August 12, 1994 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22345 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MASS MIGRATION FROM CUBA dent (probable successor to 75-year-old Nel­ At that time, it would have been simple son Mandela); minister of defense; minister and logical to have had him replace ANC of safety and security (the police); and min­ President Oliver Tambo, who had long been HON. E. CLAY SHAW, JR. ister of posts, telecommunications and seriously 111, but instead, he was eventually OF FLORIDA broadcasting (a key position for controlling given the largely honorific post of deputy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the media). This is a textbook example of president. After leaving prison, he was, in ef­ how communist parties have always tried to fect, on probation for a year and a half be­ Friday, August 12, 1994 secure control over the military, the police fore he was "elected" president. During this Mr. SHAW. Mr. Speaker, in 1980 Fidel Cas­ and the media as an essential first step to period, his first major trial was entering ne­ tro opened Cuba's borders and 125,000 taking over entirely. SACP members hold gotiations with President de Klerk at Groote other important positions: minister and dep­ Schurr, May 2-4, 1990. In these meetings, Mr. Cuban refugees flooded the shores of south uty minister of foreign affairs; housing Mandela's performance was closely mon­ Florida. Many outstanding Cubans escaped (which will probably dispense a large part of itored by a watchdog contingent of four sen­ Castro's brutal regime, but the boats at Mariel the state budget); transport; sport and recre­ ior SACP members headed by General-Sec­ were also filled with convicts and the mentally ation; and a minister without portfolio. Ten retary Joe Slovo, who is both white and re­ ill. As a result of Castro's despicable behavior, other ministers and six other deputy min­ puted (but not proven) to have been a colonel much damage was done to south Florida's isters are African National Congress (ANC) in the KGB. The party obviously thought people and the good name of the Cuban peo­ members who may or may not be in the this proctoring necessary, despite the consid­ SACP, but who owe their positions to ANC erably political liabilities it entailed. At ple. committees controlled by an SACP majority present, Mr. Mandela is clearly more than Now the dictator has again threatened a and, therefore, are beholden to the party. just a front man and must have no small mass migration of his long-suffering people. Thus, the electoral victory has, in effect, ac­ amount of influence in the ANC, but he does Mr. Speaker, earlier this week 19 Members of tually brought the SACP to power. not have the final say. The party has. the Florida delegation sent a letter to Presi­ I first learned of the SACP's control of the Unlike most of the reform-minded or dis­ dent Clinton asking him to bring Navy and ANC when, during my last stint in the White illusioned communists and ex-communists in Coast Guard assets into play to forestall this House, I prepared briefing material on the Europe, the South African Communists are ANC for President Bush. My research re­ true believers, less than Stalinst, but cer­ impending crisis. Last night Attorney General vealed that, contrary to popular belief, there tainly, pre-Gorbachev. This became abun­ Janet Reno announced that the United States is more than just an "alliance" between the dantly clear from the positions taken at the would use Navy and Coast Guard vessels to ANC and the SACP. last Party Congress in December 1991. Time keep the situation under control. I urge the The ANC is run by its National Working magazine (May 9, 1994) quite correctly stated President to put those assets in place now. Committee and National Executive Commit­ it: "While they [SACP members] have for­ The first lesson from Mariel is that swift tee, the present members of which were sworn Stalinism, Slovo still argues that American action is needed to prevent another elected in July 1991. The SACP controls ma­ 'only under socialism could you have a com­ jorities in both committees. This dominant bination of political and economic democ­ mass migration from Cuba. Everyone in south SACP role was confirmed in a revealing racy'." Mr. Slovo has got to be the most in­ Florida is well aware of the consequences of speech, not reported on outside of South Af­ fluential and powerful mover and shaker in Federal inaction and lack of resolve. Let us rica, given by the late Cris Rani, immensely South Africa today. The Freedom Charter, hope that this time our President acts first to popular ANC leader and once a probable suc­ mostly drafted by Mr. Slovo and still to this protect our borders and our laws. cessor to Mr. Mandela, on Nov. 16, 1991: "We day gospel for the ANC, states: "The na­ in the Communist Party have participated in tional wealth of our country ... shall be re­ and built the ANC. We have made the ANC stored to the people; the mineral wealth be­ NELSON MANDELA AND JOE what it is today, and the ANC is our organi­ neath the soil, the banks and monopolies SLOVO zation." shall be transferred to the ownership of the The ANC ws founded in 1912, and the Com­ people as a whole; all other industry and munist Party joined it in 1921. For at least trade shall be controlled to assist the well­ HON. DAN BURTON the last 50 years, the ANC has been essen­ being of the people." OF INDIANA tially a front for the party, with, of course, When elections became certain, the ANC the kinds of diverse groups fronts always put virtually dropped all the references to na­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forward. A Communist, Bram Fisher, wrote tionalization or any other "socialist" pro­ Friday, August 12, 1994 the "new" ANC Constitution in 1943. The grams both to keep the favorable (to them) Freedom Charter, still the ANC's credot and political process moving to encourage for­ Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, while manifesto, was drafted in 1955 by SACP eign investments and aid. The ANC did, how­ all of us are very pleased that violence has members Joe Slovo (who now heads the ever, briefly show its hand when it an­ been reduced in South Africa and that a gov­ party) and Moses Kotane. In testimony be­ nounced on Jan. 14 an economic program ernment of national unity is in place, we must fore a U.S. Senate committee, in November which seemed to harken back to the Free­ not allow the euphoria of the moment to cloud 1982, Bartholomew Hiapane, former member dom Charter in calling for the nationaliza­ our sober assessment of potential problems in of the SACP Central Committee and of the tion of the "strategic areas" of the economy. the South African transition. ANC's National Executive Committee, stat­ However, on May 1 Mr. Mandela insisted ed: " ... no major decision could be taken by there was nothing about Marxism or nation­ I commend to my colleagues' attention this the ANC without the concurrence and ap­ alization in the ANC's economic program. recent article from the Washington Times by proval of the Central Committee of the One can, indeed, expect the new ANC re­ William Stearman, formerly of the National Se­ SACP. Most major developments were, in gime to move slowly and deliberately in curity Council staff, about the strong influence fact, initiated by the SACP. On Dec. 16, 1982, changing the economy, except for massive of the South African Communist Party within Mr. Hiapane and his wife were murdered in expenditures on housing (which Mr. Slovo the new government. their home in Soweto by an ANC assassin. will directly supervise) and other social pro­ Where does this all leave Nelson Mandela, grams. At this point, they do not want to de­ NELSON MANDELA AND JOE SLOVO who stated he has been "influenced by Marx­ stabilize the economy, encourage white The most significant result of the recent ist thoughts" but is not a Party member? Al­ flight or discourage foreign investment. South African elections seems to have gone though he has been masterful and char­ Eventually, however, any Marxist-Leninist totally unmentioned in the world media: The ismatic in representing the ANC, he has regime can be counted on to give higher pri­ emerging dominant role of the South African never claimed to be running this organiza­ ority to attaining, exercising and maintain­ Communist Party (SACP) in the new govern­ tion. Just after he was released from prison ing political control than to fostering a free ment officially announced on May 11. in February, 1990, he quite accurately de­ and healthy economy. Such political control Known members of the SACP in the new scribed his position: "I am a loyal and dis­ inevitably requires the kind of state-con­ government include: The first deputy presi- ciplined member of the ANC." trolled economy the SACP and ANC have e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 79--059 0-97 Vol. 140 (Pt. 16) 24 22346 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 12, 1994 been advocating for decades. Moreover, such INTRODUCTION OF REGULATORY RESOLUTION TO REMOVE THE a move is not likely to encounter much op­ REFORM LEGISLATION PAS SPORT RESTRICTION ON po"sition from economically deprived voters UNITED STATES TRAVEL TO who gave the ANC its smashing electoral vic­ LEBANON tory.
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