ENT105L Art, Architecture and Cultural Heritage Tereza Boháčová 9. 11. 201" Table of contents Blog entry # 1 Bodø City Center + Bodin ................................ 1 Blog entry # 2 Gildeskål ................................................................ 4 Blog entry # 3 Helgeland .............................................................. Blog entry # 3 Helgeland - C"#rc"es ....................................... $ Blog entry # 4 Helgeland - %#se#&s ..................................... 1' Blog entry # ' Helgeland - ot"er e()erience ...................... 1 Blog entry # * +ikings .................................................................. 21 Capstone essay .............................................................................. 2* Blog entry # 1 Bodø City Center + Bodin On Thursday October 5, our excursion to the world of the local architecture and cultural heritage started. Our rst sto! was in The "ordland #useu$. %e saw a short $ovie about Bodø history and had a lesson in a loft roo$. %hat ' found the $ost interesting though was the o!!ortunity to loo( at !laces that visitors usually can't see * an exhibition under de$olition and +es!ecially, a store of exhibits. There ' fully reali-ed the words of %in( +.///,, who re$ind his readers that it is only a s$all fraction of artworks a $useu$ owns, that are exhibited. The rest of exhibits dwells here in shelfs, see$ingly dis!arate, but still so$ehow creating a weird collage of new associations. 0tu1ed birds are watching old televisions and a sub*$achine gun is laying in the same shelf as children) toys. The best dada exhibition you can i$agine. ')&e really enjoyed this 3loo( into bac(stage3. between the exhibits The second sto! was at the Bodin church and then we continued to the o!en air $useu$ in Bodøs2øen. One of the targets of the way was the cargo shi! 45nna 6aroline7, which is stored here, waiting for a new, digni ed shelter +a new $useu$ dedicated all to the shi!,. The shi! is a &ery unique s!eci$en of a "orwegian 2e(t * +a single*$asted o!en cargo sailing &essel). 9owe&er, it wasn)t easy to decide how 5nne 6aroline should be !resented in the $useu$, as she was used for di1erent tas(s and rebuilt se&eral ti$es by her !ast owners. 0hould she be restored to her &ery original ap!earance, which would request to 1 re$o&e $any !arts +including e. g. an outer hull): Or should she be !resented in the later state, with added dec( and unsightly hatches: 's she a 1;th century &essel 2e(t or she isn)t it any$ore and she is so$ething else: 3%ho has the right, or can clai$ the right, to determine the $eaning of an ob2ect:3 as(s <olff* Bone(=$!er in her article Culture heritage and conflict +./1/,. the stern of 5nna 6aroline %hen ' walked bac( to the $useu$ to !ic( u! $y bi(e, ' was thinking about the city. 9ow does Bodø, the city ' ha&e decided to li&e for a year, ap!ear to $e: The streets are calm, the traffic ordered, !eo!le !olitely !assing by each other. ' was thin(ing about 5lain <e Botton and his article On the Charm of Boring @laces. <oes this !lace a!!ear boring to $e: ' recalled the city of "ew <elhi where ' was last su$$er. The streets of 'ndia)s capital are full of !eo!le +and &ehicles and cows and dogs...,, the traffic is incredibly chaotic and loud, e&erything is $oving, e&erybody is shouting and a s!eci c s!icy s$ell is >oating abo&e it all. The dirt of "ew <elhi is renowned. Aes, in co$!arison with "ew <elhi, Bodø +and !robably $any other cities, could ap!ear boring. But so$eti$es we ha&e to experience an extre$e to ap!reciate so$ething normal. The streets of Bodø are tidy and quiet, there are no gangs, no ghts and 8uarrels on streets, no subways full of graffiti +as in @rague for exam!le,, no loud !eo!le, nothing li(e this. 's it sur!rising: Of course the reason can be the s$aller si-e of the city. But $aybe <e Botton is right when he writes about co$$unities, where 3!ublic realm exudes res!ect in its !rinci!les3 and the !ublic s!aces and facilities are so great, 2 that si$!ly being an ordinary citi-en can be seen as thriving destiny. "obody needs to do anything else. 5nyway, ' li(e it. 't)s not boring to $e. 't)s rather !erfect. <e Botton, 5lain. +1;;5, On 0eeing and Noticing. Chapter B: On the Char$ of Boring @laces. Dondon: @enguin, E/*EB. %in(, Fichard and Fichard @hi!!s. +.///, #useu$*Goer7s Guide. Chapter 1C #useu$ @rofile. Boston: #cGraw 9ill, 1-1H. htt!sCIIen.wi(i!edia.orgIwi(iI5nna_Karoline 3 Blog entry # . Gildes(ål On Lriday Mth a eld tri! was !lanned to the $unici!ality of Gildes(ål. %e took a taxi dri&e and after 1.5 hour we stop!ed at Gildes(ål !arish. %e looked at old Gildes(ål church, an ad$irable building from the beginning of 1.th century, and then wal(ed through its surroundings, trying to resol&e an interesting 8uestionC %hy was a stone church built here: 't was extre$ely ex!ensi&e to build stone buildings in $edie&al age * they were usually erected at the $ost !owerful and wealthy settle$ents or at !laces of high i$!ortance. There was only 11 stone churches built in Nordland, one of the$ here in Gildes(ål. 0o was the !lace so rich or i$!ortant: 'n&estigating the surroundingsC %hy was a stone church built here: %e could see that a 8uite wealthy far$ was !robably staying here in the !ast. #aybe some !owerful chieftain was li&ing here at the ti$e, before he had died and had been buried in the burial $ound on the shore. But the bay isn)t &ery suitable for a harbor with its shallow waters and scattered roc(s, so the !lace !robably wasn)t any great shi!!ing and trading !oint. #aybe there was some sacred !lace before the Christian ti$es * these s!ots were often chosen because they had already !layed 4 an i$!ortant role in regional life. +5ndersson and 9amlyn, 1;B/, 9opstoc(, Carsten, 1;5H, %e don)t (now. 5fter the wal( we went to see the church from inside. The interior capti&ated $e as it was the rst church in Norway ' ha&e chance to enter. The car!enter)s wor( is amazing. ' see totally unnecessary +e&en aw(ward, to camou>age !illars and !anels as 3$ade of $arble3. But it was a di1erent ti$e - bare wood was !robably seen as something inferior. 3$arble3 !anels of the old church 5 The new church was co$!leted in 1HH1 in order to increase the capacity. %e left the !lace in early afternoon. The churchyard, the burial $ound and the bay was left behind and the $ystery of the stone church in Gildes(ål re$ained unsol&ed. 5ndersson, 5ron and @aul 9a$lyn. +1;B/, The art of 0candina&ia, Nolu$e .. Chapter 1: 'ntroduction; Chapter P: Churches, 0t. Ola&s...; Chapter P: Churches, The 'ntroduction of a New... Dondon: 9amlyn @ublishing Grou!. 1B*.;; 1E;-1MB; .P.*.PH. 9o!stoc(, Carsten +1;5H, Norwegian design: from Ni(ing 5ge to industrial re&olution +!!. B*M;, . htt!sCIIen.wi(i!edia.orgIwi(iIOldJGildes(%CPQ55l_Church htt!sCIIlokalhistoriewi(i.no/wi(iI0tein(ir(er_i_Nordland 6 Blog entry # P 9elgeland On Tuesday 1/ we started a 2ourney to 9elgeland, a district of thousands of islands and s!ectacular $ountains, a !lace where @etter Dass was born +in 9erøy, and where 9enri( 'bsen)s 1H5B historical !lay 3The Ni(ings at 9elgeland3 takes !lace. The ferry &oyage was long, but offered s!ectacular &iews on Rords and islands we were !assing by, so we en2oyed it. 'n late e&ening we arri&ed to 0andness2øen. The 2ourney was long but o1ered astonishing &iews. 0andness2øen, the !lace where the Death of Thorolf 6&eldulfsson, an ad&enturous story from Sgil)s saga takes !lace. 0omewhere here a chieftain Thorolf, considered to !lan (ing)s $urder, was caught by the (ing and trap!ed in his house, which was set in re. 9e and his $en escaped and fought hard, but the (ing hi$self dealt Thorolf the death wound in the end. The saga is written in colorful !hrases, including heroic s!eeches. 5 large !art of the story is certainly $ade u!, but the core is !robably right and this was really a !lace where Thorolf +or Torol&, 6&eldulfsson, a ;th century Ni(ing li&ed at a far$ with his wife 0igrid. 7 9owe&er, there is nothing left from the !ast 0andness far$, which is the city of 0andness2øen called after. %e only could let our i$agination wor( while we are wal(ing through the city to nd our accom$odation. Our !rogram in 9elgeland was full of interesting acti&ities. On %ednesday 11 we &isited 5lstahaug !arish and @etter Dass $useu$. On Thursday 1. we took a ferry to Dønna 'slands and &isited 9erøy with its church and open air $useu$ and then Dønnes Church. On the way bac( we stop!ed at a land artwor( in Dønna and stone Lallos at Glein. The last day, Lriday 1P, was s!ent in #os2øen and in local $useu$. Then we left the 9elgeland archi!elago and started amazing 1/ hours train*2ourney bac( to Bødo. Sgil7s 0aga, translated by %. C. Green, 1H;P, from the original )Sgils saga 0(allagrT$ssonar).
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