Developmental Psychologist DIVISION 7 NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021 AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION DIVISION 7 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021 PAGE 1 Developmental Psychologist DIVISION 7 NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021 CONTENT Presidential Column: Catherine A. Haden ············································································· 3-4 Division 7 Facebook Page ·········································································································· 5 Eleanor Maccoby Book Award in Developmental Psychology: Michael Tomasello ··············· 6 Mary Ainsworth Award for Excellence in Developmental Science: Patrick Davies ············· 7-8 Early Career Research Grant in Developmental Psychology: Patty X. Kuo ························· 9-10 Early Career Research Grant in Developmental Psychology: Laura Elenbaas ·····················11-12 Division 7 - 2022 Award Winners ························································································· 13-15 Division 7 - 2021 Award Winners ······························································································ 16 Award Committees ··················································································································· 17 APA 2021 Conference, Division 7 Program ········································································· 18-20 Upcoming Conferences ············································································································ 21 Become a Division 7 Member ·································································································· 22 Division 7 Election ··················································································································· 23 Executive Committee ··············································································································· 24 PAGE 2 Developmental Psychologist DIVISION 7 NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021 Presidential Column Catherine A. Haden Loyola University Chicago over the tragic killing of an unarmed Black man, Daunte Wright, during a traffic stop in Minnesota, and the police shooting of 13-year- old Adam Toledo in the Little Village neighbor- hood of Chicago. All this less than a year after Breonna Taylor was shot eight times by officers raiding her apartment, Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd, and the following protests at- tended by millions in support of Black lives. As the semester drew to a close, finally there was some positive news – that we were at least rounding a corner regarding the coronavirus. With cases, hospitalizations, and deaths contin- Photo Credit: Paige Haden uing to drop, and vaccines becoming more available, we were at the start of a good path, Dear Members of Division 7, one that I now just hope we can stay on. Would that there could be a vaccine against the ills of This past Spring semester, I taught – via racial disparities, intolerance, and injustice. Zoom – a Developmental Psychology laboratory This was the real-world context for a class course for seniors preparing to graduate from in which we were focused on questions on the Loyola University Chicago. As for so many, the minds of many families and educators amid past year-plus was difficult and draining for school closures and stay-at-home orders: What these students. They had faced countless uncer- and how do children learn outside of school? As tainties related to the COVID-19 pandemic, in- our national educational operation focused on cluding worry and fear about family members these questions, my students' content analyses and friends, and their own susceptibility to the of children's television programs, commercials, virus. Over the semester, the daily news deliv- and online educational apps took on additional ered more reasons for concern for these stu- meaning, with so many children spending so dents. My message to them expressing solidari- much time on screens. Likewise, my own re- ty with the Asian American and Pacific Islander search activities and those of many others community in the face of the violence against turned to whether and how tools, resources, Asian Americans in Atlanta (where I called and activities might help families support their home in my graduate school years), was quickly children's learning at home (a video summary followed by communications expressing grief of our work is available here). To be sure, the PAGE 3 Developmental Psychologist DIVISION 7 NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021 Presidential Column educational and learning impacts are only a por- APA's strategic initiative to build deeper connec- tion of the outcomes of the pandemic members tions between Divisions and the central organi- of Division 7 will be documenting, assessing, and zation. I think these collaborations have great intervening to address, and we need to ensure promise for Division 7, amplifying the impact we that this work focuses especially on those most can have promoting research in the field of de- affected due to systemic inequalities (e.g., racial/ velopmental psychology and its application. ethnic minorities, low economic status commu- I was very sorry to delete "in San Diego" in nities, individuals with disabilities). APA will my meeting reminder for APA convention, Au- continue to offer helpful information and re- gust 12-14, 2021. The Division 7 program for the sources, including free articles from APA Jour- virtual convention includes 4 symposia, and 42 nals, information and resources, and outreach. posters; we are also part of 2 collaborative ses- The efforts of our membership and APA are cru- sions with other Divisions. Please see pages 18- cial to moving us forward on a good path. 20 of this Newsletter for details about these con- I want to also take the opportunity to again vention events, and register to attend. I look for- highlight Division 7's positive involvement in a ward to seeing our members in person in Minne- Committee on Division/APA Relations apolis for APA 2022. We have big plans for cele- (CODAPAR)-funded initiative to prevent vio- brating our award winners - across several years! lence against children. Recently, a Congressional - at the 2022 convention. For now, I hope you briefing was convened on the need to pass The will enjoy the news about our award winners in Protecting Our Students in Schools Act that will this Newsletter. Congratulations to all our award ban corporal punishment from public schools winners, and thanks to those who served on the and promote positive discipline strategies. APA selection committees! was one of the co-sponsors of the briefing, and Finally, I want to congratulate the new several academic and medical experts, including members of Division 7 leadership who will begin Division 7 Fellow Elizabeth Gershoff, spoke their terms in January 2022. These new leaders about the research on corporal punishment. are listed here in the Newsletter (see p. 23). I We'll keep our members updated on progress hope that members will continue to reach out to with this important work through our listserv me with their ideas and input on activities for and Facebook page. Division 7. Additionally, I want to point out that the effort to ban corporal punishment is an example Wishing you a restorative and safe summer. of a strong collaboration across 9 different Divi- sions and APA. This month, I'll be attending a Sincerely, meeting to discuss other opportunities for Divi- Catherine A. Haden sions to collaborate together. This is part of President, Division 7 PAGE 4 Developmental Psychologist DIVISION 7 NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021 Has your research appeared in the popular media recently? Please share your ‘Research in the News’ with the Division 7 Facebook Page! Division 7 is working to build a stronger social media image. As part of that effort, we have recently been posting stories on our Facebook page about De- velopmentalists whose work has been featured in the media. We are now seeking more stories from our members to share on the page. If your research (or that of your colleagues) has been featured in the media (popular magazines, news outlets, public video), and you would like us to share it on the Facebook page, please send the link to: Sue Hobbs, Division 7 Webmaster, [email protected] Division 7 members have been responding positively to the posts. We want to hear from you and learn more about what you are doing! And if you are not already a member of the Facebook page, please join us at https:// www.facebook.com/groups/218878051489647/ PAGE 5 Developmental Psychologist DIVISION 7 NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021 Eleanor Maccoby Book Award in Developmental Psychology Michael Tomasello James F. Bonk Distinguished Professor, Duke University Becoming Human: A Theory of Ontogeny make possible - transform great ape cognition and sociality into human cognition and sociality. The first step in this process occurs at around nine months of age with the emergence of new ca- pacities for joint intentionality, exercised mostly with caregiving adults. These capacities enable young children both to share experience with oth- ers and, at the same time, to discern their unique perspectives on the shared situation and even to influence it via processes of cooperative communi- cation (e.g., the pointing gesture and then conven- tional linguistic symbols). The second step occurs at around three years of age with the emergence of Virtually all theories of how humans have be- new capacities for collective intentionality, exer- come such a distinctive species focus on evolution.
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