Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 29/2019 13 KAZAKH PEOPLE WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR (1941-1945.)) Saylan B., Professor, doctor of history science Department «History of Kazakhstan» Named After Al - Farabi Kazakh National University Myrzagul A. 2 courses master Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology Abstract This article is devoted to the Great Patriotic War. The article considers the participation of Kazakh heroes in the war, such as B. Momysh-Uly, T. Toktarov, R. Elebaev and other. How many people from Kazakhstan partici- pated in the war, their exploirs feats of Kazakh soldiers. The article has the number of Kazakh soldiers killed in the warrior. Keywords: Second World War, the Great Patriotic War, Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, Kazakhstan soldiers. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the T.Tokhtarov,R. Zhangozin and other Kazakh- Soviet Union without declaring war. The Great stan’s people showed great heroism in the battle of Patriotic war of the Soviet people began to liberate the Moscow. Motherland from foreign invaders. During the first five In 1942 after the «Barbarossa» plan was not months of the war, the enemy conquered the territory implemented, Germany adopted a new plan to take over where 5% of the population lives. Germany concentrated the Soviet Union. According to this plan, the Nazis sent 70% of all their armed forces on the USSR 5,5 the main force to conquer Stalingrad and the Caucasus. million people 190 divisions, 4300 tanks, 5 thousand They called this plan "Blau"and prepared it secretly. aircrafts. Compared to the red Army in the Western Fascists attached great importance to the conquest of border districts, the German military had twice as these lands. They laid great hope on the Caucasian oil, much human resources, three times more tanks, and as there were no auspicious oil supplies from the 1.3 times more artillery [1,35]. previously conquered countries.Another reason the They deployed 12 guard shooting division, 4 cav- Nazis capturing the ports of the Soviet Union in the alry division, 7 rifle brigades and about 50 individual black sea was the intenion to break the link with its posts and battalions during the war years in Kazakh- allies - Britain, the United States. In addition, the stan. From the first days of the war, battle formations Stalingrad defense industry has become a center, a rich formed on the territory of Kazakhstan, fought bravely source of raw materials. Besides, the Nazis attached against the enemy. Especially in the battle of Moscow, great importance to the successful completion of Kazakhstan had the greatest respect. The 316th rifle military operations in this direction. division were from Almaty(formed in Almaty), under the On July 1942 opponent sent 42 divisions, in Au- leadership of I. V. Panfilov the major general of guard gust 69 and 81 in September to Stalingrad,. The follow- showed invaluable heroism in defense of Volokolamsk ing military units of Kazakhstan participated in the Sta- highway, one of the main roads in the direction to Mos- lingrad battle: The Aral 74th rifle brigade which were cow. In particular, in the battle of Moscow 28 Panfilovs reconstructed as 292nd rifle division, the 387th rifle di- repulsed 50 enemy tanks and showed heroism. vision, the 27th rifle 72nd guards division, the 75th rifle On November 17, 1941 the division was awarded 3rd guards rifle brigade, the 3rd rifle brigade destroyed the 8th guard, later awarded the Order of the "Red 5,000 fascists and 3,000 fascist officers and soldiers Banner", the Order of" Lenin "and the Order of" Suvorov were captured. At the same time, 81st cavalry division, " second degree for the liberation of Riga from the the 152nd rifle brigade, the 129th mortar regiment and enemy. Twenty-eight soldiers in this battle were awarded the 196th separate communication battalion partici- the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Hero-commander I. pated in the battle. Panfilov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet On December 19, 1942 in the area of Bokovskaya- Union [2,77 p.].Senior Lieutenant Panfilovs B. Ponomarevka in air fighting pilot N. Abdirov from Ka- Momyshuly broke through the enemy fence with his raganda directed his burning jet to place aggregations battalion during the battle of Moscow three times. He enemy tanks and together with crew died the death of finished the war as a colonel, commander of the 9th brave. N.Abdirov, mortar K.Supatayev, R.Ramazanov guards rifle division. The story of the famous Russian were awarded the title Hero of the Great Patriotic War writer A. Beck "Volokolamsk highway" was dedicated for courage in the defense of Stalingrad. There is a to the heroism of B. Momyshuly in the war years. street called "Kazakhstan" in Stalingrad in the honor of Nevertheless, the heroism of B. Momyshuly during the the Kazakh people who showed courage in protecting war was not recognized,but only in 1990 with the direct the city from the enemy. The Stalingrad battle, which participation of the President N. A. Nazarbayev he was lasted for the several months, ended in early 1943 with awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.[3] the defeat of the enemy. During the battle, the Soviet 14 Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 29/2019 Army made a decisive contribution to the cardinal more than 300 times in women's aviation under the changing in the World War II. In 1943, the Nazis leadership of the Hero Of the Soviet Union M. planned a new operation to capture the Soviet Union. Raskova. In 2004 by the decree of the President H. D. This operation was called "Citadel" and was prepared Dospanova was awarded the title of National Hero. in different ways. The Nazis planned to raise 900 000 About 300 women from 34 women's independent com- soldiers to the operation "Citadel". Nazi divisions, di- panies which were established in 1942 in Kazakhstan, vided into battles: "Reich", "Great Germany", "Fixing", took part in the battle of Kursk and were awarded sev- "Adolf Hitler" and others, were involved 70% of tanks, eral awards 65% of aircraft. The battle of Kursk ended with the vic- Now let's focus on the composition of the Kazakhs tory of the Soviet troops at the end of July, which began who fought with the enemy in the ranks of the partisan on July 5,. There were many Kazakh troops in Kursk movement. 1500 Kazakh people fought against the en- and Dnieper. 123 Kazakhs were awarded the hero of the emy in partisan groups in Ukraine. There were 79 Ka- Great Patriotic war only for the heroic battle of Kursk. zakhs in M. I. Shukayev partisan group. There were 70 After the Germany defeat in 1944, the Soviet Un- Kazakhs in S.A Kovpak partisan group. As a part of ion took military action under its control. This year the partisan group in the territory of the Leningrad region Soviet government committed an act « Berlin». The fought about 220 Kazakhs, and in the territory of Bela- purpose of this operation was to expel the German fas- rus about 1,5 thousand Kazakhs. Kazakh partisans cists from the territory of the Soviet Union and liberate showed great heroism in the battle with the enemy. In Europe from the enemy. 1942 K. Kaysenov was elected the commander of Cha- Kazakhs showed great heroism in the liberation of payev, partisans groups and showed courage from the Eastern Europe from the enemy. 20 Kazakh soldiers Karaganda region in the territory of Ukraine. Together were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for with K. Kaysenov there were D. I. Sagayev, P.S. heroic deeds in the liberation of East Prussia. They are Shlyonsky from Taldykorgan, Baidauletov, from Ky- V. A. Andreev, L I.. Beda, P. T., Brilin, T.K/ Abilov, zylorda region ,Zh. Omarov from Shymkent, A. S. Ego- V. G., Kozenkov, I. I. Kornev, I. V. Kuturga and others. rov, - Almaty- etc. Kazakhs fought in the ranks of var- Kazakh pilots, who came to the liberation of ious partisan groups. G. Kaysenov was awarded the ti- Czechoslovakia, fought with the enemy in division 2, tle "Halyk Kaharmany" for courage in defense of the 8, 5-th Air force. For the courage showed in the battles. Motherland After the war, S.A.Batenkov and P.F.Zheleznikov re- The resolution of the Central Executive Commit- ceived the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Pilots: S. tee of the USSR from April 16, 1934 approved the title D. Lugansk and T.Begildinov, I. Pavlov L.I.Beda were of "Hero of the Soviet Union". During the existence of awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice. the Soviet Empire this title was given to 12776 people. Late in 56 years it was found that there was a captain Among them about-12617 received it once, twice -154, Maslov and B. Beysekbaev as part of the crew, on June three times - 3 people, 4 times-2 people. 26, 1941, the fifth day of the war was not a feat of the There are various information about the Heroes of legendary heroic crew of Lieutenant Gastello, So, in the Soviet Union of Kazakhstan in the history. 11,500 1998 B. Beysekbaev was awarded the title of Hero of soldiers of the USSR were awarded the title of Hero of Russia. the Soviet Union for courage in the Great Patriotic War. Kazakhstan’s 118th, 313th guard shooting divi- They are 60 Russians, 2069 Ukrainians, 309 Belarus- sion and 209 th rifle regiment took part in the Berlin ians, 161 Tartars, 108 Jews.
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