Cambridge University Press 0521660645 - Cults, Religion, and Violence Edited by David G. Bromley and J. Gordon Melton Index More information INDEX Abgrall, Jean-Marie, 175 Ascended Masters, 33–34 Agonshu,ˆ 192 asceticism, 9, 196 Aguilera, Davy, 160–161 Association of World Academics for Akhnaton, Pharoah, 84 Religious Education (AWARE), 133 Alliance for the Preservation of Religious Association pour la D´efensede la Famille et de Liberty (APRL), 133 I’Individual (ADFI), 232 Allred, Rulon, 49 Aum Shinrikyo,ˆ 3, 9, 36–38, 67, 74–75, Amenta Club, 33, 171 88, 103–104, 189–207, 233 Ammerman, Nancy, 121 background, 191–193 Amnesty International, 139 Aum Victim’s Society (Aum Higaisha no Ananda Marga, 129 Kai), 202, 206 Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis “Away Team,” 39, 217 (AMORC), 171 Andrade, Guillermor, 160–161 BATF. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Andrade, Isabel, 160–161 Firearms anti-abortion “rescue” movement, 63 Bellaton, Dominique, 173 anticult organizations, 21–24, 42, 60, 107, Berg, David, 17, 19 116–117, 170, 175 Bernard, Raymond, 171 Apocalypticism, 6, 9, 20–21, 34, 40, Besant, Annie, 65 59–67, 71, 96, 178, 190, 200, 236 biological weapons, 204–205 apostates, 29, 34, 59, 60, 71, 88–89, 107, Black Muslims, 24 117, 154, 178, 181 Black Panther Party, 152 Apostolic United Brethren, 49 Block, David, 161–162 Applewhite, Marshal “Herff” (Do), 38–39, Bo and Peep, 210–226 93, 104, 184, 210–227 Bokelson, Jan, 43 Archedia Club, 33 botulism, 203 Arginy movement, 171 brainwashing, 21, 42, 68, 176 Armageddon, 30, 36, 110 Branch Davidians, 3, 8, 19, 30–33, 43, 58, Asahara, Shokˆ o,ˆ 36–38, 62–63, 75, 88, 59, 62–63, 71, 102–103, 149–168 192–203 background, 150–151 245 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521660645 - Cults, Religion, and Violence Edited by David G. Bromley and J. Gordon Melton Index More information Index Breault, Marc, 31, 107, 153, 156–161, 165 “Classroom”, 215–226 Breyer, Jacques, 171 communalism, 20, 37 Buford, William, 161 Concerned Christians, 50 Bunds, David, 154, 161 Concerned Relatives, 89, 107 Bunds, Debbie, 154, 161 conspiracy theories, 8–9, 37, 176, 190, 203 Bunds, Jeannine, 157 cosmic marriages, 34 Bunds, Robyn, 154 the Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms the Lord, 3, 136 (BATF), 8, 31, 32, 62, 63, 102, criminal activity, 70, 196 151–152, 161–162 Cult Awareness Network, 133 cult controversy, 17, 167 Campiche, Roland, 175 cults. See new religious movements castration, 39, 220 cult-watching groups, 7, 242 catastrophic millennialism, 63, 65 countercult groups, 7, 129 Cathars, 137 cult-awareness groups, 7, 128–129 celibacy, 218, 236 cult-defender groups, 7, 132 Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.), 93, human rights groups, 7, 132 190 religious liberty organizations, 22 charismatic leadership, 4, 6, 8, 17, 20, 46, research-oriented organizations, 7, 59, 80 130–132 attributes, 6, 72–74, 82–85, 106 defined, 81–82 Danforth, John, 103 demonization of, 90 Dawn Horse Communion, 24 legitimization, 85–98 Delorme, Herman, 108 chemical weapons, 204–208 deprogramming, 21, 128, 134–135, 162 Chen Tao, 49 destructive cults, 7, 18 child abuse, accusations of, 22, 32 deviance amplification, 98 Child Protective Services, 31, 158 Di Mambro, Elie, 181 Children of God. See The Family/Children Di Mambro, Jocelyn, 713 of God Di Mambro, Joseph, 32–35, 75, 88, Christian Identity, 19 171–173, 177–178, 181–182 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Dios con Nostros, 50 48, 61 Do and Ti, 38–39 Church of the First Born of the Fullness of Donatist “Church of Martyrs”, 61 Times, 49 Dramatic Denouements, 4, 11f., 26–29, Church of the Lamb of God, 47, 48, 49 240 Church of the Living Word, 24 factors leading to, 5–6, 30 Church of Scientology, 24, 60, 232–233 Intensified Conflict, 4, 20–26 Church Universal and Triumphant, 3, 24, Latent Tension leading to, 4, 13–16 51, 120, 133, 230, 243 Nascent Conflict behind, 4, 16–20 civic religion, 15 Dutoit, Antonio, 34, 173 246 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521660645 - Cults, Religion, and Violence Edited by David G. Bromley and J. Gordon Melton Index More information Index Dutoit, Christopher Emmanuel, 34 Hostage Rescue Team, 102 dynamic entry, 8, 162–165 House of David, 31, 32 Human Individual Metamorphosis, 214 Earth First, 63 human rights organizations, 7, 132 ECKANKAR, 43 human sacrifice, 155 Emmanuelle (cosmic child), 34 end of the world, 94 Ikeda, Daisaku, 98 exit counseling, 128 Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), 25 failure, group, 95, 195 Information Network Focus on Religious Falardau, Robert, 174 Movements (INFORM), 131 Falun Gong, 23, 51, 144 Info-Secte, 107 Family Action Information and Rescue Inouee Yoshihiro, 200 (FAIR), 135 Inquiry Commission (Germany), 112 The Family/Children of God, 16, 17, 18, Internal Revenue Service, 25, 51 19, 24, 60, 120 International Order of Chivalry-Solar Farrakhan, Louis, 49 Tradition, 172 Federal Bureau of Investigation, 31, 32, 63, International Society for Krishna 72, 102, 151–152 Consciousness (see also Hare Krishna Fifth Monarchy Men, 47 Movement), 50 fragile groups, 8 Ishayurito rya Maria (Rescue Place for the Virgin Mary), 236 Glory Barn, 25 Ishii Hisako, 199 Golden Way, 33, 171 Isis Holistic Center, 50 government organizations, 4, 22 Islam, militant, 67 Graham, Billy, 46 Grand’Maison, Joyce-Lynn, 174 Jehovah’s Witnesses, 48, 137, 143 Gyarfas, Aisha, 153 Jesus Movement, 16, 17 Jewell, David, 156–157 Hale–Bopp comet, 40, 223 Jewell, Keri, 156–157 Happy, Healthy, Holy Organization, 43 Jewell, Sherri, 156–157 Hare Krishna Movement, 17, 18, 24, 43 Jones, Jim, 46, 64, 88, 183–184 Hayakawa Kiyohide, 202 Jonestown. See Peoples Temple Heaven’s Gate, 3, 9, 19, 30, 38–40, 59, 66, Jouret, Luc, 33–35, 83, 88, 171–173, 177 71, 74, 104–105, 183–185 Justice Department, 52 background, 210–217 Higgins, Stephen, 163 Kahikari, 43 high-demand religion, 4, 20 Kali-Yuga, 179 Hinder Evolutionary Ripoffs, 214 Kashaku, Paulo, 234n. homicide, 2, 44, 57, 104, 189–207, 238 Khmer Rouge, 65 Hossach, Geoffrey, 155 Kibwetere, Joseph, 235 247 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521660645 - Cults, Religion, and Violence Edited by David G. Bromley and J. Gordon Melton Index More information Index Klaus, Rose Marie, 34, 107 Murai Hideo, 189, 191, 204, 207 Knights Templar, 83, 171 Music Square Church, 24 Komuhangi, Ursula, 235 Mwerinde, Credonia, 234 Koresh, David, 30, 63, 66, 150–168 Nation of Islam, 49 Layton, Deborah, 89 Nation of Yahweh, 47 LeBaron, Ervil, 48, 49, 51 National Council of Churches, 19–20 LeBaron, Joel, 49 Nettles, Bonnie Lu (Do), 38–39, 93, 104, legislation (concerning cults), 21 210–226 Lewis, Harvey Spencer, 171 New Age groups, 44, 65, 83 Li Hongzhi, 144 Noda Naruhito, 190 liminality, 20, 226 Lotus Village, 194 Office of Special Council, 103 Luciferians, 218, 222, 226 Oklahoma City bombing, 33, 243 Luz del Mundo, La, 49 Old Believers (Russia), 61, 63, 67 Opus Dei, 19 Majima Terayuki, 196–197 Order of the Solar Temple. See Solar Temple Mahikari, 43 Organization for Security and Co-operation Manson Family, 2, 46, 49, 64, 67, 129, 214 in Europe (OSCE), 139, 233 Maoism, 65 Origas, Julien, 171 Marxism–Leninism, 65 Orthodox Judaism, 19 Matsumoto Chizuo, 192, 196 Ostiguy, Robert, 174 Matsumoto Tomoko, 192, 196 media, role of, 9, 21, 42, 59, 80, 124, 155, Palo Mayumbe, 49 158, 167, 174, 201, 231 Pasqua, Charles, 177 Mengele, Joseph, 143 People’s Organized Workshop on Erzatz Messianic Communities, 25, 51 Religions, 133 Migisha, Angelina, 235 Peoples Temple, 2, 22, 24, 47, 58, 59, 63, Miller, William, 48 64, 71, 168, 183–185, 227, 230 mind control, 67–74 as apocalyptic group, 150 Mission Interministerelle´ de lutte les sectes persecution, 64 monastic orders, 232 Pilet, Camille, 173, 182 monastic orders, 93, 193 polygamy, 151 Montana Freemen, 72, 120 postmillennialism, 66 Moon, Sun Myung, 18, 98 Prabupada, Swami, 18 Mountain Meadows massacre, 48 premillennialism, 65 Movement for the Restoration of the Ten progressive millennialism, 65 Commandments, 3, 10, 44, 49, 90, prophecy, disconfirmation of, 49, 66, 227 129, 234–239 psycho cults, 112 Muhammad, Elijah, 49 public policy, 4 Munster¨ (Germany), 43, 61 purification rituals, 37 Munzer,¨ Thomas, 43 La Pyramide, 33 248 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521660645 - Cults, Religion, and Violence Edited by David G. Bromley and J. Gordon Melton Index More information Index Q-37, 108 Stella Maris Gnostic Church, 50 suicide, 2, 8–10, 44, 50, 57, 67, 104, Rajneesh, Bhagwan, 3, 25, 47, 230 107–108, 151–168, 174–186, Reconstructionists, 67 209–228, 237 Renewed Order of the Temple, 171 Swaggert, Jimmy, 47 Research Network on New Religions Synanon, 24 (RENNER), 131 Roberts, Oral, 47 Taguchi Shuji, 198 Rodriguez, Robert, 164–165 Theosophical Society, 210 Rosicrucianism, 83 thought reform consultation, 128, 135 routinization of charisma, 6, 91–94 Tomoko (Shokˆ oˆ Asahara’s Wife), 196 Ruby Ridge, 184 totalistic organizations, 6, 60, 67–74 Ryan, Claude, 108 Two Witnesses, 211 Ryan, Leo J., 71, 88, 107, 227 Unification Church/Movement, 17, 18, 19, Saint Germain, Comte de, 84 24, 50, 60 Sakamoto Tsutsumi, 134 United Order, 43 Sarabyn, Chuck, 164 Upton, Fred, 158 sarin gas, 37, 203–05, 243 Schneider, Steve, 156 Vinet, Jean-Pierre, 108 Schneider, Sue, 157 Vuarnet, Jean, 174 Scientology. See Church of Scientology Vuarnet, Patrick, 174 secrecy, 27, 34, 244 violence secularization, 15 collective, 7 Service d’Action Civique, 177 frequency/infrequency, 43–45, 52 Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 16, 30, 48, mitigating, 116–120 105 polarization of groups, 105–112, 243 sexuality, 93, 215, 220 proneness to, 45–48 Sheen, Fulton, 47 provoking, 48–52 Shinritoˆ (Party of Truth), 202 relational/interactive, 2, 10 Solar Temple, Order of the, 3, 8, 22, 33–36, 59, 60, 74–75, 104, 170–186, 232 Way International, 24, 50 background, 171–174 Weaver, Randy, 184 Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple, “White Nights,” 92 172 W.K.F.L.
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