Provincial Journal.,,, L.. Geologists des geologues 1986 Journal provinciaux Published annually by Publication annuelle du Committee of Provincial Geologists Comite des geologues provinciaux CONTENTS Foreword .................................. iii New Brunswick .......................... 60 Chairman’s report .......................... 1 Nova Scotia ............................. 63 Geoscience organization charts .............. 3 Prince Edward Island ..................... 67 British Columbia ......................... 4 Newfoundland ........................... 67 I Alberta ................................... 5 .Northwest Territories ..................... 71 ~ Saskatchewan ........................... 6 Yukon .................................. 75 ~ Manitoba ................................ 7 ~ Ontario .................................. 8 Geological Publications ..................... 79 Quebec ................................. 9 British Columbia ......................... 80 New Brunswick .......................... 10 Alberta .................................. 81 ~ Nova Scotia ............................. 11 Saskatchewan ........................... 82 ~ ~ Prince Edward Island..................... 12 Manitoba ................................ 82 , I Newfoundland ........................... 13 Ontario .................................. 83 Quebec 93 I Northwest Territories ..................... 14 ................................. Yukon .................................. 15 New Brunswick .......................... 96 I Nova Scotia ............................. 101 Provincial Geological Survey Expendices. Prince Edward Island ..................... 103 1985-1986 ................................ .17. 18 Newfoundland ........................... 103 British Columbia ......................... 19 Northwest Territories ..................... 105 Alberta .................................. 20 Yukon .................................. 106 Saskatchewan ........................... 21 Manitoba ................................ 22 Articles .................................... 107 Ontario .................................. 23 Transportation systems and the mineral Quebec .................................. 24 industry ............................... 108 New Brunswick .......................... 25 Geoscience data management .........’ ... 111 Nova Scotia ............................. 26 Reports on technical liaison committees .... 113 Newfoundland ........................... 27 Survey of federal-provincial mineral Northwest Territories ..................... 28 development agreements ............... 121 Yukon .................................. 29 Provincial day at the Prospectors and Developers Association Convention ....... 124 Geological Program Highlights............... 31 Annual reviews of activities provincial British Columbia ......................... 32 and federal geosciendfic organizations ... 125 Alberta .................................. 36 Survey of hard rock drill core programs Saskatchewan ........................... 39 in Canada fiscal year 1985-86 .......... 126 Manitoba ................................ 42 Membership of the Committee of Provincial Ontario.................................. 50 Geologists ........................ back cover Quebec ................................. 54 1986 PROVINCIAL GEOLOGISTS JOURNAL JOURNAL DES GEOLOGUES PROVINCIAUX VOLUME 4 PUBLICATION ANNUELLE DU COMITE DES GEOLOGUES PROVINCIAUX PUBLISHED ANNUALLY BY COMMITTEE OF PROVINCIAL GEOLOGISTS AVANT-PROPOS FOREWORD Nous sommes heureux de vous presenter le We are pleased to present Volume4 of the volume4 du Journal des geologues provin- Provincial Geologists Journal. When we ac- ciaux. Lorsque nous avons accepte le mandat cepted to edit and publish Volume4, we did d’editer et de publier ce quatrieme volume, so because all of us recognized the impor- c’etait avant tout pour nous I’occasion de te- tance the Journal has for our individual or- moigner de I’importance que nous accordons ganizations and industries and the need to a cette publication et aussi afin d’assurer sa perpetuate the Journal was self-evident. continuation. Nous desirons remercier toutes les personnes I would like to thank all the people and institu- ainsi que les institutions qui ont aide a assem- tions that helped put together this volume. bler le volume 4. Parmi celles-ci, mentionnons They include W.R. Smyth, Ministry of Energy, W.R. Smyth, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Col- Petroleum resources, British Colombia ; Ja- ombia ; James Christopher, Energy and mes Christopher, Department of Energy and Mines, Saskatchewan ; V. Milne and G. Ken- Mines, Saskatchewan; V. Milne et G. Ken- dricks, Ministry of Northern Development and dricks, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Ontario ; and P. Giles, Department of Mines, Ontario ; et P. Giles, Department of Energy and Mines, Nova Scotia. Energy and Mines, Nova Scotia. Le Service de la geoinformation du ministere The Geoinformation Service of the Ministry of de I’Energie et des Ressources du Quebec a Energy and Resources, Quebec, edited and edite et compile le present volume. Nos re- compiled the present volume. Special thanks merciements s’adressent tout particulierement go to Luc Chauvin and his team for producing a Luc Chauvin et son equipe pour avoir per- the volume in such a short period of time. mis la realisation de ce volume avec un si bref echeancier. Le Journal des geologues provinciaux est dis- The Provincial Geologist Journal is available ponible dans chaque province et territoire au in each province and territory through the comptoir habitue1 servant a diffuser I’informa- offices of geological surveys or relavant infor- tion geoscientifique. mation centres or distribution offices of miner- al resources departments of provincial or terri- torial governments. Andre F. Laurin Andre F. Laurin Sous-ministre adjoint Sous-ministre adjoint Exploration geologique et minerale (Mines) Exploration geologique et minerale (Mines) Ministere de I’Energie et des Ressources, Ministere de I’Energie et des Ressources, Quebec Quebec ... 111 THE COMMITTEE OF PROVINCIAL GEOLOGISTS CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 1986 It is ten years since the Committee of Provincial Geologists was formed at the Meeting of the Provincial Mines Ministers in St. John’s, Newfoundland. The Chief Geologists or equivalent from each provincial and territorial Survey of Mineral Resources Division comprise the Committee. In anticipation of future devolution of mineral resource responsibilities for the northern territories, the Yukon and Northwest Territories governments were given observer status in 1985. The Committee provides a forum for discussion of those geological and mineral resource exploration and development issues that lie within the jurisdiction of the Provinces, and through contacts with private sector mineral oriented organizations maintains an effective and highly useful liaison with most of the components of the mineral industry. The Committee, through its individual members, is a major component of the National Geological Survey’s Committee, through which a formal communication channel has been established with the Geological Survey of Canada. Committee representation on the Geoscience Council of Canada provides an effective window to many other facets of the earth science community in Canada. Active participation in the annual convention of the Prospectors and Developers’ Association is maintained through a Provincial Day, during which activities in the provinces and regions as well as their resource potential are discussed, and through the Provincial Room in which each province and territory advertises to the mining and mineral exploration community activities and potential within its domain. The Committee meets twice a year: in March, just prior to the Prospectors and Developers’ Convention ; and usually in September in conjunction with the Provincial Mines Ministers’ Conference. Various mining, exploration and related mineral industry groups and federal agencies are invited to discuss issues of current interest with the Committee. A topic of high priority has been the maintenance, expansion and enhancement of Canada’s geoscience data base. Mineral exploration and development, land use planning, and geo- technical hazard evaluation, a growing concern as our country becomes more and more urbanized, are all dependent for success of this data base. Under the current economic restraint that affects all levels of the Canadian economy, the need to enhance the effectiveness of all geoscientific investigations, and to preserve and ultimately to make available both the results and data generated by such investigations has become more apparent. Thus, among the topics of concern to the Committee, ones which are regularly discussed with private industry, academic and federal communities are : (1) Computerization of the various types of data files that have been built up, and how these can be made available to potential users. (2) Capture and preservation of geological data, including drill core, produced by various industry activities, and data produced by geochemical and geophysical surveys. (3) Review of government supported geological programs to enhance their usefulness and relevance to private and public sector needs and to avoid, as far as possible, non-productive duplication of work. To further these goals at the individual survey level, Mineral Exploration Liaison Committees have been formed to improve communications between the various provincial
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