CHRONOLO GY O F SO CI ETY OF FRI ENDS 1 644 — 1 8 28 T N END B Y ALICE N . O W S P ' B L I S H E D F O R T H E , Y O ' NG F R I E N D S AS S O C I AT I O N O F P H I LA D E LP H I A B Y F R IEN D S ’ B O O ' ASS O CIATI O N 1 5TH AN D R AC E S T R E E TS 1 895 ’ O P Y R I G H T 1 895 B Y R I E ND S BO O ' ASS O C I AT I O N C , , F , P H I AD E LP H I A O F L . PREFACE . THIS Chronology aims to bring together fa cts th a t h ave lain scattered over the pages o f V oluminous his tories , and to present them in a form easy for reference . ’ ' ' ’ . a nne s S Samuel M J y History of Friends , ewel s ’ ' o f History , George Fox s Journal , The History m ' Friends in A erica , by James Bowden , and Luke ’ Yor ks hirema n Howard s Chronological Summary in the , have been the prime authorities . o f o f This list dates and events , with the summaries d an w t h e the perio s , forms outline hich History Com ’ m itt ee o f the Young Friends Association o f Phil a d e l phia hopes will prove acceptable to those interested in f th d the history o e Societyof Frien s . A . N . T . i'rst m th 1 8 95 F on . CHRON O LOGY O F PE RIODS F R I E ND C ’ I flS TO RY) I G 1 644—1 65 8 . BEGINNIN . I ' 1 —1 I . 54 9 S 6 65 . E TEN ION , II I R A ' A 1 6 —1 6 8 . 9 60 . O G NI TION , ' A 1 690—1 99 7 . CONTIN TION , 1 80 0—1 82 8 . SS S V DI EN ION , . F SOCIETY O FRIENDS . 5 BEGINNING . 1 44—1 6 653 . TH E beginning of the Society of Friends is considered ’ coincident with the beginning o f George Fox s public ministry , viz . , in the early forties of the seventeenth 1 65 1 century . Before his ministry was confined to the h e midland counties of England , but late in that year 1 652 1 65 3 entered Yorkshire , and the years and were n u spent by him in the orthern co nties . Great conv in c e ments attended his labors . Meetings were settled ov e r h is all the north , and about sixty able ministers became o f n coadj utors . A large proportion the most promi ent Friends of the first generation were convinced during these two years or a little later . C II RO NO LO G Y O F on lu fib r u gg. o f Birth George Fox at Drayton , Leicestershire . Period of greatest spi ritual distress to George o u rne in s Fox . J y g and questionings . Beginning of quickening in Leicestershire . B eg inn ' ng o f quickening in IVarwick shire o f o ttin h am s h l r Beginning quickening in N g e . o f Beginning quickening in Derbyshire . Beginning o f quickening in adj acent counties o f middle England . Testimony o f blood o f Christ at a meeting of ' professors . a nd Travels through Nottingham , Leicester Derbyshire . Testimony o f true church at meeting o f several sects at Leicester . First imprisonment of George Fox , at Not in h am t g . ff ’ Meetings at Sheri Reckless house . f Release rom prison . Elizabeth Hooten begins preaching in Notting hamshire . Arrest of George Fox at Derby . ’ Commitment to S ix months imprisonment in ' o f fo r house correction blasphemous opinions . Justice Bennet gives Fox and his followers the n ame Quakers . o f ff o f Refusal o ers release . O F D SOCIETY FRIEN S . 7 Testimony against war , oaths , mismanagement o f n prisons and death pe alty . o f Release from prison beginning winter . S ff Journey through Leicestershire , ta ordshire Lich fiel d (visit to ), Nottingham , Derby into Yorkshire . Winter in Yorkshire . o f t Establishment mee ings in Yorkshire . Entered Westmoreland early in spring . Meeting at Firbank Chapel . Convincement o f H o w il l Francis g , John Camm , John and Ann Au dl an d d H ub b rth rn e o . , probably Richar n Meetings in Westmorela d . Visit at Swarthmore Hall , Lancashire . Convincement of Margaret Fell and others o f household . Imprisonment of James Nayl er and Francis l H o wgi l at Appleby . Attack on Friends at W a l ney Island and Ulver stone . Warrant fo r Fox granted by Justices Sawrey and n Thompso . f Protection o Judge Fell and Colonel West . Vindication of Fox at Lancaster assizes . Meeting settled at Swarthmore . Preaching by about twenty ministers . Persecution in Westmoreland and Lancashire . Long Parliament dissolved . Visit of George Fox to Cumberland . CHRONOLOGY O F Commitment to prison as blasphemer, heretic and seducer at Carlisle . Visit o f James Parnel to George Fox in Carlisle prison . Unavailing efforts for release by Anthony Pear son and Justice Benson . f Release o George Fox . n o f Some meeti gs settled in north England . S r Journey through Westmoreland to wa thmore . Return to Cumberland . Journey through Durham , Northumberland and Cumberland . o f t Imprisonment Rober Widders at Carlisle . o f General persecution Friends in North . G ’ reat increase in Friends meetings . — First public whipping of Friend s Mary Fisher n and Elizabeth Williams , Cambridge, Engla d . o f S Meetings held in south cotland . S O F S OCIETY FRIEND . 9 I I . E' TENSION . 1 4—1 65 659 . TH E six years beginning with 1 654 and ending with ’ 1 65 9 m ay be said to comprise the period O f the Society s 1 654 Extension . In Friendliness secured a foothold in S Ireland , cotland and Wales, while northern preachers, scattering over England , established several centres of infl uence in the eastern and southwestern parts of that ' 1 660 m eeti s were country . By ng settled over all Eng n land and Wales , the larger part of Irela d , and about S a c half of cotland . This was also a period of foreign i it t v y . Friendly missionaries travelled across the con t inent , visited the Levant , and crossed the Atlantic to cOl o nies the British in the West Indian islands, and the North American Coast . As a result , meetings were settled in Hol land and some parts of Germany , in the Barbadoes and adj acent islands, and in New England n Long Island , Maryland and Virgi ia . CHRONOLOGY O F l O bruno ugg. About sixty persons in ministry . ’ Introduction of Friends principles into Irel and by William Edmundson . o f H al h ead Visit Miles , Miles Bateman , and James Lancas ter to north Ireland . English Friends visit Scotland . H alh ead Miles and James Lancaster in Glasgow , Stirling, Edinburgh , Dumfries . Thomas Holmes and John Ap ' John minister in Wales . John Stubbs refuses oath o f allegiance to Crom well and leaves army . George Fox travels through midland counties and visits Drayton . Arrested by Colonel Hacker near close of year and sent to London . William Dewsbury preaches in Yorkshire and m idland . S ff George Whitehead labors in Norfolk and u olk . Meetings held in London . Edward Burrough and Francis H o wgil l preach in London . John Camm and John Au d l and hold great out in door meetings Bristol . Oxford visited by Elizabeth Fletcher , Elizabeth Audl a nd Havens, John Camm and John during the year . O F S SOCIETY FRIEND . 1 1 H al h ead Cambridge visited by Miles , James Lancaster , James Parnel and George White head . H ub b erth o rn Richard imprisoned at Norwich . George Whiteh ead and James Lancaster im prisoned at Norwich . James Parnel imprisoned at Cambridge . l h a Miles H a e d imprisoned at Berwick . Riots in Bristol near close of year . William Dewsbury imprisoned at York , and at Northampton with others . n Ireland visited by Edward Burrough , Fra cis H o w il l g , Elizabeth Fletcher and Elizabeth S mith . Meetings settled in Dublin and south of Ireland . Burrough and H o wgil l sent to England by the Lord . Deputy . William Edmundson and others preach in north of Ireland . Barbara Bl angd o n arrives in Dublin and re proves Deputy . n John Stubbs and William Caton preach in Ke t . Convincement of Samuel Fisher . N S ff George Whitehead continues in orfolk , u olk n a d Essex . James Parnel arrested at C oggesh al and impris n o ed in Colchester . George Whitehead and four others imprisoned E m u nd sb u r in d y . CHRONOLOGY O F Humphrey Smith and others imprisoned at h m E vers a . Ambrose Rigge imprisoned in Southampton . Ann Au d l and imprisoned at Banbury f o . Ann Downer in house correction , London George Baily imprisoned at Newgate and Bride well , London . i l Francis H o wg l has interview with Cromwell . IVil l ia m S Caton and John tubbs visit Calais , France (in summer) .
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