WNRK District of Columbia WMAL(AM) -Oct

WNRK District of Columbia WMAL(AM) -Oct

Delaware, D.C. Radio Wilmington WFAN(FM) -See listing following WOOK(AM). Falls Church, Va. WAMS(AM) -1947: 1380 khz; 5 kw -D, I kw -N, DA -3. WFAX(AM) -See Box 3677 (19807). (302) 654 -8881. Rollins Bcstg of Md. Delaware Inc. Group owner: Rollins. Net: ABC /C. For- WGAY(AM) -See Silver Spring, 1956: 94.7 mat: Contemp. James C. Roddey, group VP; Paul H. WDSD(FM) -Co -owned with WDOV(AM). WGAY -FM -June I, 1959: 99.5 mhz; 17 kw (CP: 21 Downs, VR radio; Phil Schweinfurth, gen mgr; Ray mhz; 50 kw. Ant 360 ft. (302) 734 -5816. Progs sep kw). Ant 780 ft. Stereo. 8121 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, mus dir. Quinn, prog dir; Jay Christian, mus dir; Steve Downs, from AM. Stereo. Format: MOR. Pete Adlam, Md. (20910). (301) 587 -4900. TWX 710- 825 -0427. chief engr; Matt L. Kovich, news dir. Rates: $22; 16; Rates: $10.59; 10.59; 10.59; 10.59. Greater Media Inc. (acq 5- 7 -71). Rep: Katz, Format: Btfl 12. 22; mus. Dups AM 100%. Peter A. Bordes, pres; Theodore WKEN(AM) -Aug 2,1957:1600 khz; 500 w -D, I kw -N, R. Dorf, gen mgr; Bob Chandler, opns mgr; John DA -N. Box 553 (19901). (302) 674 -1234. Capitol Bcstg WDEL(AM) -1922: 1150 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. 2727 Dougan, prog dir; Charles Guy, sIs mgr; Delbert Keel- I- Net: ABC/ E. Format: MOR. Spec Shipley Road (19899). (302) 478 -2700. Delmarva Corp. (acq 22 -63). 108; 108; 76. 1931). Net: NBC. Rep: Pro /meeker, ing, chief engr. Rates: $97; prog: Farm 1 hr wkly. Philip G. Adams, pres; Jin Bcstg Co. (acq Farm I hr wkly. Harry J. Shaub Stayton, coml mgr; Joan Adams, prom mgr; Howard Steinman. Spec prog: WGMS(AM) -See Bethesda, Md. Redman, chief engr. Rates: $7.70; 5.50; 7.70; 5. Jr., exec VP & gen mgr; Harvey C. Smith, stn mgr; C. Robert Taylor, coml mgr; Harold E. Miller Jr., nail sis WGMS -FM -1946: 103.5 mhz; 47 kw. Ant 510 ft. RKO Georgetown mgr; John Rago, news dir; Richard V. Aydelotte, prom General Inc. (group owner). Dups Bethesda, Md., mgr; Alan Parker, prog dir; George Moyer, chief engr. 100 %. Stereo. TWX 710 -822 -9298. Rep: RKO. Radio WJWL(AM) -June 23, 1961: 900 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Ill Format: Classcl. Frank Shakespeare, pres; Jerry R. WSTW(FM) -Co -owned with WDEL(AM). 1950: 93.7 (19947). (302) 856 -2567. Scott Bcstg Corp. (acq Lyman, VP & gen mgr; Martin Conn, natl sis mgr; mhz; 50 kw. Ant 490 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. For- 4- 1 -61). Group owner: Great Scott Stns. Format: MOR. Michael Cuthbert, prog dir; Eileen Donigan, mus dir; H. mat: Btfl mus. C. Robert Taylor, coml mgr. Herbert Scott, pres; Edward Marzoa, gen mgr; K. Leyh, chief engr. Robert Smith, prog & mus dir; Jeff Pringle, news dir; WILM(AM) -Oct I, 1923: 1450 khz; I kw -D, 250 w -N. Steve Wallace, chief engr. Rates: $7.50; 7.50; 7.50; WGTB -FM -Nov 7,1960: 90.1 mhz; 6.7 kw. Ant 440 1215 French Street (19801). (302) 656 -9800. Delaware 7.50. ft. Stereo. Georgetown U., 37th & 0 Sts, NW (20057). Bcstg Co. (acq 1949). NBC's NIS. Rep: Masla. Format: (202) 625 -3018. The pres & board of dir of George- All news. Sally V. Hawkins, pres & gen mgr; John C. WSEA(FM) -Co -owned with WJWL(AM). July 4, town U. Format: Progsv. Spec progs: Jazz 9 hrs, Hawkins, coml mgr; James Reilly, prog dir; E. Brandt 1969: 93.5 mhz; 2.10 kw. Ant 350 ft. Prog sep from AM. women 6 hrs, Black 6 hrs wkly. Robert Uttenweiler, Boylan, chief engr; George D. Nice, news dir. Rates: Format: Contemp. Edward Marzoa gen mgr; Tom gen mgr; Eleanor Hickey, prog dir; Michael Hogan, $15; 11; 13; 11. Webb, prog & mus dir. Rates: $7; 6; 7; 6. mus dir; Frank Tollin, chief engr. WJBR(FM)- Listing follows WTUX(AM). Hockessin WGTS -FM -See Takoma Park, Md. `WMPH(FM) -April 23, 1970: 91.7 mhz; 10 w. Ant 74 WZZE(FM) -May 20, 1975: 88.7 mhz; 10 w. Ant 70 ft. WHFS(FM) -See Bethesda, Md. ft. 5201 Washington St. Ext. (19809). (302) 764 -5888. Lancaster Pike (19707). (302) 239 -5263 or 239 -2618. Board of Education of the Mount Pleasant School Dis- Inc. Format: Top 40. Terence N. Mills, Sanford School trict. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Rock, top 40. Stephen D. dir of communications; Michael Wood, stn mgr. Streiker, stn mgr. Milford WSTW(FM)- Listing follows WDEL(AM). WAFL(FM)- Listing follows WTHD(AM). WTUX(AM) -April 21, 1947: 1290 khz; I kw -D. 2617 96.3 Ebright Rd (19810). (302) 475-4000. Radio Stn WTHD(AM) -1953: 930 khz; 500 w -D, DA. Box 324 FM WJBR. (acq 6- 1 -76). Format: MOR. Spec prog: Pol (19963). (302) 422 -7575. Broadcasters Inc. (acq hrs wkly. John B. Reynolds, gen mgr; John B. WHUR -FM 15,1971: 96.3 mhz; 24 kw. DA -1. Ant 9- 3 -67). Audio news: APR. Format: MOR, C &W. -Dec Reynolds Jr.. stn mgr; Delamere A. Parks, coml mgr; 669 ft. 2600 Fourth St., N.W. (20059). 265 -9494. Thomas H. Draper, pres; Larry Sharp, gen & coml mgr; (202) Jane R. Hughes, mus dir; Howard Gesner, prom mgr; Howard University Radio. Format: Diversified. Dennis Hazzard, prog dir; Joe Scott. news dir; Mark Karl Leatherman, chief engr. Rates: $12.70; 10.60; Crouch, chief engr. James E. Cheek, pres; Catherine Liggins, gen mgr; 12.50; -. Diane Harris, coml mgr; Anthony Carlton, prog & prom mgr; Robert Taylor, news dir; Jesse Fax, mus dir; WAFL(FM) -Co -owned with WTHD(AM). May 19, WJBR(FM) -Co -owned with WTUX(AM). January James Watkins, chief engr. 1973. 97.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 240 ft. Dups AM afternoons. 1957: 99.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Rep: Torbet. Format: C &W. Format: Btfl mus. Charles W. Tomlinson Jr., coml mgr. WINX(AM) -See Rockville, Md. is Rates: S18; 22; 22; 18. Newark WJMD(FM) -See Bethesda, Md. WKYS(FM)- Listing follows WRC(AM). WNRK District of Columbia WMAL(AM) -Oct. 12, 1925: 630 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. 4400 Jenifer St. N.W. (20015). (202) 686 -3100. Wash- ington Star Communications Inc. (group owner; acq American *WAMU -FM -Oct 23, 1961: 88.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 1- 21 -76). Net: ABC /I. Rep: Major Market Radio. For- Contemporary ft. American U. 686 -2690. American U. Radio Network (20016). (202) mat: MOR. Spec Prog: Jazz 20 hrs wkly. Andrew M. Stereo. Net: NPR. Format: Classical, noncom) diver- Ockershausen, exec VP; Charles A. Macatee, gen mgr; WNRK(AM) -Aug 17, 1964: 1260 khz; 500 w -D, DA. sified. Spec progs: Black 10 hrs, Jazz 12 hrs, C &W 2 Ed Scandrett, gen sis mgr; James H. Gallant, opns hrs, 4.5 hrs, Box 425 (19711). (302) 737 -5200. Radio Newark Inc. Sp Bluegrass 13 hrs wkly. Susan Har- mgr; Earl E. Murton, mktg svcs mgr; Marc Kuhn, prog Net: ABC /C. Rep: Dome Assoc. Format: Talk, oldies, mon, gen mgr; William Brown, prog dir; Nell Jackson, mgr; Theodore Landphair, news & pub affrs mgr; J.B. devlp contemp. Spec progs: C &W 8 hrs, classical 1 hr wkly. dir; Craig Oliver, news dir; David Ecleston, bus McPherson, chief engr. Rates: $265; 85; 115; 30. Wm. S. Cook, pres & gen mgr; John Patrick, prog dir; mgr; David Zornow, prod mgr; David Garne.r,.chief engr. Tom Miller, mus dir; Charles Breza, chief engr; Pat WMAL -FM -May 15, 1948: 107.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 410 Downes, news dir. Rates: $9.50; 6.60; 7.50; 6.60. WASH(FM) -1948: 97.1 mhz; 22.5 kw. Ant 690 ft. 5151 Wisconsin Ave., N.W, (20016). (202) 244 -9700. ft. Stereo. Prog sep from WMAL. Net: ABC /FM. Rep: Bolton Burchill. Format: progressive. Spec WXDR(FM) -1976: 91.3 mhz; 10 w. Box 220 Metromedia (acq 7- 19 -68). Group owner: prog: Jazz 3 hrs wkly. Vincent Genson, stn mgr; Lynn Hullihen Hall (19711). University of Delaware. Metromedia. Rep: Metro Radio Sls. William Dalton, McIntosh, mgr of bcst Dave sis VP & gen mgr; Susan Breakefield, gen sis mgr; Bob opns; Leonard, gen mgr; Mark Kernis, mus dir; John Alexander, news Hughes, prog dir; Bob Duckman, mus dir; Ed Tobias, dir; Rehoboth Beach Bunny Hofberg, coml mgr; Phil prog news 'dir; Mike Byrnes, chief engr. WTTG(TV) affil. DeMarne, dir. WMAL -TV affil. WLRB(FM) -Oct 1, 1975: 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Rates: S57; 49; 55; 32. Stereo. Box 254 (19971). (302) 945 -1100. Melvin WMOD(FM) -See listing following WOL(AM). Gollub. Rep: Fred Smith. Format: MOR, Top 40. Spec WAVA -AM -FM -See Arlington, Va. prog: Farm /; hr wkly. Melvin Gollub, pres; Chuck WOL(AM) -1924: 1450 khz; I kw -D, 250 w -N. 1680 WCTN(AM) -See Potomac -Cabin John, Md. Betyeman, gen mgr; Craig Baker, corn) & prom mgr; Wisconsin Ave. N.W. (20007). (202) 338 -5600. Son - Mark Lawrence, prog dir; Art news Curley, dir; Earl WDON(AM) -See Wheaton, Md. derling Bcstg Corp. (7- 10 -65). Group owner: Sonder - Simpler, chief engr. Rates: $6; 6; 6; 6. ling. Net: MBS /Black. Rep: Howard. Format: Soul. WEAM(AM) -See Arlington, Va. Edmond Sonderling, pres; James L. Kelsey, VP & gen Seaford mgr; Timothy O'Sullivan, gen sIs mgr. WEEL(AM) -See Fairfax, Va. WSFD(AM) -1955: 1280 khz; I kw -D. Box 1280 WMOD(FM) -Co -owned with WOL(AM).

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