not only the now national income has gone down, inflation is rising, one between Poland and Germany but quarrels between and, so on. The same thing is true in the countries of Hungary and Romania and others -all sorts of old wounds, Eastern Europe - the programmes which have been brought all sorts of problems which one thought had been settled, in, the austerity programmes which they have been ordered 7 6 lOOth Anniversary of International Workers Day tOOth Anniversary of International Workers Day are now up for struggle again. go up beyond there. The CBI has announced that there And then, with the break-up of the so-called Eastern is going to be a rise in unemployment in the coming bloc, the Soviet bloc, one has a situation where everything months. Everybody knows, who is in work, that there is now up for grabs. All the big powers are in a scramble is increasing pressure on those in work: in factories, to take over the production, the markets, in these countries increasingly harsh disciplines, pressure to produce more, of Eastern Europe, with all the dangers which go with harassment of progressive workers, and so on. It is the that, as well as all sorts of manoeuvring on the military same in other strata of society as well. We know the attack front. there is on the health service, on the education service. So one can say that rather than anything being solved The attack which has caused the most anger among the in Eastern Europe, while it is not clear at the moment people at the present time is, as you know, the poll tax, which direction they will take, there are potentially which is a most devastating and crippling attack on the dangerous situations being created there, with dangers people, with the aim of furthering the strategy of the of even greater foreign interference in the affairs of bourgeoisie to cut social spending, to make the people those countries, the resurgence of fascism, the danger pay, and give themselves money to give to the monopolies, of a new war, a new war emanating from Europe, where to the banks and multinationals, as well as using the poll two horrific world wars have already begun this century, tax to institute all sorts of new methods of surveillance and it is essential for great vigilance on the part of the of the people, gathering of information on the people, working people about these situations. more and more draconian measures to take to force the Then, if one looks at the situation in countries like people to pay. At the same time, we have an increasingly ours, this capitalism which they are saying is bringing difficult situation for the youth, with less and less facilities the people such benefits in Eastern Europe, one can again for education, for social and cultural life, and so on, and justly ask, what has it solved here, what problems is it a very reactionary climate being built up- an attempt solving for the people here? The fact is that the people to incite racism to a much greater extent. Last week who make such a fuss about democracy and freedom in Norman Tebbit made a speech in parliament on the Eastern Europe, the Thatchers and so on, are instituting question of the Hong Kong passports, the issuing of pass­ a rule of increasing despotism in their own countries.
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