Continuous. -[MIT News', Service Cambridge Since 1881 Massachusetts .Volume 98. Number 45 Friday. October 13, 1978 1-978 The Tech Coalition pickets MIT corporation TBy Kenneth- Hamilton Raytheon. Raytheon is one of the A frica. Cheryl Strothers '80, plans to carry out such action The IT-Weleey Coaition corporations in MIT's investment hc since she claims that "it would Against Apartheid protested last owever, one of the leaders in the Against Apartheid protested last portfolio that has assets in South co)alition, disavowed having any lack shock value." I Friday in front of the Sloan School of Management while a meeting of the MIT Corporation h was being held inside. Between 60 % ;;e and 70 people attended the rally ' research. at MIT I to demand that the M IT Cor- I poration divest itself of stocks in mechanism. The brake then i corporations doing business in produces a torque during the I South Africa and also make a "swing" phase of walking, statement against apartheid. resulting in an improvement In Vincent Fulmer, Secretary of i the gait of the amputee. the Institute, declined to state Flowers mentioned that in con- A low pressure area with great whether a petition embodying the trast to currently used prostheses potential is cranking up to our Coalition's obtjectives and .. '. which require the -amputee to south, but it appears the storm presented to Constantine B. - , straighten the leg and '"vault" will track to the west of New Simonides by the Coalition last during a stride, the microcom- England, keeping tempera- May was a subject of discussion puter controlled prostheses under tures mild. at the meeting. The petition was study would give a "more natural, signed by 1,003 members of the : v. .< 'P rolling gait." However, "we don't Partly cloudy skies becom- MIT community. According to think it's realistic to expect the ing mostly cloudy by this after- Cheryl Strothers '80, a represen- . [artificial] leg to do a major part noon. Highs in the upper six- tative of the Coalition, the peti- of the work associated with lifting ties with a gentle southwesterly tion has not been formally v :- the body," Flowers said. flow. Lows tonight in the mid- acknowledged by Simonides. ' 8 f Emphasizing that the new dle fifties. Sunday calls for Eave Vanderbilt G. also a " -s. -a developments would not be com- partly cloudy skies with highs representative of the Coalition, mercially available in the near in the low. sixties. Rain commented that the Coalition is future, Flowers said, "It's strictly probability 30 percent today, having some difficulty identifying a research tool." Currently all 50 percent-tonight and Satur- which group bears responsibility outside use of the system is con- day; 30 percent Sunday. fined to evaluation as a post- for this issue, be it the Corpora- ":.d >I tion, the Committee on '..!. operative training aid at Mas- Shareholder Responsibility, or sachusetts General Hospital. the Executive Committee. Future developments of the ' microcomputer controlled knee INSIDE .Lawrence Krauss G, speaking , ;/!(I : for the Coalition, said that part of l mechanism will probably be directed toward the development the reason rallies such as thie one , a Linda Ronstadt's new album last Friday. have been.o9itganized of an active/passive knee Living in the US,A. proved ar- by the Coalition is to publicize the mechanistm using a tistically disapointing especial- issue and stimulate dialogue motor/generator as an activating ly when compared to her within the MIT community. device. previous four efforts. Krauss announced that the'Coali- Funding for the project comes from the National Science Foun- tion plans to hold a reception for . by Chuck Irwin) Drake Koca on October 17 {Photo dation -and from the Social 'By Jay Glass; thieir natural 'gait. Rehabilitation Service, a branch. between 6 and 7pm in the Spof- B JyGs Flowers. became involved in ford Room (1-236). Later at'8pm "'Were optimistic.. that we of the US Department of Health, *.,Pa.l -e scan provide improved mobility re:habilitation design work Koca will be speaking at Harvard ,. ss t t Education and Welfare. Says for amputees," stated Assistant t khrough his enjoyment of Flowers, "we've been lucky to in Longdrdlow Heall. Drake is the Professor Woodie Flowers of the . ernngineering design, and "applying maintain funding and keep the founder and Secretary2-General of hat you like to an area such as thefeoudlack ·Black AlliedAllned WorkcersWorkers Union.Uniono Mechanical Engineering depart- w project alive." Crew may be a physically and Last spring,reg Williams a ment, "and we will be moving.in re:habilitation . is a nice .thing Woodie Flowers came to MIT mentally taxing sport but its tat , r~gsp W , a that direction in the next few to do," he said. staff member of the American as an undergraduate in 1966, and participants find it ex- The A/K prosthesis undergo- joined the faculty in 1972. Besides hilarating. Friends Service Committee years." g preliminary evaluation is con- spoke on the steps of the Student Flowers and several colleagues in research, he is chairman of the s e .tson .hevf tare now involved in research into tr olled by a microcomputer, 1979 Independent Activities Center as part ofa demonstratio n seally worn on the back or sponsored by~by the Coalition. He the design of above-knee (A/K) hus Period Organization Committee. urgedstudentsM IT to occpy the prosthesis which would enable the haand-held. It sends appropriate He is also well-known for his 2.70 urged MIT students to occupy the artificial leg to be "customized," lo:w-power signals to a magnetic ------ 14 Canmbridge offices of the Badger design class and its Design Corporation, a subsidiary of allowing amputees to walk with p~article brake in the knee Contest at the end of the term. With a 3-0 win over Brandeis, MIT's varsity soccer team Depar nent heads desVribe goals raised its season record, to 4 I wins, 2 losses. By Lenny Martin engineering and computer Electrical Engineering and Com- Jack Kerrebrock, Head of the I .Editor's Note: This is the third science, as well as the Division frs puter Science has been developing Department of Aeronautics and of a three part series focusing onr Study.and Research in Education. for one and one half years, ac- Astronautics. Kerrebrock, whose I- the special interests of departmrent Keyser has edited Linguistic In- cording to Head of the Depart- specialties are propulsion and 7 heads and the goals they have for quiry, published by the MIT ment Gerald Wilson '61. Core un- energy conversion, is "very -- l16 their departments. Press, since 1970. dergraduate courses will have pleased" with research that he has "We're probably one of the Head of the Department of more involvement With digital led on the transonic compressor computers, and laboratory work _I-- .~~-~- _ l- best, if not the best, departments Civil Engineering Frank Perkins and on the aerodynamics of com- in the world. but that doesn't '55 stated that his department is will be further integrated with pressors for jet engines. EX CERPT mean it can't be improved," said undertaking a major study of its normal classroom teaching. Perception, on the other hand, Professor of Physics Herman undergraduate curriculumn in an "Maybe some of the un- receives much attention from In case you didn't realize'it, Feshbach, one of many depart- effort to improve it. After ex- dergraduate core courses will Richard Held, head of the students here [Stanford] are ment leads who discussed their plaining that a major revision has have more meaning," said Department of Psychology. One smart. During a final exam special interests or departmental been made more or less every Wilson. of Held's better-known research some time ago, a chemistry goals with The Trch. seven years with the last in-1970, Wilson related that he is excited projects, the kitten carousel ex- professor warned his 400 stu- One problem Feshbach is Perkins said that "a general feel- about several "technological periment, showed that active dents that he would accept no working on is what he termed the ing among faculty and students ,problems in the nation that we movement must accompany -late blue books. One student "incompatibility" of the cur- that changes need to be made" can have more impact on." They visual stimulation for the attempted to hand in his test riculum needs of physics in mandated the study, include medical application of in- development of normal sensory- 10 minutes late. The professor general with the needs of students Perkins noted that his depart- tegrated circuit technology, motor coordination. refused it, and the student who-need special preparation for merint has tried to strike a automatization of unsafe tasks In another project, a team pleaded to no avail. Finally the certain areas of science and reasonable compromise between such as coal mining, and develop- headed by Held found that babies student asked, "Do you know engineering. _aspects of civil engineering related ment of holographic communica- prefer horizontal and vertical who I am?" When the profes- Professor Samuel Jay Keyser, to the physical sciences and tion systems, which would allow, lines to diagonal ones due to sor admitted he didn't, the stu- head of the Departmnent of aspects related to planning, for example, an Easterner to "at- heredity rather than environment. dent quickly stuck his blue Linguistics and Philosophy, is policy, and social issues. He ad- tend" a meeting in California Many psychologists had book in the huge pile of exams working on the development of a ded that it is unclear what 'without actually going there.
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