OBSERVER Vol. 101 No. 1 August 25, 1993 Page 1 Lowdown on Ludlow Who’s What and What’s Up Emily Horowitz Page 2 The Man Behind the Bowtie A Portrait of Bard College President Leon Botstein Joan Mielke The Administrators of Bard College Page 3 Dead Goat Notes Greg Giaccio Shameless Filler! Matt Gilman Page 4 Pullout Guide Places to Eat, Drink and be Merry Culture: Music, Art and Video Where to Spend Your Money More Places to Eat Page 6 Start Me Up Varsity Seasons Get Underway, Intramurals to Follow Matt Gilman Art Open House Draws a Crowd Tatiana Prowell Page 7 The Student Forum Matthew Apple Getting Your Name in Print Matthew Apple Page 8 Calendar rt.e f1nt ci.. atamp hen. Resulu ... $0.52. lntemllloaaiiA.IbKriptiom m&fYIIZ'Jo - The BAllO . V 0 L U M E 1 0 1 * N U M B E R 1 8 A R D , C 0 L I;E Ci E * A Rf N 'A N. j). A L E • 0 N .~ H U D 5 0 N * N Y 1 2 5 0 4 A U Ci U S T 2 5 * 1 9 9 3 " •t :r • - ---- - -- - - -- The administration at Bard College is, gen- · Bring up the old oaken bucket erally, both accommodating and accessible With Bard College•s name upon it to students. In spite of the popular sentiment And we•n roll up another keg of that Bard is an over­ beer; whelming bureaucracy, For it•s not for knowledge that we in actuality Bard is run came to college, like a small, disorga­ But to raise hell while we•re here. iliied family. One rea­ son for -- this -Authentic old school song misperception is -that -when problems do arise, - stu<!~n.ts address_ the problem to the wrong administrator. The---fo11oW1ng ''lowdown" *Inside* attempts to clarify which administrator can help you to solve the various problems 'that FEATURES will inevitably arise in-your career at Bard.- Gladys Watson: Gladys Watson is prob­ ably the fir~~ ad~fli~frator~~~~youwm ~ encounter at Bard, because she is the Dean of Housing. it'you -a;e-inJ ·adOOb~e with a smoker and you're allergic to s~~~ !f you don't get along witli~ yom-roommafe\an­ inev!tablepossibility),orifyouhavenoro-om a.t all, go see Gladys Watson. She is not easy to get anappointmenfWi~ in the first w:ee~s- of school, ~use everybody has housfrig · problems during this time. flow~vei,Oi\Ce- you geE tQ see hero! she is helpful and, after -September 13th, will be able to-solve your- ·: )lqtj~ji_\g . dflemmas." ~ = = - ~ - -~- -_ ~ -- Shelly Morgan: Shelly Morganis the De~ of $tu_qe~~s, and y9u should see her i1 you­ bave J'er50nal or ·social ·concerns. She is a good per50n To-go to -if you have a faii\iiy-- emergency and have to miss a number 'of classes; for ·example.- -Like Wa-tSon, she is-- usually busier at the start of the semester, so ~ke _ an appointment with her secretary, -. - - . t.. - . ARTS . ·_ ·_ Gail Denning, instead of just dropping by. Leon Botstein: President Botstein is a best damn softball player of all the ad- Stu~Le_vin~. :~tu:2_~tj..evil!~i~ ...~of..,t\:le. ,good persori to see if you have an ex<;ep- ministrators. He can help yoii get jobs 0?1Jege, and he is who you should see if you tionally serious or controversial problem. during the school year,- for both work­ _h~v~_se_~~':lsa~q4~~SJ.>roblems.Ifyouhave Remembe~, he is very busy so you AL- study and non work-study,· summer trouble with ~egistration, or with a faculty WAYS need an appointment to see him, work, post-graduate work and January inember,orareindangeroffailing,heiswho and it is not easy to get one. Usually, it is and summer internships. He's a terrific you should go see. Your first_appraoch, only necessary to go to Leon if you have graduateschoolresource-inJ:lisoffice however, should oe to see_ Ethan13Ioch, the-- att~m-pted to -address your problem to you have access to catalogs from al­ Acting Dean of Studies for the fall ~~s~~· ~t}_l~ m~~bers. c;>f the ac!~~i~!_!'ation with most all the schools in the United States. Forboth,anappofntmcntisa-good idea~ unsatisfactory results. As part of his job, Jeff also informs ... Ellen Jetto; Ellen Jetto is the Acting Dimitri Papadimitri~: Under no circum- students about drug and alcohol edu- Registrar. She is invaluable, because she stanceswouldyoueverhavetogoseetheExecu- cation. is in charge of your ac~demic records tive Vice-President and EXecutive Director of the All of this might seem somewhat ~ and credits. Se_e h~_r fgrJ!W.~tiP~--~~~- - ~ - ~llege ~ter. ~e _o~ - ~ -~_ - __!_!_!~~~ ~o most freshmen at this time, credit information, or ~f you want to see operations,asWell~~yof!l_!eotherdepart- but later, if you want to get into you(a~adem~c r~cord. _Y~u are allow~_d _~- rilents~t~{"Yhichha~!~_e_ to_do_~ywith graduate school, or win one ~f those to s~tJn her office apd)ook~_t your record students. However, heisan important person in really prestigious awards at the Senior anftime you want. She is-afso Important treallocationofCertainfundstocampusclubsand Dinner, you'll find it's not what you to talk to if you plan to take-a semester-_ a~vJti~- - -___:___ _~ - -- ---- - - know, but who you know. _off from Bar:fl, inc!uding for studying Jefferson Huang: Jeff is the director of - abroad-make su:re sh~ ~pproves the the C~rt:er Dev~lopment Office and the For pictures of mosrof these fine people, credi.ts prior to your leave of absence. -Assistant Dean of Students~ as well as the please turn to page 2, bottom. The man-behinCJ the bowtie· The heavy- wooden door. just on a committee with this raising and final tenure decisions, . inside· Ludlow bears a bronze rll:g is worn, teacher I was t~g about all in his official capacity as presi­ _-plaqUe that says, 11enter without with the pad- before. This individual was dent. However, Botstein feeJsthat knocking." ding showing at . E&ward Levy, President of a large part of what he does is to One August one side. There the University of Chicago help the college realize its dreams afternoon the is a wide variety and former attorney gen- and objectives, and hopefully to door was of cloth and pa- eral. Since my undergradu- set its societal and educational closed to perback books ate days, he was very sup- role. keep the air- (not - · the portive of me. I was a very Botstein prides himself on his­ conditioned leatherbound arrogant, not necessarily continued activity in _his own air in, but volumes that pleasant, undergraC:fuate. fields, music aJ1d history, and be­ . usually it is one would ex- '~e always wore a bow lieves that remainini:ractive is an . open. Some=-- pert) on shelves tie. I invariably sat next to important part of being involved . where beyond that door was the and his desk. Edward one weekend a in acCJ,demia. He lik~s to ~ntrib­ .· -·~office of the man with the bow tie, The painting of month, and it finally got to utetothecollegecurriculum when -·--- Leon Botstein, President of Bard the Madonna· me. A few nights later, I and where he can, by teaching an -College. and child above turnedtomyfatherandsaid, occasional music or history course Botstein's curriculum vitae his desk is 'Now I'm going to really and Freshman Seminar. shows that he received his B.A.· askew. There are Jearn how to,tie this tie,' be- Ina previous interview, he said from the University of Chicago; -two children'&- cause I'm not all that skilled that writing is important for a -hisM.A.andPh.D.fromHarvard, d r. a~ ~--n g s with my hands. I learned, member of an academic commu­ which he completed in 1985. He mounted be- and I realized thfltl'dnever nitY and that if one is to teach taughtattheManhattanSchoolof hind his head really like the normal tie. writing (or anything else), one Music and at the Hochschule andaportraitof But I don't really pay that must write oneself. rn his writings fiir angewandte Kunst in Vienna, · one of his much attention to it alh It's on education, it is clear that Austria. Botstein has regillarly daughters. His desk has the usual tie,is what students wonder about just much more convenit:mt." Botstein believes that "education guest conducted numerous or- knick-knacks-aglassappleand most. But beyond bow ties, President is the coming together of texts, - --:·~--chestras, including the Hudson a stone bird, two ink wells and ''It's an emulation of my father BotsteinhasajobtodoatBard.He people and ideas." Professors, and . ,Valley Philharmonic, and the ·lwo jars of ink, one ieta~g its andofoneofmyteacher8, whose -came to Bard in 1975, after education in generaf, shoufd an­ -. London Philharmonic, and is the $1.35 price ·tag. Books and papers wit and style I admired," 5aid Franconia College, the experi­ swer the questiol!S that the stu­ currentconductoroftheAmerican cover the expanse. Botstein."Theotherreasonisthat mental college of which he was dent asks and give the answers Symphony Orchestra. He has Sitting at hisaesk~ President Inevergetanysouponthem. Ties president from 1970 to 1975, that the student-and his or her published two or. three articles a Botstein was wearing horn- alwayswereamatterofanxietyto closed. At 28, he was still one of world-needs to know, rather <·:·.~year on such topics as education, rimmed schoolboy glasses and me. They would flap around and the youngest college presidents than give prepackaged questions · ~-~'-.·~~ life and works of Haimah had another pair -on his desk, oftengotingreaseors6up.lnever in the country, meriting a two­ thatmayhave1ittleifanycontem­ Arendt, Leonard Bernstein, Jews .
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