Contents CHEMISTRY International January-February 2006 Volume 28 No. 1 President’s Column 2 Features “Inner Chemical Life” of Solids by Joachim Maier 4 Nanotechnology: Does It Have a Sporting Chance? by Alan Smith 8 Spectroscopic Data: The Quest for a Universal Format by Robert Lancashire and Tony Davies 10 IUPAC in Beijing—Division Roundups Part II 13 Up for Discussion Chemistry Enrollment in Germany: Bucking the Trend by Terry Mitchell 18 IUPAC Wire 37th International Chemistry Olympiad 2005 19 Essential to You 20 Two New CAs Join IUPAC 20 Strengthening International Science—A Recurring Catchphrase from ICSU 21 The Project Place Developments and Applications in Solubility 22 Glossary of Terms Related to Solubility 22 e-Quiz for Promoting Chemical Education 22 Solubility Data Series: Transition and 12 to 14 Main Group Metals, Actinide, and Ammonium Halates 23 Flying Chemists Program—A Visit to India 24 Global Climate Change 25 Distance Learning in Toxicology 25 ! IUPAC Stability Constants Database Update 26 Provisional Recommendations JCAMP-DX for Electron Magnetic Resonance 27 XML-Based Standard for Thermodynamic Property Data Storage (ThermoML) 27 Quantities, Units, and Symbols in Physical Chemistry 28 Glossary of Terms Used in Photochemistry 28 Making an imPACt Postgenomic Chemistry 29 Measurement and Interpretation of Electrokinetic Phenomena 29 Evaluated Kinetic Data for Combustion Modeling 30 Bookworm Biological and Synthetic Polymer Networks and Gels 31 1 * ÓääÈ " , - Conference Call I--*Ê£Ó Ó{ÊqÊÓÊÕÞÊÓääÈ £ÓÌ ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê-Þ«ÃÕÊ Ê-ÕLÌÞÊ* ii>Ê>`Ê ,i>Ìi`Ê µÕLÀÕÊ*ÀViÃÃià ÀiLiÀ}]ÊiÀ>Þ I " ÊxÊE - *ÊÓx I*ÞiÀÊ iÌÜÀà ÓÎÊqÊÓnÊÕÞÊÓääÈ I Ê£Ê ÎÊqÊÇÊ-i«ÌiLiÀÊÓääÈ 1* ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê viÀiViÊÊ by Xibai Qiu £äÊqÊ£xÊ-i«ÌiLiÀÊÓääÈ Innovation in Chemistry 32 *ÞiÀÊ iÌÜÀÃÊÓääÈ `ÛiÀÃÌÞÊ>`Ê >ÌÕÀ>Ê*À`ÕVÌà - ivvi`]Ê1 £ÃÌÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê1* Ê ÞÌ]Ê>«> viÀiViÊÊÀii -ÕÃÌ>>LiÊ iÃÌÀÞ I* ÌV iÃÌÀÞÊÓ£Ê ÀiÃ`i]ÊiÀ>Þ ÓÊqÊÇÊ«ÀÊÓääÈ -Ê Ó£ÃÌÊ1* Ê-Þ«ÃÕÊvÊ* ÌV iÃÌÀÞÊ ÓxÊqÊÎäÊÕiÊÓääÈ ÞÌ]Ê>«> ÌiÀ>Ì>Ê }ÀiÃÃÊ iÕÀÌÝVÊiÌ>à Ê>ÞÌV>Ê-ViVià £ÇqÊ£nÊÕiÊÓääÈ ÃVÜ]Ê,ÕÃÃ> 7Àà «ÊÊ iÕÀÌÝVÊ iÌ>Ã\Êi>`]Ê>}>iÃi]Ê I Ê£Ê £Ó qÊ£ÇÊÕ}ÕÃÌÊÓääÈ >`ÊiÀVÕÀÞ°ÊÀÊ *Ê{x by Vojko Vlachy £Ì ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê ÊäÈ Solution Chemistry 34 I /Ê£ ,iÃi>ÀV ÊÌÊ*ÀiÛiÌ ÊqÊ£ÎÊÕÞÊÓääÈ ÓnÊ>ÞÊqÊ£ÊÕiÊÓääÈ ÎäÊÕÞÊqÊ{ÊÕ}ÕÃÌÊÓääÈ viÀiViÊÊ ÀiÃV>]ÊÌ>Þ {xÌ Ê*ÊVÀÃÞ«ÃÕ\Ê ÎÀ`ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê-Þ«ÃÕÊÊ>VÀÊ £Ì Ê1* Ê viÀiViÊÊ iV>Ê `ÕV>Ì I-,*Ê -ÌÀÕVÌÕÀiÊ>`Ê Þ>VÃÊ >`Ê-Õ«À>iVÕ>ÀÊÀV ÌiVÌÕÀiÃÊ>`Ê iV>Ê/ iÀ`Þ>Và -iÕ]ÊÀi> ÎÊqÊÊ-i«ÌiLiÀÊÓääÈ vÊ-ivÊ"À}>âi`Ê >ÌiÀ>Ã\Ê*À>VÌV>Ê >V iÃÌÀÞÊ>`Ê Õ`iÀ]Ê À>`]Ê1- iÌÊÇÊ ÌiÀ>Ì>Ê-Þ«ÃÕÊ >VÀiVÕ>ÀÊ-ÞÃÌià ÛiÊ««À>V ià £ÓÊqÊ£xÊ>ÀV ÊÓääÈ Ê,>`V>Ê*ÞiÀâ>Ì\Ê *À>}Õi]Ê âiV Ê,i«ÕLVÊ /Þ]Ê>«> GreetingsÇÌ ÊÀ`>ÊiÌiÀVÞVVÊ fromiÌVÃÊ>`ÊiV >à Beijing*-ÎäÊ I*"9 ,Ê£{ viÀiVi ££qÊ£ÎÊ"VÌLiÀÊÓääÈ Ê VV]ÊÌ>Þ £ÇÊqÊӣʫÀÊÓääÈ >iÃÛi]ÊÀ`>]Ê1- `Û>Vi`Ê*ÞiÀÃÊvÀÊ I*iÃÌV`iÊ££Ê *"9 ,Ê£{Ê7À`ÊÀÕÊ I/ Ê8Ê iÀ}}Ê/iV }ià ÈÊqÊ££ÊÕ}ÕÃÌÊÓääÈ Ê`Û>Vi`Ê>ÌiÀ>Ã\Ê £nÊqÊÓÓÊ-i«ÌiLiÀÊÓääÈ ÕÃ>]ÊÀi> ££Ì ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê }ÀiÃÃÊ *Ê{Ê *ÞiÀÊ««V>ÌÊEÊ/ iÀÞ I "-Ê£ÈÊ £ÓÌ ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê viÀiViÊÊ} Ê vÊ*iÃÌV`iÊ iÃÌÀÞ ÈÊqÊ£äÊiLÀÕ>ÀÞÊÓääÈ /i«iÀ>ÌÕÀiÊ>ÌiÀ>ÃÊ iÃÌÀÞÊ >À>Ê ÌÞ]Ê>«> ££qÊ£xÊÕiÊÓääÈ Li]Ê>«> by Piet Steyn and John Corish {Ì ÊÌiÀ>Ì>ÊiiÌ}Ê 6i>]ÊÕÃÌÀ> Advanced Materials WAM III 35 £ÈÌ ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê viÀiViÊ — Ê* Ì`Þ>Và Ê"À}>VÊ-ÞÌ iÃÃÊ I*" ÊäÈÊ >Û>>]Ê ÕL> jÀ`>]Ê9ÕV>Ì?]ÊiÝV >ÞÌV>Ê,iÃÕÌà ÓÊqÊÇÊÕÞÊÓääÈ ÈÊqÊnÊ>ÀV ÊÓääÈ £ÓÌ ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê viÀiViÊÊ ÊÓÇÊE ÊÈÊ */1* ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê -- ÊÓ *ÞiÀÃÊ>`Ê"À}>VÊ iÃÌÀÞÊ £ÈÊqÊÓäÊ"VÌLiÀÊÓääÈ 7Àà «\Ê L}Ê>`Ê £äÊqÊ£ÎÊ>Õ>ÀÞÊÓääÈ ">Ã>]Ê>«> ÓÇÌ Ê>ÌÊiÀV>Ê Ài«ÀÌ}Ê>>ÞÌV>ÊÀiÃÕÌðÊ/ iÊ "- Ó`ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê }ÀiÃÃÊÊ iÃÌÀÞÊ ÀiÊvÊiÌÀ}V>ÊÌÀ>Vi>LÌÞÊ ÓÇÊqÊÓÊ-i«ÌiLiÀÊÓääÈ -Þ«ÃÕÊÊ >`ÊÈÌ ÊÌiÀ>Ì>Ê >`Êi>ÃÕÀiiÌÊÕViÀÌ>ÌÞÊ viÀiViÊÊ ÀiiÉ-ÕÃÌ>>LiÊ }ÀiÃÃÊvÊ iÃÌÀÞÊ vÀÊV«>À}Ê>>ÞÌV>ÊÀiÃÕÌà "VVÕ«>Ì>Êi>Ì Ê iÃÌÀÞ >`Ê iV>Ê }iiÀ} ,i]ÊÌ>Þ >`Ê->viÌÞÊ>>}iiÌÊ i ]Ê`> >Û>>]Ê ÕL> Ê >ÃÌÊvÀV> >ÀL]ÊiÞ> Young European Chemists by Leiv K. 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President’s Column IUPAC—An Optimistic failed by a substantial margin, primarily because of the perception that it would lead to less direct influence Future by division presidents and standing committee chairs. However, many delegates expressed the view that we should be investigating by Bryan R. Henry further efficiencies in . the IUPAC governance. I made the Executive believes s I begin my term as President commitment that one of that we need to work of IUPAC, I would like to share my first acts as IUPAC Awith you a few personal reflec- president would be to set more closely with tions on some aspects of our 2005 up two small commit- ICSU. General Assembly (GA), and on the tees. The first, chaired by corresponding ICSU (International the secretary general, would examine revisions to our Council for Science) General statutes and bylaws. The second, that I will chair, will Assembly held two months later in attempt to find more efficient ways to govern IUPAC October. within its current structure. Hopefully by the time you read this article both committees will have begun their I am very optimistic about the prospects for IUPAC. work. We have both the abilities and resources to serve the Past President Piet Steyn and I represented IUPAC international chemistry community, and to use chem- at the ICSU General Assembly in October. ICSU was istry to contribute to solutions for the many problems founded in 1931 and is a nongovernmental organiza- facing our planet. We can and should help the world tion with a membership that includes over 100 coun- to meet the Millennium Development Goals.* tries, about 30 scientific unions, and about 25 Our principal strengths lie in the talent, knowledge, scientific associates. (For an overview of the and commitment of the more than 1000 scientists International Council for Science, see Nov.-Dec. 2004 worldwide who are involved in the IUPAC project sys- CI, p.
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