I mat i jt' ' Vv»* ■rtf- V r t . y \ V ■ \ V - r WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1969 •\ .■ e ^ ^ ^ e , >w w » tiiifi^-F om iiattrfaif0t?r lEtfipning li^ralli \ Bloodmohile Visits Elks Home Tomorrow Afternoon from 1:45 to 6:30' "4i* Average Daily Net Pros* Run . The Weather For taio Week Ended PorooMt of 0.' 8. Waattet Bavaae April 25th, 1S5$ ^ U B L ^ & H GREEN STAMPS THURSDAY! Clond:^, little change In tompank* tore tonight. Low In 4to. Beoemlag 12,915 partly eloody, Httle warmer fVi- Meuber of too AndJt aay. High hi 60e. PAINT i. 1/3 ih. TIME! - Burew of CIronlatloB Manchester^A City of Vilidge Clinrm (CiRMtfled AdverUetai on Pago $$) NO DELAY-PRESS &SPMY! VOL. LXXVIII, NO, 179 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 80, 1959 PRICE PIVB CENT! ROESiM IN ^ Sunday, May 10th Doctors Remove Tumor U.S. Sees Holes New Cuba DOUBLE In Red Plan on miHUTESI MurM Force Due EASIEST Has N-Tests Checks thing you can do \ In Panama Washington, April 30 (/P)— to get that Dmnie sir U.S. authorities see many po­ Panama, April 30 {IP)— GREEN STAMPS Lung Cancer tential loopholes in Russia’s PROFESSIONAL-LOOKING SPRAY ^OB Panamanian ti’oopa today offer o f, limited inspection to were reported preparing to go back up a nuclear test 'ban. Plan to Offer Russia ON 1001 THINGS into action “at any minute” New York, April 30 {IP)— With only a general outline of the Russian Idea presented thus against invaders from Cuba Tors Surgeons today found a can­ that need repainting or brightening up far, officials here have found holed up on the. north coast cerous tumor in Arthur Godr THURSDAY enough weak spots to make the 20 miles from the entrance to INSIDE OR OUTSIDE YOUR M E frey’s left lung and operated plan unacceptable to the West. the Panama Canal. to remove it. At noon, SI/ 2 Tliey are awaiting clarification British Bid Office, Workshop, Factory, Store! 9 to 9 with all cash sales! before deciding whether the pro­ A screen of U.S. fighter planes hours after the exploratory posal show-s promise of- breaking was ordered iin over Panama’s To thoje who have never u»ed a apray *iiame!, we invite you surgery was begun, it was an­ the long deadlock in the Geneva north coast today to delect the to try a new kittd el peintinil If ygu Jiava tried the ordinary nounced that another hour talks on. banning huclectr teSts. aoproach ot.i ore invaders report­ On S ecu ri^ Aa •My>to-UM product HRSTQUAUTY apray product, we invite you to try a new type of SpMV Feint would be required for the tu­ While w-estern powers had called ed crossinj Uie Caribbean from formntated and |Mrf*ct«d by for an inspection system to police Culia. The air patrol was rcqiiesl- tho In hom*-u>* . NOT a lacquer .. NOT an “adapted” enamel .... but t » » d » r » mor removal. any agreement to halt atomic ex­ e<3 by the 5-ambaasador team sent Pilint* «nd EnatnnU! No •*- a apecial product perfected by RED-DEVIL to impart tha NYLON An earlier report said a portion p a rM ^ nteottary: no atm- plosions, Moscow had been pushfhg by the Organization of American Zone Eased amooth, "auto-like” finiih that givei any old thing in your o f the lung gJao was being re­ for veto power. States (OAS1 to help end the vest- waanifag bnuhini or rolling for Meth*r's Day moved, but the noon-announcement Joat PBM S AND 8PRAYI homa that facwry-freth look. You'll bo glad you diacovered , G ift In a switch Tuesday night, the pocket attei. pt to overthrow Pan­ KaaeAat M>o— apof* lhal gave no further details on this Soviets announced In Geneva they amanian President Ernesto de la Paris, April 30 —West­ score. cannot 6a raacftarf t y a Reg. $1.35 Alba Beauty would cooperate in a veto-free sys­ G.iardla. ern foreign ministers end6d brurh! Sheer Nylon The operation on the radlo-TV tem of spot checking the sites of An informed source who report­ (heir pre-Geneva consulta­ star began at 8:25 a.m., an hour af­ suspected nuclear* explosions— pro­ ed the ir.ir.’ inence of attack on the VTNEIIAN 8UN0 » Sale $1.00 Pr. tions today with unexpectedly* NO BRUSHES TO ClEAN! ter he was' taken to the operating vided the Big Three atomic powers invaders said Ihe National'Gijard Red-Devil quick agreement on a common NO STIRRING! NO THINNING! Reg. 11.35 Alba Walking room. fix in advance the number of such had held qflf p. evlousl.y for ".special 2*Uck~tb*4fiMf /rx Sheer .. Sale $1.09 Pr. ' A t 10:30 a.m., as the operation checks to-be allowed each year. tactics” to protect the 1,000 in­ front for their tfilks with the HO COVER TO OPEN / proceeded, a doctor reported that President Eisenhower pointed up habitants of Nbmbre de Dios, the Soviet Union on Berlin and OR REPIACEI SPRAY-ENAMEL Reg. $1.1S A lbs Dreas some of the loopholes yesterday. coastal. town taken oV?r by the / Sheers ... Sale 09c Pr. Godfrey’s chest tumor had been .other problems of tense Cen­ NO SPtlllNG OVER CAN! Aluminum, Antique Wh't». Bettleahip, | 69 ' found to be cancerous and it was He said there is no sense in talk­ invaders who landed !a.at Saturday G«8D£N rURN. ing about the number of Inspection tral Europe. i HO DRIPPING! NO WASTE! Gray, Bright Green, Cade* Blua, Clear, Reg. $1.00 Arkwright expected another hour would be re­ ARTHUR GODFREY from Cuba. ' The 4-|iiower meeting, which Cloud Gray, Fira Red, Flat Black, Flat visits to be allowed aa long as the Between 200 and 300 Guard Sheer Seamleas ... 10c quired to complete surgery. opened here yesterday morning White. Glon Black, Clou White, Gold. ' Soviets insist on veto rights oh troop.a have hee.i deployed around. Z>on't 6a iwilctmd! Fe- Sale ... 8 Pr. for $2.19 His condition was said to be ex­ with tentative plana for a 3-day Pink, Royal Blue, See Green, Yellow. the lung containing the tumor Is who is to serve on control com­ Nombre de Dios since Tuesday. (ardlan o( what anyone tclli cellent. stand, was adjourned shortly after Reg. $1.00 Sheer 60 being removed. His condition is ex­ mittees and inspection teams and The govern:;:* nt said the invad­ you, thara if no ether tprey The American cancer society In noon. anamal In a clan with RED- Gauge N ylon ....... 89c cellent.” what can be inspected. ing force ii' Noribre de Dios now OAOr CAttlAU Sale ... 3 Pr. for $1.69 Its 1959 publication "Cancer P’acts Three physicians, three nurses The foreign ministers, however, D E V IL You owa it to your- BrinK in *ny small item and have it Washington officials also said numbered 89, including 84 Cubans, arranged a brief new informal aelf, for once, to leam the and Figures" says 34 per cent of and an anesthetist attended God­ spray painted FR E E by Mr. J. R. Con­ that it the Reds still reserve veto 3 Panamanian.*!, an American and meeting late today to clear up truth about a apray paint THIS YEAR GIVE MOTHER A No Mend Sheer Nylons lung cancer victims are saved if frey in the operating room of the rights on the planned 7-nation con­ a Puerto Rican. The Identity of Coiumbia-Presbyterian M e d i c a J some unsettled questions of that really workt! nelly, factory representative. Thurs­ $1.38 and $1.68 Pr. the diagnosis Is made early and trol commission they could cripple the American was not known. The they receive proper treatment. stretegy, raising the question day 6-9 only! ’ _______' Center. inspections. Russia coulc) do this gtvcrnnient claims the foreigners — ------- ig 81 In a statement issued'during the The doctors’ names were not im- whether their claimed unity was $1.88 and $1.68 Pr. by chopping appropriations, bar­ were hired by Panamanians in in fact complete. HANDBAG operation, the doctor said: mediatelv made public. ring the hiring of experts and oth­ CilbA plottinj; to overthrow De la "The lesion of Mr. Godfrey's left It was understood unofficially Yhe secret western package pro:* WASHING MACHINE All with reinforced heel er devices even without a right of Guardia. posal contains some western con­ WTCmOIHE — for M OTHER'S DAY . lung has been identified a.s being and toes for extra wear. vetoing the inspections directly. The U.Sy'aii patroi was ordered cessions and counter-concessions a malignant tumor. The section of (Cot.tlnueo on Psge Ten) The Soviets have demanded, too, after Panamanian authorities re­ that the West expects of the Soviet s ported one or two more Invasion 1 New floral trim under clear plastic. Also that the inspection teams be head­ Union. But a U.S. spokesman em­ f?i I ed by nationals of the country be­ boats carrying up to .SOO men left phasized "W e are not going to lOAT FlA m N 1 CABINET '’mONIHG I0 M 5 imported STRAW BASKETS and GEN­ Toiletries, Etc. Greater Future Than UeS. ing Inspected and that the majority the Cuban port of Surgidero, on Geneva with the Idea of falling UINE LEATHER BAGS. on the teams be nationals. Amer­ Batabano B at, Tuesday. back.” Tweed Bath Powder .............................. .$1.50 icana contend this amounts to self- The committee of ambassadors Drawn up by foreign ministers recommended that the OAS coun­ That Old School Tie Tabu Spray C o lo gn e..............................................
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