Senate Passes Athletic. Home Guard Bills SOUTHERN INDIANA'S FROM Only THE Colored PEN \ Weekly It might be interesting to note that the general predic­ Cents tion making its round is that a total of $5,000,000 will be Per Copy §S7| NDI ANA'S (^ MOST ..RfcOQ^stMVSMi^W.E B^Ll cut in the State budget for the next two years. This would 5 mean that about $96,000,000 would be the budget, exclusive (I think) of some revenue from the State Hi-Way Dep't. ******* Evansville's heaviest snow of the winter fell Tuesdav. It measured only three-fourths of an inch by 9 o'clock that VOL. 3 — No. 35 — EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1941 night. ******* Picked up this little interesting data:—It is estimated that federal expenditures during the 1941-42 fiscal year will reach a total of 17 billion dollars, or $17,000,000,000. (the Vi lie's Lone Sepia Draft Board Member same thing.) To give you an idea of just how much that Festival Council really is, listen to this, "if a printing press had begun turn­ ing out dollar bills at the rate of one a second when Colum­ bus first landed in the new world and had continued to pro­ duce at the same rate ever since, the amount still would be three billion dollars short of the sum required to pay the. Plans '41 Event estimated expenses of the government for the next fiscal year." According to proposed plans sponsoring of a section night at the same place, the Argus of­ "If 17 billion dollar bills were laid end to end, they drawn up in a meeting, of the during the festival for their re­ fice, 609 S. Elliott street, Thurs­ would stretch for a distance of 1,643,387 miles or 66 time's Appreciation Day Festival Com­ spective section: Mm Cairrye day, March 13th, at 4 o'clock around the earth, at the equator." mittee last Thursday, the annual Norris, Miss Edith Hite, Rev. J. for a meeting of exactly one event will be one of beauty and M. Caldwell, Yates Norris, and "Seventeen million automobiles costing $1,000 each hour. could be purchased with the same amount, one car to every art, the most elaborate ever seen Mr. and Mrs. John Haynes, rep­ Sections To Compete in this section of the country, eight persons." resenting the Oakdale and Villa Each of the above sections is sponsored by members of our Sites district; Miss Lula Jen­ "Seventeen billion dollars would buy 1,700,000,000,000 group. to be designated a night and the nings, Mrs. Etta Martin, Mrs. one presenting the most unique 335 battleships of the type of the Missouri and Wisconsin, C. L. Fields, co-chairman of Delores Mockabee, Miss Luedna now under construction at a cost of $50,700,00 each." the committee stated that plans attraction, will be awarded a Shanks and Mrs. Bertha Boyd, trophy and a grand prize. Ten— call for six big days of fun and representing the Blankenburg, "Seventeen billion dollars means an average of $129.11 entertainment the latter part of tative plans call for carnival West Side and Beverly Heights acts, floats, parade, contests, for every man, woman and child in the United States or July, 1941. Each section of the district, Charley Hayes, Miss more than $500 for each family of four." city is to be represented by a street dances, races, tri-state Lyydia Shane, Mrs- Hazel Ad- hack meet, softball and tennis "Sveenteen billion dollars would ^buy 1,700^00,000,000 young lady contestant who will cock, Mrs. Mildred Cole and' vie for the coveted title of "Miss tourney with teams foam Car­ aspirin tablets." Mrs. Thelma Rochelle, repre­ rier Mills, 111., Princeton and Mt. Appreciation." This honor went senting the Jimtown and Rose- (Editor's note: "Seventeen billion dollars would build an to Miss Ferguson last year. The Vernon, Ind., and Henderson, dale district; Charles Decker, Ky-, entered. ultra-modern Community Center ior the Colored citizens of winner of this title will be given Mrs. Rose Willingham, Mrs. Lu­ this city and there would be $16,999,91)0,000 in change.) an all-expense paid trip to Chi­ ther Roberts, Miss Gertie Gracey The various organizations of Thanks to the Courier-Press and AP ior the figures on the cago inf August to witness the and Mrs. Jesse Bynum, repre­ the city and merchants will be strength of 17 biilion. crowning of "Miss Bronze senting the Derbyville district; asked to help sponsor the at­ ******* America." A trophy and other tractions along with the com­ These persons are asked to meet prizes will be given the young mittee. "Jeanne With the Light Brown Hair" nad "Old Black lady in addition to the trip. Joe" may soon get a rest since the U. S. has ended its case Shown above is Charles E. Rochelle wi th the other members of Draft Board No. 3. against ASCAP. Mr. Rochelle, now attending school at the U niversity of California in Berkeley is the only At the committee meeting, Measure to Banish Jim-Crow Colored Draft Board member in the city. Ot ther members showji in the photo are: left those present were,. (Mrs. Rose Willingham, Miss Lydia Shane, to right, Henry B. Adler, secretary; Willi am R. Vote, clerk; Morris Holzman, chair­ Wouldn't be a bad idea were we to look upon brother­ Mrs. Etta Martin, Mr*. Jesse By- man and Mr. Rochelle. —Courier-Press Photo. Tourneys and Guard Units hood as we do democracy, a true case of mockery, when num, Mrs. Luther Roberts and huge celebrations are held as were last week when Mat'l Bro­ J. W. Holder, managing editor INDIANAPOLIS, Special to LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS therhood Week was hailed, "i'ou cannot very well have true of the Argus, who acted as pre­ Argus) — "The Colored high SUPPORT 445 siding officer in the absence of democracy when one tenth of the population is not "cover­ school basketball teams of this ed" . • • you cannot have true brotherhood when .the black Mr. Fields. state will be permitted to enter House Bill which includes in brother is ostracised. Section Committee Named the annual Indiana State High an amendment, "inclusion in a Annual Press Week! The group selected the follow­ measure designed to prevent race * *T» *P n* •£ JjC 5JK School Athletic Association ing civic leaders to assist in the discrimination in defense indus­ tournaments." This bill known as Mr. Wendell Willkie; Don't you feel that while you tries", passed the House without Senate Bill 181 was introduced are making these tours as an interested citizen, you could a dissenting vote and soon will drop through the Colored sections and make a report of Observance Mar.16-22 NO MORE "750 CLUB" by ijSenator Robert Lee Broken- be passed on by the Senate, lo­ your findings to the congress as you did when you returned burr, Indiana's only Colored cal organizations are busy send­ The 750 Club, formed last State Senator. Senator Broken- from your meeting with Winston Churchill? You could aid week to raise money with which ing letters, telegrams, petitions National Fraternity to burr is from Indianapolis. The to the Evansville's Milford Mil­ us greatly if only you will .... a little word from you to an advisory committee includ­ officers could pay for their uni­ bill passed the Senate by a large that great body anent our deplorable living conditions, em­ ing Dr. William Stanley Braith- forms and equipment, and in­ ler, Senator from this district, majority last Wednesday a week ployment, etc. • • . would aid in a big way .... we swung waite, Atlanta University, Wil­ volved a $750 raffle each month, urging him to support the bill | Sponsor Event ago with the aid of Senator Wil­ Uam Henry Huff, Chicago attor­ is dead as a result of an order which would give the Colored your way the last election, remember? .... Or do you be­ WASHINGTON, D. C. — The thereby increasing their ability ney, Cliff Mackay, managing ed­ by Mayor Dress. Police would liam E. Jenner and Senator Rog­ citizens of this city a chance to lieve in reciprocity . - . Joe Louis told his people about third annual National Negro to interpret intelligently the Ne­ itor of the Atlanta Daily World, have realized $250 each month, er H. Phillips, democritic floor work in the factories possessed you, now you tell your people about Joe Louis and his peo­ >s Newspaper Week as sponsored gro of America. and a group of the nation's lead­ the plan having been to sell 1,000 leader, who spoke for the passing of defense orders. ple .. "we're starving . • . need jobs ... need recogni­ by Delta Phi Delta journalistic A feature of the Week $his ing journalists. Mr. Kendrix, a tickets at $1 each. It was esti­ of the same and rallied to the tion in this U. S. Army and Navy." . - . This is our praver, society in cooperation with the year will be the observance of co-founder of Delta Phi Delta, mated that the scheme would whole-hearted support of Sena­ EDITOR'S NOTE: All persons x interested in, getting a chance Mr. Willkie. It would be grand to see the American Eagle Negro Newspapers of America One Hundred and Fourteenth has diretecd the work since its have raised $3,000 a year. tor Brokenburr. will be observed March 16-22, it Anniversary of the American Inception in 1938- to work in the Evansville facto­ and the English Motto, "Dieu et mon droit, with Esprit de was announced here this week Negro.
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