; In the Home Paper May Be Counted On To Precede Nearly Everybody Hereabouts Reads The Tido That Leads On To Fortune The Times Each Week To Keep In Close Touch With Local Matters Vol. XXXII—N o . 16 OCEAN GROVE, N. J„ FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1924 FOUR CENTS HO BISHOP’S LIMIT J. F. MOHR DIES AT COOLIDGE SUPPORT SAYS SOFT. CORSON HOME, READING, PA. IS URGED BY EDGE FOREST PROTECTION W EEK; AUDUBON SOCIETY IS STILL EFFECTIVE IN SERVICE FOR OFFICERS ARE NOMINATED WOULD INCREASE NUMBER PRESIDENT’S PROCLAMATION WORKING TO SAVE BOBOLINK GRATIFIED AT SENTIMENT BY STOKES FIRE COMPANY OF METHODIST PRELATES MANY YEARS HERE President Coolidge has designated Undiscouraged by the outcome of its FOR THE PRESIDENT These nominations were made by April 21-27 as Forest Protection efforts in the recent legislative ses­ ihe Stokes fire company at the April Week, to that effect issuing this proc-' sion, the New Jersey Audubon Society meeting Monday evehing, to be voted la m atio n : | Also Believes City Like New York, Director of Singing In the Holi­ has announced it will continue its Republicans Unable To Carry Out on at the annual meeting in May: “Whereas, it is essential to the con­ campaign to transfer the bobolink from President—Neal Tompkins. j;.:, With Its Many Complicated tinued comfort, welfare and prosperi­ ness Meeting, Leader of North the game bird list under State laws to a Progressively Conservative Vice Presidents—First, J. E. Quinn; ty of the people of the United States what it points out (is its obviously second, Alvin Bills. • Problems, Should Have a Bish­ that abundant forests; widely distri­ End Pavilion Service and Audi­ proper designation as a song and in­ Program Because of Radical Ex- Foreman—Arthur Gregory. buted and maintained in a condition of sectivorous bird with protection Assistants—First, George Wertz; op’s Constant Attention—Some high productiveness, be forever wisely torium Usher — Ocean Grove throughout the year. One vote from tremes, He Says, and at Such a j * “ $ A conserved as one of our greatest nat­ a group of eleven Senators either ab­ of the Matters That Are’ To ural resources; and Represented At Funeral Yester­ sent or not voting would have passed Time a Man of Present Execu- j. Assistants—First William B. Gil- “Whereas, because of our constant­ the measure this year, says the so­ ciety. bert; second, G. William Schwartz, Come Before the Conference. ly increasing, need for wood and oth­ day Afternoon From Residence. tiv'e's Type Is Needed At Helm. Secretary-Treasurer — Hugh ’ O. er forest products, together with our. The New JeTsey Audubon Society , * Tompkins. Rev. Alexander Corson; D. D.; su- past failure to provide for reforesta­ With profound sorrow Ocean Grove was organized in 1910, in order, pri­ In a letter made public today United ! n ^ * ce7~.* n n ]!5 i P arrI f ? : perintendent of the Camden district tion, we are drawing upon our sup­ learned Monday of the death at Read­ marily, to crystalize public sentiment States Senator Edge on the eve of the I {?• Tompkins, Walter D. Frank- of the New Jersey Conference believes plies of timber four times as fast as ing, Pa., early that morning of James in the State against bird plumage mil­ Presidential _primary — V —solicits — »V «l»wthe OUJJ-sup- j ■Im*, , . t . there should be no limit on the tenure they are renewed through growth^ and F. Mohn, who had been long identified linery and secure the enactment of a nport n rf of his ------constituents— * for** the•• dele­* * The company also nominated Phrn- of office of a bishop of the Methodist “Whereas, the moat formidable with this place, first as a business State Plumage law an attem pt' at gates pledged for the nomination of eas T. Proctor, of the Stokes, for chief Episcopal Church. He will use his in­ agency of forest destruction and pre­ man and then as a forceful leader in which had previously failed, undoubt­ President Coolidge. His letter fol­ of the department and adopted a mo­ low s: ■ fluence at the general conference of vention of reforestation is fire, and, of the meetings. His death resulted edly for lack of an aggressive State tion to endorse the nominations for the Methodist Episcopal Church, which the fires which annually devastate vast from cerebral hemorrhage. organization. The Society accom­ “Responsibilities in W ashington have first nnd second assistant chiefs as will be held at Springfield, to secure jfareas, four-fifths are ascribed in or­ plished this prim ary object the follow­ made it impossible without neglect of made by the other companies. the return of Bishop Joseph F. Ber­ igin to human agencies and virtually ing year, and among other important duty, to spend but little time in the ry to the Philadelphia area for another all may be controlled and made in­ aims, set to work to secure adequate State. I am adopting this method to . four years. nocuous through. prudence, care and legal protection for the bobolink. solicit the enthusiastic support of my “We have been hearing much about v ig ilan ce; friends for the delegates committed to PARTY PRIMARIES the large number of bishops elected at “Therefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, GROVE YOUTH HEADS COUNTY the nomination of President Coolidge the last general conference,” Doctor President of the United States, do and to make a special effort, April 22, Corson said. “It seems ridiculous that, urge upon the Governors of the vari-' CONFERENCE Y. M. C. A. BOYS to poll a large vote in order that the for the sake of a few dollars, we ous States to designate and set apart popular majority for the President TUESDAY, APRIL 22 should reduce the number of biBhops the week of April 21-27, 1924, as For­ Ronald Dixon, of Ocean Grove, is will have its beneficial offect on other who are engaged in the greatest of all est Protection Week, and, wherever the new president of the Older Boys' State contests to be waged. human enterprises. In my opinion, practicable and not in conflict with Conference representing the Sunday “It has been gratifying to see the TO CHOOSE DELEGATES TO we ought to increase the number of fctate law or accepted customs, to cele­ schools of this county, elected at the Coolidge sentiment in New Jersey so Methodist bishops. brate Arbor Day within that week. I ninth annual session held last Friday crystalized and consolidated that there BIG CONVENTIONS “A great city like New York pre­ also urge all citizens, either in asso­ at Spring Lake. The other officers are but few district contests. sents a field so extensive, and with so ciation or as individuals, all schools, chosen at that time are:. “It has been my privilege to serve . _ _ • many complicated problems, that a and the press of the land to give com­ Vice president, James Peterson, with the President both while he pre- j Polls W ill Be Open Between the bishop should give his executive at- mon thought to the protection bf our Long Branch; secretary, Harvey siilcd over the United States Senate, ■ tention to that city. forests from fire, to the end that, in JAMES F. MOHN Hartman, Keyport; assistant secre­ and since he was called to the Execu Hours of Seven O'Clock'In tihe “This time limit on bishops is .non­ the future as in the past; these for­ taries; Robert Stokes, Atlantic High­ tive Chair, Naturally, I have learned sense. If a bishop is capable, and if ests may supply us with wood, protect He is survived by his wife -and a lands; Richard Clapp, of Little Silver, to know him intimately and iny respect Morning and Nine O'Clock' in an area wants him, he should be per­ the purity of our streams, and other­ young son, James F. Mohn, Jr. There and Byron Hardy, of Manasquan. The and confidence in his judgment has mitted to serve forty quadrenniums wise serve the people of the United is also ,a sister, Mrs. C. U H effn er, new officers were installed and charged grown with this close contact. the Evening—Names of the Can­ there, provided it is for the best inter­ S ta te s .” whose husband is a minister in the by Robert C. Shoemaker, of Newark. "There are extreme differences of ests of the Methodist Episcopal Evangelical Church at Palmyra, Pa., The annual banquet was served Fri­ opinion throughout the country as to didates On the Republican and and a half sister, Mrs. John Haag, of C h u rch .” day evening by the Sring Lake Wo­ important governmental policies. This Approximately 850 delegates from Reading. Howard J. HeCk, 36 Heck man’s Club, the boys being addressed situation seems to have been greatly the Democratic Tickets. all parts of the United States and GROVE TOWS CLOCK avenue, Ocean Gove, is a half brother. by Dr. J. Duncan Spaeth, of Princton accentuated since the war. As is well from forty-four nations and territor­ Mr. Mohn had been for many years University. ^ known, the Republican party, although • Tuesduy of next week, April 22, is ies abroad will be gathered in Spring­ the director of singing in the Holiness nominally in a majority in Congres’s, the date of the Presidential prefer­ ence prim ary as previously announced. field, Mass., in May' attending the service held daily through the season THIRTIETH MEETING OF is unable to carry out a progressively at nine o’clock a. m. in the Taber­ Delegates and alternates to the Presi­ quadrennial general conference of the RESUMES BUSINESS conserative program because of these nacle.
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