If someone advertises for a worker, If you are hoping to buy a home and there’s a possibility that it’s a soon, don’t assume that you must wait job fo r JKe-u, FIND OUT ABOUT IT, for awhile longer—but Investigate the real SOMEBODY is going to get it. estate ads, and then you’ll KNOW. (INCORPORATED W ITH W HICH IS THE COAST ECHO) V O L . X X III.— W hole No. 1229. CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ALL BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914 CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN TO ALL Price Two Cents sold h e r p ro p e rty a t 20S E ig h th ave- the new boiler is in position and w ill; TOWN GOSSIP 1 nue, has begun tlie erection of a bung­ be fired up today. They now .hope to| HOTELS ARE CROWDED LUNG MOTOR BELMAR CARNIVAL alow on Fiteenth avenue, near A street. have satisfactory progress. BOARD OF TRADE John Hart or Seventeenth avenue, Tomorrow there will be the weekly DEMONSTRATED. Dr. and Mrs. 0. N. Kelly and son Belmfar was knocked down Monday race at the Yacht Club. The club RUNNING A NUMBER OF EflJOYBLE AND ON SHARK RIVER of 440 Riverside Drive, New York afternoon by Samuel Finkley, chauf­ is open to all and with a good breeze TO HAVE DINNER City is visiting Mrs. J. Schwoerer and feur for D. B. Dunham, as he was blowing an exciting and interesting INTERESTING SOCIAL EVENTS. M rs. AV. C. Reed. running the car inito the Fifth avenue race can be witnessed. The lung motor recently purchased by garage, at F street. Hart was picked the Borough of Belmar was catefully Mr. and Mrs. Fred Macfarland. of up by Kinley and taken right away to Owing to the delay of a certain IMPORTANT BUSINESS DONE. demonstrated before a body of physicians BELMAR'S CARNIVAL OK AUGUST 15 New York City is spending a fort- the office of Dr. C. R. Treat, where party in securing the speech of our T H E CEDAKS nig'ht at the home of Mrs Dearson on hife bruises, which were many, were Mayor R. Poole at the Corner Stone July 30, 1914.—Jersey City—Mrs. life guards and citizens on Monday after­ WILL BE THE BEST EVER HELD 2 0 2 1 s t avenue. dressed. Later he was removed to Layin, we regret that we will not be his home where he is resting quite ^ble to publish same until next week’s W. P. Bishop, Master W. V. Bishop. noon at the foot of Sixth avenue. At the regular monthly meeting of Madeline Harrison, Edythe Ryordane Mr. J. Jurin, a prominent attorney comfortably. issue. the Belmar board of trade Monday Paterson, N. J.—Margaret Reynolds This new device for the saving of lives evening it was decided to have a din­ of New York City is spending the July 31, 1914—Jersey City—E. E. A large and enthusiastic gathering Mr. Russell Crowtbher who has been Mrs. A. E. Newtman of 705 Thirteenth will be always in readiness at Gordon’s ner and to make it as early in Sep­ month of August in Belmar. Mr. K enyon. tember as possible. The entertain­ responded to a. call to meet at the Bel Jurin is a law associate of Mr. Zin- spending the past week in town has av en u e, iMirs. L eon R a n k in of 707 New York—Mrs. J. P. Boesen. pavilion during the summer season, and ment committee was authorized to mar Yacht clubhouse Saturday even­ zinia, of the Inlet Terrace fame. returned to New York. Thirteenth avenue and Mrs. George August 1, 1914—Brooklyn, N. Y.— make necessary arrangements and re­ ing to discuss the project of holding a Bearmore of H street are visiting Mrs. at the Borough Hall during the winter Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Geiger, Albert A. port at the next meeting. carnival. It was unanimously voted Mr. Carl Hartegan of Newark was Sailing is becoming more popular Newman’s niece, Mrs. Charles How Geiger, Master James Geiger, Miss m onths. Mr. Kennelby spoke of the prac­ after a short discussion that a carni­ a week end visitor at the Pearson than ever this season, nearly every land at Como. Isabel Loomis, Miss Marjorie Loomis, tise of automohilists stopping on the val be held on Saturday, Aug. 15, on boat in t.he river was put to use on The main feature of the wonderful ma hom e. Mr. J. A. K av an au g h . wrong side of the street and it was tlie river. There will be sports in S unday. Mrs. Maggie Merrill and daughter of Newark, N. J.—R. T. Vaingwright, chine is the ease in which it may be oper decided to recommend to council that The Inlet Terrace Co., are exhibit­ Matawan, who have been spending a the afternoon—sail boat races, motor Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Shoyer, Emma L. the ordinance regulating traffic be en­ boat races, rowing races, canoe races, ing a beautiful scale model on the Miss Edythe Jones has returned to week with Mrs. Wier, have gone to ated, whereas most machines of this sort Shoyer, Miss Elizabeth P. Shoyer, Miss forced. swimming races and tilting contests. boardwalk ip front of the North End Trenton after a few weeks’ stay in Toms River for a short visit. Beatrice W. Axt. require an experienced person to operate, The matter of placing signs at in­ In the evolving there will be an illumi­ Hotel at Ocean Grove. It shows every B elm ar. Upper Montclair, N. J.—Mr. and Mrs. tersections of streets was brought up nated boat parade, fireworks and deco­ detail of this beautiful new property Rev. Samuel G. Neil, formerly of Bel­ and at the same time producing just as W. E. Beach, Master E. W. Beach. and the board was informed Ui at coun­ rations, and cottagers will be asked and is attracting a groat deal of at­ Gilbert Stines has gone to Trenton mar, is one of the unfortunates detained New York City—J. T. Neary, M. effective results. cil lias made arrangementes for signs to join in the illuminations. There will for a weeks’ visit. tention, which is worth going out of abroad during the European struggle. M. Smith, Miss Mae B. Breen. at all principal street corners. be band concerts afternoon and even­ your way to see. The borough has a Baltimore, Md.—Miss Elizabeth B. Mr. McLaughlin spoke of the shift­ ing. It was the concensus of opinion great deal to thank the officials of THE “RED TOPS” ARRIVED IN Sudler, Miss Carrie B. Sudler, Miss ing of the sand bar at the bathing that this would be the banner carnival the M et Terrace Co., for not only in TOWN YESTERDAY FROM PHILA­ Former Belmar Girl Goes to Eugenia S. Sudler, Miss Sallie J. Gor- Library Concert iis a Huge rounds and the dangerous condition the wonderful way they have improved of B elm ar. DELPHIA. sch, Miss Maud M. Slack, Miss Bessie of sofme of the grounds. After some Tihe general committee selected was: this town, but the way in which they M atthew s, E th el M. M iller. Success. discussion Mr. McLoughlin was ap­ Chairman, James L. Barnett; secre­ Orient to Wed. Miss have advertised Belmar. Raymond Hunter had a party of Boyonne, N. J.—Miss Lauretta Nor- pointed a committee with power to se­ tary, Paul G. Rahe; treasurer, Clar­ young men out for a sail in his good jen, Miss Helen Kelley. lect two advisory members to inspect Tlie Belmar Monday Afternoon The concert in the Tabernacle last ence R. Stines. ship “Pickles” on Sunday. The young TRENTON, Aug. 3.—Miss Hazel Westfield, N. J.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank the beach front and report at some The advisory committees to work Bridge Club was entertained at the Friday for the benefit of the Belmar men afforded much amusement for the Hulse, 18 years old, one of the most W. Cook, Mr. R. Tomlin, Mrs. R. Tom­ future meeting as to some means of out the details are as follows: Display Deal home of Mrs. M. S. Borden. Free Public Library was immensely rest of the boats, with itheir Septem­ attractive brunettes of Trenton and lin. safeguarding the beach at all times. —Mr. Carpenter, C. R. Stines, Mr. Those present were The Misses Ziz- enjoyed by all who attended. Over ber Morn poses and acrobatic stunts formerly a resident of Belmar, is on August 2, 1914—New Yory City— The delay of the postal officials in Avery, Mr. Rahe, C. J. Vinniestes. Ad­ four hundred persons were present. zinia, Reed, Hassler, Bets, Bryant, in the water. Among the party were her way to Hongkong, China, today, to Miss Adeline Medingor, Mr Thomas providing letter boxes thruout the vertising—Edward Voorhees, J. G. Mrs. Wm. Ripley Cobb, who had it in Reed, Herberman, Van Wie, Siebert, Louis Fischer. marry a man she has never seen ex­ McCamlless, Miss E. Leslie Medinger. town was brought to the attention of Carpenter, Mr. Bliss. Judges of dec­ Cobb, Berry, Colyer, Siemon, the charge, is deserving of unlimited c ep t tin p h o to g ra p h s w hich he h as East Orange, Mr. J. Harbeek Nec.k- the meeting and H. R. Cooper was ap­ orated houses—Peter Egnolf, Mr. Av­ Misses Shugard and Happell, Mrs. p raise. Edward Glass is sporting a prize mailed her at frequent intervals for er.
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