2738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE . MARCH 27 To be chief shi p's clerk The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ April 9 on account of official business in Ballard, Edward A. terday was read and approved. my district. To be chief pharm acist. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Carpenter, Seth J. the request of the gentleman from A message from the Senate, by Mr. Louisiana? To be ch ief pay clerks Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced There was no objection. Allen, Albert F. Lewis, James H. that the Senate had passed bills of the Allison, Sidney C. Nash, Finley A. , Jr. following titles, in which the concur­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS Digonno, Theodore Stearns, William rence of the House is requested : Mr. PASSMAN asked and was given Groman, John M. Tremblay, Philip A. permission to extend his remarks in the Jones, Robert L. Wiggins, George A. S. 565. An act to amend section 3539 of the Revised Statutes, relating to taking trial RECORD and include a newspaper article. IN THE MARINE CORPS pieces of coins; and Mr. SMATHERS asked and u as given APPOINTM ENTS IN THE REGULAR MARINE CORPS S. 566. An act to amend sections 3533 and permission to e~end his remarks in the To be second li eutenants 3536 of the Revised Statutes with respect to RECORD and include an editorial. deviations ·in standard of ingots and weight Eugene J. Ambrosio . John D. McLaughlin Mr. FOLGER asked and was given per­ of silver coins. R obertS. Anderson Merrill J . Melton mission to extend his remarks in the Herbert J. Bain Charles A. Meyer LEAVE OF ABSENCE RECORD and include an article by Hon. Frederick W . Baker, Jr.Rex Z. Micha el, Jr. Harold Ickes entitled "Proposed Loans to Neil E. Barber Jack L. Miles Mr. WHITTINGTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the gentle­ Greece and Turkey Become Less Clear Foster W. Blough Lester Miller With More Light." Norman H. Bryant Roland E. Miller man from Mississippi [Mr. RANKIN] be Lyle W. Bullard Mason H. Morse granted leave of absence for today on Mr. CASE of South Dakota asked and Thomas R. Burns Herbert A. Moses account of illness. was given permission to extend his re­ Harrison M. Butler Stanley A. Myzienski The SPEAKER. Is there objection to marks in the RECORD in two instances and John W. Carraway John H. Papurca the request of the gentleman from to include certain correspondence of in­ James G. Costigan Joseph .- A. Piedmont, Mississippi?· terest to the Sioux Tribe of Indians. Charlie J. Dunkley Jr. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES AND Frank M ·. Fitzpatrick,Ollie B. Porter There was no objection. Jr. Charles A. Read COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC LANDS COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY Homer D. Frison Augustine B. Reyn- Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I ask Melvin K. Green olds, Jr. Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee unanimous consent that the Committee Richard P. Grey Edward L. Roberts on Armed Services and the Committee on Robert Hall George C. Schmidt, Jr. on Public Lands be permitted to sit dur­ Ernest C. Hargett Clarence R. Stanley ing general debate today. the Judiciary may meet today during LeRoy C. Harris, Jr. Richard E. Stansberry The SPEAKER. Is there objection to general debate. Joe L. Hedrick Charles S. Stribling the request of the gentleman from The SPEAKER. Is, there objection to William J. Heepe Alfred C. Taves California? · the request of the gentleman from In­ Hermann Heinemann David S. Taylor diana? John v. Huff Eul W. Thompson There was no objection. There was no objeCtion'. Clarence M. Hurst Owen I. Thompson EXTENSION OF REMARKS GENERAL DEBATE 0~ THE TAX BILL James D. Jordan Homer E . Tinklepaugh Mr. POTTS asked and was given per­ Jack F. Kelly William P. Vaughan Mr. KNUTSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask James F. King Alan J. Warshawer mission to extend his remarks in the unanimous consent that the time for Harold R.. Kurth, Jr. James 0. Webb RECORD and include an editorial from the general debate on the bill <H. R. 1) to George E. Leppig Marshall A. Webb, Jr. New York Times of March 19, 1947, on a reduce individual income taxes be con­ Alan E. Lowry Edgar D. Webber bigger Panama Canal. tinued until not later than 2 o'clock this Henry A. Maas, Jr. William S. Witt Mr. RICH asked and was given permis­ James P. Mariades Edward A. Wilcox afternoon, the debate to be confined to sion to extend his remarks in the RECORD the bill and equally divided and con­ Walter D. Maskall .Wallace L. Williamson and · include an address by William S. John C. McClelland,Kermit M. Worley trolled by the gentleman from North Jr. John R. Wyatt, Jr. Livengood, Jr., secretary of internal af­ Carolina [Mr. DoUGliTON] and myself. Robert H. McCormick Roscoe F . Good, Jr. fairs, before the Philadelphia Chapter of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Burd S. McGinnes John J. Bozek American Institute of Banking at the the request of the gentleman from Min­ James W. Mcillwain Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, nesota? Pa., on Saturday, March 22, 1947. There was no objection. H. R. 2090 CALL OF THE HOUSE Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Speaker,' I ask HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unanimous consent that certain photo­ Mr. KNUTSON. Mr. Speaker, I make graphs and papers in connection with the point of order that a quorum is not THURSDAy' MARCH 27' 194 7 the bill H. R. 2090, a private bill which I present. introduced in the last session of Con­ The SPEAKER. Obviously a quorum The House met at 10 o'clock a. m. is not ·present. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera gress, be returned to the claimant. There has been no adverse report filed by Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I move Montgomery, D. D. , offered the following a call of the House. prayer: the committee. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to A call of the House was ordered. Our blessed Father in Heaven, with the request of the gentleman from In­ The Clerk called the roll, and the fol­ grateful and thankful hearts · we ap­ diana? lowing Members failed to answer to their proach Thee. Do Thou enable us to There was no objection. names: understand that the best life is not all [Roll No. 28] a battle or a race, but a growth and a SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED Allen, Til. Feighan Marcantonio Andrews, N. Y. Fuller Meade, Ky. walk with God. With this truth in our Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Bakewell Gerlach Meade, Md. thoughts, we may turn cheerfully to our unanimous consent that on next Monday, Barrett Granger Mills appointed tasks. Dismiss from us the after the disposition of business on the Beall Grant, Ind. Mitchell Bell Hall, Morrison jarring ani discordant note; let us have Speaker's desk and the conclusion of Bland Edwin ArthurMorton done with the drudgery of fear and fric­ special orders heretofore entered, I may Bloom Havenner Norton tion that often tnake duty an unendur­ address the House for 20 minutes. Bradley, Mich. Hendricks O'Konski Bulwinkle Hull O'Toole able burden: Help us to ascend into the The SPEAKER: Is there objection to Cannon Jenkins, Pa. Pat t erson spiritual heights for inspiration and out­ the request of the gentleman from In- Clark Johnson, Tex. Peden look, to feel the immensities of God's diana? · Cole, N. Y. Kennedy Philbin great world house, to wander along its There was no objection. Courtney Keogh Potts shore lines, drink in the breath of Davis, Tenn. Kilday Rains LEAVE OF ABSENCE Dawson, Til. Lesinski Rankin heaven, and thus receive hope and faith Delaney McCowen Rivers and courage for the labors and confiicts Mr. PASSMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask Donohue McDonough Rooney Douglas Macy Sabath of life. Through Christ our Saviour. unanimous consent that I may be granted Eaton Maloney Sarbacher Amen. leave of absence from March 31 through Fallon Mamfield, Tex. Sas£cer 1947 CONGRESSIOi~AL RECORD-HOUSE 2739 Scoblick Somers Vursell The SPEAKER. Is there objection to because of those · campaign promises Shafer Stigler Wadsworth Short Thomas, Tex. Wood the request of the gentleman from Ohio? they are riding roughshod today. Simpson, Pa. Towe Zimmerman There was no objection. I made a statement 'yesterday, when ~nyder Vinson INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX PAYMENTS the gentleman from Ohio yielded to me The SPEAKER. On this roll call 349 after he had asked why the Democrats Members have answered to their names, Mr. KNUTSON. Mr. Speaker, I move on the Ways and Means Committee had a quorum is present. that the House resolve itself into the voted for the amendment of the gentle­ By unanimous consent, further pro­ Committee of the Whole· House on the man from New Jersey [Mr. KEAN] pro­ ceedings under the call were dispensed State of the Union for the further con­ viding an additional 10 percent for those with. sideration of the bill <H. R. 1) to reduce in the brackets below $1 ,000, I told him individual income tax payments. then that we were. ready and willing at PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL SHRINES PARK The motion was agreed to. any time to help make a bad bill a little COMMISSION Accordingly the House resolved itself better if we could. He asked then why The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the pro­ into the Committee of the Whole House we had not suggested that it be raised visions of Public Law 711, Seventy-ninth on the State of the Union for the fur­ from 30 to 40 percent, and my reply at Congress, as amended by Public Law 9; ther consideration of the bill H.
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