U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday. May 9.1986 WEEKFND PLUS SPORTS m i Rhoda is loving Coventry tightens TAG SALE her new TV role conference race Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? The best way to announce it is with a Herald Tag Sale ... magazine Inside > .. page 11 Classified Ad. When you place your ad, you’ll receive ONE TAG SALE SIGN FREE, compliments of The Herald. STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE, 1 HERALD SQUARE. MANCHESTER CAMPERS/ I MISCELLANEOUS H jJ C A R S Q j J O U B CARS aurliPBlrr HrralJi FOR SALE TRAILERS AUTOMOTIVE TAG SALES TAG SALES H TAG SALES FOR SALE FmiSMf ED N ) Manchester -- A City ol Village Charm Two E7B X 14 Whitewall M<A>chester High School 1970 Ford Torino. 302 en­ Apache Yuma Pop up tires with rims, used I'/i Tag Sale-Center Congre Moving sale. Multi- 1981 Black 280 ZK Turbo 1971 Ford Van, 302, stand­ camper. Stove, refrldger- Too Sole. Mov 17« 9am- gatlonal Church Man­ family: 2 humidifiers, 2 gine In excellent condi­ T-Bar, AT, leather uphals- ard transmission, custom­ years. Good condition $35 3pm. Spaces available. tion, only 78,000 original tery, wire wheels, Nordl otor, sink. Sleeps 5 plus. each. 643-6463 after 25 Cents Call 647-9504 or 643-0219. chester, Sat. May 10,9am. dehumidiflers, excercise ized with bed, very little Cleon SiSharp. $1,000firm. Saturday, May 10,1986 A "You won't believe It equipment, T.V., typewri­ miles. Transmission and wheel. In mint condition, rust, $1700 or Best offer 4:00pm. exhaust system compara­ 34,000 miles. Mov be seen 649-7724. Tag Sole - Saturday. Fur­ sale”. Thousands of good ter, shop vacum, electric 649-9227 keep trying. articles In our KScandlOc chain saw, .steel office tively new, automatic at Economy OH Change ONE OF THE n lC M t niture. toys, camping stick shift on floor. Bucket Inc., 315 Broad St. M an­ Travel Trailer. 21 feet. things obout want od* It equipment, lots of miscel­ sections. Prices at wav desk, choirs, dishes, lin­ 1978 Dodge Chalanger-S below real value. (Dishes, ens, much miscellaneous. seats, body needs work. chester, or call 647-8997, speed, rebuilt engine, Tandem Coachman. their low cost. Amtrak faces laneous. 42 Delmont Denial $450. Call 649-0524. 8:30 to 5:00 dally. Includ­ Shower, Vulcan awning, Street. Interested? Can't books, household Items Sat. 9-3 rain or shine. 18 $1200.00 643-1108 Da ve, 647- and all kinds of odds and Jordt St. (Between ing Saturdays. 9557 evenings. TV antenna, plus extras. 4 Goodyear fibre-glass come - call 643-2280. Great condition. Call af­ belted tires. 195/75 R- ends). Also many better Parker and Woodbridge Datsun Sentra Wagon, Items remaining from our St.). ter 5 646-4387. Shown at 15.S35. A pair 649-0670.O 1984 Silver, air, stereo, Chestnut and Park. auction, collectibles, de­ roof racks. Call 232-0587 CAMPERS/ spurs corative Items, electric Tag Sale-Saturday 10 and 2 Snows with rims. F(i strike threat 6-9pm evenings and TRAILERS 78/14, steel belt radlals, dishwasher, furniture, ap­ Sunday 11 (rain date May weekends. 1983 Ford Merry Mller Clothes, furniture, pliances, braided rugs, 31 8. June 1) 9:30-3:30. Van Camper. 37,000 miles, tubeless. Firestone. $50 or (couch, chairs, tables) typewriters etc. at reaso­ Treasures and toys. 254 power steering, brakes, moke offer. 646-2564. kitchen Items (glassware, nable prices. 1980 Mazda GLC. Auto­ air, automatic, regular flatware, plates, vases) Oak St. 1976 Cordoba - V8, PS, PB, Aluminum short bed a ‘wai^ matic, 68,000 miles, $2250. Velour bucket seats, pickup sleeper camper gas, fully equipped, stove, stereo, film equipment, 646-3548. V e ry good shower, toilet, refrldgera- by engineers Tag SalerSaturdav May brand new tires, great top with Insert. $250. 644- bSiW TV, too much to list! condition. tor. Excellent condition, INVITATION TO BID M24 374 Hebron Ave. May 10th. 10,9am to 2 pm. 36 Nye St., Inside and out. 742-0501. 3234. no rust. 742-7700. “REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT 10-4om. Manchester, Ct. No early OP CONCRETE- Cummings hits By Vincent Del Gludice "In our last communication with arrlval!s. Cancelled If Automotive 1975 Rabbit, needs work. The Board of Education, 110 United Press International the Brotherhood of Locomotive There's something tor rain. $500 644-1098. Lone Hill Drive, East Hart­ Engineers this afternoon. Amtrak everyone at the Unitarian ford, Ct., will receive sealed Hogan over l i l HELP WANTED HELP WANTED bids for "REPAIR OR RE- WASHINGTON - The union offered to di.scuss the matter Meeting House Tag Sale, [ ^ C A R S PLA C EM ET OF CON­ representing Amtrak engineers further and take it to arbitration if Saturday, Mov 17, 9-4, 153 NOTICE TO CHEDITOR8 CRETE". Bid Information FOR SALE 1974 Austin Marino, 4 door E S T A T E O F Lanzano move thre;^lened Friday to stage a necessary.” W. Vernon Street., Man­ sedan. 90k miles. Needs AGNES WITTMANN and specifications are avoll- chester. Tools, toys, able the Business Office. nationwide strike against the pas­ Shenefelt said Amtrak was Flea market, June 7th valve lob and front end The Hon. D avid C. Rapoe. Sealed bids will be received avoiding the issue and a union plants, clothing, books, work. Excellent body, Judge, of the Court of Pro­ senger line as early as Monday Manchester Grange, PART TIME until 1:(X) p.m., Wednesoy, By GeorOe Layno committee voted to authorize a job pianos, household goods, good tires. For parts. Best bate, District of Coventry at May 21, 19U of which time over work and safely rules, but the rowing machine, and space available. Call 649- 0 hearing held on M a y 6,1986 Herold Reporter action over changes in work and 9294. offer 643-6882. LOADERS AND UNLOADERS ordered that oil claims must they will be publicly opened railroad said the only labor dispute much more. Free coffee Honda Civic 1978.4-speed, and read aloud. The Board of safety rules, job assignments and be presented to the fiduciary A Manchester man who was told it knew of was a local grievance in tool. front wheel drive, 1200cc *8.00 PER HOUR on or before August 6.1986 or Education reserves the right salaries with the advent of high­ Tag Sale - 4 families. to accept or rciect any or all earlier this week that he will not be Delaware. engine, tires good, body be barred os by low provided. bids or the right to waive William Hausleider, the general speed rail service on Amtrak’s Tag Sale - Moy 10th,* 29 Saturday, May 10,9:30am We offer steady year round employment, paid Bertha E. Roppe, reappointed as a sheriff when his to 3:30pm. Clothes, toys, very good, needs some Clerk technical form alities If It Is In chairman of the Brotherhood of lucrative northeast corridor be­ Phelps Rd., Manchester. engine work. 78,000 miles. HELP WANTED vacations, 5 day work week Monday thru Fri­ the best Interest to do so. term expires in June is being 9am-1pm. Furniture, household Items, bikes. 95 The fiduciary Is: Richard A. Huot Locomotive Engineers, announced tween Boston. New York and London Rd., Hebron. $650. 742-7463 after 6pm. day, paid holidays, paid benefits. Shifts availa­ Elbert Carlson unfairly penalized because he Washington. household Items and 206 Twin Hills Drive Director plans for a coast-to- coast walkout ble between the hours of: Business Services supports a candidate challenging " I ’m pushing for the early more. Coventry, CT 06238 Hartford County High Sheriff in a statement issued by a TEACHER ASSISTANT 10 am to 4 pm 023-05 024-05 Monday morning deadline” of Tag sole. May 10, 9-5. 128 Patrick Hogan's "hand-picked” spokesman in Philadelphia. FOR SPARKLING wood­ South Main St., Manches­ 35 hours per week to work 4 pm to 9 pm 12:01 a.m.. Hausleider said in the successor. Democratic Town "You'd have one hell of a time work, tile, glass and ter. Household Items, ap­ 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint with preschool children. 10 pm to 3 am running the Amtrak system with­ statement. "This is a strike by the painted surfaces, add pliances, clothing and Associates degree or 2 Chairman Theodore Cummings condition. Only 12,000 years experience In early 3:30 am to 8:30 am LEGAL NOTICE out the engineers.” said union brotherhood against the Amtrak three tablespoons of miscellaneous. miles. $9,800. 647-9764. (3 to 5 hour work span) TOWN OP ANDOVER charged Friday. system. washing sodo to a quart of childhood education. ZONINO BOARD OF APPEALS Raymond Lanzano of Lyness spokesman Arthur Shenefelt. "This has been brewing for a long "W e’re acting to protest against warm water and wash. No Very large Tag Sale with a We require steady reliable people with good Street said Friday he was told by rinsing required. For BOOKKEEPER/ SECRETARY The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Andover, Con­ time.” unilateral changes in working lot to offer for everyone, for preschool. Experience work records, and the ability to lift parcels up necticut will hold o public hearing In the Town Office Build­ Hogan on Tuesday that he would conditions in violation of the sparkling results when ing, Wednesday. M a y 21,1986 ol 7:30 P.M . to hear the follow­ But he added. “ If management corner of rte 6 and Merritt desired, good benefits. to the weight of 70 lbs.
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