Nixon Hikes Pace If Vietnam Pullout WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--Pres- U.S NAVAL LAsM fUANTMAnan DAY, OaA ident Nixon has increased slightly the pace of U.S. troop withdrawal from Vietnam, ordering another 100,000 men home by Dec. 1. But he reject- ed appeals to set a date for ending U.S. involvement. Nixon's announcement last PRESIDENT NIXON night raised the monthly troop .another pullout average to about 100.000 men 14,300, well below the hopes home by Dec. 1 of some for a dramatic rise over the current 12,500 month- THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1971 Phome 9-5247 ly average rate. This is unlikely to mollify antiwar critics in Congress who have been pressing for a EASTER U.S. disengagement, perhaps by the end of this year. Sen. Edmund S. Muskia of Local Religious Religious Services Maine was typical of those in Congress who indicated Nixon didn't go far enough. Muskie Local Easter season obser- said he was "very disappoint- vances begin tonight with ed." Catholic and Prutestant ser- The President vices. said he was announcing an increase in the Protestant Maundy Thursday withdrawal rate "because of services begin at 7:30 p.m. the increased strength of the at the Naval Base Chapel and South Vietnamese, because of will be followed by Catholic * the success of the Cambodian Holy Thursday services at 8 e a operation; p.m. and because of the achievements of the South Vi- Earlier at Leeward Point etnamese operation in Laos." Chapel the Catholic Passover Critics raised doubts about meal and mass will be cele- . * . * * the fighting qualities brated at 6 p.m. of the * * - South Vietnamese army after it The Protestant Tehebra ser- e cut short its campaign and vice will begin at 8 p.m. at some Leeward. of its units retreated out of Laos in apparent disar- Passover and Good Friday ray. celebrations begin Fiiday Presdient Nixon's address afternoon and night. on Vietnam drew cheers and-criti- The Jewish Passover Feast cism last night. Sen. Robert will begin at 6:30 p.m. at J. Dole of Kansas,. Carvella Point C 113. the Repub- lican National chairman, said Protestant services will be the report "has put the monkey at 12:30 p.m. and Catholic on the back Whbre it belongs-- services will be at 4 p.m. at on the backs the Base Chapel. of those politi- cally motivated Democrats who Leeward Point Catholic ser- would rather be President than (Please see EASTER, Page 2) be right." P age 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, April 8, 1971 Escape To Marriage M GA--ZETTEER FALKIRK, Scotland (AP/AFRTS)--A 16-year-old girl, locked up in a lonely cottage by her parents to stop .a digest of late news her wedding, broke out and married her 22-year-old boyfriend. Storegirl Heather Wilson crept from aunt's home at 3 a.m. yesterday, ran a mile to a call box and summoned a cab, joined her sweetheart John Easton, and dashed to a register office. The American Civil Liberties Union says it wil sue Heather began her honeymoon last night by phoning her to reinstate two FBI file clerks. The girls claim they mother. After a brief conversation she told newsmen: were forced to resign because of off-houryork for a 'My mother has disowned me. She told me I was no longer peace group. An ACLU attorney said the suit will seek her daughter." to enjoin FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover from "interfering The romantic drama began three days ago when Heather's with the constitutional rights of any employe." The parents locked her in her bedroom. They said she was girls had filed fingerprint cards in the FBI's finger- too young to marry, although under Scots law anyone can print branch and also did volunteer work for the Na- wed at 16 without parental permission. tional Peace Action Coalition. Heather's parents transferred her to her aunt's secluded cottage in the country. Then, while her aunt U.S. Command reports 88 Americans .were killed The and two cousins slept, she made her escape. in action last week in Vietnam. That's the highest toll "I knocked over an ashtray. I in more than nine months. Some 347 Americans were wound- just stood there and my heart stopped beating," she said later. "But no one ed. More than one third of the losses occurred in the stirred." North Vietnamese attack on fire base "Mary Ann March 28th. 'The erieiiy killed 33 Americans and wounded 75 in The taxi took her to a friend's house where she waited for John, an unemployed miner. They drove 30 miles to that attack. a register office, stopping en route to buy wedding The 108th session of the Vietnam peace talks, opened outfits. today in Paris.- Earlier a spokesman for the North Viet- Heather put on a turquoise mini-dress with long, namese delegation presented Hano i's first reaction to white laced boots. John took off his motor-cyclists President Nixon's. broadcast last night. The communist leather jacked and changed into a sports coat. spokesman said Nixon "still nourishes the delusion of a military victory" in Vietnam. The North Vietnamese EASTER - rm spokesman criticized Nixon for not setting a date for vice will be at 5 p.m. Friday. There will be no protest-* total withdrawal of all American troops. He said it ant Good Friday service at Leeward Point. shows "President Nixon still refuses to put an end to On Saturday, the Catholic Easter Vigil and mass begins his war of aggression provoking the death and captivity at 11 p.m. at the'Base Chapel. The vigil will begin at of a great number of American soldiers." 11:30 p.m. on Leeward Point. are Easter Sunday services begin with a Protestant sun- The Pakistan government says Indian armedforces rise service at 6:45 a.m. on McCalla Hill. Protestant preparing "for possible operations" in East Pakistan. services at the Base Chapel will be at 11 a.m. and 7 PaklI an's official radio said Indian Air Force units p.m. Catholic service along the western and northern borders of East Pakistan there will be at 9:30 a.m. On Leeward Point, an Easter sunrise service will had been placed in the highest -state of combat readiness. begin at 7 a.m. and another service will begin at 11:15 The broadcast also said Indian Air Force Hunter Fighters a.m. and big transport planes already had been deployed along Protestant services will also the border. United News of India reports a fierce bat- be held at McCalla Chapel 6:45 a.m. and at Camp Bulkeley Chapel at 9:30 a.m. tle for control of the important provincial industrial at belt in East Pakistan about 40 miles from the Indian Catholic service at Camp Bulkeley will be at 11:30 a.m. Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates the border. Meanwhile, the Pakistan government has ordered resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most import- new martial laws prohibiting East Pakistanis from carry- ant holy day of the Christian religion. People attend ing any weapons. Indian monitors said the orders als churches and take part in religious ceremonies. barred =iy East Pakistanis from joining any parliamen- tary organization or volunteer group. Stateside Temperatures New York 35 Guantanamo Gazette Philadelphia 39 Washington 43 Local Forecast comNavsase.nRAdm. B. McCauley Atlanta 39 Public Affairs Officer.LCdr. W. Boer II. Miami 54 Editorial Advisor.3O Jim Teague Partly Allan Smith Detroit 31 cloudy with chance of showers Editor.JO3 to the NW in the late Editorial Assistant.0.J3 Bob Wellborn Chicago 45 afternoon and Tom Betz becoming mostly Staff Photographer.J03 Minneapolis 51 clear by sunset. Staff Artist.JOSN Steve Duren Bill Walker St. Louis, 47 The high today will be 83 degrees, Beeline Editor.N1 and the low tonight will Kansas City 56 be 69. Last The MNTANAMD GAZETIB is published according to night the low was 70 degrees. The the rules and regulations for ship and station news- Dallas 59 papers as outlined in NAVEXOS P.35 and under the Denver 54 winds will be N 10-15 with gusts to direction of the Naval Base Public affairs Officer. 24 knots. There are small craft It is printed four days a week at government expense Phoenix 68 on government equipment. The opinions or statements San Francisco 49 warnings in effect from now until in noew items that appear. herein are not to be con- 7:30 p.m. in areas 1,2 and 3. strued as official or as reflecting the views of Seattle 42 CoaNavBase or the Department of the Navy. Anchorage 32 Honolulu 75 Thursday, April 8, 1971 Guanitinarao Gazettoe Page 3 Ground Broken for New Housing Project Ground vac broken yesterday on the construc- struction, and Sam Man, project milanager for tion site for a 150-unit, $3.7 million housing durns and Roe of Paramus, N.J. project on Kittery Beach Road. The thre- and four-bedroom ir conditional Participating in the ceremony were RAmi. cwallings are scheduled for final completion Brian McCauley, base commander, CazpL. R.E. in the early summer of 1972. The initial coni- fall. John Daggett, resident officer in charge of con- pletion of the units will be this L. Neill, chief engineer to. Capt. Daggett, said 100 en-. --LOCAL NEWS BRIE FS-- listed .en's faily dwellings would be the first units com- pleted, followed by 50 offi- cer's family dwellings.
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