NABAFl Championships Brisbane & SOUllllJOll JJ lUIJI 23-30, 2005 . Naffonal Proud Partner - Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games ~ ELBO~ E ~ . NAB Important Information. Terms and conditions available on application. Any advice contained i~ this advertisement has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any advice i9i this advertisement, National Australia Bank Limited recommends that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances. The National. r.ecommends you consider the Product Disclosure .// Rising Stars Statement or other disclosure document, available from the National, before making any dec1S1ons regarding these products. These products are //// U16 Championshlps G. issued by National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937. C 2005 National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 25448 (06/05) ~NAB Rising Stars ~ '·t Program "" f/Y. ["IJ 't abCJur s111g1119 ·~~~ ~- .~~ , }', I far lady HELPING GROW • THE FUTURE ~-.1 OFFOOTY~ " ~ ~ • .0 0 0~ ~ 0 . ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..:- ;: ~ W:•11·1 IVEI '11L .Yll Sit trS . -\ To find out more, visit national.com.au © 2005 National Australi.a B.ank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 25449 (06105) . NAB ,• . NAB // Rising Stars ~'. PROGRAM OF MATCHES AFL WELCOME -'. // Rising Stars //// u1achamplonshlps9 ... //// U1 6 Championships e An exciting start DIVISION ONE DIVISION TWO » This week's NAB AFL Under-16 Championships will see future stars emerge. Sunday, July 24 Saturday, July 23 Match 1: SA v Vic Country, 11 am, Match 1: Northern Territory v Tasmania, 9.45am, et lcome to he NAB AFL Under-16 The AF L trusts this week of round-robi n Coorparoo Coorparoo Match 2: Vic Metro v WA, 1.30pm , Match 2: Queensland v NSW/ACT RA MS, 1pm , Champion ships in Qu eenslan d, w hich football w ill be a great learn in g experience for Coor aroo Gabba brin g together our eight state and all the players an d inspires each and every one Wednesday, June 27 Tuesday, July 26 W territory teams in two divisions, mirroring of them to pu rsue their footbal l dreams in the Winner match 1 v loser match 2, 11 am , Win ner match 1 v loser match 2, 11am, Southport FC Southport FC the NAB AFL Under-18 Championships held years to co me. Winner match 2 v loser match 1, 1.30pm, Winner match 2 v loser match 1, 1.30pm, A decade ago, current AFL stars in Adam Southport FC South ort FC recently in Victoria. Saturday, July 30 Friday, July 29 Thi s is the 10th year of the Under-16 Goodes (Vic Country). Luke Power (Vic Metro). Loser match 1 v loser match 2, 11 am, Loser match 1 v loser match 2, 11 am, Championships, with Western Austral ia Brodie Holland (Tas man ia) , Tyson Steng lein Coorparoo Gabba Winner match 1 v winner match 2, 1.30pm, Winner match 1 v winn er match 2, 1.30pm, (D ivi sion One) and NSW/ACT (Division Two) the (Western Au stral ia) and Brad Ottens (South Coorparoo Gabba most successful tea ms with four titles each in Australia) played in the inaugural Under-16 MATCH CONDITIONS - Round·robin format; winner in each division will be the team which wins th e most games. Where two teams are the nine years. Championsh ips, before becomin g household tied for first position, th e team which won the match pl ayed between them shall be declared the winner of th at division. Wh ere three tea ms are tied, the team with the highest percentage will be decla red th e win ner. There will be no drawn matches. Where scores are level at full · For most players it w ill be their fi rs t names in the AFL. time, the time keepe r shall not sound the siren until another sc ore (goal_or_b_e_hin_d_I i_s _re...g i _st_er_ed_. -------------' opportunity to represent thei r state or territory We sincerely thank AFL Qu eensland an d in a truly national carniva l, w ith two titles to be the Brisba ne Li ons for their support in hosti ng decided this week. these Championships, and wish all pa rticipants Andrew Fyfe Alan McConnell DIVISION 1 NSW/ACT It beg ins a very exciti ng few yea rs for the an enjoya bl e an d successful w eek. AIS-AFL High Performance Coach (Chairman) TEAM p w l D F A p % Brett Kronk, Aaron Hall Kevin Sheehan players, w ith subseq uent opportunities for WA 3 3 0 0 278 173 12 160.6 QUEENSLAND AF L National Ta lent Manager them to progress to Under-18 representative David Matthews Kevin Sheehan Simon Mackie Craig Cameron Vic Country 3 2 1 0 218 157 8 138.8 General Manager National Talent Manager level, from which two thirds of the AFL drafted SOUTH AUSTRALI A Melbourne Recruiting Manager Vic Metro 3 1 2 0 188 254 4 74 AFL Game Development AFL Game Development Mark Tuckett Stephen Wells players emerge each year. TASMAN IA SA 3 0 3 0 159 259 0 61 Geelong Re cruiting Manager. Thi s week's carnival w ill also help identify Damien Anderson Gary Buckenara VICTORIA Hawthorn Recruiti ng Manager DIVISION2 the majority of players w ho w ill be offered JULY 23-30, 2005 Jeff Dalgleish Adrian Dodoro TEAM p w l D F A p % scholarsh ips as part of the ni nth intake into the WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1fNA8 Essendon Recruiti ng Manager Queensland 3 3 0 0 228 91 12 268.2 AIS-AFL Academy The 30 scholarship holders Tasmania 3 2 1 0 206 139 8 148.2 w ill attend camps in October and December // Rising Stars NSW/ACT 3 1 2 0 131 123 4 106.5 this year. Then in January and July next year, //// U16 Championships9. Kevi n Sheehan Al an McConnell Bob Batty Craig Notman AFL National Talent Manager AISNL Hgi Pafoonarce Coocti AFL Oueenslard AFL Talent c:o«cimoc NT 3 0 3 0 90 224 0 40.1 they w ill receive tu ition from experts fam iliar (Championships' Manager) COVER: Emerging AFL stars (from leftl Travis Cloke, Angus Monfries, w ith w hat is required to play at AFL level, under Jarryd Roughead and Richard Tambling, all gra duates of the the direction of coach Alan McConnell. NAB AFL Under· 16 Championships. DIVISION ONE DIVISION TWO KEVIN SHEEHAN MEDALLIST ALAN McLEAN MEDALLIST The squad w ill al so represent Au stralia DIVISION ONE DIVISION TWO aga inst Ireland in International Rules Football at CONT ENTS 1996 Western Australia 1996 Victoria Country 1996 M. Saunders (WA) 1996 A Staehr (Vic·C) 1997 Western Australia 1997 NSW/ACT RAMS 1997 D. Headland (WA) 1997 S Angeles (NT) yo uth level, in Austral ia next Ea ster. AIS-AFLAcademy 4 1998 J. Corey (WA) & B. Rawlings (TAS) 1998 Victoria Country 1998 Queensland 1999 N. Lonie (Vic·M) 1998 M. Osborne (O LD ) The AFL, for the fourth year, welcomes the National Australia Bank s 1999 Victoria Metro 1999 Nort hern Territory 2000 A Fisher (Vic-C ) 1999 A. Cole (NT) National Australia Bank as the major sponsor of Team lists and sta te reports 6-21 & A Sampi (WA) 2000 A Schneider (NSWACT) 2000 Victoria Country 2000 NSW/ACT RAMS 2001 B. Goddard (Vic-C ) 2001 J. McVeigh (NSW/ACT) the Championships. The carnival is a key part Program of matches and previous results 22 2002 J. Willoughby (SA) & A. Clarke (NT) 2001 Victoria Country 2001 NSW/ACT RAMS of the NAB AFL Ri sin g Stars Program, w hich & T Schmidt (SA) 2002 A. Tambling (NT) Man~r. Af l Game OevelD11ment David Matthews Af l lationalTai em Manauei: Kavin Sheehan 2002 NSW/ACT RAMS A. Ha ll (OLD) 2002 Victoria Metro 2003 M. Clark (WA) 2003 Publishedon behall oft heAflliYAfl Publishinu (OJ) 9fi171600. & B. Deledio (Vic-C) & L. Noel (TAS) extends from the Under-16 Ch ampionships to 2003 Western Australia 2003 Tasmania ManauinuOi ractor- Af l Publishino Geoff Slattmy Editor:Peter Di Sil1ll 2004 L. Jetta (WA) 2004 D. Dzufer (OLD) th e NAB AFL Rising Star Medal, presented 2004 Western Australia 2004 Queensland & G. Grant (WA) Oesiulllf: Karl Chandler lliatouraphy:Getty Images (03) 9682 3461 annually to th e best young player in the AFL. Prinredby :Condor Prinling 22 visit aft.com.au . NAB j . NAB // Rising Stars ,· A I S - A F L A C A D E M Y TASMANIA 1 // Rising Stars //// U16 Champlonshlps9 //// U16Champlonshlps9 Young players recognised Always planning ahead » The AIS-AFL Academy is at the cutting edge indeveloping tal ent. » Tasmania aims to keep building for the future. he AIS-AFL Academy is a commitment Championships, or be nominated for his year, as it has in the past, the coach and Under-18 representative team made by the AFL and the Austra lian Sports consideration by their re levant state talent development program for the Tasmanian coach). TCommission, through the Austral ian managers; Tteam competing at the NAB AFL Under- AFL Tasmania wishes to acknowledge Institute of Sport, to support our best • Be ineli gible for the NAB AFL Draft in the 16 Championships has been extensive and the great work of the coaching and support young players in their football and schooling year of selection; comprehensive. Coach Nick Probert, who has staff, who give freely of their time and whose development. • Display evidence of appropriate values and taken over the reins from Hamish Ogilvie, said only reward is seeing the emergence and This year, another 30 young players will be attitudes needed to become an AFL player he and his team are hoping to have another development of young elite players as they offered AIS-AFL Academy scholarships.
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