j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j DhananJa}arao Gadglillbrary j 111111111111 InlllIlll Illilllill DIIIIH GIPE-PUNE-IOI540 j j f '----- - j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j j SELECTIONS FI10M THE RECORDS OF THE BOMBAY GOVERNMENT. ~ (IN Two PARTS.)-NEW SERIES. Y;-"'~Vtlf _____ PART I. REPORT~ ON THE RESOURCES, &0., OF THE • DISTRICTS OF NADIAD, ~IT~R, w)NDE~, JUJAPUR, DHOLKA. DHANDHUKA, AND GOGH( THE TAPPA OF NAPAD, AND THE . KASBA OF RANPUR, IN GUJARAT: . / ACCOMPANIED EY ERIEF NO~ RELATIVE TO THE OONDITION OF THAT PROVINCE PREVIOUS TO THE OLOSE OF THE LAST CENTURY. A • of': .. ~_. ~,..._~ __ .... __ ~ ____ ~ WI';['H MEMOIRS ON 'THE DISTRICT~_ O~ JHALAVAD: KaTHIAWAR PROPER, MACHU KAN"'tHA, NAVANAGAR • . GOHELVAD, PORBANDAR, SORATH, AND HALAR, IN KATEIAW AP :" _)._1 ACCOMPANIED BY MISCELLANEOU~ INFORMATION ,CONNECTED WJTH THAT PBOYINCE ~ By (THE LATE) COLONEL ALEXANDER WALKER PART. II., REPORTS OF THE , " MEASURES; tJOMMENCING WITH 'ra.~ YEA:& 180;), AD6PTED) IN CONCERT WITH THE GOVERNMENT, BY. -THE LA~E COLONEL-­ ALEXANDER WALKER; ANP SuBSEQUENTLY BYMlt r.-V:­ WILLOUGHBY, POLITICAL AGENT IN KATHIAWAR, AND BY HIS SUCCESSORS, FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF FEMALE INFANTI­ CIDE1N THAT PROVINCE . •C01'lPILED &r EDITED BY R. HUGHES TROnS. ASSISTANT SEORETARY, POLITICAL DEPARTMEl!T , ~.O'mbaJl! REPRINTED AT THE GOVER;NMENT CENTRAL PRESS. -1~93. ~B3TRACT -OF CONTENTS. PARTt fAG.e. Qt1lARA~-Reporta on the ResourCt>s, &c., uf.the j;lhtrll:ts of Nll.duld, Mdtar, Mahudha, BIJapur, Dholka, Dhl.llldhuka and GogN:, the T'lppa of Napa.r, and thE' Kasba of Ranpur In the Plovlnce of GujarMf. '\rCr),,'panled by mformatIOn relative to the habib, &t-., of the people l1lhZ1nhng tllobe dll!tI'lct~, &1.0 ~nef 'hotes -1'IllatIVl" to the Fort of Kalra ; the Chouth of Camloay ) the forme!' COhwtlQlJ ~f GUJar.it.,. &0: By the Iat&LteulienMlt.(1nhl1e[ A. Walker, ReSIdent at EMO) j l. Subnlltted to Government on the 18th ,Tunp 1804, the 28th 1YIarch nO!) Dud the 20th July 1806 ....,.~ KATBIAwAR.-Brltish Prote;tlOn solictted by certam of the Clnefs of.-p,vcel'iL .:>:1 ' adopted, m the yeal'll lS04 and 1807, by LIeutenant-Colonel .A. "\V,ll • .iC, Bll'ildpnt at Baroda, oonaequent on an apphcatlOn f1"O;1l certam Chw1\ 11, 1'1.(.­ Province of Kathlawar, ao.hcltmg the protection of the Bllhsh Gov"'(lriltcil~, and prelim mary arrangement" adopted by that officer for eJ'fp\.,tmg • pfTlIlanent settlel1~ent of the amount of trIbute to be paid by each CbJ.eftaul tn tlllJ.t Provm<:e to HIS Highness the Glhkwar ... • 3'J-':.? JU!LAVAI>.-Report on th~ District of JMIavad In the ProvlIlce of Kftthlliwal. By LIeutenant·Colonel A. Walker. Rll'ildent at Baroda Submitted tq Govern- ment on the 7th October LS07 • ~ 6~ - ," Mllcna KbTHA.-.Report on the DistrIct of M.«.-ull &:a;,tha In tu\e PlOvmce of Kat! I.) war. By LIeutenAnt-Colonel A. Walker, Resident at ~AA. 8nbmlttf'I", ..-- - ~rl1ment on the 1 H.b ~uverober 1807 .~ ... N"{v \ \.\" \1\ --iLT'~bn th~ DIstrict of Naval1agar lit the Provmce oil, Kiitj"d.Wai. By , r:,r'Jutettant-qolonel A. Walker, Resident at Barod,.. Suboll1l'deU to GOVCHl- lllent on the 20th November 1801 • GOHEf,V.{n -R(>por on the DIs\rlCt of Gohelvad in the Provmce of Kithlaw';'r By J~leutenAnt-Colollel A Walker, E,esldeQ.t at Baroda. SubmItted to Govern· Il,lent 01;1 the lZth Decembt'l 1807 101-111 POI!B~ND.A,R-Report on the DIstrict of POi'b':!ndar 111 the Provlllce of Katlud.war By Lleutenant.Colonel A. Walker, Re,~'dent a.t Baroda. Submitted tC' Govbrn- _ __-~ ment on th". 16th Decen;tQer 1807 \ \ ,.... 1l;;--J.(6 - .-----. \~-I ~ - t'l>l A, h --f..t'l.'llt on t.he Dlf.tnctof Sorath in the PrOVIllei' of Katlwh·al. :By ueutellant­ ( "",',-l 4 \V,lVr'.»r .I;le~ttiet11fat·tft...wmL'l ~Ubl~itted to G'1 'lfQ.ment on the " 12th lalUll.ry 1808 ' ( .., 119-1.38 .$H. I, -Repo~n the DIstnct of IU.lio.r"'lu the Pro\-llIc'v )}·KaLh~.tw,,,:- 'B~' Llentenant- Cou"...... Walke" Resl ""ut ~f. tI.'It){l., !'I<ll.,·mtted to GO'l''',.l 'lB"+ lJ}'.lIRt 25tl;t 1)anullo'J - ..... 'I! .,::~. ~ .. • • ... '" \J!)...,..1tJ~ 1{ .\',,, !," R 1:'lliWIlR.-P.eporl on .. « tl ~t!1,'t ofi;':';'t~.~>' : ':u: Prthinc'l, 9L~ KI\!".h~~lr Dy LIeu.tenant C,)lonel A Wa e1j > ..._ ' ,,", -_ :":."""" t< J tu. Government 0»' t\lBf. 7 th r e'lrllary 1808 '~- - ~ "ltlt J{IRi. f' LH'lCOUI' InORMATION.-ReVlwI of .the Proceedlllgs (oJ-P to the mh()u,~ ~'~ayit .. • ' .. of tl.(> R:mouT3.ble East Ind, .. C"n,l"any'g GOV\ll'nm<,nt, in t e e"..Tn ,,~. aula of GUJ~t, accoropa}I:,>J h~ ,i, '~"llaneou~ r ,';"rroatiou connected 'I[ltb t If -, l'rolllt:\.ce of Kdihlli. w Jr' Uj Ll('ut"n mt-Colo.lt 1 A Wa,lker, R es!1'felf\t "t J 1 II ":20(l llaf{)nll F.~~mltted to dOH .UIU~nt ,'(1 the 15th \I,' y lS0i . ..... - - J. '. G' k ,.. t t the Bntish G'Wl>fll- 'uIiAVNAGAR ANNUAL TRInDI'1" -11ilTI<;f,-t trom the ac ,~..u- ",tot eo, "t<>d rnent<li the A",U,.' Tr.l nt" payable by the T;l~!l.kor of Bhavnagsi' 'de"Otl'l ~Ol-2IH in the year 1"-' 5 by Ljeu.Lenant-Colonel A Walker, Resldent at !.ltD 1\ •• "PART IT . bf" "'flf'Il)l! -M"aslues (comm€lIcll1g With the year fleuteIl>l.n"l': FEMALE adopt~d 18t)~)? el A Walker Resldent at Baroda, for the suppr€SSl.)n (I n antI>:', \' .. I Colon . f Ka h a ACOOIllT ~', Lt 1)\ ~r:'t lH't more eSJ)aclally In the l'lOV1.l\W 0 ,t law 1 I' " • 1 GU1 , • .' I A t that 'tmJ1l (" , ., '\ ItE'norts'l.y Mr J- P. WIlloughby, Polttlw ~n ill· -'I '. rl'- hl!1{"SuCC~%Or9, (If tho subsrqutut rm,!\SUl(.S .,u"pted by tJ.o~e T~.::Q.,.;>. wf )'3 attalDment of that object DE'rAILED LIST OF CON'rENTS. PART T. DISTRICTS OF GVJARAT. pi-GE. Reports on the Resources, &c., of the DIsttlGts of N adlad, Matar, l\:1ahudha, Bljapur, DhQlka, Dhandhuka, and Gogha ; the Tappa of NapaI,' i and the Kasba. of Ra.npur j In the Prov~ce of GUJarab : accot:JI panied by ~nformatxon relatIve to the habIts, &c., of the people llihabltmg those dIstricts; also brIef notes relatIve to.the Fort of KaJl'a; the Chouth of Cambay j the formfr condltlOn,of Gujarat, &c. By the late Lleutenant-Oalonel A. Walker, ReSIdent at Baroda. SubmItted to Government on the 18th June 1804, the 28th March 1805 and the 20th July 1806 ... " ... 1-207 .... Naehad, Pal'gana of ~ ./Matar do. •.. 01 Mahudba, do. ... ~ v Kalra, Fort of ... •.. v Napar, Tappa of ~b. oICambay, Chouth of 5 Samaad, Tappa of , ... th. .. BIJapur, Pargana. of ... ib • "Dholka, do. /. 6 "Dhandbuka, do. 8 vRanpur, Kallba. of 10 " Gogha, Pargana of 11 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ,. .. 13 .llNDIX alluded to in paragraph 89 of the foregomg repor~ 17 /P..t' on the DISt~lCt?~ ~?:a~~ -~:.t.~dlt[on of GIlJarat, &c.· FL UiroRlu.'rioN relatIve to t.he formei~ "-.... ... ,~3 Oustoms and charaoter of the people' ... ~ .~ '~b. Revenue management... " _ 121 The Kasbahs ... 122 Revenue farming system ••• 123 Manutldars .. ~b Effects of the farming system .. ~t Rates of taxation ... 124 Leases b Concludmg remarks ') REPORT on the distriots of Dhandhuka, Ranpur and Gogha j the former condItion of Gujarat, &0. .'. ,... ... ,.. ,., ••• . .. Management of the distrlOts tb RIghts and liabIlItIes of Ohieftains .•.. 28 PerquIsItes of 1000.1 officIals .. .... ,.. ~D • ClaimS to local offices .. 29 State of socIety ... ib. Revenue settlements 80 DeSIgnatIOns and gradatIOns of the Ohlefs 31 Powers and prxvIleges of do, tb. Relations of the OhlertalDS towards eaQh other ... 32 RelatIons of the Chieftains to the paramount authority tb. General summary, reflectIons and suggestxons .. \ 33 STATS OF GUURAT.-Enclosure No. I.-Verbal informatIon relative to the state of Gujarat, commuUlcated by Aml'ut LalI, Agent and Vakll for near thIrty years on behalf 'Of the Peshwa's Subah of Ahmedabad .. 34 Oondition of GUJarat under the Mogals and Marathas ib. SIRK.bs -Enclosul'e No. 2.-Translate of an extract of a work entitled Mmtt.e.'!hmadi, 80mplled by All Mahomed Khan, DIvan of the Subah of Ahmedabad, who held the office of Divan durmg the admimstratlon of Mabaraz.u1.Mulk, m the year A.H. 1136 (A.D. 1723) ... ... .. • . .. 36 Sirkars conneoted or dependent (Mazafat) on the country of Gujara.t, beSI~es the dIStricts paying regular revenue (BaJokheraJ), subject to the Subah of Ahmedabad. ib] Sirkars, Mahals,and VIllages payIng Peshkash On account of the countries of the Zamm- dare ... _,. tb. MaMls of Slrkars whIch belong to Za.mmdars of consequence 37 Places of Zammdars of the greater and lesser MehvaslS ... ,b. "BRITISH PROTEOTION SOLICITED. Proceedmgs adopted in the years 1804 and 1807, by Lieutenant-Oolonel A. Walker, Resident • at Ba.roda, consequent on an apphcatlOn from certam ChIefs in the ProvIDce of KMhutwar, sohClting the protectIon of the BritIsh Government, and prelImInary arrangements adopted by that offioer for effecting a permanent settlement of the amount of trlbute to be paId by each OhleftalD in ~hat provlDce to HIS HIghness the Gaekwar... 89 iv «ON. TENTS. PAG •• Translation of a communIcation addressed In the GUJarati .language to. lAeutenant-Colonel.' 40 A. Walker, by several Chiefs of Ka.thll~wa.r, seekJDg JXItlsh protectIon ...
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