DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT LAND TO THE EAST OF ASHBOURNE ROAD, ROCESTER ON BEHALF OF BAMFORD PROPERTIES LTD Ref: 2963 DRAFT 1. Introduction 1.1 This Design and Access Statement accompanies the outline planning application made by Bamford Properties Ltd for residential development in Rocester on land to the East of Ashbourne Road. Key 1.2 It is an outline application for up to 53 dwellings along with associated open space and highways works Application Boundary with all matters reserved, save for access. The indicative layout which is submitted in support of this Key application includes: ASHBOURNE ROAD ProposedViewpoint school site • Up to 53 residential properties with associated parking and gardens; • A children’s play area; • Open green space; • Amenity area; • Landscaped areas around the Site boundaries; • Vehicular and pedestrian access from Ashbourne Road; and B5830 • A connection to the footpath network (Rocester 5). 1 This document should be read in conjunction with the accompanying scheme drawings and reports 3 including: • Transport Statement; • Landscape and Visual Appraisal; 2 • Phase 1 Ecology Survey & Great Crested Newt Scoping Survey; NORTHFIELD AVE • Tree Survey; • Flood Risk Assessment; • Heritage Assessment; Site Plan • Planning Statement. 1.3 Design and Access Statements are required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The purpose of this document is to: • Provide information concerning the design evolution of the development; • Outline the broad design principles that have led to the form and type of development proposed; • Set the application site in context with its surroundings. Viewpoint 2. View North West across the boundary hedgerow that separates the Ashbourne road Viewpoint 1.Ashbourne Road which bounds the application site to the east. Viewpoint 3. View North along the Southern boundary of the site from Northfield Avenue/Woodseat Grove. BHB Design and Access Statement Land to the West of Ashbourne Road, Rocester Design and Access Statement Methodology 2. Contextual Analysis and Evaluation 1.5 The structure and detail of this document follows guidance produced by the DCLG ‘Circular 01- 2006: 2.1 Planning Background (see submitted Supporting Planning Statement prepared by Aldershaw Guidance to Changes to the Development Control System’. This statement has also embraced two Goddard) supporting texts: CABE’s ‘Design and Access Statements: How to Read Write and Use Them (2006)’ and the Urban Design Group’s ‘Design and Access Statements Explained’. The Secretary of State in a recent appeal decision has noted that the Council cannot demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable housing sites and therefore the relevant policies for the supply of housing 1.6 The following basic elements are identified in Circular 01-2006 and are fully explained within this are not to be considered up to date and a presumption in favour of sustainable development should document. apply. 1) An appraisal of the context comprising: On 27 November 2013 the Council published a re-calculation of its 5 year housing supply based on • An assessment of the site’s immediate and wider context; the Appeal Decision. The re-calculation confirmed that the Council has a negative land supply with a • An evaluation of the assessment; and supply of only 3.9 years. It is against this background which the application should be considered and • The design of the scheme. assessed. 2) An explanation of the design principles and concepts in terms of: The proposal accords with the relevant and up to date policies of the Adopted Plan and is consistent with the Draft Plan. Accordingly, planning permission should be granted for the proposal unless • Amount; material considerations indicate otherwise. For the reasons set out in the planning statement, there • Scale; are no material considerations sufficient to indicate otherwise. • Appearance; • Highways and Access; The Development complies with national policy and constitutes sustainable development in terms of the • Landscaping; Framework. As such, in accordance with paragraph 14 of the Framework planning permission should • Ecology. be granted for the proposal. Paragraph 49 states that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development and therefore planning permission 3) An indicative layout including: should be granted. • What the buildings will be used for. • How many buildings there will be. The technical reports submitted in support of the Development conclude that there are no unacceptable • Roughly how they will be laid out. adverse impacts as a result of the Development which will significantly and demonstrably outweigh the • Minimum and maximum building sizes. benefits of the Development. • Where the entrance to the site will be. 1.7 The master plan will identify how the design principles adopted have been implemented to create a distinctive and high quality proposal that will complement the Town of Rocester. Key Application Boundary JCB ROCESTER Location Plan Design and Access Statement Land to the West of Ashbourne Road, Rocester BHB 2.2 The Site and its Surroundings The Proposed School Development The village of Rocester is about four miles north of Uttoxeter, and close to the county border with Immediately to the north of the application site, a new school building with car parking for 50 vehicles Derbyshire. According to the 2001 census the parish had a population of 1,431. The village lies on a and associated hard and soft play areas, sports pitches and open space is proposed with an outline triangle of land between the River Churnet and River Dove, which join to the south. application submitted and currently awaiting determination. The site is adjacent (east) of the Ashbourne Road and is immediately north of the village centre which The total area of the school development will be circa 4ha. (encompassing the school building and is less than 500m away. It covers an area of 2ha. and consists of gently sloping agricultural land associated car parking etc.). Access will be from the Ashbourne Road in the south-western corner of forming part of a larger field. A metal field gate allows access off the Ashbourne Road in the south- the school site. western corner of the site. The sports pitches, which will extend over an area of 22,200m2 will be located to the east of the The site is enclosed by established hedgerows along its eastern and western boundaries. The school building and car parking area. hedgerow to the east also includes mature hedgerow trees. Beyond the southern boundary fence are allotments, which are located to the rear of residential properties typically two storey detached, semi- Adjacent and north-east of the school building, are the games courts and hard play areas, which will detached and terraced homes along Northfield Avenue. The site’s bounded nature limits views into cover 2,785m2. Whilst a soft play area (circa 2,075m2) is located to the north of the games courts, the site along a number of its boundaries. the remainder of the area will be open green space. The long distance footpath (the Limestone Way) is located adjacent to the eastern boundary and the Staffordshire Way (long distance footpath) follows the Ashbourne Road alongside the site on the western boundary. A footpath crosses the site along its eastern boundary providing pedestrian P10 Site Boundary linkages between the village and the countryside to the north. This is referenced Rocester 5 by the H2 County Council. Scattered Mature Tree Long range PRoW Key views into site Rocester 5 from Barrowhill F1 Field Number Site for proposed school P10 Hall SiteSite BoundaryBoundary H1 Hedge Number H2 Proposed School Scattered Mature Tree APPLICATION SITE F1 Building Scattered Mature Tree I Intact Species Rich Hedgerow P3 P1 APPLICATION SITE F1 TreesField Numberwithin Highway Verge 50m AOD H1 Views into site on HedgerowIntact Species Poor Hedgerow the approach to H1 Hedge Number Rocester ViewIntact into Species site Rich Hedgerow JCB ROCESTER I F1H3 and Trees P3 P1 Intact Species Rich Hedgerow Filtered View into site Scattered Scrub H1 Intact Species Poor Hedgerow Site Context Outline School Application 42m AOD AOD Above Ordnance Datum A Arable Intact Species Rich Hedgerow Evaluation P2 H3 Existingand Trees Site Access I Improved Grassland Allotments Scattered Scrub The site is located within 500m of the village centre and its associated facilities and as such Public Right of Way is considered to be in a sustainable location. I P1 Pond SubstationArable A The site is well bounded along its eastern and western perimeters by existing hedgerow and F2 P1 Infilled Pond to the south by development along Northfield Avenue. This bounded nature limits views into P2 P8 Access to Allotments H4 I Improved Grassland the site. Earth Bank I Illustration of Site Characteristics P1 Pond Immediately to the north of the site is a proposal to construct a new primary school, the A Fence application for which is submitted and awaiting determination. F2 P1 Infilled Pond P8 A public right of way crosses the site along the eastern boundary. H4 N Earth Bank H5 0 100m Fence A P9 BHB Design and Access Statement Land to the West of Ashbourne Road, RocesterN H5 0 100m THE ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION PARTNERSHIP A 14 Inner Courtyard, Whiteway Farmhouse, The Whiteway, P9 Cirencester GL7 7BA t 01285 640640 f 01285 652545 e [email protected] www.edp-uk.co.uk P4 client Barwood Development THE ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSION PARTNERSHIP A 14 Inner Courtyard, Whiteway Farmhouse, The Whiteway, Cirencester GL7 7BA t 01285 640640 f 01285 652545 projecte [email protected] title www.edp-uk.co.uk P4 Malloryclient Road, Bishops Tachbrook P7 Barwood Development drawing title P5 Planproject EDPtitle 2: Phase 1 Habitat Survey Plan P6 Mallory Road, Bishops Tachbrook P7 date 13 JUNE 2013 drawn by TB drawing number EDP 1954/01 checked MK scale nts drawing title P5 © Environmental Dimension Partnership.
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