Inside: Senate Election Rules Page 4 United Fund Pictures Page 9 Freshman Queen Candidates Page 12 Frat FootbaU Page 16 Koffler Rotunda Ge s Symposium for Women Fin'al ark Of Approva to be held Oct. 1 B ryan t C o l lege is trickle of women hay • drawing a bead on ex anding heretofore been encouraged Bryant College honored ex cu tive opportunities for to go on to higber education Mr. Sol Koffler, President of w o rn n i n b u siness, in business administration. American Luggage Works, parti ularly m anagement. OUTSTANDiNG last Tuesday for bis gift that For years this College (since SPEAKERS AND was close to the quivalent 1863 has prided itself on its PANELISTS ARE drawn cost of the Rotunda. This is record of " educating women f r o m a ll ph ases of why the Rotunda was named as well as men for business management in business, the in Mr. Koffler's honor. leadership" but not until prof ssions, and education. The dedic a ti o n on now has busin ess shown Some are Bryant graduates. Tuesday started at 5:00 with much inter s t in having (See attached Progr.am) a welcome by Mr. Joseph women join the management P RO FE O R J O AN Hagan to all in attendan e. team . T o day virtually all MA R E L L A , a social Rabbi Eli A. Bohmen gave corporations are focusing scientist on the Bryant the invocation which was increased attention on th F aculty. is Chairperson for followed by Mr. Hagan expanding role of women in t h e e ve nt. An ardent introducing President Evarts. th e world of business. The feminist, wife and mother of President Evarts gave women 's r ights movement three bUdren, long active in remarks of appreciation to and the federal government's commun ity and political the individual groups who circles, whe has assem bled a had come to pay ribute to Affirmative Action programs to stop sex discrimination in stimulating progr m of Mr. Sol Koffler. accordance with Revised 1 aders, both men and Then Mr. Gifford, women, who cannot only Chairman of the Board of Order 4, (which went into e f fect, April 2, 1972) have contribute to the Trustees, xpressed pleru.-ur aler ted companies to the encouragement of women in in seeing such a h appy pur Ult o f e xecutive combmation of images, that importan e of employing women in the higher positiollB, but also serve as of the business figures and echelons. role models for these yOWlg top·class institution of higher a meet these needs, high school women. education for business Bryan t College has design d P hillip GraC, I adership. this ONE-D AY SYMPOSI M Co - Chairperson, and Mr. Kof fl r then for WOM EN STUDENTS Assistant to the Pr sjden t of e pressed a ppreclation to WHO ARE SENIORS ON Bryant h a s b eon deeply Bryant College for his tribute T H E hjgh s chool) involved in a ll s age of and dedicatory honor from Mr. and Mrs. Sol Koffler acept a gift EC O ND R Y LE VEL, Continued Page 11 Mr. Gifford. H e the n D ec m b er 24, 1907 in the German and Russians where career choices are remarked about his personal Zborow, whi h was part of were onstantly in and out of m ade. It is at this critical impressions of Bryant and to A t s tIi a, b ut n ow part of his house. He had to learn to juncture in their lives that ARCHWAY student, values of sound Russia. Wbenhewas 13,his d eal w it h the onstant y oung women need to be education and why Bryant sis ter, par nts, and himself fighting and death all around m ade a ware of t he appeared t o be a came to the United States to him . Moves Ahead o p p ortunities and special "worthwhil investment" of see k out the area which was This is now behind Sol kinds of education demanded In an effort to improve his money. assessed to be a land of Koffler and his eyes are for positiollB in management. and increase t.h amoung of The ceremony closed p lenty. His fathe r had gear ed to t he future, the And b ecause GUIDANCE weekly material used for with Mr. Hagan inviting the operated a Iann and brick future of his company. In the OUNSELORS play such an THE ARCHWAY, the editors guests to meet in the Faculty fa tory bef re the war, but it Un ited tat 5, Mr. Koffler important part in these vital recently decided to contract and Staff Dining Room to wa destro ed by th war. went to school and worked career decisions, they too for the services of United meet with Mr. Koffler. His home town was a border afterwards at his brother's wi ll be inv i ted to thi Pr 5S International. The Mr. Koffler was born town in WWI front lines and fa tory making steam e r rvice will provide ------ - trunks. In fact, rna t of his Symposium . Five-hu ndred of up-to-the-minute news and family did. La ter on h e these high-school women and sports, in addition to news wo rke d b oth in the trunk their advisors (three selected and entertainment features. Delta Sigma Phi onsors fa ctor y an d then in a seniors a n d one guidance Tbis service is in pocketbook factory. Back counselor ) fro m 100 operation for 24 hours a day, then it was manual labor and secondary schools in RI, • Freshman Queen Weekend Co n n e cticu t an d a nd THE ARCmlV A Y staff no assembly Hnes. beauty pageant will Sigma Chi; Cynthia Dunbar, Massachusetts h ave bee will be editirlg out a great Soon he took the job of start off the first big social Nor folk, Mass ., f or T au in vi t e d to at t e n d this deal of material, whicb will regi on a l sal s man f or weekend on campus at Epstlon; D enise Tanzi, Symposium. be of particular interest to Samsonite Corp. which ranks Bryant College on Thursday, Cranston, R.l. for Theta Chi; The College has al 0 the students of Bryant. Also, as his top omp titor. Being -'eptember 28, at 7 p.m. in an d Tr i s h a L ane, New invited bu iness corporations in the very near future, THE on the road onstantly, he the Auditorium. Milford, N.J. for Phi Sigma to spo n sor this even t . ARCHW A Y will be using the went back to factory work Delta Sigm a P h i Nu. Business Organizations were PI Newspicture Service, and then got married. The fraternity, sponsor of Th following evening, given the opportunity to which will include national fa tory was evacive about Freshmen Weekend, is host Friday, September 29, at 8 sponsor a group of three high and int.ernational him returning to work after to eight fraternities. Each o'clo c k , a coronation ball schoo l stu d n ts and their newspi"tures as well as sports his honeymoon and it was in fraternity has chosen a young w ill b e held at t he Elks guidance counselor with a pictures. 1932 that he then decided t lady at Bryant to compete L o d ge, Fa r num P ike, stipulated scholarship. It was The UPI machine i make it on hi own. for the honor. Th y are Smithfield, "'R.I. str ssed that Stl h ompanie located in the ARCHWAY The line h produced DebOl:ah Stillier of Franklin, Saturday, September 30 o u 1d reap rich rewards in office, facing out into the was suitcases for it looked as Mass. for Kappa au' Valerie in the Rotunda at Bryant, human resources from this Rotunda. The machine is though it was going to be the Merc\lrio Greenville, R.I., th e f i n al event of the landmark event, an oc asian available to anyone who is up and coming product and f or Phi Epsilon; Elizabeth· w eken d w i ll b a looking for a particular news he wou ld no t h ave t o planned to underscore the Fish~r, Pittsburgh, Pa., for combination concert and important contribution that story or sports score by compete with his brothers au Epsilon; Hillery Liese, dance scheduled to start at 8 ac ad e m icall y- prepar ed simply watching through the Yonkers, N.Y., for Beta p.m. antinued Page 8. women can make. A mere frot:lt office window. Page THE ARCHWAY LETTERS T O T HE Four Win Scholarshi s EDITOR ......................................................................................................................-TO: ALL I.M. MAJORS I am especially pleased to announce that there are four winners for the 1972-73 Falstaff Scholarship Award . Each recipient will receive a check for $125 from the Falstaff Farewell To A Brother Brewing Company. The winners are: Dear ' ·Brot her Kurtz," Vincent D. Joseph The brothers and sisters of Wantu Wazuri (new and old ) Dennis J. Pend rgast wish to express our deepest regrets that you are leaving us Garard R. Deslauriers today. It seems as though you have been here a long time, Ernest S.
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