April 16, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E521 our young men and women in the military and legacy of working with business and commu- After earning his education and serving in their families make to the cause of freedom. nity leaders to create progress in our commu- the U.S. Navy Mr. Decker moved to Pueblo. For 75 years, the Airmen of the 3d Weather nity. Always a strong leader in the community, Mr. Squadron have exemplified this sacrifice as Founded 35 years ago, the Economic Coun- Decker was frequently involved in Veterans they stood alongside their Army brethren in cil of Palm Beach County is a non-profit advo- activities and organizations. He was a proud support of a long list of military operations. In cacy organization that works to help foster an member of American Legion Post 207 and just the past 20 years, the 3d Weather Squad- environment where businesses can grow and served a leadership role among his peers. As ron has deployed for Operations Desert Shield thrive. As president of this vital organization, the senior vice commander of Post 207, Mr. and Desert Storm, Operation Allied Force, Op- Mike has worked for over a decade in order to Decker was highly respected not only in the eration Unified Response, Operation Enduring achieve that goal. He understood that prag- American Legion but also in the Pueblo com- Freedom, and Operations Iraqi Freedom and matic solutions come from bringing more peo- munity. New Dawn. ple to the table. That is why he led a forum As enthusiastic as he was with helping oth- When activated on 1 July 1937, the 3d of 30 business groups to help discuss the de- ers in the community, his real passion was his Weather Squadron was a part of the U.S. velopment of a strategic plan for the county, family. He leaves behind his wife Joan who Army, as the Air Force had not yet been es- and worked to create a regulatory climate has been by his side since 1964. Together tablished. Today the squadron continues a more conducive to business practices. they raised a loving family that includes two proud history of faithfully providing Battlefield Mike’s impact in South Florida extends be- daughters and three grandchildren. On April Weather support to the Army, both in garrison yond the business world. During his tenure, he 5th, the city of Pueblo and the State of Colo- and in combat. The stated mission of 3d worked with the entire community to help ad- rado lost a great man. Weather Squadron is to ‘‘deliver superior vocate for better schools and educational op- Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to recognize weather capability when called upon to sup- portunities, and prioritized ethics reform by Larry Decker. I rise today to thank him for his port any worldwide land component tasking.’’ pushing the county to create an Office of the work on behalf of the citizens of Pueblo, and True to this mission, the Airmen of the 3d Inspector General and an Ethics Commission. for his service to our nation. May he rest in I congratulate Mike Jones, his wife Dee, and Weather Squadron have sustained a con- peace. their son, as they celebrate Mike’s retirement. tinual, unbroken deployed presence in South- Mike’s dedicated leadership has made a posi- f west Asia dating back to 2003 alongside nu- tive impact on the South Florida community, merous Army units including III Corps, 1st Ar- CONGRATULATING THE UNIVER- and it is an honor to represent him here in mored Division, 1st Infantry Division, 1st Cav- SITY OF KENTUCKY WILDCATS Washington. alry Division, and 4th Infantry Division. On any MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM FOR given day, approximately 25 percent of the f WINNING THE 2012 NCAA DIVI- SION I MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP squadron is deployed with the Army. IN RECOGNITION OF THE HEROICS Mr. Speaker, the 75th Birthday of 3d Weath- OF FOUR GREAT OAKS STUDENTS er Squadron also affords us the opportunity to HON. HAROLD ROGERS celebrate the extraordinary life of the squad- HON. STEVE AUSTRIA OF KENTUCKY ron’s first commander and a singularly heroic OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES warrior, General Leon W. Johnson. Leon W. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, April 16, 2012 Johnson was born in Columbia, MO, in 1904. Monday, April 16, 2012 He spent his boyhood in Columbia and Mo- Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, it is line, KS. He later graduated from the U.S. Mili- Mr. AUSTRIA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in my distinct honor to rise today to commend tary Academy and was commissioned a Sec- honor of four Great Oaks Vocational School and congratulate the University of Kentucky ond Lieutenant in June 1926. Lieutenant John- students: Iayie Viassy, Wade Aills, Brandon Wildcats men’s basketball team on winning son decided he’d ‘‘have to know something North, and Austin Salisbury. I am proud to rec- the 2012 NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball about weather if he intended to be a leader in ognize these four young men for their brave Championship. the Air Force,’’ so he enrolled at the California heroics in helping 53 Miami Trace elementary By now, any basketball fan is familiar with Institute of Technology and earned a Master’s school children off an overturned bus on the legacy of the Wildcats. The ‘‘Greatest Tra- Degree in Meteorology in 1936. The next year March 12, 2012. dition in College Basketball,’’ Kentucky is the he became one of the Army Air Corps Weath- At 4:16 p.m. on March 12, a school bus winningest program of all-time, both in total er Service’s first 22 weather officers and as- transporting children home from school veered wins and total win percentage, and the first sumed command of the 3d Weather Squadron off the road and rolled onto its right side into team to break the 2,000 win threshold. Ken- when it was activated on 1 July 1937. General a ditch. With the passenger door pinned tucky has fifteen Final Four appearances, and against the ground, Wade Aills made the deci- Johnson subsequently took command of the now eight national championships, second sion to kick open the emergency rear door. 44th Bomb Group during World War II and only to UCLA. The four boys then proceeded to aid the ele- earned the Medal of Honor for his role in the Even measured against this pedigree and mentary children in exiting the bus and keep- strategically crucial raid on the Ploesti oil fields the impossibly high expectations of the Big ing everyone calm until emergency personnel in Rumania. General Johnson served in a Blue Nation, this batch of ’Cats was something could arrive. When EMS units arrived on the wide variety of critical positions with both the special. ‘‘The Undeniables,’’ as they are scene, all of the children had been evacuated Army and the Air Force throughout his 34 known, were ranked number one in the nation safely, with only a few children that suffered years of service. for most of the year, losing only two games on Mr. Speaker, I will close by asking my col- minor injuries. their way to setting the NCAA record of thirty- Recently, these young men were honored leagues to join me in recognizing the heroic eight wins in a single season. During their re- and recognized by the Fayette County Airmen of the 3d Weather Squadron as they markable NCAA tournament run they won Sherriff’s Office and the Miami Trace elemen- mark the 3d Weather Squadron’s 75th birth- each game by an astonishing average of ten tary school for their actions. day and that we also honor an American pa- points, never trailing in a second half. While Thus, today I ask my colleagues to join me the title was the ultimate goal, the Final Four triot and hero, Medal of Honor Recipient Gen- and the constituents of Ohio’s Seventh Con- eral Leon W. Johnson. victory over instate rival the University of Lou- gressional District in recognizing four true he- isville may have been even sweeter, as the f roes: Iayie Viassy, Wade Aills, Brandon North, highest stakes game ever played in the his- HONORING MIKE JONES and Austin Salisbury. toric rivalry and the most important single f sporting event in the history of the Common- HON. THEODORE E. DEUTCH LARRY DECKER TRIBUTE wealth of Kentucky. OF FLORIDA This team achieved greatness against ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES traordinary competition because of the players’ HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON love and respect for one another. It is telling OF COLORADO Monday, April 16, 2012 that a team led by three freshmen and two IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. DEUTCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sophomores all forecast to be first round NBA celebration of Mike Jones’ years of dedicated Monday, April 16, 2012 draft picks, and all used to scoring 25 points service to the Economic Council of Palm Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in a night in high school, were known first and Beach County. Mike leaves behind a strong honor of Larry Decker of Pueblo, Colorado. foremost for their defense. Their willingness to VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:07 Apr 17, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16AP8.007 E16APPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 16, 2012 support each other on the defensive end Mitch Barnhart, and University of Kentucky Bubba’s strong character, athletic prowess, translated into selflessness in their offensive President Eli Capiluto who, in his first year as and commitment to family and community attack, with a different player leading all scor- president, is now one-for-one in national bas- make it all the more enjoyable to call him ers on any given night.
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