Two--.CCRunners Qualify in "Who's-who" For The Nfationals ;TwentY-Eight Students named this year from Flagler College are: Troy Holland and Jenny Lamoreux ran away with Twenty-eight students from Flagler College have individual honors in the District 25 Cross T ourna­ joined an elite group of students nationwide for listing Michael George Altenlbach, Melissa Anne Balbes, ment here Saturday, qualifying for the NAIA finals in the 1984 edition of "Who's Who Among Students In ·Robert M. Beaudoin, Laureen Mary -Burke, Fenella to be held Nov. 19 in Kenosha; Wisc. American Universities and Colleges." Jayne Burns, Cheri _ Lynn Cramer, Colin Patrick Hollapd won the men's five-mile cross-country They were chosen for inclusion in the Hsting of Crothers, Charles Lee Culbreth, Mary Anne Cullen, run with a time of 25.10 to take first place individual outstanding student leaders by campus nominating James M. Dipofi, Tracy Leigh Evans, Cynthia Marie honors. Lamoreux out-paced runners from the three committees and editors of the. annual directory based Fialkovic, Ricky Stephen Hankey, James Thomas other colleges entered to win the women's three- on their academic achievement, ·service to the com­ Howard, Delphine E. Jordan, Audrey Karayanis, Laura mile event in 16.57. · munity, leadership in extracurricular activities and Ann Lott, James Micha.el Lucas, Patricia Caroline Both times are excellent. potential for continued success. Masters, Kevin James McKillop, Howard Edward Berry College swept the team competition in both Students chosen for the honor were selected from Nystrom, Guy Patrick Olney, Karen Anne Riedel, men's and women's divisiorns. The Flagler men's more than 1,500 institutions of higher learning in all 50 Carlin Robbins, Mary Ruth Scheiderman, Donna Lynn team was second in team effort and the women were states, the District of Columbia and several foreign Schnorr, Herrick Alfred! Smith and Marc Gilman fourth. countries. Williar. Volume XIV Number 4 FLAGLER COLLEGE, St. Augustine, Fla. November 10, 1983 Central America Crisis Forum Topic "The Central America Crisis," featuring a panel of three experts on the topic, will be the theme of this year's Flagler Forum to be held in the Flagler gym- . nasium Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 10:00 A.M. Among the panelists will be Mr. Robert E. White, former Ambassador to El Salvador; Dr. B. Thomas Trout of the National Strategy Information Center, Inc.; and Mr. Peter Romero, senior advisor to Mr. Otto Reich, Ambassador for Public Diplomacy for Central America and the Caribbean. Dr. William L. Proctoi:, Flagler College president, will be the moderator. In focusing on the timely ·central American theme, the forum committee has assembled a distinguished and knowledgeable panel. White, during his 25 year Foreign Service career, specialized in Latin American affairs, with a particular emphasis on central America .. In his early career he served in Honduras and Nicaragua. Among other posts he held were Latin American Director of the Peace Corps, Deputy Perma­ nent Representative to the Organization of American States, Ambassador to Paraguay and Ambassador to El Salvador. In 1977 and 1978 Mr. White served as the Mr. Robert E. White Dr. B. Thomas Trout Mr. Peter Romero President's special representative to the Inter-American - Conference on Education, Science and Culture. • In February 1981 the Reagai1 administration removed Soccer Saints Win Distri(~t Title Ambassador White from his post in El Salvador. He has recently been appointed to the Warburg Chair on International Relatio1;1s at Simmons College, Boston, For Second ·Year In Rov.'J (Continued On Page Two) - The soccer Saints have done it again! In the semi-final ga:me, Flagler was up against a Non-Profit Organiatlon U.S. POSTAGE For the second year in a row, the Saints, coached by Georgia College team which was extremely happy to PA"IO Bob Moullin, have won the NAIA District 25 Cham­ be in the semi-finals. St. Augustine.Florida Oe,mit No. 84. pionship and moved into area competition against Commented one player after the game, "We never Atlantic Christian. (Results were unavailable at press expected to get this far." 'IO THE PARENTS OF: time.) But the high-spirited team was completely dominated James G. Wunderlich by Flagler and, despite no scoring in the early stages, it 602 Divis St. The Saints defeated Berry College of Georgia, 2-0, was obvious that Flagler was going to win the match. Elmira, NY 14901 before a large and enthusiastic crowd at Flagler Field Halftime score was 2-0 with goals claimed by Mike Saturday afternoon after. gaining the finals with a 3-0 Deluliis and Tim Bartlett .. victory over Georgia College, which had gained the Bartlett's header from the corner was "particularly semi-finals with a surprise win over Oglethorpe. Berry pleasing," explained Coa1ch Moullin. "We had just got to the finals with a win over Boca. practi~ed that the day before."(Continued On Page Four) Page Two, T~argoyle., November 10, 1983· authored a number of publications. Romero is a Foreign Service Rank 2 officer mid level Support :F~gler' s Forum (Continued From Page One) with the U.S. State Department and is the recipient of the Department of State Meritorious Honor Award for and is also serving as Senior Fellow with the Center for Atliletic Programs reporting on Central America. Development Policy in \'(;ashington. Trout, since 1976 an associate professor of political · He was educated at Florida State University where he science at the University of New Hampshire includes received his BS in 1971 and his MA in 1972. TYPll~G SERVICE . among his general interests national security policy, He was a political science teacher and private consul­ foreign policy and international politics. His specific in­ t~nt for the then U.S. Department of Health, Educa­ $1°'~ I PAGE terests' are United States foreign policy, Soviet· tion and Welfare and from 1977-79 was consular officer American relations; and the character of future conflict in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. He was the environments. editor and watch officer in the State Department . ROBU--1 BERGMANN Educated at Indiana University where he earned a Ph. Operations Center in 1979-80. He also served, in 471-6'143 D in political science and a MA in government, he also 1981-82 as Political/Military Analyst, Bureau of In­ received a BA in international relations from UCLA. telligence and Research (for Honduras, Guatemi).ls and Term papers, resumes He has been awarded a number of professional honors El Salvador), and from 1982-83 as desk officer for El and awards and has done extensive research and Salvador before assuming his p_resent duties. busiiness letters .. .. .. ......., .. ,., .... ............ -......-..... ..,., .... .. ,.., ........ ~';:' .. .... .. .. ..... ,.,... .. .... ..~.. .. ,..,.... " .. ..: ..................... Flagler Camera On Campus Pictured are members of Flagler's Women's Mary Clukey. Team members, from left, are Chearleaders Erika Gray and Janine Cross Country team which has been com- Juliann Sattes, Jean Balliet, Kim Flannigan, . MacAllister are ready · for the basketball petiting in a number of· events this fall and Jenny Lamoreux, Diane Rigby, Maria Stroup · season. · maki_ng a good showing under the coaching of and Lori Wright. ,~:z:;i;z~ ~~=~=~~==~, =~~~~~~=~~~: ~~~~~:~:~: ;~~~~== 1;~~~~:::z~~~:~~~~~:~~~;~~~~~=~~z: =.;:?~ ~~~: u~~~~ .I Page Three, The Gargoyle, November 10, 1983 The Calendar Flagler's Howard Nystr<?m Scholarship Recipien_t Howard Nystrom, a· senior accounting major at Friday 11- Flagier College, has been awarded a $~00 scholarshi~ by , Men's Basketball vs. Heritage College, 7-:30 p.m. the Florida Institute of CPAs Educational Foundation, · Gym. the first Flagler student to receive the award. Saturday 12- Nystrom, 22, of Winter Park, was chosen to receive Ariel Survival Day the scholarship by the board of trustees of the FICPA Flagler's One and Only Invitational Fun Day foundation on the basis of his scholastic performance (REM16) and all-around character after being recommended for Gong Show, 7:30 p.m. Gym. the scholarship by a committee of the business faculty. Monday 14- Lloyd A. Turman, secretary-treasurer of t~e FICP1:,­ Tuesday 15- said Nystrom was selected after a careful review of his Ponce Players ...:.... "The Father" 8:15 p.m. Govt. qualifications and that the board was proud of the House record he has established. Wednesday 16- The award, which is for the 1983-84 academic year, Ponce Players -"The Father" 8:15 p.m. Govt. was made to Nystrom recently at a meeting of the FIC- House PA Jacksonville Chapter. Wednesday 16 - The foundation, through the award of scholarships, Flagler Forum gym. hope~ to encourage recipients to continue their careers "The Father" 8:15 p.m. in the field of accounting. Thursday 17- Nystrom, who will graduate in May, is a graduate of Howard Nystrom, right ,recipient of the FIC­ "The Father" 8:15 p.m. Lake Howell High School and is in his fourth semester PA scholarship, with Edward Balis of Flagler's Friday 18- at Flagler. Business Department. "The Father" 8:1 5 p.m. Saturday 19 - Men's basketball vs. Miami Christian, home 7:.30 ST.GEORGE PHARMACY p.m. Hugh Shaw Scholarship " The Father" 8:15 p.m. AND BIJOKSTORE Fall Dance, 9-1 a.m. Armory. · The Hugh Shaw Memorial Scholarship, established Monday 21 - in 1983, is awarded to a student majoring in the social ALL YOUR FAVORITE Tuesday 22- sciences, with a concentration of courses in religion and Men's basketball vs. Tampa, away. philosophy. MAGAZINES & PAPERBACKS In order to be eligible for the scholarship a student THE GARGOYLE must have attained a junior classification, be a legal resi­ dent of Florida, and have established a need for finan­ 10% DISCOUNT An Official News Publication cial assistance. of Flagler College Candidates are recommended by a selection commit­ TO ALL STUDENTS St.
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