m •• •-•'-••;»• • Chatham ttss VOL. XXII. NO. 8 CHATHAM, MORRIS COUNTY, N. J , FEBRUARY 23, 1918 PRICE. FIVE CENTS Woman's flub Reception. Death of Conrad Tan Fleet A CALL FOR FILLING The Woman's Club of diatham^Bave DIFFERENT One by one the heroes of the Civil HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION its first annual reception last Friday War are pas-Ing away. Death has venln? at the school auditorium. summoned another- one In the person ALL THE ICE HOUSES About 250 members and their guests CLERGYMEN of Conrad Van Fleet, who died Thurs- attended, a most gratifying number day morning after an Illness of several We Stand First for Efficient Parenthood when we remember all the war activi- months from the infirmities of age. Unless II Is .Done There Will ties which- claim our time, Mrs. An Interesting Contrast Be- Mr. Van Fleet was seventy-eight years WE STAND NEXT FOR CO-OPERATION WITJi THE SCHOOL tfiarles Davis, Pi<rsldent of the otjtge, and for many .years w,as a ijajj Be a Disastrous Scarcity Thursday Morning Club of Madison, tween a Patriotic"American ued member of the Chatham commun- Well Trained. der. It Is entirely "up to us," accord- represented that organization as guest ity life. He served with distinction in The head of the household wore an ing as we are ready. Think, Be worth of Ice Next Summer of the^Woman's Club. and a Copperhead the Civil War, and since his return ugly dark look when he beheld the of iodine will save five wounds from Following the reception and a short was active in U. S. Grant Post, G.A.R., monthly bills before him. infection. Think of the bleeding address by Mrs. Henry Berry, the until its abandonment a few years ago. "Your extravagance is becoming wounds that can be stopped with the president, a pleasing entertalK^T. GET BUSY AT ONCE IN* ACTS AND WORDS He is survived by two daughters,, Mrs. unbearable," he growled. "When I die dressings done by your own hands, re- was presented by the Dramatic De- Eugene Kemble, with whom ie made you'll probably have to beg." lief from your very fingers to the partment. Mrs. DJsbrow rendered his home, and Mrs. Christopher Lerch, "Well," replied his wife, slowly, "At soldier,In the trench. Think that the some really delightful vocal numbers; The following resolutions "were Announcement was made last week and one son, George Van Fleet., The, any rate I should be better off. than garments you can make will be clean hen followed the Greek play "Pan- adopted last week by the State Leg- that the Rev. Frank Doan, who was funeral services will be held tomorrow some poor women who have never had comfort In the hospitals. We owe the dora's Box," which was very cleverly islature: recently the pastor of the Unitarian- afternoon at two o'clock at the home poor lad.that for going Into hell for staged. The entertainment closed practice." Whereas, two factors have this win- Unlversallst church In Summit was go- of Mrs. Kemble.-and will be conducted us. It's heaven where we are and we with piano selections by Miss Downs. Is this a joke, or isn't it? ter militated against the harvesting ing as a delegate to the Pacifist Con- by the Rev. A. L. Frctz, pastor of the don't know It. With deference to Mr. Hoover the the usual supply of natural Ice in this vention In New York on Saturday and Methodist church, assisted by the Rev. Knldlers and "Little Women." Some of our good townswomea at refreshments were confined to sand- State, one being the lac*k of labor and Sunday last. That was the conclave Dr. J. H. Egbert. The rites of the When we had pur soldiers' book the head of the work have pledged to wiches and delicious coffee and the the other the intense and long con- organized by the elements of discon- G.A.R. will be observed. Interment party a week or two age, the pretty part do their best In the way of turning ont serving I able was attractively decor- tinued cold spell; and tent and disloyalty, for the avowed will be in the East Madison cemetery, of it was not hospitality, the entertain- Red Cross supplies. Back them up, ated with marigolds and jonquils, the Whereas, inasmuch as two-thirds of purpose of trying to get Americans to where his wife, who died several years ment, the bright, forceful masses of mothers of school children. Back lub colors. * " •11 Ice used In this State is made by follow the example of the Bolshevik! ago, is burled. Sons of Veterans will draped flags, nor the several hundred them up every Chatham woman. Take artificial means, .Into which method in Russia; which would mean to abro- act as pallbearers. books. The wonderful thing about It the time. You couldn't spend it pos- ammonia Is both essential and import- Will Join the National Arm}. gate the Ten Commandments and send all was something you could not see sibly better. Don't wait for a conven- ant; and The list has just been announced of the country to the Devil. Miss Nichols o Itrlde. except as It gave expression In a ient few hours, "nab" any regular Whereas, we are credibly informed he men who are to go next Tuesday to oThe Rev. Dr. Charles A. Eaton, of Miss Christine Nichols, daughter of child's face, iind it did not enter in hours, stick to them, subordinate other 'amp Dix. that our National Government will Plainfleld, pastor of the Madison Ave- former Councilman and Mrs. Charles among the hundreds of guests who things that can wait. When the war Ninety-eight arc to-go as 34 per cent, need and appropriate for their own nue Baptist Church of New York, K. Nichols, became the bride of Cor- were inspired by The Great Cause. is over our time will be our own. Now of this district's original quota of 288 martial uses a major portion of all speaking last week to the workmen poral Laurence James Kitching, of Co. The child carried it away with her. It belongs to JJncle Sam if we are fit for the first draft. Three more are to arallable ammonia, thus preventing to n the Newark shipbuilding yards, B, 105th Machine Gun Battery, Spar- and left merely a symbol pf it behind to live in this wonderful country that KO to take the places of those previous- a large extent the manufacture of ar- urged his hearers to "put some hell tanburg, at a delightful though hastily in the form of a book; such a precious stands, not in fear of swords and y sent to camp who have been dis- tificial Ice; therefore, in order that we Into their work, and drive every red arranged ceremony at the Summit yellow-paged book which she must rules, but head-high for principles, ;harged for one reason or another. may this coming summer protect the hot rivet into the Kaiser's coffin." Presbyterian church on Tuesday af- have Inherited for the date in It is fair play, and honor first of all. It's Four more are to report as substitutes health of our citizenry and insure the "Hit back at those brutes who are ternoon. Rev. Rockwell S. Brank, pas- 1889. It is finger-marked and smells the tune of Peace. preservation of our perishable food if any of the men supposed to go fail to Inky old. The story Is treasured, has making a hell of this world," said he. tor of the church, performed the cere- If our boys must "pass out," Big supply; be It put in appearance. • been treasured by girls, countless 'And you can bit back at the ruffians mony. Miss Nichols was attended by Women at any rate, let us do all we numbers of them, for many years be- Resolved, That the attention of the The remaining men, 18, who compose here Just as hard and even more ef- the Misses Isabel Benedict and Kath- can. Neglect would be a crying shame cause it Is capable of inspiring; that people of this State be called to the I he last six per cent, are probably to fectively than If you were on the other leen Hitching as bridesmaids, and by upon American womanhood, for the old sure nnd certain trick the world gravity of this situation, that they be leave the following week. » side. You men hold the deciding ar- Miss Marie Bahcock, of Evanston, 111., nursing, mending; inspiring, "carrying and hereby are urged in the Btrong- It is understood here that the men gument in this war. You can hit the as maid of honor. Dr. Harry H. , over, the better self-appeal that draws on" Is woman's work. est possible terms, to Immediately har- going to camp next Tuesday will be as- deciding blows. t Now go , ahead and Bowles was brst man. Following the \ like the"5'armth of the sun, all living Our Home and School Association vest and store three times their us- signed to the 309th Infantry and not make them tell. marriage an informal reception was forms toward it. Inspiration is some- Is purposely releasing women from re- ual cut of Ice, In which recommenda- o the 308th Field Artillery, which con- "I've said that when I get before the held at the bride's home. what more indefinite but just as pow- sponsibilities these months in order tion His Excellency, the Governor, tains former Morris County men.
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