M onday, February 23, 1 998 « Vo lime 27 * Issue 23 THEIUPUI March 1. Forma are Aid on me hr* floor of Cavanaugh Han SAGAMORET he Weekly Student Newspaper of Indiana U niversity-P urdue University I ndianapolis .... nart-tiine faculty credit hour compared to the average Giving part-ume faculty opportuni­ $5000 per credit hour earned by full­ ties to participate in the academic and time faculty. social development of the campus is However, Nehf also pointed out the main focus of the associate fac­ that salary figures vary widely by ulty affairs committee’s response to school and academic departments the original faculty council proposal. Boschmann said the survey results The committee wants part-time revealed the desires of part-time fac­ faculty to he better integrated into the ulty were simple, basic necessities. academic departments through imita­ The most common requests in­ tions to meetings, social events and cluded access to the campus e-mail opportunities to serve on curriculum not involved in research or don’t have Faculty Development, to investigate and voice-mail systems so students review committees as many academic credentials" Nehf the possibility of farming a commit­ could contact part-time faculty more Nehf said the best way to ensure said. tee dedicated to representing part- easily. continuity in teaching is to educate Jeanine Metzing. a part-time in­ time faculty at IUPUI — the associ­ Part-ume faculty are required to of­ part-time faculty ui the goals and ex­ structor for a freshman critical think­ ate faculty affairs committee, which fer office hours but provided no office pectations of the academic depart­ ing course, is very aware of the organized a year and a half ago. space ments negative feelings toward her and her The committee distributed a survey Another major issue facing part- The committee also wants a sys­ colleagues. to all part-time faculty tf IUPUI, and time faculty is job security. Each se­ tem of recognition and promotion for "Pull-time faculty don’t see the from that, drafted a report to the ad­ mester they are required to sign a new part-ume faculty who have shown a real commitment we have to students ministration outlining the priorities of teaching contract and never know for dedication to the university through and the university to do above and part-time faculty. sure if they are going to have a job their years of good serv ice. beyond whiaever it takes to teach ef­ According to the survey, salaries the next semester Nehf said the average part-time fectively;’ Metzing said. topped the priority list of almost all "Constantly putting part-time fac­ faculty member leaches at the univer­ it was this lack of visibility for respondents. ulty on short-term status undermines sity for five semesters, and said that part-time faculty that led Erwin Nehf said part-time faculty mem­ their ability to feel a part of the cam­ Boschmann. dean of the Office for bers make an average of $560 per pus." Nehf added factftt'CM M M ftfft Senator's bill to PtnonittMfW rai^l replace HIPUI fa ils ■ Legislator lacks wide support for 30-year-old initiative. EL F Bt I M Blows "Right now. (IUPUI) is a forgotten Niwt Epitoi appendage of IU and Purdue," Borst continued. "It is specializing in subur­ In every state legislative session for ban-life (readiness) instead of gearing over 30 yean State Senator Lawrence (students) for the real world." ERSITY B oot (R-Indianapolis) has waged an Ever since IUPUl’s creation in assault on IUPUI. 1969, Borst has attacked the campus. ■ Professor draws inspiration from And this year is no different ‘The (IUPUI) area used to he a African heritage, students’ ideas and motherhood. Chairman of the finance committee ghetto," he said. ’Thirty-two years within the Indiana Senate, the 38-year ago. we (legislators) were promised veteran of state government annually by both the presidents of IU and introduces a bill calling for the evalu­ PUrdue that we would have a (public) ation of IUPUI’* performance as an ‘University of Indianapolis/ What is urban university and its possible rc- being offered (at IUPUI) could be ex­ panded." Tbe bill died in committee, as it Borst said his constituents, in has every year since Borst began in­ southern Marion Co. and northern troducing it Johnson Co., often express disap­ Borst is relentless in his intent to pointment in IUPUI — a reason ooe day pass the bill because he be­ Borst will never give up on his quest. lieves IUPUI is a failure. William Plater, executive vice MI don’t think we have a great ur­ chancellor and dean of the faculties, ban university (in Indianapolis)," said IUPUI administrators entertain Borst expUinad T t could be 10 times an ongoing bone of contention with better than what it is now. (IUPUI) Borst and The Bill. needs more specialization in health More specifically. Plater disagrees care, education and law. Chancellor to receive honor rollmM of which hm frown 13 P « o ................................. lor. INFORMATION COIIM11D IIOM SaCAMOH HAM IttOlTl • FoilCAlT IVlItCT TO CttARCI Ovwsons • Page 3 Sports • Page 5 Viewports • Page 6 Classified Ads • Page 7 Monday Tuesday WltlblSPAY T hi isdat F «1D A l SATURDAY Single Copy Fiee Highs * 40s Highs • 40s Highs • 50s Highs • 40s Highs * 40s Highs * 40s 01998 The lUPViSagamore Lows • JOs Lows * 30s Lows • 40s Lows • 30s Lows • 30s Lows • 30s Indianapolis Ind 1 Pagi 2 * M onday. Fi i i i a i y 23, 1998 Thi IUPUI Sacauoii • Niw i sagamore NEWS BRIEFS Additionally, Nnaemeka earned a Ph D. in African lit* H a f t p l with Borst’i C o m m u d By Kelly Mom m a * mure and french from the Univenity of Minnesota at - A t u t f a* f S i » * Ed it o i f'l he’s* U with Nnaemeka’» arrival at IUPUI was further delayed in 1 IUPUI I fpti iiitil ciri lif ckllifii 1991 when, after signing a contract with the school, she 'The bill doesn’t take into The governor said if the account that IUPUI U a part­ bill ever p«aed through the free oral health screenings and fluondc treatments will earned a Rockefeller Humanist-in-Residence award from nership that is a positive as­ legislature end landed on his be provided during the annuel Children'! Dental Health the Univenity of Minnesota. The Nigerian Achiever of the Year Award for Leader­ set for this community" desk, he would give it due H it Feb. 28. Pre-ichoolcn and grade whoolen will be ship. Edith Wolf Distinguished Visiting Professor, Plater said. "Contextually attention — but he doesn't teen by itudenu of denustry and dental tyjMfWun Krccger- •ee why it would ever pass. come, walk-m basis from 9 a n t to 2 p m at the fU and Teaching Excellence Recognition Award are but a few of the honors Nnaemeka has won. "IUPUI he* become e School of Dentistry. til people (in the community) Members of RJ's dental faculty will supervise the tm 1997. she attained another a ward.‘The department of are unhappy, we don't think the bill will ever pass." eluding the medical center." O'Bmnon said. "It has screenings and treatments. Health fair participants also women's studies named Nnaemeka its fine recipient of the Women’s Studies Pactdty Aduevwnmr Award. ThU year’s version of the bill if it had passed would been a strong asset to the dty and the stale " will receive tooth-brushing instruction and nutntional The department created the itrftd ft a celebration of its have called for the appointment of a rune-member Sure Senator Billie Breaux (D-Indianapolis) agrees information and will be able to meet the School of Den­ commission, appointed by the governor, to cvakifte the with O'Barmon. tistry’s mascot, Bucky Bicuspid 20th anniv ersary at IUPUI. If course evaluations are any indkftJun. Nnaemeka is possible establishment of an independent, state-sup­ She serves on the senate's education conuniUM and For additional information, contact George Bullard at ported university — named University afC entnl Indi­ said, even If Bom 's WU «var made it past committee (317)274.7957. ‘This class has been an enlightening experience.1* said a ana — to mooeed IUPUI. onto the floor far a vote, she would hava no reason to former student "It has made me look at issues that f had Of the nine i ■ Tickets ivillakli Up finpil Flit not spent much time on before " to be an IUPUI alumnus; one, a cur A variety of talented individuals and groups will par­ Nnaemeka attributes the department’s excellence to and two, Marion County residents. ticipate in “Moments of Eternity;’ the 13th Annual Gospel Amanda Porterfield, department chair, and John Barlow, As d » proposed bill outlines, the commisrio* would Leaden for both IU end Purdue do ao^Mftwi1 Festival beginning at 7 p m Feb. 28 at the Madame C J. dean of the School of Liberal Arts. Bom'* objective. -We ulk .boot fthebUfy every-ywr- Walker Theatre. Tickets for the event are on sale now for T feel accepted and encouraged by the institution," she I aspects of M ^er education delivery with (Bent)," PUler Mid. "And he h m y familiar «4#r $10 in LY 002. said ‘This has contributed immensely to my blossoming ft IUPUI; our poddon on tbit iuue " Bor additional information, call (317) 274-3931. intellectually and professionally." ■ evaluate the feasibility of establishing e new uni­ Jon Bennett, vice president for unhortfty relation* ■ In addition, Nnaemeka said she could not have suc­ versity to replace IUPUI and; Purdue, uid “IUPUI hu served the dty and m e very ceeded without the support of her "two extraordinary, ■ assess the benefits of eliminating the cooperative well.
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