UNDERAGE A TASTE OF THE DRINKING LAW CHINA FOOD FESTIVAL The government has AIRSHOW Over 150 food stalls confirmed it intends to CONCLUDES offer a great variety pass a law regulating IN ZHUHAI of dishes at the 18th underage drinking Macau Food Festival P3 P7 P7 MDT REPORT MON.12 Nov 2018 T. 22º/ 28º C H. 60/ 90% facebook.com/mdtimes + 11,000 MOP 8.00 3168 N.º HKD 10.00 FOUNDER & PUBLISHER Kowie Geldenhuys EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Paulo Coutinho www.macaudailytimes.com.mo “ THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN’ ” WORLD BRIEFS AP PHOTO 2,000 join SOUTH CHINA SEA China bluntly told the United States to stop first edition of sending ships and military aircraft close to islands claimed by Beijing in the South China Sea, during talks that set P3 the stage for a meeting Guia Fun Run between President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping later this month. More on p12 AP PHOTO THAILAND’s Democrat Party retained Abhisit Vejjajiva, a former prime minister, as its leader ahead of a general election expected in 2019 that would end more than four years of military rule. More on p14 AP PHOTO MYANMAR The repatriation of ethnic Rohingya Muslims from Bangladesh, to which more than 700,000 fled since last year to escape deadly violence carried out by Myanmar’s security forces, will begin this week, top Myanmar officials said yesterday. KOREA The North and South Korean militaries completed withdrawing troops and firearms from 22 front-line guard posts on the weekend as they continue to implement a wide-ranging agreement reached in September to reduce tensions across the world’s most fortified border. More on p14 HONG KONG IRAN-PAKISTAN A Pakistani official says Iranian border guards have killed two people trying to cross through Events canceled, editor expelled as an illegal route from the Panjgur district in Baluchistan. worries over political freedom grow More on backpage P13 12.11.2018 mon 2 MACAU 澳聞 WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO GREYHOUNDS Population Florida votes to end racing, reaches concerned about exodus 663,400 ACAU will soon no lon- at end of Mger be the only jurisdic- tion to grapple with a greyhou- nd retirement problem. Last DANIEL BEITLER DANIEL September week, Florida voters had the backing of a two-thirds ma- HE total population of Macau jority on a state-wide measure Twas 663,400 at the end of Sep- to ban greyhound racing by tember 2018, an increase of 4,500 the end of 2020. quarter-to-quarter, with the fema- Amendment 13 will see as le population accounting for 53.1 many as 11 tracks close in the percent of the total, the Statistics next few years and thousands and Census Service (DSEC) revea- of greyhounds will either be re- led. tired or moved to other racing The latest report from DSEC in- facilities. dicated that a total of 1,552 live It passed with 69 percent of births were delivered in the third the vote – more than the 60 quarter, an increase of 111 quar- percent needed to pass – re- ter-to-quarter. Male babies tota- presenting an overwhelming led 839 and the sex ratio at birth call for an end to greyhound ra- stood at 117.7 male against 100 cing. The vote was in line with female. decisions the world over, like There were 4,407 live births re- those recently in Macau and corded in the first three quarters in Australia, to clamp down on of 2018, down by 440 year-on- the so-called ‘deadly’ sport. year, the report added. Mortality Like in Macau, Florida ac- was 512 in the third quarter, up tivists have long criticized by 36 quarter-to-quarter. The top the alleged mistreatment of three underlying causes of death greyhounds in the dog racing were neoplasms (211), diseases of industry. the circulatory system (122) and According to a report from In Florida, legislation appro- by the end of 2020, Florida fa- at the same time. diseases of the respiratory system the New York Times, the acti- ved in 2010 made it manda- ces an exodus of former racing “There is no way to know (40). In the first three quarters, vists objected to what they saw tory for track operators to re- greyhounds. when the tracks will close or mortality dropped by 64 year-on- as harsh living conditions and port greyhound deaths. Since As of October, there were how many dogs are coming year to 1,510. the dogs’ propensity to sustain it came into effect in 2013, about 3,700 greyhounds in into the market, so we are si- In the third quarter of 2018, injuries, such as broken bones. reports have shown that one Florida, according to animal tting on pins and needles, but Chinese immigrants (738) and A 2015 joint report from greyhound dies from track- activist organizations Humane also quietly working to try to individuals granted right of abo- the American Society for the related problems on average Society of the United States and find new foster homes, calling de (263) decreased by 36 and 52 Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- every three days. To date, near- Grey2K USA Worldwide. Not all vets about care packages and respectively quarter-to-quarter. mals and Grey2K tallied some ly 500 racing greyhounds have of these will be up for adoption, looking for people willing to Meanwhile, non-resident workers 11,000 greyhound injuries died at such facilities within the as half are expected to be trans- drive vans to Florida to pick the (186,332) increased by 4,833 at across the U.S. and more than state. ferred to other tracks to live out dogs up,” Carol Becker, presi- the end of the period. 900 deaths between 2008 But greyhound owners and the rest of their racing lifetimes. dent of God’s Greyts, told the A total of 716 marriage registra- and 2015. The report said that racers dispute these allega- Those involved in the reho- New York Times. tions were recorded in the third some of the animals had died tions, saying that the dogs are ming of greyhounds that have “We are trying to avoid a crisis quarter, down by 282 quarter-to- in their cages, while others had well cared for and are not made been put up for adoption are if too many tracks close around quarter. There were 2,851 in the sustained serious injuries whi- to race if they are unhealthy. worried about the potential the same time and there are first three quarters, up by 11 year- le racing. With the sites forced to close exodus if too many tracks close not enough homes lined up.” on-year. ASK THE VET by Dr Ruan Du Toit Bester do not use steroids when ulcers are present. Lastly, if no other remedy works, your dog SIX PROVEN CANINE DRY EYE REMEDIES may need to have surgery. A qualified veteri- nary ophthalmologist will perform a delicate N Macau we deal with a lot of dry eye cases dry out will take a fair amount of investi- and artificial tears. procedure known as a parotid duct transpo- Iand I thought of spending a bit more time gation. For instance, some medications can Use a tacrolimus or cyclosporin ointment to sition. on this topic. The official name for canine cause this condition. If your dog is taking increase your dog’s tear production and re- dry eye syndrome is keratoconjunctivitis sic- any sulpha drugs, stop administering them duce inflammation on the cornea. Hope this info helps ca (KCS). A dog with this condition will have immediately. Clean your dog’s eyes before applying medi- Till next week trouble producing tears, which can result in cation. Be sure and remove any discharge he Dr Ruan Bester drying and inflammation of the cornea. This Six dry eye remedies for your canine may have in the eye area. This might be dif- is very painful and can cause a lot of secon- If drugs are not the problem, help your dog ficult in the beginning as most dogs eyes are dary problems for the eye. If your dog has a to produce more tears. The following reme- painful during this stage. Ask the Vet: case of dry eyes, he’ll need prompt treatment dies can help relieve your dog from his dry Along with the above treatments, some dogs Royal Veterinary Centre from a qualified vet. eyes: might need a round of antibiotics or pain Apply a tear replacement product to keep treatments. Administering drugs is typi- Tel: +853 28501099, +853 28523678 Eyes can dry out due to medications your dog’s cornea moist. cal when a secondary bacterial infection Emergency: +853 62662268 Finding what’s causing your dog’s eyes to Wet the cornea with lubricating ointments appears such as an ulcer on the cornea. We Email: [email protected] www.macaudailytimes.com.mo EDITOR-IN-CHIEF (DIRECTOR)_Paulo Coutinho [email protected] A MACAU TIMES PUBLICATIONS LTD PUBLICATION MANAGING EDITOR_Paulo Barbosa [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS_Eric Sautedé, Leanda Lee, Severo Portela ADMINISTRATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER + 4 Million page views Kowie Geldenhuys [email protected] NEWSROOM AND CONTRIBUTORS_Albano Martins, Annabel Jackson, Daniel Beitler, Emilie Tran, Ivo Carneiro SECRETARY Juliana Cheang [email protected] PER MONTH de Sousa, Jacky I.F. Cheong, Jenny Lao-Phillips, João Palla Martins, Joseph Cheung, Julie Zhu, Juliet Risdon, ADDRESS Av. da Praia Grande, 599, Edif. Comercial Rodrigues, 12 Floor C, Lynzy Valles, Renato Marques, Richard Whitfield, Viviana Seguí MACAU SAR Telephones: +853 287 160 81/2 Fax: +853 287 160 84 DESIGNERS_Eva Bucho, Miguel Bandeira | ASSOCIATE CONTRIBUTORS_JML Property, MdME Lawyers, PokerStars, Advertisement [email protected] Thank You! Ruan Du Toit Bester | NEWS AGENCIES_ Associated Press, Bloomberg, Financial Times, MacauHub, MacauNews, For subscription and general issues: [email protected] | Printed at Welfare Printing Ltd +12,000 like us on facebook.com/mdtimes Xinhua | SECRETARY_Yang Dongxiao [email protected] SEND NEWSWORTHY INFORMATION AND PRESS RELEASES TO: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MACAUDAILYTIMES.COM.MO mon 12.11.2018 th Anniversary MACAU’S LEADING NEWSPAPER 澳聞 MACAU 3 Sports Underage drinking laws on government’s Guia Circuit Fun Run 2019 agenda attracts 2,000 participants BLOOMBERG RGANIZED by the Ma- cau Grand Prix Organi- zing Committee, the first edition of the “Guia Cir- Ocuit Fun Run” took place yesterday morning, attracting nearly 2,000 participants.
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