toWhereItm Fromtt Many Perspectivesor JustOne? Identifying Perspectivesfrom a Turkish Cypriot, a GreekCypriot, 2Pac,George Lyons, and You- The Student! LessonAuthor: JacqiNicholson Ulderdo_wnJunior High School, Avondale, Aizona 'Teach Cyprus" 2007 Cyprus Fulbright Participant Overview: Cyprusis a very attractiveplace. However,it is full of conflict and of peoplewho are in searchof their identity. The peopleof this nation are consideredCypriots, but not just Cypriots. They usually refer to themselvesas Turkish-Cypriotsor Greek-Cypriots. It is hard to find a personwho would only usethe word Cypriot to describetheir identity. Purpose: This lessonis designedfor studentsto analyzepoetry of both Greek and Turkish Cypriots. It is designedto fit within your existingjunior high or high schoolpoetry unit. Examplesof a Greek-CypriotPoem and a Turkish-Cypriotpoem, obtainedfrom the author's Fulbright visit to Cyprus is provided so studentscan analyzethe text and explain their understandingof the multiple perspectivesbeing describedin the poetry. Students will write a poem abouttheir identity and explainand describewho they are. George Lyons poem "Who Am I" can be usedas a writing examplefor studentsto read and reference.The themeof the lessonis more or lessthat we all come from somewhereand that we all have obstaclesto overcome. To extendthe lessonstudents can then analyze Tupac Shakur's(ZPac) lyrics, "Me Against the World." It is a poem about the fight for survival - like the many perspectivesportrayed by Cypriot poets. Studentswill most likely not have any prior knowledgeon the CyprusConflict but can identify the themeof conflict through their readingsand interpretationsof the poems. Grade Level: 7-9, adaptable Time: Two or threeclass periods, depending on time constraints Materials: Turkish-CypriotPoem "Wartime" by Mehmet Yasin "Wartime" DiscussionQuestions Greek-Cypriot Poem "The Way I Feel" by Myrto Meletiou "The Way I Feel" DiscussionQuestions African American Hip Hop Artist Lyrics "Me Against the World" by Tupac Shakur "Me Against the World" DiscussionQuestions GeorgeElla Lyon's Poem,"Where I'm From" "Where I'm From" Think SheetHandout Daily Appointment CalendarHandout Daily Appointment CalendarTeacher Questions Sample Student Poetry from Vicktor Russell and Angelique Martrnez Notes: *Teachers should make copies of all of the above handoutsto show on their overhead during the guided practice phaseof the learning cycle. If you have a smartboardor overheadprojector feel free to display Microsoft word materials via that mode of instruction. TeacherAnswer Keys are the last documentslocated within the last pagesof this document. xThere are many opportunities for studentsto submit their own poetry in writing contests. Try using the following list of resourcesfor studentsto submit their work for publication: http ://www. w innin gwriters.c*orni i nd ex . p hp http :l/r.vlvr.v. po e_tic po wer. c onu http : //rvrvrv.potatohi ll. com/contest.h tm l http: i/w ww.madpoetry.org/contcstsi contests.lttml Objectives: The studentwill be able to: o determinethe poet's main idea(s) . discussthe similaritiesand differencesbetween the Greek-Cypriotpoem and the Turkish-Cypriotpoem o distinguish differencesand similarities in the poetry through discussion and by creating a list, using the daily appointmentcalendar strategy o list and discussthe variouspoints of view communicatedin the poetry o createand develop their own "Who Am I" poem describing their identity with personalmeaning using introspectivereflection Standards: Arizona State LanguageArts -Writin g Standards S1: C1: PO4 Establisha centralidea appropriateto the type of writing S1: C1: PO5 Use organizationalstrategies (outlines, charts, webs, story may) to plan writing Arrzona State LanguageArts-Re adin g Standards 52: Cl:PO2 Compareand contrastthemes across works ofprose, poetry, and drama 52: C1: PO4 Contrastpoints of view in literary text Assessment: The teachercan evaluatethe student'smastery of contentby gradingpoems based on Arizona's Six Traits Writing Rubric andby observationin the discussionof the poetry. The teacher can also review studenthandouts. Procedures: Session1 1) Studentsread "Wartime" together. The poem probablyneeds be rereadseveral times. Studentsreview questionsand then rereadeach line of the poem, analyzingthe poet's ideas. 2) Studentsanswer questions 1-4 from discussionquestions. Students should work with a partnerin classin order to discussand answerthe questions.Students shouldrecord their responseson the handout. At this point, the teacheris not really providing direct instruction,rather guiding studentsthrough the individual linesof the poem. 3) Studentsthen read"The Way I Feel" together. The poem probablyneeds be rereadseveral times. Studentsreview questionsand then rereadeach line of the poem, analyzingthe poet's ideas. 4) Studentsanswer questions 1-4 from discussionquestions. Students should work with a partnerin classin orderto discussand answerthe questions. Students shouldrecord their responseson the handout. At this point, the teacheris not really providing direct instruction,rather guiding studentsthrough the individual linesof the poem. Session2 The teacherreviews the previoussession information and allows studentsto discussthe two poemsusing the differentiatedinstruction strategy- Daily Appointment Calendar. "The appointmentcalendar is a greatway to pair off studentsfor any activity or discussion.Step By Step: 1) Make one copy of the Daily AppointmentCalendar for eachstudent in your class.2) Give eachstudent a copy. 3) Have studentsstand up, take their appointmentcalendars, and find other studentswith whom to make appointments.Explain that eachtime a child makes an appointment;he/she should enter the appropriatename in his appointment book next to the agreed-upontime. The calendarsmust agree. If Joseis Karla's 10:00appointment, then Karla must be Jose'sl0:00 appointment. 4) Studentsare responsiblefor keepingup with their daily calendarsonce the calendarsare filled in. 5) You now have a way to pair students.This comesin handy when you want kids from different groupsto be moving and interacting with each other (Hollas, p. 8-9)." For example,you might say,"Each of you get your appointmentcalendar and meetwith your 8:00 appointment. The two of you shoulddiscuss how Mehmet Yasin felt in the first two lines of his poem and write down your responseon the line next to the 8:00 time slot." Or you might say, "Pleasemeet with your 1:00appointment and discusswhy 2Pacsays in line 8 of 'Be his poem you should gratefulfor your blessings."'6) The appointment calendaris a way of identifyng who's pairedwith whom and getsa pair of studentsto discussthe content.7) Ask eachstudent to meet with their 10 partners and provide the questionsin betweeneach appointment so that studentshave a questionto answerand discuss.You can usethe questionsprovided in this lesson or make up your own. 8) "This strategyis great for those bodily/kinesthetic learners,and that's a help for them and you (Hollas,p. 9)." It is also a fantastic StructuredEnglish Immersion, SEI strategy,since it gets studentstalking and discussingthe content. If you do not want to do the optional enrichment skip to step #7. x 5) Optional Enrichment-Students read 2Pac's "Me Against the World" together. The poem probablyneeds be rereadseveral times. Studentsreview questionsand then reread each line of the poem, analyzingthe poet's ideas. Studentsanswer questionsl-5 from discussionquestions. Students should work with a partnerin class in order to discussand answerthe questions. Studentsshould record their responseson the handout. At this point, the teacheris not really providing direct instruction, rather guiding studentsthrough the individual lines of the poem. 6) Studentsthen read "Where I'm From" together. The poem probably needsbe reread severaltimes. Studentsreview questionsand then reread each line of the poem, analyzingthepoet's ideas. 7) Studentsbrainstorm their own ideas and experiencesusing the "Where I'm From" Think SheetHandout. Studentsshould work independentlyin class in order to think about their own lives and experiences. Studentsshould record their ideas on the handout. At this point, the teacheris not really providing direct instruction, rather guiding studentsthrough the thinking about their own lives and prompting studentsto record their own experiences. 8) The teachercan show Vicktor Russell'sor AngeliqueMartinez's studentwork as an example. Thesesamples can be put on overheadsand displayedfor the entire classor they can be printed andpassed around. The teacheruses these samples to model what the end versionof the poem could look like. Session3 9) The studentcreates their own "where I'm From" poem, approximately18-28 lines long, using a free verse format for creating the poetry. 10) Studentsshould createa final draft (in ink or typed) that can be read aloud and published. Minimally, the teachershould create some sort of wall of poetry, where studentwork can be displayed. Submitting the work in a poetry or writing contestshould also be emphasizedand encouraged. Turkish-Cypriot Poem: Wortime MehmetYosin I usedto tolk withinmyself so thot noone could hear me, ondthey oll suspectedwisdom in my silencel Turkishwos dongerous, must not be spoken, andGreek wos obsolutely forbidden.. My elderswho wonted to soveme,were woiting, Eochone Irigger-ready bef ore o mochine-gun. Anyway,everyone wos then o willingsoldier. Englishremqined right in the middle, o sfenderpaper-knif e for cuttingschoolbooks, o tongueto
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