Thursday, 7 January, 2021 12476999-DL02-21 Phone: 4182 0450 Trades and Classifieds: 1300 666 808 $2.50 Inc. GST School Meet all the Get your Marge! The graduates 2020 Burnett livestock 2021 rainfall reap results bubs calendar chart’s here! liftout CoalPAGES 4-5 PAGESmine 19-20 & 29-30 PAGES 22 & 27axedINSIDE By Amy Buckingham Burnett residents are rejoicing at the with- drawal of an application for a South Burnett coal mine. Agricultural land may be conserved, how- ever potential employment opportunities will be lost as a result of Moreton Resources giving up its coal proposal for a mine based 10 kilo- metres south of Kingaroy. A Department of Resources spokesperson confirmed Moreton Resources’ Mineral Devel- opment Licence (a permit a company needs to look for resources in an area) 385 (MDL385) was disclaimed on 18 December, 2020. Burnett’s farming lands are alive with fields of In response, Kingaroy Concerned Citizens green grass and rich red soil. Group spokesperson John Dalton was relieved. He said some people had been worried another company with more experience and money would take over the project when Moreton Resources fell into liquidation in June last year. “When you consider one of the best farm- ing lands with dairy, crops, beef and soil when we need more food security, I think proposing a coal mine is a bad idea,” Mr Dalton said. “People can now get on with their lives without worrying about whether they should spend money on their farm or sell it because a rail line could go through their properties. KCCG spokesperson John Dalton is relieved “It is concerning for the environment and the South Burnett coal mine application has how this could increase the effects of climate Farmers fear a coal mine would risk Burnett’s agriculture. 224924 Pictures: CONTRIBUTED been withdrawn. 224924 change. “There are people sighing relief due to the though the proposal would benefit some job A Department of Resources spokesperson South Burnett – to Moreton Resources. reduction of stress this news brings.” seekers, on balance it did not outweigh the said this ‘historic’ status means a permit or This came after a pre-feasibility study On the other hand, Moreton Resources negative impacts the community may feel. licence has expired or is surrendered. (PFS) validated $11-12 Billion in revenue stated on its website the proposed coal mine “I acknowledge that some people would Burnett Today contacted Moreton Re- from the project over 42 years, and a July 2014 would have stimulated the economy. rather take a job, but would you rather risk a sources for comment but has not received a Mine Concept Study estimated a coal pro- “The project offers significant job creation disruption to Kingaroy and the potential loss response at the time of publication. duction rate of 5.5 million tonnes per annum prospects in the South Burnett, Wide Bay Re- of farming?” he asked. In a letter addressed to Australian Stock (Mtmpa). gion and State of Queensland with the poten- The status of MDL385 has been changed Exchange (ASX) on 20 October 2015, Cocka- Since the project was announced, South tial Project commencing at a critical time for to ‘historic’ on the Queensland Government’s too Coal Limited Chief Executive Officer Peter Burnett farmers and residents have protested the Queensland economy,” they stated. GeoResGlobe website which provides the Kane said it sold EPC882 (Exploration Permit it citing concerns for agriculture, tourism and Addressing this point, Mr Dalton said al- state’s mining and exploration data. for Coal) - an exploration permit for coal in the environment. 12462238-LB39-20 Ken Mills Kia, 81-87 River Road, Kingaroy 4164 9282 Fax 4162 4980 E: [email protected] www.kenmillskia.com.au Sales after hours: Ron Vels 0427 627 777 | Craig Green 0458 455 375 | Daniel Trace 0428 933 151 KIA234HOSO INSIDE STREET TALK BurnettToday.com.au TV GUIDE ..............................pages 23-26 MOTORING ...........................pages 33-36 RURAL MATTERS ............... pages 21 & 28 LIVE STOCK CALENDAR ..... pages 22 & 27 The editor’s desk CLASSIFIEDS ........................pages 42-44 Rain on New Year’s Day, even if it was just light showers all day, seemed like the SPORT ..........................pages 45-46 & 48 best way to start off 2021. My fiance and I enjoyed walking through a few sun showers as we ex- WEATHER plored part of the Kingaroy to Kilkivan Rail Trail that morning. TODAY Since the health pandemic domi- Rain nated news headlines last year it could 19°-25° have been easy to miss the fact that the Chance of rain drought is still just as prevalent as the 60% 1-5mm year before. As the South Burnett and North Bur- FRIDAY MONDAY nett are both major agricultural indus- Showers Cloudy tries the ongoing drought has had just 17°-24° 16°-25° as much of an economic impact as the Chance of rain Chance of rain 40% 1-5mm 90% 1-5mm What is your new year’s health crisis has. Therefore, it is important to check SATURDAY TUESDAY in on our neighbours and friends in the Partly cloudy Showers New Year as 2020 was a massive year. 15°-25° 17°-28° resolution? Burnett Today is pleased to give our Chance of rain Chance of rain readers the opportunity to record even 50% 1-5mm 80% 1-5mm By Amy Buckingham the smallest of changes in rainfall during It’s that time when people are setting long- SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 2021 with our Rainfall Chart lift-out. term goals to keep them focused for the year. However, fingers crossed, there will Partly cloudy Showers Burnett Today heads to the streets to ask pass- be some larger numbers of rainfall mea- 15°-25° 17°-30° ers-by what they hope to achieve in 2021. Chance of rain Chance of rain surements to be recorded on the chart 60% 1-5mm 90% 1-5mm this year. Perhaps the greener views around the region presently are a sign of good CONTACT US things to come this year. News of our school graduates’ great ATAR results (see pages 4 and 5) sets up the Class of 2020 for a promising year pursuing their careers. Kingaroy State High School’s Nathan Lonsdale had an especially impressive BurnettToday.com.au score among some of the highest results Address: 154-156 Haly Street in Queensland. Kingaroy 4610 Inside Today’s paper we also share I want to work on my fitness and get my Telephone: 07 4182 0450 South Burnett jockey Hannah Phillips’ licence. - Shelly Ward, Kingaroy amazing win at the Bell Races. Editorial: These are some of the many inspiring Email: [email protected] news stories that Burnett Today will have the privilege of printing during 2021. Advertising: We look forward to getting involved Email: [email protected] in our community, attending events and being there with our readers during the Classifieds: ‘big moments’ of the year. Phone: 07 4182 0450 or 1300 666 808 The Burnett is made up of many Email: [email protected] amazing people with incredible and in- teresting stories ready to be shared with ADVERTISING the wider community. Melanie Eastaugh Sales manager Let our team know of any achieve- P: 07 4182 0458 ments or anything that is happening in E: [email protected] your town by emailing newsdesk@bur- netttoday.com.au Michael Callaghan Sales consultant Burnett Today would P: 07 4182 0452 like to wish our readers a E: [email protected] I’ve been in Australia for 30 years, so I want to Continue making beehives for my awesome happy new year! Sharon Jones Trades & Services travel to New Zealand and see snow. customers and reading more books. - Jessica McGrath P: 07 4182 0451 - Maria Heaney, Kingaroy - Troi Garnet, Kingaroy E: [email protected] EDITORIAL Jessica McGrath Editorial team leader P: 07 4182 0456 E: [email protected] Kate McCormack Journalist P: 07 4182 0457 E: [email protected] Laura Blackmore Journalist P: 07 4182 0455 E: [email protected] DEADLINES Advertising Bookings Friday 3pm Classified Bookings Monday 3pm Published by South Burnett Today Pty Ltd ACN 641 796 349. Publisher/Managing Director, Daniel Pelcl. All material is copyright to South Burnett Today Pty Ltd. All sig- nificant errors will be corrected as soon as possible. Distribu- 12458258-DL34-20 tion numbers, areas and coverage are estimates only. For our terms and conditions please visit BurnettToday.com.au/terms- and-conditions/ Volunteering at places like RSPCA, helping family and achieving good grades. - Amber Finney, Mia Shailer and Casey Springhall, Kingaroy 2 BURNETT TODAY Thursday, 7 January, 2021 BurnettToday.com.au NEWS What you need to Murgon pair charged A Murgon man and woman have been know about Covid charged with drug offences after police executed a search warrant. By Amy Buckingham more than 56 days since it was recorded. Officers allegedly located and seized drug items, utensils, ammunition and a The state’s new electronic approach has Queensland restaurants, pubs, cafes and firearm during the search on 31 Decem- been implemented to ensure quicker contact ber, 2020. bars must record patrons’ contact informa- tracing in these high-risk areas. tion electronically after the State Government A 36-year-old Murgon woman has In addition to these measures, Queensland banned paper-based methods on Wednesday, been charged with five offences includ- Health is urging licensed venues to maintain 23 December. ing possessing dangerous drugs, possess COVID safe practices by encouraging social For customers who do not own phones and property suspected of having been used distancing, meeting high hygiene standards, in connection with a drug offence, pos- cannot scan a QR code or complete an online and allocating a COVID marshal to ensure pa- booking, businesses are urged to maintain sess drug utensils, unlawful possession The state’s hospitality businesses must now trons comply with rules.
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