UNIVERSITY 9J'GUELPH Volume 32 Numbef 31 Oct. 12, ~ 988 Cover: His doctor of philosophy degr:ee less than an hour old, Philip 11hanuveliVFhomas, Zoology, Inside: United Way shares the excitement with his wife, Annie Philip, and daughter, Anju Mary Philip, outside Where decisions will be made . • . • . 1 War Memorial Hall following fall convocation OMB hearing set for November . 1 and the installation of Dr. Brian Segal as U ot: Segalls installation address . • • • . 3 G's fifth pi:esident last Friday. (See stor¥, page 1.) FFee trade tops greenhouse agenda . 4 0 ---At UNIVERSITY~GUELPH Guel'hhv_f-' Collective responsibilities The mantle of president and vice-chancellor of must be brought into sharper focus so that the the University of Guelph was donned by Dr. wisdom, skill and experience of its members Brian Segal last Friday in an insta llation cere- can be better used to invigorate the University's mony rich in pomp and pageantry. aspirations, he added. The installa tion address of U of G's fifth "As Guelph sets sights on the opportunities president (see page 3) contained no promises. which lie ahead, we must do so with a heightened Rather.Segal outlined the University's collective aware ness of our responsibilities to each other responsiblities for the future. and with a firm expression of our commitment Guelph has a unique opportunity - in fact, a to social justice and equity for all individuals responsibility - to pursue public policy and and groups in the University," said Segal. funding initiatives that will improve the teaching He urged the University not to demur from and research conditions for a ll universities and addressing the gender imbalances that exist. their students, he said, referring to last year's "Let us become more aggressive in ensuring national forum on postsecondary education, that equal access to our University is felt by all which he chaired. groups in society,'' he said, "and that our student The University must also magnify its response body reflec ts the ethnic mix of Ontario's to the call to deal with global issues - agri· population.'' cultural, ecological, economical and social - and to do so in a way that allows its contributions Get an academic hat! to be seen and felt, he said. 11he University will also want to be sure that it At afternoon convocation, British scientist is fostering imagination, creativity, curiosity Dr. Roger Short received an honorary doctor of and the urge to discover in students, said Segal. science degree and addressed the graduating "Al the same time, society will expect our class. Retired Family Studies professor Jean graduates to have the values and motivation to Sabry was named professor emeritus. participate as active citizens.'' Leaming is one of the most important pursuits Basic and applied research at Guelph in all in life, said Short, and one should never forsake disciplines should continue to push the frontiers education. of knowledge, and become more transparent Quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson, he s'aid: "Be and more widely disseminated to the broadest not chilled, nor flattered ... neither dogmatized, possible constituencies, he said. nor accept another's dogmatism. Why should "As we collectively establish ways of enriching you renounce your right to traverse the starlit our undergraduate and graduate programs and deserts of truth for the primitive comforts of of strengthening our teaching, so must we nature, a house and a barn? Truth also has its explore the means through which our research roof, and bed and board. Make yourself necessary enterprise will grow and become stronger." to the world, and mankind will give you bread." Guelph will have to aggressively pursue ways Short told the graduates their education will Top from left: Chancellor William Stewart, of generating more funds, he said, a nd it will serve them well. "Ifyo u want to get ahead, get a MP Bill Winegard. Bottom from left: Dr. Roger of chair Ian Murray, also debate its academic and fiscal priorities. hat And make ii an academic hat!'' 0 Board Governors President Short, Segal and professor emeritw Jean Sabry. Brian Segal and Guelph's second president., T he roles of Board of Governors and Senate Pho1os by Jack Harrison. Photographic Servecc:s COU visit Segal forms executive group The presidents of U of G and Wilfrid Laurier versities have traditionally directed to studen1s, and two VP councils University will meet with senior students at these meetings are intended to gather infor· Paris District High School Oct. 18 to find out mation from students, their parents, teachers An executive group and two vice·presidents' secrerary. what they want from universities. and counsellors. Their comments will add to the councils have been established to work with Andy Barnard, Institutional Analysis and President Brian Segal and WLU president existing dialogue between universities and President Brian Segal on University-wide aca· Planning, internal audilor Scott Brown. Carl John Weir are co·hosting the visit on behalf of government on the issues of the quality of, demic and administrative decision-making Gonnan, director of Communications Services, the Council of Ontario Universities (COU), demand for and accessibility to university matters. and Ron Elmslie, director of Computing Ser- which is sponsoring a series ofseco ndary school programs. The execulive group - consisting of Prof. vices, will join this council once a month. visits across the province. Universities are interested in learning about Jack MacDonald, vice-president, academiC; The meetings of the President's Advisory The COU tour involves eight communities students' aspirations and worries, the programs Charles Ferguson, vice.president, administra· Council (PAC) have been moved from once a and is a response to the unprecedented demand they hope to enrol in and what they expect - in 1ion; Prof. Len Conolly, associate vice·pres ident, week to once a month. PAC will provide advice for university studies and record. high fiRit-year terms of quality - from the university experi· academic; Brian Sullivan, associate vice.presi- and be a place for the exchange ofinfonnation, e nrolments. Province.wide applications to ence. They are also interested in students' dent, student affairs; Derek Jamieson, director says Segal. universities were up nine per cent this year. At feelings about the heightened competition for of Institutional Analysis and Planning; and Both vice-presidents should have under them Guelph, the increase was 23 per cent. places at Ontario universities. 0 Gerry Quinn, director of Public Relations and their senior people and should meet regularly to Unlike the information programs that uni· Information and Alumni Affairs and Develop- review academic and administrative matters, ment, with University secretary Barbara Aber· says Segal. PAC is too large a forum to get into crombie as recording secretary - will meet the more technical discussions that are required, biweekly with Segal. he says. 4 OMB gravel hearing set for Nov. 16 The academic vice·president's council, of ''My style is to have a group of senior which the president is also a member. will hold colleagues who participate actively in the most Puslinch Township's proposed official plan, Extensive environmental studies of the biweekly meetings chaired by MacDonald. The seniordecision·making process and who have a which includes several contentious new site commissioned by the University show council consists of chief librarian John Black, sense of ownership in University-wide deci- regulations that would limit aggregate ex- that the operation would not affect ground· Conolly, Sullivan, Jamieson. OAC Dean Free· sions," he says. "I like to see as many decisions traction, goes before a hearing of the water levels or quality. (See At Guelph Nov. man McEwen, Dean of Research Larry Milligan, that are in the jurisdiction of the president made Ontario Municipal Board Nov. 16. 7, 1987.) College of Arts Dean David Murray, OVC through a collective process." The University, TCG Materials and In conjunction with the aggregate pro- Dean Ole Neilsen, Graduate Studies Dean Decisions 1ha1 musl be made should come up several other companies requesting ap- ducers, St. Lawrence Cement, the University Doug Onnrod, acting FACS Dean Bruce Ryan, from the vice·presidents' councils to the execu· proval for aggregate operations will make also intends to use the 464·acre sire at CBS Dean Bruce Sells and CSS Dean John live group for review and to obtain some kind of presentations at the hearing, which is Highway 40J and the Hanlon Expressway Vanderkamp. consensus, says Segal. Of course, the president expected to last two months. to research and demonstrate how aggregate The council ofth e vice·president. administra- reserves the right to make the decision in those The proposed plan changed the original can be extracted with minimal environ- tion, chaired by Ferguson, will also meet bi· areas where there is no consensus. But because land designation from gravel extraction to mental affects. weekly. This group consists of Al Brown, of the "kind of chemistry that is positive" agriculture, and contains a clause pro- For more infonnation or a brochure director of Physical Resources: John Freeman, between the senior group and himself, he says, hibiting extraction below the water rable. concerning the University's real estate director of financial Services; John Mason, ifs unlikely rhat there will many decisions thal About 80 per cent of the University's plans, call the Real Eslate Office a1 Ext director of Adminisrrative Services; and Roy will have to be made separate from lhe con· deposit is below the water rable. 6 11 3. 0 Pella, director of Personnel, with Dale Lockie, sensus process. 0 assistant University secretary, as recording AT GUliLPH/Oct. 12, 1988 Coming events Computing Seminar - " UNIX vs DOS vs OS/2," WEDNESDAY, Oct. 12 FRIDAY, Oct. 14 MONDAY, Oct. 17 noon, Computing Services seminar room.
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