TALKING WITH SINGER FRENCHIE DAVIS WINDY CITY PAGE 19 THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 DEC. 25, 2013 VOL 29, NO.13 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.comTIMES Looking back ‘BEYOND MARRIAGE’ FORUM HOSTED The year in national news AT URBAN LEAGUE COMPILED BY ANDREW DAVIS the first Latino, first gay man and youngest person to page 8 read an original poem at the inaugural ceremony. During It was a year that saw some astonishing examples of his speech, Obama mentioned Stonewall and marriage progress, whether legislative (more than a half-dozen equality. approving marriage equality) or simply physical (Diana —Baldwin makes history: Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., Nyad’s swimming feat). Here’s the skinny on what trans- was sworn in as a U.S. senator Jan. 3 in Washington, pired in the LGBT community nationally in 2013: D.C.—becoming the first member of the LGBT commu- —Approved: In 2013, eight states approved marriage nity to be a part of the national legislative body. After equality—including Rhode Island, Delaware, Minnesota, her swearing-in, Baldwin ran into former GOP vice-pres- New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico, Utah and Illinois— idential candidate Paul Ryan (who’s also from Wiscon- bringing the total to 18, along with the District of Co- sin)—and they gave each other a big hug, with Ryan lumbia. saying, “Congratulations!” —Stonewall folds: National Stonewall Democrats Ex- —Hagel controversy: Then-Defense Secretary nomi- ecutive Director Jerame Davis said in January that his nee Chuck Hagel prompted controversy over anti-gay organization would cease operations through at least remarks he made 14 years ago when he characterized the end of this year after it failed to bridge a $30,000 then-Defense Secretary nominee James Hormel’s open- budget gap. Davis said that when he took over in 2011, ness about his sexual orientation as an “aggressive” act. LGBT ActIVISTS there were “$1,800 in the bank and a boat load of debt.” Hagel apologized, and was eventually approved. PRotEST —Four more years: President Obama and Vice Presi- —Leaving Family: Family Equality Council, in Janu- CARDINAL dent Joe Biden were reinaugurated Jan. 21. The Lesbian ary, announced the departure of Executive Director Jen- and Gay Band Association (LGBA) once again partici- nifer Chrisler following an eight-year tenure. Chrisler— GEORGE pated in the inaugural parade—the only LGBT group in- pagE 8 vited to do so. Also, 44-year-old Richard Blanco was U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin. Turn to page 4 JASON coLLINS PART OF YEAR IN LGBT SPORTS, TOXIC? Britney Spears talks with Windy City Times in an ENTERTAINMENT interview that may paint a surprising portrait of pagE 17 the singer. Read page 16. Photo by Michelangelo Di Battista page 16 Bernard Bartilad ® SVP, Commercial Division Manager means business 312.633.0211 MB Financial Bank in every community. 1.888.i bank mb . mbfinancial.com Member FDIC WINDY CITY TIMES this week in Dec. 25, 2013 NEWS WINDY CITY TIMES Looking back at LGBT news 2013: In memoriam 4 N.M., Utah join marriage 5 train ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS TWO leader; Dwyer, Brun obits The year in dance Urban League; GLAAD; protest 6 Knight: Top LGBT films of 2013 VIEWS: Flowers, Rudolph Pop Making Sense 3 7 Britney Spears; trans awards 11 8 Year in LGBT sports, entertainment 14 10 Dish: Brixton 15 Talking with Frenchie Davis 16 Photos on cover (left, from top): Publicity Trans in the Life 17 photo of Frenchie Davis; photo of Lisa Marksman comes out 18 Pickens by Tracy Baim; photo of Andy Thayer Boitano says he’s gay, joins delegation 19 by Matt Simonette; Sports Illustrated cover of 20 Jason Collins 21 OUTLINES 22 Classifieds TALKING WITH SINGER FRENCHIE DAVIS WINDY CITY PAGE 19 THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 Calendar Q DEC. 25, 2013 VOL 29, NO.13 www.WTIMESindyCityMediaGroup.com Looking back ‘BEYOND MARRIAGE’ FORUM HOSTED The year in national news AT URBAN LEAGUE COMPILED BY ANDREW DAVIS the first Latino, first gay man and youngest person to PAGE 8 read an original poem at the inaugural ceremony. During It was a year that saw some astonishing examples of his speech, Obama mentioned Stonewall and marriage progress, whether legislative (more than a half-dozen equality. approving marriage equality) or simply physical (Diana —Baldwin makes history: Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., 18 Nyad’s swimming feat). Here’s the skinny on what trans- was sworn in as a U.S. senator Jan. 3 in Washington, pired in the LGBT community nationally in 2013: D.C.—becoming the first member of DOWNLOADthe LGBT commu- THIS! —Approved: In 2013, eight states approved marriage nity to be a part of the national legislative body. After equality—including Rhode Island, Delaware, Minnesota, her swearing-in, Baldwin ran into former GOP vice-pres- Enjoy a Long, New Jersey, Hawaii, New Mexico, Utah and Illinois— idential candidate Paul Ryan (who’s also from Wiscon- bringing the total to 18, along with the District of Co- sin)—and they gave each other a big hug, with Ryan lumbia. saying, “Congratulations!” —Stonewall folds: National Stonewall Democrats Ex- —Hagel controversy: Then-Defense Secretary nomi- ecutive Director Jerame Davis said in January that his nee Chuck Hagel prompted controversy over anti-gay organization would cease operations through at least remarks he made 14 years ago when he characterized the end of this year after it failed to bridge a $30,000 then-Defense Secretary nominee James Hormel’s open- budget gap. Davis said that when he took over in 2011, ness about his sexual orientation as an “aggressive” act. LGBT ACTIVISTS there were “$1,800 in the bank and a boat load of debt.” Hagel apologized, and was eventually approved. PROTEST —Four more years: President Obama and Vice Presi- —Leaving Family: Family Equality Council, in Janu- ary, announced the departure of Executive Director Jen- 20 CARDINAL dent Joe Biden were reinaugurated Jan. 21. The Lesbian and Gay Band Association (LGBA) once again partici- nifer Chrisler following an eight-year tenure. Chrisler— GEORGE pated in the inaugural parade—the only LGBT group in- PAGE 8 vited to do so. Also, 44-year-old Richard Blanco was U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin. Turn to page 4 Go to www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com JASON COLLINS TOXIC? PART OF YEAR Britney Spears talks with Windy City Times in an to download complete issues of Windy City Times and Nightspots. IN LGBT SPORTS, interview that may paint a surprising portrait of the singer. Read page 16. Photo by Michelangelo ENTERTAINMENT Di Battista PAGE 17 page 16 Bernard Bartilad ® SVP, Commercial Division Manager means business 312.633.0211 MB Financial Bank in every community. 1.888.i bank mb . mbfinancial.com Member FDIC Then click on any ad and be taken directly to the advertiser’s Web site! Happy Life Together Dreaming about your new life together is easy. Preparing financially for your ideal life, however, is often more complex. I have the experience and knowledge to help you accomplish your goals, through each online exclusives at stage of your life. Call today for a complimentary consultation. www.WindyCityMediaGroup There’s Wealth in Our Approach. James E. Elvord, AWM ™ THE HA .com First Vice President - Financial Advisor Paramore (withYLEY frontwoman NEWS Hayley 500 West Madison Street, Suite 2500 Williams, left) is among those in Bent Chicago, IL 60661 Nights’ look back at 2013. (312) 559-1738 • (800) 683-3246 Photo by Vern Hester [email protected] © 2013 RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC. AUTO SUPPOR Windy City Limo showsT that it backs the LGBT community. Gay singer Branden James WCT takes a look made the audience at the Lincoln Park swoon at City restaurant Macku Winery. DIGGING THE DIR Photo by Vern Hester Signature. Billy Masters has his weekly lowdown on Photo by Andrew Davis what’s going on with celebrities.T (STING)RA Y OF LIGHT THAT’S ENTER Find out the latest aboutTAIN DonMEN Lemon,T Demi Lovato and the U.S. women’s hockey team. plus DAILY BREAKING NEWS The 2014 Corvette Stingray is one seductive number Photo from Gaywheels.com night nightspots spots #1109 • Dec. 25, 2013 LGBT fertility with Dr. Susan THE 2013 RETROSPECTIVE Davies the best photos of ISSUE! (well,2013 the ones we could print, anyway) Find Nightspots on Show #552 www.WindyCityQueercast.com 4 Dec. 25, 2013 WINDY CITY TIMES LOOKING BACK from cover forced to testify against each other. Prosecutors said Geneva Case heard her spouse, Bobbie Joe who joined Smith College in March as vice Clary, admit to killing a man two years ago, and president for alumnae relations and executive saw her clean blood out of the man’s van and director of the Alumnae Association of Smith abandon it in southern Indiana. Case and Clary College—remained with the council until March entered into a same-sex civil union in Vermont 15. in 2004; however, Kentucky law does not recog- —”Fil” of it?: Fast-food giant Chick-fil-A, de- nize union or marriages, even though it exempts spite some reports to the contrary, is still con- spouses from being compelled to testify against tributing to anti-gay organizations and causes, each other. Media Matters reported. Chick-fil-A donated —Bedding day: Longtime gay-rights activ- $1.9 million to anti-gay groups in 2010 alone ist and award-winning playwright Larry Kramer through WinShape Foundation. The majority of married long-term partner David Webster from that money went to groups like the Marriage & his hospital bed in New York City as he recov- Family Foundation, the Fellowship Of Christian ered from surgery.
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