If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. ',-.... , ;.' j! ' National Criminal Justice Reference Service f ~ ----------------~~-------------------------------------------------i nCJrs i I This microfiche was produced from documents received for inclusion in the NCJRS data base. Since NCJRS cannot exercise control over the physical condition of the documents submitted, METROPOLITAN the individual frame quality will vary. The resolution chart on /ATLANTA this frame may be used to evaluate the document quality. ~~.... CRIME COMMISSION 100 EDGEWOOD AVE., SE ROOM 128 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 ~ ~ ~ tATEGO?J:C.zu, GRAl'lT 2 8 2 5 -& 1: lUNITY A:.IT'I -C::mTIS G:?AlIT' 1.0 :; 11111 . 11111 . FINAL P~OGP~SS ?~PORT :; 11111.u I .2 w III~~ ~ "I~ I 2.0 1.1 WI:.u. 111111.8 if 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A . ~ . _ ... ',' .~ ')~:\ Mi~rofil~ffig procedures used to create this fiche comply with-'" the standards set forth in 41CFR 101-11.504. I I I i Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author(s) and do not represent the official DATE FILMEDij position or policies of the U. S. Department of Justice. .. I 10/08/81 ~I: National Institute of Justice r, ~., .." .... -l-loJ _L. , I United States Department of Justice ! Washington, D. C. 20531 \ I I I . < ,,,,,,. -~ '~ ..... _. " •• .,. I - .~~.-'~:::.:::::=~;.. : ..-==::::--..:::.....-==.::::::::::-..::::::::;'~~.-.:::.~_. __ ~_ .. _,.Vfr 11..:0 ____160_. __. ____ .__ ~ ___ J' 5 '~" I I,I> ~ . J I I;~ H ! I': 1 ! I 1 I ! ! I ! II' \ 1I' 1. I f U.S. Department of Justice 7 7 4 8 7 I National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the I person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice, Permission to reproduce this ~materlal has been granted by Public Domain' LEAA , J to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis­ " J sion of the c~wner. .. FINAL REPORT OMB APPROVAL NO. ~':"'RO~Z!s //4..--::; ........ -.. ~ ~ • U, S, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CATEGORICAL GRANT ~/LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ~DMINISTRATION PROGRESS REPORT ~ ~G~R7AN~T~E~E----------------------------------+L~E~A~A-G~R-A~NT~NO~,---'-D-AT~E~O-F-R-EP-O-R-T--rR-E~~-OR-T-N-O-,----~ METROPOLITAN ATLANTA CRI.ME ca1MISSION 8-CA-AX-0112(S 1) 4-15-81 9 tIM~P~L~E~ME~N~T7.IN~G~S~U~B~G~RA~N~T~E~E----------------------+T~Y~P~E-O~F~R~E~P=O~RT~~-------"-____J- __________~ o REGULAR o SPECIAL REQUEST )QQVINAL REPORT $380,537.13 SHc:I~lT TITLE OF PROJECT GRANT AMOUNT 'A h.,T01AL CLTLA~8 PR['qCl.r:1 Y REFeRTED .... """ ..... l:l\o-... ~~("'I(r:-.at::4 e» ..... It~O::-~ ~~ 1 CDMMUNITY ANTI CRIME GRANT $381,712.00 fl 65,250.35 1 REPORT IS SUBMITTED FOR THE PERIOD September 1978 THROUGH December 1980 i ;\ f~ 0 Tel .d, C L. T L _\ Y S T I~ t S FE I( I r: r (SEE HE1'1luW3 BELGriT) 0.00 TYPED NAME Q TITLE OF PROJECT DIRECTOR Gerald E. Moran 0.00 Program Coordinator t CeINCC~E c~EctTS T~lS F[FICO () • 0 0 CO~E REPORT HERE (Add continuBtion pa~es a." required.) J 65,250.35 II* ('l,~. E 1 C L Il f. Y S 'r I~ I S P E h I U; (l Tf\ E P .. C) (SEE RFl'Y"'.ffiKS) o • (0 Ms ."-.car la Gaskins, Area Manager Law Enforcement Assistance Administration o 445, '/87.48 u. S. Department of Justice 633 Indiana Avenue, N. W., 66,111. 00 >'t F t LEe s 1\ C 1\ .., FEe S I"" ,~ r:; t: C F (L T lAY S (\ihTAP & YlCZI" PROJECI'S) o. c 0 U/).CT""'~.~C;"l'.~f".l&<\i:)o~·OI\l:f'·1:.'~"" Washington, D. C. 20531 Re: Final Progress Report for Anti -Crime Grant covering period 9/78 - 12/80 l't 379,676.48 ,\ G. FEr f: ~ ~\ l. ~ ~, f (; E C Feu Tit It ~ ( II ~; f. F. '" F) 0.00 Dear Ms. Gaskins: 0.00 0.00 Enclosed are three copies of the final report covering the Anti-Crime Grant " H.ICl\L L;i\P"IC C~iLJGATICI\~ to the Metropolitan Atlanta Crime Camussion for the following projects: 1\ 0,00 ~ IvLEES ~C\·FEC SHAFE rp ll\FAIC C8LtGA1IC~S O.CO Project No. 1 - Victim witness Assistance Program-So. Cobb Jaycees Project No.2 - Battored Women's Shelter - Cobb County YWCA ~ 0.00 .~ . J Q F L r ~ /. A ~ f;; L t P;' I C (S LTG (I. I ~ E H .. I) Project No. 4A- Juvenile Diversion Program - Interfaith, Inc. ~ Project No. 5 - canrnunity Anti-Crim2 & Advocacy Program - Candler Park 4 KaT C 1 '\ L F E: C r-: R t, I. C; I- t. " Ef F L L T l /J If S !\ I; C 379,676.48 Project No.6 - Anti Crime Program for Elderly - Northside Shepherd's Center 1! ViPIlIC CRLJGhTICNS (I,U'I: G + d) Final reports for Project 3 (Lake Claire Neighbors Anti crim2 & Recreation) , Project 4 (Ernrnanual Luthern Church Juvenile Diversion), and Project 6 (Midtown .;\ l.. Tel ,\ L F r: r. E Rf L r t. ~, DS It L. Tr CR I 2 E f) rJ. CO Revitalization) have previously been reported ~¥hen projects were completed or /.,035,'>2 transferred (September 1979 Quarterly Report). Project 7 (Administration by:' MACC) is self explanatory as all controls, financial records, and current reportir~ requirements have continuously been lTBintained. One copy of the final budget and cost report is attached and also one copy of the final B-1, Status of Funds report Control Desk, Office' of Comptroller. The balance in our checking account for the projects at this time is $1, 756.5~ which will be forwarded as soon as all checks clear the account. There remains a balance of $279.00 in the Treasury Depari:rnent which has not been requested. l'Je appreciate the opportunity to have been a part of this LEAA program and None '... None It nAT F,:.,.. t.teO' • ~"",,~.,. .:/C:~~II"L'l''"'I'I f'/ "F, ...... ,,, .-"U-O::,.&\;.~~ -A: Toifti FEr~~c.~;t>El. wish you all the best in the future. .~ * Fd~T C ELCCk 1\ ClqEG(RIU,I. Sincerely, ~ )~ TeT.\1. 1,~CLtq 1<. HLY"'It\ (FP'lAL r"l) * None None None None * None ....... __ .====--=:::::::;;;;;::.=~C>6~~'A~/~~~.~~~<..-""""""~"/v~_""'~~~ ___~"", NOTE: No further rr.onies or ather benefits may be pJid out under this pro,ir8m unte~s this lepert is }q,.mpt;ted cmd filed 8S re-quired by cndstinl1 law Bnd le~ulntions (FMC 74-7; Omnlbuli Crime Contlot Ac( of 1976). ~~- . RECEIVED BY GRANTEE STATE PLANNING AGENCY (Ollie/at) DATE '" ~L~E7AAAFFOioR~M~~~S~87~/l'~(RFE~V,~2~-7777\)------~R~EP~L~A~C~E~S~E~DI~T~IO~N~O~F~'O~-7~S~W~H~IC~H~IS~O~B~S~O~Lr~T~E~,------J-----------------~r N(~JRS J AP.R; ~2'\ 1mrrt J I ~CQUlSl;roO~· .''1 , \ ~TAL'i{ ATIAl\""TA CRIME CO~.jj\l'J:SSION - COW-1DNITY ANTI -CRIME GRAl.~"'T FINAL FINAL"JCIAL REPORT LEAA GRANT NO. 78-cA-AX-0112 (S-l) ---- PERIOD - SEPTEMBER 1978 - DECEMBER 1980 ---- !! 'I oBJECT /! 1\ ----- .... - -'- ------- TOTAL EXPENDI'IURES BY PROJECT ------------------ ---CL.l\SS I' AJ?PHOVED ,I PROJEC'l' PROJECI' PROJECT PROJECI' PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT ALL CATEGORIES BDLGl:,"T :1 1 ·NO.l NO.2 NO.3 NO.4 NO.4A NO.5 NO.6 NO.7 NO.8 PROJECTS III LEAA \i V'WN? Y(t\TCA lAKE EMMANUAL IN'IERFAI'I'H C&\lDLER SHEPHERD'S MIDTOWN MACC TOTAL ______________~'t---------1~1--------~------~~C-Uli--RE----+--L-UTI--m-RN--+----IN-C-. __ -+ ___ PAffi_._·_< __-+ __ ~_· ___ R__ -+ ______ 4-AD __ MI__ N_· __~i __E_XP_END ___ I_'IURE ___ S~ A. PERSONNEL $274,581.00 1$ 74,682.80 $39,036.85 $11,570.73 $6,306,48 $16,352.00 $37,877,43 $34,678.91 - $54,465.74 $274,970.94 B. FRINGE BENEFITS 32,022.00 8,646.63 4,380.91 800.58 444.61 2,224.58 3,700.89 3,816.22 - 6,734.98 30,749.40 ! C. TRAVEL 4,613.00 1,021.95 599.57 120.00 144.00 322.80 750.19 1,046.66 - 827.14 4,832.31 D. EQUIPMENT 15,731. 00 9,691.45 380.54 512.72 664.12 2,317.60 859.10 - 245.39 1,019.58 15,690.50 E. SUPPLIES 15,623.00 1,368.45 2,319.89 1,408.32 465.74 2,094.97 733.19 5,106.91 - 802.59 14,300.06 I F. CONTRACWRAL 5,002.00 - 760.47 - - 4,460.00 - - - - 5,220.47 G. OI'I-JER 34,140.00 7,682.27 10,799.13 834.90 855.96 491. 47 4,439.60 4,981.65 - 4,027.82 34,112.80 FINAL GRru~ TOTAL $381,712.00 $103,093.55 $58,277.36 $15,247.25 $8,880.91 $28,263.42 $48,360,40 $49,630.35 $245.39 $67,877.85 $379,876.48 PROJECI' INCOME OTI-JER THAN LEAA $ 66,111.00 (SEE NOTE 1) EXPENDITURES FROM OI'I-JER INCCME $65,911.00 (SEE NOTE 2) $ 65,911.00 NOTE 1 - Project #1 Unsolicited Donation $200.00 Project #2 United Way YWCA $61,425.00, YWCA Fees From Clients·$l,382.00 and Donations $3;104.00 NOTE 2 - All Project #2 Battered Women's 'Shelter '- $65,911,00 GRkW FINANCIAL RECAP GRAND TOTAL GRANT INCOME: $447,823.00 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDIWRES 445,787.48 BAlANCE IN GRANT '$ 2;035-:52 CASH IN BANI< $ 1,756.52 CASH IN TREASURY DEPAR'IMENT 279.00 TOTAL CASH BAI.Al."JCE $ 2,035.52 ','.1" .._~"--_ .
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