India Review A PUBLICATION OF THE EMBASSY OF INDIA, KABUL http://meakabul.nic.in VOLUME 3 ISSUE 8 AUGUST 2007 Excerpts from the statement of Head of Indian delegation ■ The Rome Conference offers a vital platform for Afghanistan and the international commu- nity to come together for con- solidating our efforts and com- mitting to a comprehensive, broad-based vision of rule of law reforms that will address Afghanistan’s needs in a holis- tic manner. Concrete decisions on these at this conference can, indeed, lead to an inte- grated, strategic plan for jus- tice that can produce improved INDIAINDIA OFFERSOFFERS COOPERATIONCOOPERATION ATAT ROMEROME coordination, efficiency and cost effectiveness in this sec- CONFERENCECONFERENCE ONON JUSTICEJUSTICE ANDAND RULERULE OFOF LAWLAW tor. President Karzai with heads of delegations at the Rome Conference. ■ India remains firmly commit- t the Conference on Programme, including short, management, IT, English profi- ted to the comprehensive jus- Justice and Rule of Law medium and long-term imple- ciency and intellectual property tice and rule of law reform in Afghanistan, held in mentation, to be funded in sig- rights. The objective was to process in Afghanistan. A well- A functioning professional justice Rome on July 2 and 3, the Indian nificant part through the enhance human capacity devel- sector, together with reforms in delegation was led by Shri Afghanistan Reconstruction opment in Afghanistan, which is all other sectors, indeed, has Prakash Jaiswal, Minister of State Trust Fund. vital for institution building in the potential to strengthen the (MOS) for Home Affairs and Although the conference was Afghanistan. In the past, India reconstruction effort and ush- included Rajiv Dogra, Indian not intended to be a pledging has also trained Afghan judges ering in the much needed long- Ambassador to Italy; Rakesh conference, donors took the and lawyers at the Indian Law term stability in Afghanistan. Sood, Indian Ambassador to opportunity to make new Institute. ■ India’s commitment to the Afghanistan; V.N. Gaur, Joint announcements adding an addi- MoS Jaiswal also announced reconstruction and develop- Secretary (Police), Ministry of tional amount of about $360 mil- that India would be willing to ment of Afghanistan remains Home Affairs; and Smita Pant, lion (some of which are multi- consider further training pro- unflinching. Our $750 million Under Secretary dealing with year pledges) to support short- grammes and technical assis- partnership today embraces a Afghanistan in the Ministry of term projects, and with commit- tance in the justice and legal sec- multi-dimensional co-opera- External Affairs in New Delhi. ment to consider further funds to tors in established Indian law tion programme being under- The conference, co-hosted implement the National Justice institutes, given India’s vast expe- taken in virtually all parts of jointly by Afghanistan, Italy and Programme. rience in this field and the com- Afghanistan covering almost the United Nations, reaffirmed Donor countries also commit- plementaries with Afghanistan’s all sectors including justice, the crucial importance of the ted themselves to a coordinated own conditions. In a joint India- education, health, telecommu- reform of justice sector and the approach at central level and Afghanistan-UNDP programme, nications, transport and civil implementation of the rule of law provincial level through the India was also proposing to aviation, agriculture and irriga- for the reconstruction of establishment of a Provincial depute experienced coaches and tion, industry, power genera- Afghanistan, while recognising Justice Coordination Mechanism. mentors in Afghan institutions tion and transmission, infor- that without justice and the rule In his speech at the confer- for capacity development in the mation and broadcasting, as of law no sustainable security, ence, Minister of State Shri justice sector. well as human resource devel- stabilisation, economic develop- Prakash Jaiswal, elaborated that, This would be in keeping with opment. Our diverse assistance ment and human rights could be to date, India had imparted train- President Karzai’s vision of pro- programme is in total align- achieved. ing programmes under Indian viding a multi-faceted regional ment with the Afghan priorities The conference delegates Council for Cultural Relations dimension to the reconstruction and implemented in close concurred that the rule of law (ICCR)’s scholarship scheme as work being undertaken in coordination with the Afghan reform and the coordinated well as the Indian Technical Afghanistan, which would have stake-holders, with focus on support by the international Economic Cooperation pro- greater situational complemen- local ownership. community will be implemented gramme in the field of justice taries, besides being more cost Continued on page 3 through a National Justice covering legal education, office effective. ! AFGHAN NEWS INDIA MOURNS THE DEMISE INDIA MOURNS THE DEMISE Zahir Shah OF HIS MAJESTY ZAHIR SHAH (1915-2007) Minister of Water Resources Saifudin Soz (second from left) with President Karzai and other dignitaries at the funeral ceremony of Zahir Shah. he occasion was solemn. The atmos- of Rajya Sabha (Upper House of Indian declared one day mourning and ordered its phere was sombre. Representatives of Parliament) K. Rahman Khan and Joint national flag to be lowered to half mast on all T governments from all over the world, Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs government buildings in Delhi and in all its senior officials of Government of Afghanistan TCA Raghavan. Conveying his condolences diplomatic missions abroad on July 24. and members of diplomatic corps of Kabul on behalf of people and government of India, His Majesty Zahir Shah strove continuous- stood in mourning and paid homage to the Minister Soz recalled the association of His ly for Afghanistan’s progress and to bring the departed soul at the Presidential Palace in Majesty Zahir Shah with India. He said country closer to rest of the world. It is to his Kabul. It was the funeral ceremony of His ‘’Baba-E-Millat worked for modernising of credit that the 1964 Constitution was brought Majesty Zahir Shah, who passed away in the Afghanistan and India has lost a dear friend in into effect and elections to parliament and at early hours of July 23, 2007 at the ripe age of his death. He worked for the peace and devel- lower levels were held. During his time, free- 92 years. opment of the region during his forty years dom of radio and print media took roots. His Majesty Zahir Shah had left his own tenure and India with the same spirit wants to With his modern and progressive disposition, mark in promoting the ties between the stand by Afghanistan and its reconstruction.” he did not hesitate to inject social reforms — Governments as well as people of India and In their special messages of condolences, education for women, an end to ‘purdah’ — Afghanistan and had close association with President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Prime Minister despite stiff opposition from conservative India. He was a friend of India who enjoyed a Manmohan Singh and External Affairs elements. He also channeled the foreign personal rapport and close contacts with Minister Pranab Mukherjee recalled the con- assistance to develop the country’s infra- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. tribution of Zahir Shah to building better structure, realising its need for long term The Indira Gandhi Child Hospital in Kabul relations between India and Afghanistan. economic growth of the country. It was dur- was India’s gift to the Afghan people — President Kalam, in his message, said that the ing his reign, Afghans enjoyed a period of made at Zahir Shah’s request. His Majesty demise of His Majesty was an “end of era” peace and stability in recent history. Zahir Shah, defying his failing health, made and hoped that “his vision of friendship and Recognising his role and vision, the 2004 his presence felt, when he laid the foundation cooperation” will continue to guide the rela- Constitution bestowed him with the title of stone on August 29, 2005 in the presence of tions between India and Afghanistan. Prime “Baba-e-Millat-e-Afghanistan” (Father of the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Minister Singh sent his profound condo- Nation of Afghanistan), a true reflection of President Karzai for the new Parliament com- lences and called His Majesty Zahir Shah as his position in the history of Afghanistan and plex in Darul Aman, which is being built with “a great Afghan patriot, who always stood for a deserving tribute to his contribution. With the assistance of India. peace and modernisation of Afghanistan”. his demise, an era in the history of To reflect this special relationship and External Affairs Minister Mukherjee stated Afghanistan has come to an end, but his respect for His Majesty Zahir Shah, India sent that Baba-e-Millat will be always remem- dreams for modern and strong Afghanistan a high-powered team to attend the official bered by people of India with great fondness will continue to influence the ongoing efforts mourning ceremony in Kabul. Led by senior and respect. for rebuilding Afghanistan. His memories Cabinet Minister Saifuddin Soz, the high- In a special gesture reserved for select few will be cherished by many both in and out- powered team included the Deputy Chairman foreign dignitaries, Government of India side of Afghanistan. ! 2 I N D I A R E V I E W A U G U S T 2 0 0 7 h t t p : / / m e a k a b u l . n i c . i n AFGHAN NEWS India signs MoUs on Small Development Projects n pursuance of the Agreement on US$ 20 million Small Development Projects I scheme signed during Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Afghanistan on August 28, 2005, the sec- ond batch of 11 memoranda of understanding (MoUs) for various projects was signed at the Ministry of Economy on July 1.
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