FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 7 \ 1934 ^ NUMBER 70 * OMiteO ’ Washington, Friday, April 10, 1942 The President or appropriate for the effective prose­ CONTENTS cution of the war; and in the administra­ tion or enforcement of any such priorities THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9125 or rationing authority or any priorities or rationing authority heretofore con­ Executive Order: Page ferred upon the Office of Price Adminis­ War Production Board and D efining Additional F unctions, Duties Office of Price Administra­ and P owers of the W ar P roduction tration or upon the Price Administrator by the Office of Production Management tion; additional functions, B oard and the Office of P rice Admin­ duties, and powers_______ 2719 istration or by the Chairman of the War Pro­ duction Board, the Price Administrator RULES, REGULATIONS, By virtue of the authority vested in is hereby authorized: me by the Constitution and statutes of ORDERS (a) To exercise all functions, duties, the United States, as President of the T itle 10—Army : W ar D epartment: United States and as Commander in powers, authority or discretion with re­ Aircraft, authorization of pas­ Chief of the Army and Navy, and for the spect to such priorities or rationing in sengers in_______________ 2720 purpose of assuring the most effective the same manner, and to the same degree Personnel: prosecution of war procurement and and extent, as if such functions, duties, Appointment of officers and production, it is hereby ordered as fol­ powers, authority or discretion had been chaplains, qualifications. 2720 lows: conferred upon or transferred to the Prescribed service uniform, Office of Price Administration directly brassards__ ___________ 2721 1. In addition to the responsibilities by Executive order. and duties described in Executive Order T itle 17—Commodity and Securi­ No. 9024, of January 16, 1942,1 and in (b) To delegate the functions, duties, powers, authority or discretion men­ ties E xchanges: Executive Order No. 9040 of January 24, Commodity Exchange Adminis­ 1942,2 the Chairman of the War Produc­ tioned in subparagraphs (a) and (d) hereof, including the authority and tration: tion Board, with the advice and assist­ General amendments______ 2721 ance of the members of the Board, shall power to sign and issue subpenas, to such person or persons as he may designate Securities and Exchange Com­ perform the additional functions and mission: duties, and exercise the additional or appoint for that purpose, to be exer­ cised by such person or persons in any New registration under Secu­ powers, authority and discretion con­ rities Act of 1933_______ 2721 ferred upon the President of the United place and at any time. States by Title in of the Second War (c) To institute civil proceedings in T itle 32—National D efense: Powers Act 1942. his own name to enforce any such prior­ Office of Price Administration: 2. The Chairman of the War Produc­ ity or rationing authority or any regu­ Cotton textile raw materials: tion Board may perform the functions lation or order heretofore or hereafter Carded yarns..__________ 2737 issued, or action taken, pursuant to such Combed yarns___________ 2737 and duties, and exercise the powers, au­ Cotton textiles: thority, and discretion conferred upon authority, and to intervene in any civil him by this or any other order through proceedings in which any such regula­ Bed linens_______________ 2739 such officials or agencies, including the tion or order is or could be relied upon Carded grey and colored- Office of Price Administration (created as ground for relief or defense or is other­ yarn goods__________ 2738 by the Act of January 30,1942, Pub. Law wise involved, in any Federal, State, or Fine grey goods__________ 2737 421, 77th Cong., 2d Sess.), and in such Territorial court. The Price Administra­ Fuel ; Pennsylvania anthra­ manner as he may determine. In any tor shall be represented in any such pro­ cite __________________ 2739 and all such cases the decision of the ceedings by attorneys appointed or desig­ Paper and products_________ 2740 Chairman of the War Production Board nated by him. Sugar, raw cane____________ 2736 shall be final. (d) To exercise, to the extent neces­ Selective Service System: 3. The Chairman of the War Produc­ sary for the purposes of this order, the P hysical examination by tion Board is authorized to delegate to functions, duties, powers, authority or armed forces, regulations the Office of Price Administration or the discretion conferred upon the President deleted________________ 2722 Price Administrator such of his func­ by paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection War Production Board: tions, duties, powers, authority, or dis­ (a) of section 2 of the Act of June 28, Authority delegations______ 2729 cretion with respect to priorities or ra­ 1941 (54 Stat. 676), as amended by the Construction, conserva­ tioning, as he may deem to be necessary Act of May 31, 1941 (Pub. Law 89, 77th tion order_____________ 2730 Cong.) and by Title III of the Second Copper, conservation order 17 FJi. 329. War Powers Act, 1942 (Act of March 27, amended______________ 2729 * 7 F JR. 527. 1942, Pub. Law 507, 77th Cong.). (Continued on next page) 2719 2720 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, April 10, 1942 CONTENTS—Continued Rules, Regulations, Orders Department of Agriculture—Con. Farm Security Administration— federaiM register Continued. Paie \ 193* TITLE 10—ARMY: WAR DEPARTMENT v <flwuoy Localities d esign ated for loans__________________ 2747 Chapter II—Aircraft Department of the Interior: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, P art 21—U se of Army Aircraft1 and days following legal holidays by the Bituminous Coal Division: Division of the Federal Register, The National District Board 6, temporary §21.3 Passengers in aircraft — Au­ Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ relief, etc., order_______ 2746 thorization. (a) * * * tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Gibbs, Arthur and Wilson, * * * * * July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ hearing postponed, etc_ 2746 (13) Red Cross personnel when serv­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Morphew, R. B., code mem­ ing with the armies of the United States mittee, approved by the President. The Administrative Committee consists of bership revoked________ 2746 in the field both within and without the the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Turley, J. S., hearing post­ territorial jurisdiction of the United of the Department of Justice designated by poned_________________ 2746 States. (R.S. 161; 5 U.S.C. 22) [Par. la the Attorney General, and the Public Printer GeneraJ Land Office: (13), AR 95-90, May 19, 1941, as added or Acting Public Printer. Nevada, stock driveway with­ in Cir. 98, W.D., April 3, 1942] The daily issue of the Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free drawal adjusted________ 2747 [seal] J. A. Ulio, of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Federal Power Commission: Major General, year, payable in advance. Remit money or­ Hearings, etc.: The Adjutant General. der payable to the Superintendent of Docu­ Cabot GasfCorp____ ____ 2747 [F. R. Doc. 42-3142; Filed', April 9, 1942; ments directly to the Government Printing First Iowa Hydro-Electric Co­ 9:39 a. m.] Office, Washington, D. C. The charge for single copies (minimum, 10£) varies in pro­ operative______________ 2747 portion to the size of the issue. Federal Security Agency: Food and Drug Administration: Canned fruit cocktail, reopen­ Chapter VII—Personnel CONTENTS—Continued ing of hearing_________ 2748 Federal Trade Commission: P art 73—Appointment of Commissioned T itle 32—National D efense—Con. Officers, W arrant Officers, and Tennessee Tufting Co., com­ War Production Board—Con. Page Chaplains 2 Electrical appliances, limita­ plaint and notice of hear­ ing--------------------------------- 2748 § 73.207 Qualifications for initial ap­ tion order amended____ 2732 pointments. Feminine apparel for outer Securities and Exchange Commis­ wear, etc., limitation or­ sion: * * * * * der ___________________ 2722 Braddock Light & Power Co., and (c) Appointments for Table of Or­ Golf clubs, limitation order— 2735 Washington Railway and ganization positions in approved author­ Industrial machinery, limita­ Electric Co., filing notice__ 2750 ized affiliated units of the Medical De­ tion order_____________ 2732 Hearings, etc.: partment, Ordnance Department, Corps Motor fuel, limitation order Chapman’s Ice Cream Co___ 2749 of Engineers, or Signal Corps, and ap­ amended-------------------- 2722 Filene’s Sons Co., Wm______ 2749 pointments for the electronics training Plumbing fixture fittings and North Shore Gas Co., et al__ 2750 group, Signal Corps, that formerly would trim, schedule_________ 2731 Ohio Public Service Co., and have been made in the Officers’ Reserve Rubber sealed closures for Ohio River Power, Inc., ap­ Corps, will be made in the Army of the glass containers, con­ plications granted________ 2750 United States without'regard to the re­ servation order________ 2734 strictions enumerated herein, provided Sanitary napkins, limitation the individuals so appointed meet the order_________________ 2735 requirements and regulations for such Track-laying tractors, etc., 4. War Production Board Directives appointments formerly applicable to the supplementary limitation No. 1 of January 24, 1942 (7 F.R. 562), No. 1A of February 2, 1942 (7 F.R. 698), Officers’ Reserve Corps. (Act of Sep­ order________________ 2732 tember 22, 1941, Pub. Law 252, 77th T itle 36—P arks and F orests: No. IB of February 9, 1942 (7 F.R. 925), No. 1C of February 28,1942 (7 F.R. 1669), Cong.) [Par. 9d, AR 605-10, December National Park Service: 10, 1941, as amended by Cir. 94, W. D. Special regulations, amend­ and any other authorizations of the Office of Production Management or the April 1, 1942] ments_________________ 2740 * * * * * T itle 43—P ublic Lands: I nterior: War Production Board with respect to General Land Office: priorities or rationing, and all regula­ P art 77—M edical and Dental Five-acre tract applications_ 2741 tions or orders issued, or actions taken, Attendance 1 Grazing Service: by the Office of Price Administration or § 77.19 Civilian hospital employees.
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