February 9, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 3 3627 Millinocket continue to embrace the challenges cratic reform, which the Turkish government On behalf of The United States of America, and opportunities of living and working at the has called a priority. Taking steps to finally I extend my thanks and appreciation to Com- gateway to Maine’s North Woods. reconcile its past with its future by recognizing mander-in-Chief Gary Kurpius, for his dedica- Like my father and my grandfather before the Armenian Genocide are the foundations tion and service to American Servicemen, the me, I joined these hardworking individuals as for real progress for Turkey. Veterans of Foreign Wars, and to the people we all worked together to provide for our- In the wake of this tragedy, we must not of the Great State of Alaska. selves and our families at the Great Northern allow an assassin’s bullet to silence such a f Paper Company mill in East Millinocket. I am dynamic voice for change, but rather, continue happy to have grown up and worked along- to encourage Turkey to make positive IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM A. side these proud people, and it is these indi- changes with the same resolve Hrant Dink LUCKING, JR. viduals and families along with the many other showed throughout his life as a champion of hardworking people of Maine that I remember freedom. HON. ELTON GALLEGLY every time I cast a vote here on the floor of f OF CALIFORNIA the U.S. House of Representatives. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO MR. GARY KURPIUS It is an honor and a privilege to represent Thursday, February 8, 2007 the people of East Millinocket and I am happy to have this opportunity to help this commu- HON. DON YOUNG Mr. GALLEGLY. Madam Speaker, I rise in nity, the ‘‘town that paper made,’’ celebrate its OF ALASKA memory of my friend, Bill Lucking, who died at 100th anniversary. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES home earlier this week at the age of 89, sur- f rounded by generations of family. Thursday, February 8, 2007 There are not enough pages in the CON- IN MEMORY OF PRIVATE Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, I GRESSIONAL RECORD to do justice to the life of CLARENCE T. SPENCER rise today to congratulate a great Alaskan, Mr. William A. Lucking Jr. He was a decorated Gary Kurpius, who was recently elected Com- World War II combat veteran, a horseman, a HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS mander-in-Chief of the Veterans of Foreign rancher, a hunter, a world traveler, an attor- OF TEXAS Wars, the Nation’s largest association of com- ney, a community volunteer, and an outdoors- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bat veterans. Gary Kurpius was elected to his man as comfortable on land as he was on or position on August 31, 2006, at the VFW’s below the water. Bill also was active in Repub- Thursday, February 8, 2007 10th National Convention, in Reno, Nevada. lican politics, including being a delegate to the Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise Gary Kurpius is the first Alaskan to hold this Republican Convention that nominated Rich- today to share the collective grief of the peo- tremendously important position. ard Nixon in 1960, much to the chagrin of his ple of north Texas in the death of PVT Clar- During the Vietnam War Gary Kurpius Democratic father. ence T. Spencer, 24, who died defending our served with the Army’s 541st Transportation Bill Lucking would say that he worked hard country in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom Company providing vital convoy security and played hard. Raised in the Ventura Coun- on February 4, 2007. throughout the central highlands, an extremely ty, California, community of Ojai, he bought Mr. Clarence Spencer was assigned to B treacherous area. He was awarded the Na- more than 200 acres of rugged land there in Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regi- tional Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam 1956—6 years after he passed the California ment, and 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Service Medal with four bronze service stars bar—and turned it into a thriving citrus and Texas. While serving the U.S. Army, he put and the Republic of Vietnam Service Medal, avocado ranch. His home there is testament forth continuous dedication and bravery in pro- for his endeavors during the conflict. In addi- to his world travels, filled with such treasures tecting our Nation. His compassion and faith- tion to the medals received during Vietnam, as maps and ancient pottery. fulness in serving our country will forever be Gary Kurpius was selected Vietnam Veteran Bill served during World War II as a Navy remembered, and his loss is greatly felt by all. of the Year for St. Louis County, Minnesota by Reserve ensign and skipper on coastal de- Mr. Spencer is survived by his wife in President Jimmy Carter. fense sailboats and as executive officer of the Killeen, Texas, and his mother and father in After the war, Gary Kurpius continued his radar picket Pritchett (DD–561). It was on the Fort Worth, Texas. I extend my sincerest con- unremitting passion for public service. This led Pritchett that he earned a Bronze Star for dolences to his family and friends, and my him to join VFW Post 1539 in Babbitt, Min- using a whaleboat to rescue sailors from the thoughts and prayers are with them. Mr. Spen- nesota in 1970, where he became a life mem- sinking USS Callaghan in the Pacific Theater. cer’s courage and dedication brought hope of ber. He earned the title of All American Post Bill’s love of the ocean continued throughout a safer country. He will be remembered as a Commander in 1977 and in 1983 was named his life. He was a body surfer and a founder husband, a son, and a hero. All American District Commander. Gary then of the South Jetty Swells, and a diver who ex- f transferred to VFW Post 9785 in Eagle River, plored the sunken Winfield Scott off Anacapa Alaska in 1985. Currently Gary is a Life Mem- Island. He put his horse-riding skills to use TRIBUTE TO HRANT DINK ber of VFW Post 9365 in Wasilla, Alaska, near riding with the Ventura County Sheriff’s Posse to where he currently resides with his wife and Rancheros Adolfo—when he wasn’t riding HON. SCOTT GARRETT Nancy, in the beautiful city of Anchorage. in Death Valley, Oregon, or with the Navajo in OF NEW JERSEY Gary has served diligently in the Depart- Arizona. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment of Alaska service office for the last 19 Bill was partner with many attorneys who years and as Department Adjutant for the past went on to become judges. Bill also was of- Thursday, February 8, 2007 17 years. Then in 2001, Gary was elected De- fered judgeships, but turned them down. As Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam partment Commander and earned All-Amer- he told a reporter in a 1970 interview, ‘‘I enjoy Speaker, last month, the world lost a powerful ican Department Commander status. Most re- being on one side or the other.’’ voice for free speech when journalist Hrant cently Gary completed a two-year term as In politics, he was squarely on the side of Dink was tragically killed for expressing his Governor Tony Knowles’ appointee to the the Republican Party and was responsible for views on the Armenian Genocide. His death Alaska Veterans Advisory Council. helping launch many a stellar political career, should serve as a watershed moment for Commander-in-Chief of the Veterans of For- including that of my friend and mentor, a Turkish-Armenian relations. eign Wars, Gary Kurpius, is also a member of former member of this body, Bob Lago- While Turkish officials have rightly con- the Military Order of the Cootie, American Le- marsino. Not only have they been close per- demned the killing, Turkey should honor the gion and Vietnam Veterans of America. In sonal friends since the ’50s, (‘‘We called each memory of Hrant Dink by using this oppor- 1999, he received the Alaska Community other ‘Cuz’ because he was married to my tunity to begin an open dialogue between Service Medal. Few men have had such a wife’s cousin,’’ Bob recalled), but Bill also was Turkish citizens and their neighbors of Arme- dedicated and lengthy history of service and I instrumental in Bob running for the California nian descent. Laws that criminalize free know that Gary Kurpius will continue to serve Senate in 1961. Bob credits Bill for keeping speech and serious discussion of difficult with the same dedication and fortitude, meet- the party in Ventura County strong in good issues are counterproductive to true demo- ing all the challenges he is presented with. times and bad. 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