= ~ws INSIDE 'Enterprise' earns reporters 1st-place awards News The Grosse Pomte News entnes He also earned a thIrd "We are obvlOusly very proud reportmg That's Impre~Slve and earned four awards, mcludmg place in photography of Brad and Bonme's work and what makes a good paper great" 2000 three firsts, In the Edltorlal Education Wrlter BonnIe recognItion," SaId John MinniS, ShOWing great fleXibility In • For elected offiCIalsIn Mlctugan, Contest sponsored by Suburban Caprara took another precedent- edItor and general manager of reporting and wntmg, Lmdberg, altered states of legislative lunbo Newspapers of Amerlca setting award WIth her entry for the Grosse POinte News "But prlmanly a news wnter, earned aren't as clear as they were before Staff wnter Brad Lindberg youth coverage, where she even more Important ISthat each first place In the Best Sports term hmlts entered the pIcture Page reaped an unheard-of three earned first place among three of these awards Involved mItla- 3A awards, mcludlng two first-place circulatIOn categones tlve, gOing beyond everyday See AWARDS, page 2A • The CIty of Grosse POinte counCIl recently approved a May 1 ballot that would, If approved by City voters, G.P. City hires raise $2 6 mllhon for Improvements to Neff Park Page 3A • The Grosse POinte Farms City CounCIl granted approval for a chan- new manager ty run to be put on by the Grosse Pointe Sunnse Rotary on Saturday, Sept. 22 Page 3A Schools after 35 years By Jim Stlckford previously worked for In • Although a magnet middle school Staff Wnter selecting Overton, the CIty is not In the works, the Grosse Pomte The shoes bemg filled are WIllnow have two of the four Public School System's mIddle school not only bIg, they're well- final candIdates working for study provIdes several accommoda- worn. the admlwstratlon tions to bnng gifted offenngs up to After 35 years under the Councllman Stephen par in the mIddle schools Page 13A tutelage of 'Ibm Kressbach, Sholty made the motIon to who IS retmng, the CIty of make Overton the new Clty Features Grosse Pointe councIl hued manager and clerk He was a new cIty manager at a spe- seconded by Joseph • A fleet of histonc tall ships will clal evemng sessIon last Jennings Overton's nomma- visit Detroit during the city's 300th week MIchael Overton, one tlOn -WJU Ubp.mmously bIrthday celebration in July Page of four final candIdates, was approve'd Councilman Dale 1B unanImously selected by the Scrace was out of town and Photo by Bonnie C opr ora counCIl to be the new cIty unable to be at the specIal manager, beatmg out Shane counCIlmeeting Sports Hawaiian bunch Reeslde of Grosse POinte Mayor Susan Wheeler Farms and Chnstlne said that she IS looking for- • Grosse Pomte South's boys hock- Pareells Middle Sehoola1zth-graden Rebecea H!rsehorn, Jessi- ea Anderson. Jaclyn Zark and Rachel Schrlda are four of several Bremer, the CIty's assIstant ward to workmg With ey team IS only one point away from students who assisted in the paper and papier mache volcano on city manager Overton and that current chnchmg a share of the MIchIgan display at the Parcells Ubrary. The volcano, whieh is programmed Overton, 37, has been city manager Tom Kressbach Metro Hockey League East DlV1sion to erupt twice a day. is one of many art. science and language pro- manager of Roosevelt Park, WIllbe missed champIOnshIp after Its 3-1 VIctOry jeets going on at Parcells involving the study of Hawaii. See story a communIty near "I look forward to workmg over Wyandotte Roosevelt last week on page 13A. Muskegon WIth a population With the counctl and to Page lC. of 4,100, for the past 3 112 meetmg the high standards years Before that he was set by Mr Kressbach," saId cIty manager of Hudson for Overton "I am also lookmg WEEK AHEAD Showdown over gun, law 2 1/2 years forward to mOVIng to the Overton receIved hIS B A community One of the con- ~ Critics of state's new concealed weapons measure from the UnIversIty of dltlons of the Job IS to m~ j Monday, Feb. 5 MIcmgan and his ma8ter's to the Pointes R1ght ~ The board of trustees of the Grosse say lame-duck Legislature laid a rotten egg degree 1n adn\ln1strat10n my Wife Lynn and I are 10 POinte Public LIbrary meets at 7 p.m from Wayne State mg for a home for us and ou , By Brad Lindberg mid-Michigan county !lold concealed UniversIty. three daughters m the CIty In the NeIghborhood Club, 17150 Staff Wnter weapon permIts All four candIdates were Itself I have no sweeping Waterloo in the CIty of Grosse Pomte Opponents are domg more than "For a $300 campaIgn contnbu- The meetmg 18 open to the pubhc mtervlewed by the CIty's plans for the City. I think It taking potshots at a new MIchigan tlon," said Green, "you got a sheriff's councll dunng speCIal meet- would be pretty arrogant to • law expected to put more than badge and concealed weapons per- The Grosse POinte Woods city coun- !Dgs on Jan 20 and 21 The come to a community and 200,000 addItional concealed pIstols mIt" counCIl aVaIled themselves say that I have all the cil meets at 7 30 P m. In the Woods on the street The concealed weapons bIll that of the servIces of Frank answers I want to take tIme city hall, 20025 Mack Plaza The pub- MIke Duggan, Wayne County's Gov. John Engler SIgned mto last lic is mvited to attend Gerstenacker of the to learn about the communi- newly elected prosecutor, IS leading a December contamed an appropriation Mlcmgan MuniCIpal League ty" campaIgn to repeal a law that will amendment Under the Michigan to help WIth the .selectlOn Overton WIllstart work on Wednesday, Feb. 7 broaden the ablhty of MichIgan ConstitutIOn, an appropriation bIll process Monday, Feb 26 Kressbach The Lay Theological Academy pre- adults to carry a concealed weapon can't be suspended by voter referen- Gerstenacker saId that leaves on Friday, March 2, sents a program on depreSSIon - the "I haven't met anyone who feels dum after the counCIl completed giving him a week to show SIgns, symptoms and treatments of thIs state needs more handguns," said "I didn't hke that (appropriatIOn) the mdlVldual interVIews, he Overton the ropes. the disease The program titled "Cup Duggan, who as head of People Who addition to the bIll," saId Andrew spoke with each member on of Wholeness What Can be Done and Care About KIds has started a peti- Richner (R - Grosse Pomte Park), who an mdividual baSIS The con- "As has been saId before, How Can We Help. goes from 7 - 9 tion dnve to have the controversIal voted agaInst the measure sensus was that all four can- thIS was a tough chOice," p.m. at St Clare of Montefalco pIece of legislatIOn put on the ballot Richner based his stance, 10 part, dIdates were more than said Wheeler "All the candI- Catholic Church, 1401 Whittier in for defeat. "Ttus legIslation needs to on what he called "strong opposition" quahfied, but the councll dates brought somethmg to Grosse POinte Park be voted down overwhelmIngly" to the bIll from top law enforcement was leanIng toward the table. I am truly pleased Another presentatIon takes place When the law takes effect on July officers 10 hIs dlstnct Overton that people of thiS calIber on Wednesday, Feb 14 The fee IS $5 I, he said, "you wIll not be able to "It's not the best pIece of legIslation In hIS report to the coun- want to work for the City" and the presenter is Dr Thomas keep guns out of the parks In Grosse for the commurutles I represent," saId cil, Gerstenacker Cited Jenmngs echoed Hulbert For more mformatlon, call POinte It makes no sense at all " RIchner "ThIS bill took too much dIs- Overton's experience WIth Wheeler's sentiments, say- (313) 647-5000. Susan Brown of Grosse Pomte Park cretion away from local gun boards upgrading parks and mfra- mg that It was a truly closed supports Duggan's effort and may take away the nght to refer- structure at the cIties he deCIsion. Thursday, Feb. 8 "We are outtaged the law was actu- endum" A blood dnve hosted by the Grosse ally passed: said Brown, who last "MIchigan reSidents have the nght POinte Community Blood CouncIi year rallied support for the Milhon to petition," said i3rown, an attorney, Mom March gun safety movement "It "but If (legIslators) attach an alloca- POINTER OF INTEREST runs from 9 a m - 8 30 P m In the Grosse Pointe War Memonal, 32 was rushed through In a lame duck tIOn (to a bJlI) It makes It much more sessIOn" difficult We have to go to court and Lakeshore In Grosse Pomte Farms fight the attached appropnatlOn." AppOintments are encouraged, but Shall issue Dick Strowger walk-inS are accepted To make an She saId a SUit could be filed thiS appointment or for more mformatlOn, The measure was mtroduced m the week In Ingham County CIrCUIt Home: Grosse POinte call (313) 884-5542 House by the now-former Rep Court Park MIChael Green <R - MaYVille),and In Green saId, ~Our state ConstitutIOn Age: 61 guarantees we shall have the nght to ihe S.enate by DaVId Jaye (R - Family: WIdowed, two • Washington Township) bear arms to protect ourselves We The bin prOVides that local gun Interpret that to mclude Concealed grown sons, Ryan and INDEX boards "shall Issue a hcense to carry a weapons" .
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