START MICROFILM COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS ON CULTURAL ANTHR0P0L06Y FOKMERLY: MICROFILM COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS ON AMERICA» INDIAN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND MICROFILM COLLECTIONS OF MANUSCRIPTS ON THE MIDDLE AMERICAN CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Series: LXXVI No: Photographed by: Department of Photoduplication - The Joseph Regenstein Library University of Chicago • Chicago, III. 60637 REDUCTION RATIO: 12 PROCEEDINGS Of the XXth BOTN^TIONAL CONGRESS o f ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES Edited by Sol Tax and Gay C, Neuberger Section 1; The Books The Congress Section 2j HIRES Business and Plenary Sessions Special Events Section 3: Feedback The Organization MICRQFHM COLLECTION o f MANUSCRIPTS o n CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY No. 395 Series LXXVI University of Chicago Library Chicago, Illinois April 1, 1988 PROCEEDINGS of the IXth INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES Edited by Sol Tax Gay C. Neuberger Section 1 The Books The Congress The University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois 1973 ~w PROCEEDINGS VOLUME 3 SECTION 1 1 1. The Books 2. The Congress PREFACATORY MATERIAL including preface, introduction, acknowledgements, r;; abbreviated table of contents L1 CJ L L] L1 1 fri I? THE BOOKS ] ] This section includes: A. Introductory Remarks & Table of Contents B. Sampler of the 91 WA volumes í^ C. Guide to Published Reviews of WA volumes to date L J t J ] L L í L List for Sampler of the 91 WA volumes Andersen (North Atlantic...) Johnson pp 241-252 12 pages Arens (A Centure of...) Introduction pp 1-6 6 pages Arnott (Gastronomy...) Bruneton pp 275-285 11 pages Aschenbrenner (Processes...) Introduction pp 15-17 3 pages 1 Banks (Changing...) Olsen pp 249-255 6 pages Bascom (African...) pp 1-6 of the book 6 pages 1 Berdichewsky (Anthropology and Social...) General Introduction pp 1-3 3 pages Bernardi (The Concept...) Introduction pp 1-5 5 pages Bharati (Agents & Audiences) Introduction pp 1-13 13 pages Bharati (Ideas & Actions) Blacking (The Performing...) Introduction pp xiii-xxii 10 pages Browman (Advances...) Browman (Cultural...) Browman (Early Native...) Fowler pp 391-400 10 pages Í Browman (Peasants...) General Introduction pp 1-6 6 pages Browman (Spirits...) Buchler (The Rainbow...) Mountford pp 23 thru 29 7 pages Butzer (After the...) Isaac pp 875-887 13 pages Calhoun (The Anthropological...) Leacock pp 239-250 12 pages Casteel (Maritime...) Introduction pp 1-4 4 pages Chiarelli (Comparative Karyology...) Massa & Ardito pp 203 -207 5 pages List for Sampler of the 91 WA volumes page 2 Cordwell (The Visual. .) Jelinek pp 365-369 5 pages Cordwell (Fabrics of. .) Ottenberg pp 177-187 11 pages Cuisenier (Europe as. .) Introduction pp 1-4 4 pages Dahlberg (Orofacial.. ) Introduction pp 1-6 6 pages David (The New Wind.. ) Malik pp 85-94 10 pages I Despres (Ethnicity and...) Introduction pp 1-7 7 pages - P< Diamond (Toward a Marxist...) Newcomer pp 385-392 8 pages Dorson (Folklore in ) Newall pp 103-108 6 pages Dundes (Varia Folklórica) Wildhaber pp 145-154 10 pages Du Toit (Migration & Urban...) Schreiber pp 265-271 7 pages Everett (CrossCultural. ) Introduction pp 1-13 13 pages Fisher (Himalayan...) Prince Peter pp 287-298 12 pages Fitzhugh (Prehistoric...) Malmer pp 41-46 6 pages Freeman (Views of the Past...) Introduction pp 1-5 5 pages Fuchs (Youth in a...) Gonzalez pp 109-112 4 pages Gearing (Toward a...) Introduction pp 1-5 5 pages Givens (Discussions on War...) — — Grollig (Medical...) Vox Populorum pp 447-457 11 pages Harían (Origins of...) Pfeiffer pp 23-28 6 pages Haydu (Experience Forms...) Panel Papers pp 353-364 12 pages Henry (Ethnicity in...) Introduction pp 1-7 7 pages Hockings (Principles...) Mead pp 3-10 8 pages Holloman (Perspectives...) Overview pp 3-9 7 pages 14 1 :.] List for Sampler of the 91 WA volumes page 3 Huizer (The Politics...) Strathern pp 269-273 5 pages Idris-Soven (The World...) Huizer pp 337-344 8 pages Ikawa-Smith (Early ) Ohyi pp 299-301 3 pages Ingman (Topias and Utopias...) Tschannerl pp 283-292 10 pages I Jason (Patterns in Oral) Introduction pp 1-10 10 pages I Kendon (Organization of...) Erickson pp 483-485 3 pages Loflin (Discourse and...) Preface pp ix-x 2 pages I Maruyama (Cultures of...) Discussions pp 229-241 13 pages Mavalwala (...Bibliography) I Mavalwala (...Perspective) Introduction pp xiii-xv 3 pages McCormack (Approaches to...) Baskakov pp 553-560 8 pages • McCormack (Lang and Man...) 1 McCormack (Lang and Society...) Discussion pp 727-742 16 pages McCormack (Lang and Thought...) Meier (Evolutionary...) Omoto pp 333-341 9 pages Misra (Community...) Introduction pp 1-3 3 pages Nag (Population...) Introduction pp 1-7 7 pages Nash (Popular...) Dandier pp 341-352 12 pages it Nettleship (War, Its...) Ansari pp 21-28 8 pages U Newell (Ancestors) Seaman p. 307 + pictures 4 pages Pitt (Development...) Introduction pp 1-5 5 pages i Polgar (Population...) Its pp 227-234 8 pages List for Sampler of the 91 WA volumes page 4 Raphael (Being Female...) Jahan pp 203-206 pages Rapoport (The Mutual...) Conclusion pp 485-489 pages Reed (Origins of...) Yarnell pp 861-875 pages Rohrlich-Leavitt (Women...) Bujra pp 551-557 pages Rubin (Cannabis...) Benoist pp 227-234 pages Safa (Migration & Development...) Sanchez-Camera (Concepts...) Sanchez-Camara pp 185-193J9J9 pages Schaedel (Urbanization...) Kinzer pp 461-462 2 pages Schwidetzky (Physical...) Seaton (Political...) Averkieva pp 175-182 8 pages Sevilla-Casas (Western...) De Friedemann pp 203-210 8 pages Shimkin (The Extended...) Adams pp 173-180 8 pages Stanley (American...) Introduction pp 1-14 14 pages Stini (Physiological...) Katona-Apte pp 363-368 6 pages Swanson (Lithic...) Newcomer pp 97-102 & plates ii-iiij]' pages Swartz (West African ) Flight pp 91-100 10 pages Thoresen (Toward a...) Nemeskeri pp 137-142 6 pages Tuttle (Paleoanthropology...) Discussion pp 173-180 8 pages Tuttle (Primate Functional...) Tuttle (Socioecology...) Rogers & Davenport pp 343-352 10 pages /Watts (Biosocial...) Hiernaux pp 135-138 4 pages Weissleder (The Nomadic...) Hanifi pp 387-392 6 pages Westermeyer (Anthropology...) Dobkin de Rios pp 11-17 7 pages Williams (Psychological...) Fischer pp 501-505 5 pages Williams (Socialization and...) 75 É¿.É.ri.i.ii |f8¿« •S-g-Sg' ^ a * •§ " o § s J I *l » s á 8 e - e g T •S- iiliii-i «a ill 11 ¡i S-Si lili s ÜL 81» &.*2 ' \Z e S' 2-8 si §3 e* misil,2 2 •2 9 a -5 i-M ^5<i (2^5 3 £ S'5 » a Si 5 ' 1=5<S|3iJ» & & °?£ 6.35 •»-5 S -.2 H s °- -2 £ *i 5ü O e ÍSSEÍ3Iff •5 = 1 111'"' •15," " " I 'íliilüi •2 I Ií"-B i 3 Í5 Ü c p ¡5 1 -5 9 § 2 11 2 -g B ¡itlil. t '1 9/ [J J ca' |v3j 81 i sJ3$l I=S=EiH s f t ¡El Ni Ü¡ t|f !i o!f éf smf i; §*g |l ¡i^ssi &<•££< p|P»-|K«:§8£>''?.igfslSinili!;|;Si?8iiii§|i§!!^li!u,.j*£j *u-=l°S*lzlats¡< V ; <&$': Ss58- - l|sI«|S|f fiEí 5S«¡8ÍiJSíl5«íSnS|S!lKt í"-is«í S»>=í clHÍleí" SIB!S~5£3C'Bí.8 ltií1*iÉií*s;l*í«! S c"°-¡si K P- * ° i 3 *l£i*.raiii: a*°2' •lc.ll 5 14 ntís. 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