tEIje JEotoec of Campus ?Kjousi)t anb action Cije BukiACtironule Volume 54, Number 21 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Wednesday, October 29, 1958 Li'tt/e Opposition Expected NSA Membership Heads University Has $136,443 Loss For Easy Senate Sailing During Operations Last Year By CHARLES WATERS Chronicle Senate Reporter Hospital's $600,000 Deficit Wipes Out The once-controversial issue of MSGA membership in FOR WOMEN the National Student Association will apparently have easy $400,000 Profit for Rest of School sailing at tonight's Senate meeting. Go East, Young Man President Bob Torray, vice-president Warren Wickersham By JACKIE HELIX and senators Winter Wright and Russell Phillips met with The chains go down on East The University, operating under a $21 million budget, again this Friday for another NSA vice-president Fred Werner last night to discuss NSA went into the red by $136,443 last year. — *membership. motorcade pep rally. Four-wheeled West Campus An approximate deficit of $600,000 in hospital operations Among the four leaders at the personalities are asked to Integration Petition meeting last night there seemed bring their cars and line up overbalanced a profit for the rest of the University of about to be no opposition to joining behind the independent dor­ $400,000. NSA, As a result of this favor­ mitories by 4 on Friday after­ Results Expected able reception, there appears to noon. The Eastward trek will Each student cost the University approximately $4000 Complete results of the gradu­ be little likelihood of unfavor­ begin at 4:30. in terms of the overalls expenditures of the school last ate petition for integration here able treatment in tonight's Sen­ Drivers and their carloads year, the University's annual financial report, released to­ are expected in a week, a leader ate meeting. of coeds will return to the day, revealed. of the move said Monday. Werner, vice-president in the West Campus bus stop, where Ned Opton, a second -year area of student government, is a Stadium march will start at The overall expenditures referred to include the opera­ graduate student who initiated currently on a tour of member 5 p.m. tion of Duke Hospital, sponsored research, scholarships and the petition two weeks ago, said schools and also saw East Cam­ If it rains, the pep rally fellowships, and dining and residence halls, Gerhard Hen­ that response has been good and pus leaders yesterday. be held in Card Gym. ricksen, comptroller and assistant treasurer of the Univer­ even better among the faculty sity, explained. than among the students. In an informal dinner meeting, [Werner explained NSA functions, In addition to the overall ex­ He also asked that the gradu­ benefits, and the m,ake-up of the penditures, educational and gen­ ate petition not be confused with organization. State Student Legislature eral expenses of the University a similar but separate petition last year totaled $8,021,120. put into circulation in the un­ He emphatically denied NSA These expenditures averaged dergraduate levels by a group association with any left-wing $1600 per student. of three self-appointed under­ feelings or organizations. He Definitely To Meet—Denise graduate men. commented that NSA was called Undergraduate colleges re­ upon by the State Department to The State Student Legislature had no official standing with the ceived $3,071,101 of the $8,021,- "I hope the response among 120 figure for educational and the undergraduates will be as select college newspaper editors will definitely meet this year schools they hail from. for an exchange program with "under some conditions," Bob Denise felt that if Hodges general expenses. About 92 per good as it has been among the cent or $2,836, 384 of the under­ graduate students and faculty," foreign countries. Denise, president of the legisla­ merely wanted official sanction, ture's Interim 'Council, declared he would have asked the stu­ graduate expenses was spent on Opton said. Werner stated that NSA pur­ salaries. The two petitions both ask sued a course in its work which Monday. dent governments involved and that the University disregard was neither liberal nor conserv­ Denise said that the Interim not the administrations. "From the financial point of race as a factor for admission. ative, but middle-of-the- road. Council plans to meet this week­ "Such sponsorship by adminis­ view, last year was a successful end to discuss the reactions of trations would amount to cen­ operation," Henricksen said. The member schools to Governor sorship and the legislature would complete expenditures of the Hodges' stipulation that the be a meeting of the delegates of University the previous year heads of at least half of the these administrations and not were $19.5 million with a deficit Sigma Kappa Schedules Rush Functions; schools involved approve the of the students themselves," of $212,937. meeting, if the legislature is to Denise declared. (Continued on Page 4) National Officers To Interview Coeds use the Capitol in Raleigh. Denise plans to go to the Sigma Kappa has set aside that night, November 7, at 5:30 governor's office before the next Tuesday and Wednesday, p.m. council meets this weekend. for its delayed rush. Pledging will then be held the Combined Concert by Men's, Women's next day, Saturday, at 2 p.m. in Denise answered a Durham At this time, interested women Panhel. Morning Herald editorial Mon­ will go through group interviews Chapter reorganization pre­ day by saying that he felt that Glee Club Highlights Dad's Weekend conducted b y Mrs. Margaret vented Sigma Kappa from par­ the delegations to the legislature Taggart, national secretary- ticipating in regular rush this were representative of their A combined concert by the East and West glee clubs Friday treasurer, and Miss Jane Thomp­ year. schools by virtue of the fact night will highlight the Dad's Day program this weekend. son, national traveling secre­ The reorganization plan was that the delegations are chosen tary for Sigma Kappa. Inter­ drawn up through the coopera­ and in some cases financed by The concert—designed to welcome visiting Dads on campus views will be held in the chap­ tion of National Sigma Kappa, the student governments. —is also open to the public. Curtain time is 8:15 in Page Audi­ ter room. Panhel and Alpha Psi, the Sig­ The editorial stated that the torium. Continuing with the rush pro­ ma Kappa chapter on East. delegations to the legislature Tickets for the concert are $1 and are available tomor- gram, an invitational mixer-tea 1 ' " ••row and Friday from 2 to 5 at is scheduled for later Wednes­ I the Page Auditorium box office. day. I The fathers will attend their On Thursday, November 6, i sons' classes Saturday morning prospective pledges will be in­ to get a further taste of campus vited to attend a dessert held life. The Tech game will fill the at the regular 6:30 p.m. meet­ afternoon. ing. At 10:30 p.m. the same I The weekend will be com­ night, bids will be extended in pleted by the Chapel service the dorms by the rush advisors. Sunday morning. The bids must be returned by Over 200 Dads are expected to 9 a.m. Friday to the Panhellenic attend the weekend. Chairman house and Sigma Kappa has Brent Harrison said that 204 scheduled a spaghetti dinner for fathers had registered by Mon­ day and that 40 or 50 more are expected. The program for the fathers of 'Chqnticleer' Takes West Campus men will officially get underway Friday afternoon Student. Pictures at 5:30 with an informal recep­ tion in Flowers Lounge. Regis­ Chanticleer pictures for soph­ tration will be from 1 to 6 p.m. omores, juniors, and seniors will Friday in the Lounge. be taken this week and next. The dads and their sons will Students may sign up' for ap­ then attend a banquet in 'C and pointments to have their pic­ *D* cafeterias. Dean Robert B. tures taken anytime between Cox will act as master of cere­ 12-5 p.m. Monday through Fri­ monies, while Dr. Paul M. Gross, day. The appointments list is vice-president in the division of in the area by the West Campus education, will address the gath­ Post Office. ering. The cost of the pictures is Harrison said that cots for the $1.50, and proofs must be re­ fathers that will sleep in their turned within one week after EARLY APPEARANCE—In what appears Man on Campus. The winner (or perhaps, son's room could be picked up they are received, according to to be a premature release of Halloween loser) will be crowned at Saturday's game. in 01 Flowers Building tomor­ Tom Irwin, Chanticleer business highlighters, the most ghoulish of the fra­ Additional pictures and story on page 4. row or Friday afternoons from manager. ternity ghouls vie for the honor of Ugly Photo by Steve Schuster 2 to 5. Page Two THE DUKE CHRONICLE Wednesday, October 29, 1958 LITTLE MAN ON.CAMPUS cTljje Duke Jg, dbrontcle Letters To FOUNDED IN 1905 The Tower of Campus Thought and Action Published ever; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of the University year by the students The Editor 0< Duke University, Durham. North Carolina. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office ai Dutham, N. C. under tbe Act of March 8. 1889. Delivered br mail, 13.00 far the University year, 11.50 per semaster; cost of postage to enrolled under­ Hungarian Revolt graduates not in residence on the campus. Subscriptions should be mailed to Box 4696, Duke Station.
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