Süreli Yayınlar 1981 CİM TECHNICAL PAPERS Volume 74, Number 825 January 1981 Canada Ltd.; and Peter Moon, Peter Moon and Associates, Toronto Underground Mining Coal 63 The evolution of cut-and-fill mining 122 Coal gasification and liquefaction; techniques at the inco Limited Levack T.D. Brown, CANMET, EMR, Ottawa Area mines; D.M. May, Levack Mine, Inco Limited Tax Notes 75 Falconbridge introduces advanced 134 October 28 federal budget's focus on technology to deep mining; K. H. Singh energy—portent for mining?; R.D. and L. H. Rafala, Falconbridge Nickel Brown and R.B. Parsons, Price We- Mines Limited, Sudbury terhouse & Co., Toronto 84 Hig-speed tracked drifting and mat- erlafs handling; Julian Baldry, Atlas Iron and Steel Copco Canada Ltd., Montreal 149 Iron ore in the 80s; Noel G. Thomas, 82 Design techniques for sublevel caving Dofasco Inc., Hamilton layouts; D.A. Trotter, MoGIH Univer­ sity, Montreal; and G.J. Goddard, Montreal Volume 74, Number 826 February Engineering Company, Limited, To­ 1981 ronto 101 The evolution of mining methods at Shaft Sinking Brunswick Mining and Smelting; N. 45 Sinking and equipping the Kidd Creek Dufresne, Brunswick Mining and Sm- No. 2 Shaft, D.L. McKay, Texasgulf eeltlng; N. Dufresne, Brunswick Min­ Canada Ltd., Timmins, Ontario ing and Smelting Corporation Limi­ ted, Bathurst Manpower 110 The measurement of radon emanati­ 57 A fresh approach to mine organizati­ on rates in a Canadian cut-and-fill on and incentive planning based on uranium mine; K.C. Cheng Eliot Lake experience at Campbell Chibougamau Laboratory. CANMET, EMR; and J. Mines Ltd. (nnw Campbell Resources W. M. Porritt, Bondar-Clegg, Ottawa Inc.); J.G. Strasser, Campbell Reso­ urces inc., Toronto, Ontario Manpower and Training Equipment and Maintenance 119 Texasgulf's assessment centre—a six-year evaluation; John P. Pappone 63 Introduction and use of fire-resistant and Robert A. Macinnes. Texasgulf fluids in underground mines In British MADENCİLİK, MART - HAZİRAN 1981 53 Columbia; T. G. Carter, Ministry of 155 The Greenhills surface coal mining Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resour­ project; C.İ.K. Brltch, B.C. Coal Ltd. ces, Victoria, B.C. (formerly Kaiser Resources Ltd.). Sp- arwood, British Columbia 69 (Synopsis); The selection and use of fire-resistant fluids for underground Mining Manpower mining equipment; A.J. Harrison, Pro­ duction Supply Company Ltd., Van- 161 Assessing the payback in training; cover, B.C. Larry Anderson, Currie Coopers & Lybrand Ltd., Management Consult­ Coal Conversion ants, Toronto, Ontario 72 Coal liquefection in Canada-the CAN- Health and Safety MET program; James F. Kelly, Syn­ thetic Fuels Research Laboratory, 164 Identification and quantification of CANMET, Ottawa health and safety risks in mining; G. W. Gibbs, Celanese Canada inc. and 81 Coal conversion research; M.R du McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Plessis, Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta Underground Mining 167 Hydraulic drilling at the TANCO mine; Mine Geology G.W.R. Kuzyk, Tantalum Mining Cor­ 89 The structure of the Strathcona Mine poration of Canada Ltd., Bernfc Lake, copper zone; M.K. Abel, Falconbrldge Manitoba Nickel Mines Ltd., Fa I con bridge, On­ tario Metallurgy 195 Simulation of the Bond grlndobility Mineral Processing test; V.K. Karra, Rexnord Inc., Milwa­ 115 Feasibility of iron recovery from Mo­ ukee, Wisconsin unt Wright tailing material; John A. 200 The Highmont Concentrator; C.V. Sib- Meech, Queen's University, Kingston, bald, Teck Corporation Ltd., Vancou­ Ontario ver, Britisch Columbia Tax Notes Volume 74, Number 827 March 1981 180 OMEP—Ontario's exploration incent­ ive; R.D. Brown, Price Waterhouse & Coal Co., Toronto, Ontario 149 COALMOD—a financial analysis and policy simulation model for coal mi­ nin developments; P. Monier and F.C. Volume 74, Numbei 828 April 1981 Basham, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Reso­ Geology and Mineral Exploration urces, Victoria, B.C. 59 Exploration significance of the emp­ 153 Dimits of upgrading Western Canadi­ lacement and genesis of massive sulp­ an coais high in sulphur by wasting hides In the Main Zone at the Norlto (a synopsis); D. Abbott, New Brun­ Mine, Matagami, Quebec; P.J. Mac swick Research and Productivity Geehan, Western Mining Corporation Council, Fredericton, N.B. Ltd., Australia, W.H. Mac Lean, McGill 54 MADENCİLİK, MART . HAZİRAN 1981 University, Montreal, and A.J. Bonen- 73 Etude du drainage superficiel et sou­ fant, Noranda Mines Ltd., Matagami terrain de la mine ô ciel ouvert des Mines Gaspé, Murdochvill, Québec; 76 A review of some useful algorithms A. Liard, G. Sauriol et H. Sommelet, in geophysics; D.C. Fraser, Dighem Géomines Ltée, Montreal, Québec Limited, Toronto, Ontario 81 Spherical charge cratering plane and 84 Geophysical logging for mineral exp­ angle geometry involving small-scale loration and development; R.D. PIo- single and row tests; R.R. McLachlan, uffe, Uranerz Exploration and Mining D.E. Salman and R.J. Barely, McGill Limited, Saskatoon, Sask. University, Montreal, Quebec 93 A comparison of uranium exploration 86 Surface stabilization of tailing dispo­ methods at the South March urani­ sal areas at Wabust Mines; E,L. Hor­ um-copper occurrence; R.H. McCork- ner, Wabush Mines, Wabush, Labra­ ell, J.W.M. Porritt and M.P. Brameld, dor Bondar-Clegg and Company Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario Coal Mining : Open-Pit and Underground 99 The probability of economic success 89 Coal mining at the Smoky River mln- in exploring for tin deposits; V. Rud- esite, Mcintyre Mines Limited; J.E. enno, University of New South Wales Carter and D.P. Watll, (at time of wri­ ting with) Mcintyre Mines Limited, 102 Target definition of Kuruko-type depo­ Grande Cache, Alberta sits in Abitibi by discriminant analysis of geochemical data; D. Marcotte and Synopsis (Metal Mining) M. David, Ecole Polytechnique, Uni­ versité de Montréal 95 Ground control monitoring at the Ruttan Mine; P.S. Daly, (at time of 109 The relevance of new terrain mapping writing with) Sherritt Gordon Mines to mineral exploration; J.F. Gartner, Limited, Leaf Rapids, Manitoba Gartner Lee Associates, Ltd., Toronto, Ontario Geochemical Exploration 100 A regional stream sediment and he­ Coal Mining avy mineral concentrate survey, Ch­ 114 Application of a cross-pit bridge con­ urchill Falls, Labrador; John E. Calla­ veyor system in mining; R.W. Zeindler, han, Appalachian State University, Krupp Canada Inc., Calgary, and D.A. Boone, Nourth Carolina Fawcett, Coal Mining Research Cent­ re, Edmonton, Alberta Mineral Economks 115 Looking for the improbable needle in a haystack; the economics of base Volumme 74, Number 829 May 1981 metal exploration in Canada; Brian W. Mackenzie, Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, Open-Pit Mining Ontario 65 The stability öf open-cut siopes in Synopsis (Coal) Chazy limestone in a Montreal-area quarry; John E. Udd, Peter Leinberger 127 Recovery of thermal coal from waste and Roman Kozarycz, McGUI Univer­ dumps near Stellarton, Nova Sootia; sity, Montreal, Quebec M.W. Minhaii and LC. Bird, CANMET, MADENCİLİK, MART - HAZİRAN 1981 55 Energy. Mines ond Resources Cana­ 78 New IMM volume on national & inter­ da, and N.T.L Landgren, Nova Scotia national management of mineral reso­ Department of Mines urces 78 MacEachen to address conference on Tax Notes offshore resources 132 Earned depletion and the mining In­ 78 Inter-American conference on materi­ dustry; Robert B. Parsons, Price Wa- als technology stated for Mexico City terhouse & Co., Toronto, Ontario 83 Tenth geochautauqua on computer Extractive Metallurgy applications in the earth sciences 83 International coal trade conference 145 Oxidative pressure leading of zinc concentrates; E.G. Parker, Cominco 121 Econocis of mined-land reclamation Ltd., Trail, British Columbia to be studied at Chicago conference 121 New publication guide from Aluminum Association Volume 74, Number 830 June 1981 121 Research to be stressed at 22nd an­ nual rock mechanics symposium CIM Activities 17 Coal Division Newsletter Discussion 18 Geology Division Newsletter 84 John Dasher comments on «Feasibi­ lity of fron recovery from Mount Wri­ Forum ght tailing Material», by J.A. Meech 20 Managing Canada's resources—a go­ vernment perspective; Hon. Judy Eroia, Education Minister of State—Mines, Ottawa 89 Education Committee gets together at Annual General Meeting Personality Profile 28 A CIM interview with Noel Thomas, Metallurgical Items director of research, Dofasco inc. 93 Program and abstracts of papers for 20th Annual Conference of Metalur- News Briefs glsts 45 New book examines polymeric mate­ 113 Historical Metallurgy; In search of his­ rials used In mines, and their fire sa­ tory (2)—Henry Cort fety 45 Vancouver to host world chemical Operating Techniques congress 126 Mechanical scaler being developed 45 University of Toronto holds 7th annual for underground mining bre deposits workshop 126 Regenerative motor speed control re­ 51 12th underwater mining institute covers 98 per cent of waste energy 54 Conference on the mechanical behav­ 127 h.o.p. ConsuLab Inc. presents EDU- iour of salt ENEGY 59 Conflicts in scientific information re­ 127 New pollution measurement device solved by CINDAS of Purdue tested 56 MADENCÎLÎK, MART - HAZİRAN 1981 128 New concept in heating Involves a er-plant components; W.H.S. Lawson run-around system for underground and D. Mills, Ontario Hydro, Research mines Division, Toronto 105 The pressure tubes in the CANDU power reactors; CE. Ells and W. Volume 74, Number 831 July 1981 Evans, Atomic Energy of Canada Li­ mited, Chalk River Mineral Economics 110 Non-magnetic stainless steels for cr­ yogenic engineering; 59 Reserve / consumption ratios — How H.W. King, Dalhousie University, Hal­ can they be interpreted?; F.-W. Well- mer. Federal Ministry of Economics, ifax Federal Republic of Germany 119 Texture strengthening In high-tempe­ rature applications such as heat-exc­ Uranium Geology hanger materials; S. Saİmoto, L Col­ lins and G.B. Hobbs, Queen's Univer­ 63 Unconformity-related uranium depo­ sity, Kingston sits, Athabasca area, Saskatchewan, and East Alligator Rivers area Nort­ Tax Notes hern Temitory, Australia; LA.
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