Legend Legend ELU_summar Proposed LegHiellsn/Rdocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Agriculture Agriculture A1 ProISp-oRseesiddential Hills/Rocky Qarueaarsry to Park Public uRtileitsy idEexnisttiainl gR3 Residential R2 Legend Commercial Legend Agriculture A1 IS-ResidentAiagAlrgicriuclutulturere A A12 IISnd-RuAQsegutsrraiiadcrleurylnt uttiorae lP Aa1rk IS-ResidentRiaeQRl cuereasiardrtyeio ntnot/i OaPlp aRerk3n space Quarry tRo ePsRaidrekesnidtiaeln Rtia4l R3 Residential R3 Defence area Commercial Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Proposed Agriculture A2 Hills/RockIny dauresatrsial Agriculture A2 Public uIIntnilddituuyARs Egetrrxciiaaicrsellu tEialntutxgiirosent iA/nOg2pen space IRndeussidtreianltial RReRR2ceercesriadeteiaontniot/iOanl/p ORep4ne snp aspcea cEexisting RecreatiRoens/ROidepesenindti aeslnp Rtaiac5le R4 Residential R4 Forest Commercial Existing InduAsgtrriiaclu ilntu Rree Acr1eation/Open spaIAScge-Rriceuslitduernet RiAae1l sidential AgricultIuSr-eR Ae1sidentiaQl uarry tRo ePsaidrkential TransportatioQnuarry toR ePsaidrkential R3 Residential R3 AgricultuCreo mA1mercial IS-ResideInntdiaulstrial ExCisotminmg ercial Quarry Itnod PuCRasroetkrmciarmLel Eaeetxrigcoisinaeti/lnnOgdpen space ExisIRntidenusgsidtreianlt iEalx RisRR3tieencgsrideeantiotianl/ ORp5en space ExistinRgecreation/ROepseind esnptaiacle R E5xisting Residential R5 Legend LegenHidlls/Rocky areas Defence MineAsg raicnudl tQuruea Arr2ies ExistiLngegenIAngddruicsutrlitaulre RAe2sidential AgricultIunrdeu Ast2rial RecreatiRoens/Oidpeennti aslp taoc AegricultureR Ae1creatiRone/sOidpeennti aslp Ra4ce Residential R4 LegenAgdricultuCreo mA2mercial ExistingIndustrialIndustrial inC Roemcrmeearticoianl/ OEpxeisnti nsgpaRceecLreeatIginodenu/nCROsoedtprmsieaindmPl eisrennpor tcRapiiacaeolel c AsEregexaridsitctiouinnlgtu/Orep eAn1 spIRnadecuessidtreianlt iianl HRRRie4llecesrs/seRiiddaoetecionnknttyii/aa Oall rApTeegraanrsin cssupplatoucrretea tAio1n Residential RAPegusrbiicdliucel tnuuttriiaelitl y AT 1Eraxnisstpinogrtation Residential TRreasnisdpeonrttiaatli oRn2 Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing PropoIRsnedesudisdterinatlial R2 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 30 Commercial Legend 27 180 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 9 79 128 248 30 81 Proposed 39 42 5 1 176 5 90 79 129 169 7 276 271 C 258 90 5 3 30 29 1 7 a 1 1 Defence - Industrial 5 Mines/Quarries CommerciaRl esidential ExistingIndustrial Existing Residential to AgricultureR Ae2creation/Open space Existing Residential R5 3 27 4 153 2 5 83 0 7 4 0 5 n 1 193 2 2 Hills/Rocky areas 3 25 4 9 Navegaon2 LEGEND: Public utility Existing Residential R2 177 8 9 0 8 5 4 Defence Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 8 a 5 3 3 4 1 170 Commercial 2 AgriculturPe rAo1posed 3 1 2 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 2 6 2 8 278 2 2 IS-Residential Quarry to Park 1 Residential R3 7 l 63 8 2 1 Hills/Rocky areas Defence Public uMtiliintye 8sE xainstdin Qguarries Existing Residential RR2esidential Agriculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 7 W 2 8 55 2 1 1 1 2 6 C 7 1 2 5 1 7 3 Legend 0 6 id m 127 Proposed 2 1 3 e 2 l P 9 2 a 1 Legend 6 4 n 6 ro 6 44 5 Defen4 ce a u po Rr esidential Agriculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 2 Mines and Quarries Existing 2 9 3 8 1 152 2 p 8 e n s n 8 1 e t 7 1 t 1 5 d 1 a o 0 R ad 8 9 1 2 i Dundakhairi 87 2 Dahegaon 1 o e 1 3 5 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 5 a 7 3 6 a 4 5 s C 2 W 7 4 4 d 1 Agriculture A1 m 1 4 7 2 l 1 2 3 5 Navegaon 6 IS-Residential 3 QuaPrrryo top oPasrekd ARgersicidueltnutriea lA R13 2 3 1 2 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 2 4 Proposed Land use 2 6 W 7 2 o 8 2 l Agriculture A1 1 i 2 IS-Residential Quarry to Park 6 4 Residential R3 1 9 9 de 1 7 2 a n b 2 2 Commercial Existing Mines and Quarries 2 W 8 Waterbody 3 1 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 7 6 id upt 4 8 e Hills/Rocky areas n Public utility Existing Residential R2 4 7 n 5 5 7 up 4 9 o 3 17 2 to 18 m a 3 6 0 Proposed Forest 8 9 1 179 8 9 PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 2 C 9 1 Commercial Existing Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 4 Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 1 4 (Rithi) IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 8 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 2 3 3 8 (Joshi)7 5 Defence - Industrial 6 7 9 Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 Commercial Existing4 7 2 268 6 Agriculture A2 RESIDENTIAL R1 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residentia1 l Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 3 9 Industrial Agriculture A1 m Recreation/Open space Residential R4 IS-Residential Quarry to P1 ark Residential R3 1 Office AGRICULTURE A1 2 Defence - Industrial Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Mines quarrie Ag A2 96 2 pt 18 1 65 1 iden u o 1 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 46 51 52 3 77 W 15 90 Proposed 7 2 HillsL/Reogckeyn adreas Public utility Existing Residential R2 98 m EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 97 Defen8 ce - Industrial Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Mines quarrie Ag A2 1 Proposed 1 Agriculture A1 RESIDENTIAL R2 6 43 0 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 49 17 2 40 1 119 Temp le AGRICULTURE A2 3 Legend 8 Agriculture A2 3 2 98 12 2 1 I7ndustrial 15 91 Recreation/Open space ARgersicidueltnutriea lA R24 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 5 97 1 m 1 Agriculture A2 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 50 1 9 6 4 116 Defence EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 29 9 4 9 3 P 4 Mines and Quarries Existing 47 9 5 Agricult0ure A1 Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 26 2 8 r 7 IS-Residential 1 Quarry to Park PRSePsidential R3 7 0 2 0 123 o RESIDENTIAL R3 36 1 7 2 96 0 p 95 4 8 2 8 3 127 Forest in Industrial MINES / QUARRIES 1 1 6 9 1 Residential PSP Transportation 0 o PSP Existing 1 29 3 3 9 Agriculture A2 1 9 0 3 1 2 s Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 3 9 0 24 1 Defence Mines and Quarries Existing 0 4 Residential Agriculture A2 3 ed Residential to Agriculture A1 5 8 1 4 3 0 8 126 3 15 Forest PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 0 Defence 4 0 3 0 44 Commercial 1 Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 1 Agriculture A2 Mines and Quarries Existing R Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 9 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 8 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 3 127 3 9 o Temp le 34 1 2 1 6 1 1 a 2 2 RESIDENTIAL R4 Residential Mines Residential to Industrial Sawali 1 2 2 Forest PSPAgriculture A1 1 1 d IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 10 1 20 9 0 33 1 24 5 0 Agriculture A1251251l INDUSTRIAL a IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 27 0 32 126 8 7 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 n 120 m 3 2 Forest PSP d Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 3 1 Agriculture A2 6 1 9 1 Industrial 3 4 Recreation/Open space Residential R4 15 a Proposed 7 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 8 3 2 2 0 3 5 a 8 C 1 1 Commercial 1 Reocreation/Open space Existing CRoemsimdeenrctiiaall R5 Industrial Existing COMMERCIAL 1 t 1 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility ExistIingdustrial Existing Residential R2 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 102 1 1 4 p C 19 o 3 W RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE 1 id u Commercial a 3 1 Propos17 ed 0 en nal 12 10 25 mts Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 2 R 2 Defence - Industrial 1 1 5 9 MDR 16 Mines/Quarries 23 8 Agriculture A2 Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 Industrial 8 Recreation/Open space Residential R4 2 3 W 1 1 1 9 1 4 0 6 Public utilEXISTINGity INDUSTRIAL IN 3 16 1 1 46 1 8 0 d Gaothan Residential 0 1 Residential R/OS Transportation Existing 1 Public utility 9 2 3 1 0 Commercial 7 9 5 1 buffer INDUSTRIAL Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 4 6 2 1 3 3 3 6 2 3 e i 2 1 Forest in Industrial RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE 1 1 1 1 n m PDSePfe nEcxeis t-i nIngdustrial Mines/Quarries 2 Defence - Industrial 2 Residential PSP ResidenTtiraal nEsxpiosrtitnagtio Residential to Agriculture A2 Mines/Quarries d Residential Existing Commercial ExistRinegsidential to Agriculture A2 2 8 1 3 s Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation Commercial 1 1 1 5 10 Industrial Existing 7 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 6 1 3 e 8 1 1 from lake 2 4 5 7 9 2 4 o 0 Agriculture A2 3 30 1 d Industrial Residential PSP Recreation/TOrpaenns psopratacetion Residential R4 4 Forest in Industrial 1 2 1 5 PSP Existing 0 3 1 n 3 2 9 5 1 1 1 a QUARRY TO PARK 3 1 Agriculture A2 p PUBLIC / SEMI PUBLIC 1 1 1 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 4 1 3 Agriculture A1 8 1 1 1 Legend 686 1 3 5 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 SH 336 2 4 1 m u 1 2 1 3 e o 1 o Commercial 0 P 8 s d 0 1 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Forest in Industrial 3 PSP Existing r o Residential PSP Transportation Residential R5 3 op R o 2 o 3 9 a r d t 1 3 p W Commercial Existing 1 2 8 1 1 1 Industrial in RecreationA/Ogpriecunl tsuprR aec Ae1 0 Residential Agriculture A1 CRoemsimdeenrctiiaall TErxainsstipnogrtation 1 4 IS-Resideintial Quarry to Park Industrial in Recreation/ROepseidne snptiaacl eR3 Residential Agriculture A1 1 Residential Transportation 0 0 7 d 8 1 2 P l 7 1 p en u 5 1 29 2 4 t 1 9 0 Commercial Existing 2 2 2 2 47 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 5 2
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