TLE NEWS The Publication of VOL. 9 The American Title Association NO. 7 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Absolute Accuracy-Greater Speed Lo-w-er Cost Assured in Making Your Records with Photographic Precision, with the [A n e w Rectigraph booklet contains full data on the use of pho­ tography in title work as well as cost estimates and suggestions f o r proper installations un­ der various conditions. Write for a free copy today.] The photographic method of copying is in­ sizes and types to suit any requirement in Ab­ fallible; everything in the original instrument stract and Title work. There are Simplex Recti­ must show in the photo copy. No comparing graphs making copies on only one side of the necessary as there is no chance for an error. sheet and the Duplex machines making copies on Alterations are impossible without instant detec­ both sides of the sheet. Any instrument can be tion and with a Rectigraph machine the complete copied original size or enlarged or reduced to process is so simple and convenient that copies any practical size desired. can be made by any clerk at the rate of one a The model illustrated is the Super Rectigraph, minute or less. the machine which "does it all" exposing, de­ When your "take-offs" are RECTIGRAPH veloping, fixing, washing and drying the prints PRINTS you have an absolute copy of the record, all within the machine itself and requiring but so when compiling an abstract there is no guess­ one operator for the complete process. ing as to what the record is. Trips to the Re­ corder's Office for verification are a thing of the The new Rectigraph book is full of interesting past. information for you. Be sure to write for your Rectigraph machines are made in a variety of copy at once. .RECTIGRAPH COMPANY, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Originators and Manufacturers of Photo Copying Machines Since 1906 CWcago Los Angeles New Y<;>rk Philadelphia Toronto Pittsburgh Boston Cleveland Kansas City Paris Washington London ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• When Writing to Rectigraph- Mention TITLE NEWS = ........... A Trusted Messenger Three-Quarters of a Century Ago-and Today BYRON WESTON CO. LINEN RECORD MPORTANT records of cities, counties Is used where ONLY THE BEST will serve Records Deeds and Wiiis Pollcles Stationery I and states have been made on Byron Minute Books Ledgers Maps WAVERLY LEDGER Is used where QUALITY AND COST ARE FACTORS Weston Co. Linen Record paper for nearly Blank Books Ruled Forms Pass Books Drafts three-quarters of a Stationery Legal Blanks Diplomas century, and these rec­ CENTENNIAL LEDGER is used where a GENERAL UTILITY PAPER ls required ords offer mute evidence of the durability Ruled Forms Broadsides Accounting Forms Stationery Pass Books Leg a I Blanks and permanence of that P.aper. FLEXO LEDGER Is used where a FLAT LYING LOOSE LEAF sheet ls desired For High Grado Loose Leaf Ledger Sheets and Today, Byron Weston Company paper Special Ruled Forms TYPACOUNT LEDGER is used where are made to the quality and permanence are required In same high standard. The Machine Po1tlng Forms seven papers listed here offer you the choice WESTON'S MACHINE POSTING LEDGER a grade below Typacou nt- But Made to the of a first-class paper for any purpose. Same Exacting WESTON Standard If you are not fam iliar with the complete Weston line, DEFIANCE BOND is used where a please se nd for samples. quality bond OF HIGHEST CHARACTER counts BYRON WESTON COMPANY A f arnily of paper makers f or nearly three-quarters of a century DALTON, MASS., U. S. A. Leaders in Ledger Papers When writing t Byron Weston-mention TITLE NEWS Handy Reference Volume FOR TITLE MEN THE Western States Growth and MICHIGAN Progress Number CALIFORNIA REAL EST ATE MAGAZINE TITLE ASSOCIATION {+) will hold its Annual Convention PAPER BOUND, $1.00 PER COPY CLOTH BOUND, $1.50 PER COPY in (+) MUSKEGON September 4-5-6, 1930 USEFUL FOR The Title Man The Title Attorney The Title Executive · The Title Examiner The Title Association Official {+) The Annual Convention CALIFORNIA REAL oF EST ATE MAGAZINE THE PUBLISHED MONTHLY $3.00 Per Year, Including State Growth and KANSAS Progress Number TITLE {+) ASSOCIATION will be held in Order From TOPEKA CALIFORNIA REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION September 8-9, 1930 117 West Ninth Street Los Angeles, California 2 TITLE NEWS Volume 9 JULY, 1930 Number 7 Published monthly at 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Ill. Editorial office, Chicago, Ill. Entered a s second-class matter, Dec. 25, 1921, at the post office at Mount Morris, Ill., under the Act of March 3, 1879. All communications for publication should be addressed to the American Title Association, 111 W est Washington. St., Chicago, Ill. Published Monthly- by THE AMERICAN TITLE ASSOCIATION Editor Advertising Representative RICHARD B. HALL $3.00 Per Year ORSON ANGELL 111 West Washington, Chicago, Ill. - 850 Graybar Bldg., New York Editor•s Page HERE is a jingo-man m the title will always remain on the same level­ established one. It's honestly sad to business. His name is-"The usually a very low level, right down in hear so many times the same old story TOther Fellow." He muddies-up the gutter. from so many places-that no money is the water, keeps the bucket kicked over, being made because of the price mainte­ and disrupts the order of things by THEY'LL get the business anyhow, nance condition. playing lone wolf, the game of "me­ I so why not get it on a profitable all-by-myself," and gets his business by and price-maintained basis, rather UT it's apt to change. Business has the slinking method of cutting prices, than on a cellar-rat proposition? They'll Bdiminished-might as well be frank giving ?Jig concessions and commissions. all meet e ~ ch other's prices anyway, so about that and not try to kid oth­ ers, much less ourselves-and there are It surely would be a great thing if why not meet on a high ground? no prospects that it will improve im­ all these other guys could be produced. OME think they will create more mediately. Why don't the various state associations title orders by reducing prices. As long as there was a volume and adopt as a slogan for their next conven­ SThis is a terrible idea. People the income exceeded the overhead, it tions, "Bring the Other Guy"? Get don't use an abstract or title policy was fine. But now that the number of him there by dragging, kidnapping, or until and unless they absolutely have orders has dwindled, it's going to be a otherwise. Maybe there wouldn't be so to have it. The price makes no differ­ case of struggling along, or, as will be many other guys either. The other guy ence so far as the necessity or demand the case with the price cutters, of hav­ sometimes says it's the other guy, too, is concerned. ing to close up shop and "go back to and sometimes it is. the mines," or elsewhere. ~ "other guy" is always a bull- ANYHOW it's ridiculous-disgust­ 1 ~eaded cuss too; just can't do a ONEY <:ould be made in the title ~ ing in fact-to see how really thing with him. It is now getting business easier than in any other. few places there are in the coun­ to be ~ he custom for abstracters in the M It's a necessary business; they try where there is no such thing as this same town to speak together, but this have to go to those in it when needed, "other guy." It seems as though in has been on the increase in just the last and since there are no orders except for nearly every place some one or more few years. It's too bad, for it's a costly needed business, it most certainly is hard are in the title business who use as their propos1t1on. Other businesses-barber­ to understand why there is so much sole stock in trade personality, and ing, undertaking, laundrying, dry clean­ bidding for business by price-cutting, methods of getting business, price-cut­ ing, law, plumbing, and all others-not when the same ones could get the same ting and concession giving. only speak, but work hand in hand and work on a profitable basis. It's the perfect example of asininity. have m:tde their businesses profitable. There are only so many title orders in HE title business has never been sold -... any community. They are going to be UT not so the title business. It is except on a selling argument of handled by those in the business, so peculiar and unique, and each T cheapness and low price. It's a whether one or a dozen. No others Bcompany has very extraordinary service proposition of great value. Why are going to do them, and some one condifr>ns and circumstances. don't those in the business try to sell with a brain storm that cuts prices to As a result, in so many places, the it as a commodity-one of great value get them is only kidding himself. The business is suffering because a cut price and worth-rather than just on an un­ other guy can cut, too, and the thing schedule is maintained instead of an derbidding proposition? 1930 CONVENTION, RICHMOND, VA., Oct. 7-8-9-10 3 Repose for the Title Examiner This delving into musty lore, Just overruled ·or modified, 'Midst legal cobwebs I deplore, So as to raise some questions new And yet am bound to snoop around, Of jurisdiction or venue.
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