FISHERIES RESEARCH BOARD OF CANADA Translation Series No 1839 Marine neustbnology by Yu. P. Zaitsev Original title: - Morskaya Neistonologiya From: Marine Neustonology, Academy of Sciences of the . Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, : 5-262 '1970 Translated by the Translation Bureau(P. • Foreign Languages Division Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada Marine Ecology Laboratory Dartmouth, N. S. 1971_ 401 pages typescript , yu, ID. Zaltriev: arine -NoustonoIoGy, '.aukova duka",10v,.19 ri 2i Introduction ....... 1.44 •ed ' y .... .... »,. • Part .one. Peculiarity of ecoloi3ical conditions of th fflost u,pper reGion of the seas and oceans . ...... ;11 Qhapter I. Illumination, temperature and salinity of water..11 Chapter II. NonlivinG oranic matter 17• Chapter rh e Mololcal activity of sea. foam . • . • chapter IV. Enviroament biotic factors .55 ' Chapter V. co1oica1 peculiarity of "the near-surface sca 1 biotope as the cause of delopin speciai biolQe;ical . structure in it • • e• * 4 4, léte•e. •44 , •....42 Part two. :2éthods of neustonolo&ical research • • • . • Chapter VI. npDssibility of usin existin plFÂnton nct models for neustonoloical purooses . .4*;- Chaoter ome principals upon which the workinG out of .,' the method. of col ec 1rç ond studyin e:; sea neuston cre-bas .47 Direction of haulin and the up,it of_quantittiyo - Calculation , A A C C a 3 C AA•CAAC A A * ('s 47 Optimal se.:)ced of haulins by iaeans of a net . 143 I'animusa disturbance in the natural ;.ater stratification': 'and quantity of population in the net haulinÉ, sono . .51 • . Some technical properties of nets considered While • •roducini; gears for haulin hyponeuston ...... •. .53 Chapter Gear$ and. m sans of houlin and. studyin of marine neuston ... ... • A . 7u Collection of bacteria . • A A ...... A . Collection of microphytes . .... .. • .53 Colloction of protozoa and small metazoa . ... .2"-,1•• Collection of middle-size invertebrate, and . ;■;rolk-sa larvae of fishes , .. .. • Collection of biG invertebrote, larvne•and youns ; of youn-Ci.5b*,s quntiy, for p mrooses • 4.4 4 .1 . 4. •444,a6a 3.JS baulln of neuston for rcdio.olo,:.ical, and other purposes . Collection of e ,Aneuston re•e6444 ..... • a•/(1...' • \ I Visual observations of neuoton in the • Laboratory treatent of noUston samp les and. -expe1i!.4ental research Part three. :iarine neuston; definition, structure composition quantity, rhythms and. ecoloè;y . „ • , * *** 0 4 Chapter IX. orl ;',In and develop:.aent of neustonoLoeical research in seas end oceans .•. Chapter X. lleuston and ploUston- near-surface comolexes of organisms in fresh and sea water ,:', • . * • Chapter Ki. St•y,ctura of neuston . Chapter Composition and. quantity of neuston • Microorganismel 0, • • .92 -Protozoa 4 t • 4 4 t 4 C 4 4- Small znetazoa (invertebrate) . .... , . • 0 • Bis metazoa,iInvertebrate) ... ... • 4 • • 1C'Ï. kgs, larvac . and youni:; -fishes - Epineuston • . , 115 ?hytoneust ,)n • . • .. 4 à . . Chapter X111. Circadian rhytha of neuston, ..... • Chapter XIV. ..koloGy of noustonic oranisms ....... 125 Adaptations of neustonic Lo keep In the 'surface film or sea water • 4.4 444 4 4 or4.1ste.127 AdapteAtions of nem.stonie organis;.ld to solar radiation. • 135 AdaPtfe10-1:is.of neustonic. orenisms'-to other- anotic 'enVironnlent factors - i 4 . • 1/46 • Adaptations of neuStonie organisms to biotic environent factors . • i 143 KadioecoloË:y • of neuston • • • ......... Part four. Spreadin and distribution of heuston in the sea. • E."›,5 .Chapter XV. General churacter of apreadin and distribution of neuston in the sea •••••••• . ... 4. , „ « 1G5, Distance to the shore and the dspth • Tempera • ure and saiii.lity• or water .. . • • 1Y -i, Current• • 4 . ... .... , . Lf..irid wind inqbovo wind ohenoupcn - ... Neuaton in. "contact" zones ,;.‘f- i;he sea „ • . 1 2)4 Chapter XVI. Peculiarities of neuston tcuperateteLiQerate of world.Ocean. Mou:sten of South soas of the. 4 • • 7)C) The '',1ack . .. - ... • • , - • , à ç 11 Th e Azov :>a . • . • ••..•.• • n • • rreo 2 Tho Ca:,;Dien Sea .... Chapter Neustbil peculiuritioe,Dr hi.&1 latitude reg,ions O orld lcean • ........ 214' Chaptr XVIII. 'f•ieuston pecilliarftles of. troic ,.i ret;ion of 'orld ,Dc ,aan Part five. ImpDrtance pf neuston in tho sea life and pnispocts • for marluc :ctl.stoncloy 2250 Chapter XIX. Ifflportance or reu3t;o In !::;eu- life • • • 230 . Neuston and reprbduction-o£ . Wcuston. and :autter-ejel-e_in nature .,. .. Chapter XX. Propeots for -.1.1orine - neustoriQiuy• 236 Conclusion g • • • t • * • • • * • .. ■ ... 4 13 1blioeaphy ... trt v'etem t's ,* 24? Short vocabulary of •pocir-31 tc.cias , . 262 Pn)f. Yu. Za.ilsev • Corrsp,mdin x;eber of the Acadoy of Solenes :yponeuston ' -epartment, :laessa - Branch :• Institut of Eioloy of SouthoJm eas, Ode 3 sa-37, US'è,L --.1 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREMP. BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIVISION DES LANGUE1S • DIVISION CANADA ÉTRANGÈRES TRANSLATE° FROM - TRADUCTION DE INTO - EN RUSSIAN ENGLISH AUTHOR - AUTEUR • Y. P. Zaitsev TITLE' IN ENGLISH -. TITRE ANG LA1S . Marine NeustonologY Title in foreign language- (trauslitemte_faraign, -characters) Morskaya Neistonologiya REF5RENCE IN FOREIGN I,ANGUA2E (NAME' OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHA.RACTERS. REFERENCE EN LANGUE ETRANGERE (NOM DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET.TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTERES PHONÉT QUES. As above REFERENCE IN ENGLISH - RÉFÉRENCE EN ANGLAIS As above , PUBLISH ER - ÉDIT EUR PAGE NUMBERS IN ORIONAL • DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMÉROS DES PAGES PANS "Naukova Dumka" DATE DE PUBLICATION L'ORIGINAL YEAR ISSUE. NO. 1 - 264 VOLUME ANNÉE NUMERO PLACE OF PUBLICATION NUMBER OF TYPED P GES LIEU DE PUBLICATION HOMBRE DE PAG,E • DACTYLOGRAPHIEllS Kiev 1970 ... 401 Fisheries & Forestry REQUESTING DEPARTMENT TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. 0011 .MIN 1ST ÉRE-CLIENT NOTRE DOSSIER NO Fisheries Research Board BRAT4CH OR DIVISION TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) • PH DIRECTION OU DIVISION TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) Dr. hiJe Conover • gl 4 PERSON e EQUESTING Marine Ecology Laboratory, DATE SOMPLETED NOV DEMANDE PAR • ACHEVE LE 71 - Dartmouth, N.3. YOUR NUMBER 7. 6 9-18-14 VOTRE DOSSIER N° • q• -- ïn. -_..., Î 'ch 18, 1971 ,....-......-ri, , :. ; (-.,...:,y .. DATE OF REQUEST p.r . Frf.. ...-:•:) • 'DATE DE LA DEMANDE 1-.i,..:::..iN t'.;(„:.:" ' i•-;.-.Vi r ::.E • Irifc,c;:;.-Aion sciliementi $03-200-10.8 (REV. 2/081 • •PeeeD I g 37 . F)EPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS FOREIGN LANGUAGES DIVISION DIVISION DES LANGUES ÉTRANGÈRES • CANADA CLIENT'S NO. DEPARTIeNT DIVISION/BRANCH CITY N° DU CLIENT MINISTERE DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE Fisheries 789...180.14 Fiaheries and Forestry Roses roh Board Dartmouth, N.:. BUREAU NO. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) DATE N° DU BUREAU LANGUE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) .. 1971 0017 Russian PE juN 2 4 ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UKRAINIAN SSR A.O. Kovalerskii Institute of South Seas Biology Odessa Branch UNEDITI:D DRAFT TRANSLATION Only for infotmation TRADUCTION .NON REVISÉE UkInOnt MARINE NEUSTONOLOGY by • Y.P. Zaitsev nNAUKOVA DUMKAn - KIEV, 1970 57.026.2 Z-17 110 UDC 577.472(26) This monograph summarizes for the first time data on the biology of the sea-air interface, which form the subject matter of a new field of hydrobiology - neustonology. An examination is made of the methodology of investigating the structure, composition, numbers, ecology, dynamics and dis- tribution of neuston. The important role played by neuston in the propagation of marine organisms and in the cycle of substances in nature is discussed. An assessment is given of the importance of neustonological research in increasing the effectiveness of practical measures aimed at the protection, regeneration and rational utilization ,of the biological re- sources of the ocean. This monograph is written for oceanographers, hydrobio- lc;gists, ichthyologists, radiobiologists, fisheries experts and nature conservationists. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Professor K.A. Vinogradov Doctor of Biological Sciences • „t INTRODUCTION. /5/* Half a century has passed since the renowned Swedish hydrobiologist E. Naumann (1917), counselled by his colleague O. Holmberg, proposed the term "neuston" (das Neuston) to denote the bacteria, Eüglena, chlamydomonads, amoebas and other minute plants and animals populating the surface film of small ponds and pools. The established term "plankton", which was introduced by Hensen (1887) to embrace organisms suspended in the body of the water and the term "pleuston" proposed by Schr8ter and Kirchner (Schr8ter u. Kirchner, 1896) to denote half-submerged plants like duckweed, did not fit what Naumann .defined as thencommunity of the surface film". This particular life form was best described by the word "neustom" (from the Ancient Greek neo to float, swim, whereas "pleo",from which the word "pleuston" is derived, denotes swimming ôr floating in a half-submerged state). Naumann did not insist on his term but he defined what he meant exactly - microorganisms in the surface film of a water body, as distinct from "plankton" and n pleuston". Soon however, it became evident that a far greater number of animal and plant species than envisaged by the discoverer of neuston are intimately associated with the surface tension film,or.Water. Observations in nature and in the laboratorY 4-_---- - - The numbers in the right-hand margin indicate the page numbers in the original text - Translator's
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