S i g m Kapp Official Publication of Sigma Kappa 'Board CONTENTS Sigma Kappas Everywhere Regret the Resignation of of Audrey Dykeman .. Lo•·ah M onroe, Grand Counselor 159 Ruby Carver Emerson- Grand President . ... .. .. .. editors ........ ... N ellie Birkenhead Mansfield, Omicron 161 Encore, Alice .... ... .... Edith Porter Lapish, Psi 162 Editor-in-Chief The Progress of W omen in Med icine . .... ........ Ella M . A. Enlows, Z eta 163 FRANCES WARREN BAKER (Mrs. James Stannard Baker) . Plan for Your Leisure-Don't Just Leave It to Chance ...... ..... ...... .. M. Lucile Kidder, A lpha 167 73 48 Coles Avenue Chicago, Ill. There Is an Active Renewal Interest in Arts in Sweden ... Mary Kirkwood, A lpha Nu 169 College Editor Grace Hall, Psi, Enjoys Life in the Air . ....... ERDENE GAGE .. ...... ....... .. ...... Rose Wichert, Psi 171 177 Arnold Avenue Sigma's Anthology of Poetry . ... .. Lillian M. Perkins 173 Edgewood, R.I. A W hole Box of Christmas Cheer ... .. ....... .. A/umnte Editor . ... ...... .... ... Nellie Birkenhead Mansfield 17 4 RUTH NoRTON DoNNELLY Working for Birth Control. Janet B. Whitenack, Epsilon 17 5 (Mrs. Bernard Donnelly) A Vice President's Challenge ... Jeanette Birdsall, Epsilon 178 245 4 Virginia Street Berkeley, Calif. Pointers on Pledge Training Annie Mae Heath, Alpha Ch.i 179 Alumnte Club Editor With Sigmas Everywhere . 180 186 E DNA M ONCH P ARKER Milestones ... ... ..... .. (Mrs. Robert J . Parker) Initiates .. .... ... .. .. ..... 190 960 Bay Street, Apt. 6 19 1 San Francisco, California With Our College Chapters .. 199 Exchange Editor W ith Our Alumnae Chapters ..... 206 MARIAN SE CHEVERELL With Our Alumnae Clubs . .. ... HEMINGWAY Directory .. ...... .. .... 207 (Mrs. J. Rene Hemingway) 873 Cherry W innetka, Ill. SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in March, June, October, and D e· cember at 450 Ahnaip street. Menasha, Wis., by George Banta Publishing Philanthropy Editor Compa~y . official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority. NELLIE B. MANSFIELD Entered as second·class matter October 15, 1910, at the post office at 56 Hillside Avenue Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 1.3. 187?· Acceptance for mailing at special rates of postage provJded for m sect1on 1103, act of October Everett, Mass. 3, 1917, authorized .July 31 , 1918. Price $2 .00 per annum. Single copies 50 cents. Life subswpt10n $15 .00. Executive Secretary Chapters College and Alumnee must send manuscript in time to reac h their respective editors before the first of November, February, May, and RUTH E . I.ITCHEN September. 1630 Alabama All communications regardi ng subscriptions should be sent to Miss Litchen Lawrence, Kan. at 450 Ahnaip street, Menasha, Wis., or 1630 Alabama, Lawrence, Kan. Sather Gale, University of California Sigtna Kappa Triangle Vol. 29 Edited by FRANCES WARREN BAKER No.3 Sigma Kappas Everywhere Regret the Resignation of Audrey Dykeman By LORAH MONROE, Grand Counselor T IS with sincere and deep regret that the possible for her to have given such a tre­ sorority learns of the resignation of Au- mendous amount of time as she has so gen­ 1I drey Dykeman, Theta, from the office of erously given to Sigma. For she holds very ~rand President of Sigma Kappa. She is so responsible executive and teaching positio ns ' 1deally fitted for the position and has con- in both day and night schools of the Carl tributed so very much as our leader that it Schurz high school-one of the largest high 1is extremely difficult to relinquish her from schools in existence. Notwithstanding the that high office and we shall miss her guid­ heavy and exacting duties of these positions ance sadly indeed. Sister Dykeman has given daily many more That Audrey's accession to Sigma offices hours of time, energy, and thought to Sigma has been of meteor-like rapidity is undoubt­ problems than the average person could­ . edly due to the fact that her talents and abili­ or would-give. It is scarcely possible for us ties are quite outstanding and have fitted to express adequately our appreciation for her specially well for constructive service and this long and unselfish contribution of her­ have rightfully commended her for recogni- self but we are very deeply grateful. tion. Gifted with unusual endowments of Audrey possesses those rare qualities of character and having had wide experience character which combine to create a striking with people and situations she was readi'y and forceful personality and distinctly mark and naturally ~elected for responsible posi­ her as a leader. It is unusual to find combined tions in the sorority. After serving as Con­ in one individual the quality of a dreamer vention Chairman in 1922, Audrey was and a builder as well of the talent of business elected to the office of Grand Counselor in ability and an expert executive but such we 1924, and two years later became Vice-Presi­ find in Audrey. Her energetic attacking of dent, and in 1928 she was chosen Grand problems, her calm and scientific analysis _of President which office she has so beautifully situations, her clarity of judgment, her qmck filled for the past seven years. During this but sure conclusions, her keenness of intel­ more than decade of holding of official posi­ lect, her far-seeing vision, her fearless stand tions in the sorority Audrey has given ofher­ for right principles, her courage to follow self in untiring, loyal, and devoted Service. her conscientious convictions, her sympathy One wonders how it has been humanly and ready understanding, her broad and to!- SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE 159 erant viewpoint, her alertness to present day problems, her appreciation of the beautiful in life, her emphasis upon spiritual values­ these are a few of the splendid characteristics which have so admirably fitted Audrey for the highest office in the Sorority. Fortunate indeed is Sigma to have had Sis­ ter Dykeman's excellent leadership at a time of economic and social stress and of con­ stantly changing conditions-when this gen­ eral social restlessness has reflected itself in the Greek world and has presented it with different and more intense problems than ever before. Her judgment and guidance have given stability and poise-a distinct contribu­ tion at any time and particularly valuable during these years of insecurity and unrest. She has been an able leader and one who has inspired devoted followers. Always has she been motivated by an unswerving devotion and a deep loyalty to Sigma and always has she worked for the highest good and best welfare of the organization as a whole. Her remarkable influence will continue to be definitely felt. Audrey Dykeman In the years of the distant future when new generations of Sigmas are reading the delible imprint upon the sorority ; she has History of the Sorority and are studying the left the certain mark of a Leader. Her pat­ outstanding personalities which have exerted tern is bright, distinct, and swiftly moving great influence upon the growth and further and tells a story of real accomplishment. Her development of the organization they will influence will be a lasting one because she pause in admiration when they come to the has woven her very self-through her name of Audrey Dykeman. For her dynamic thoughts, ideals, and achievements-into the personality has made a quite definite and in- very fabric of Sigma's tapestry . .@-------- SIGMA SUPREME There is so much on earth to love : T he silver of the sea, The shining of the stars above, The waking ecstasy Of beauty in the springtime wood, The melody of songs- But most I love the sisterhood T o which my heart belongs. How sweet to me the vista spread Of glory on earth's breast, And all kind fellowship has fed My soul each day with zest; Yet of all joys alight for me Does one most brightly gleam, And for my dear sorority Shines Sigma love supreme. Oh, Sigma Kappa, you do lift my heart and stir my voice to song­ Accept from me unendingly my gift of love life-long I MARCELLA HARTMAN, T all 160 SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE Ruby Carver Emerson Grand President By NELLIE BIRKENHEAD MANSFIELD, Omicron O PRESENT to the members of Sig­ ma Kappa our new Grand President T is a privilege so delightful that my very pen laughs with happiness as the picture takes shape. I am writing particularly to the new members of Sigma, because to those longer in the bond, Ruby Carver Emerson needs no introduction. Mrs. Emerson is the only daughter of our beloved Founder, Mary Low Carver. Little wonder is it that because of the numerous calls of her mother's many sorority friends, the small Ruby learned the Greek alphabet almost before she knew the English one. Like her mother, Ruby Carver was graduated from Colby College and is a member of Alpha chapter. Later she married R. Dwight Emer­ son, a graduate of the University of Ver­ mont, whose father was the head of the history department in that institution. Boston Alumna:: chapter gives Mr. Emerson the gr_ade of A as a Sigma Kappa brother and fnend. The Emersons live in Cambridge, Mass., ' and have a summer home in North Easton. Ruby Carver Emenon , Shall I tell you how they picked out that summer home? One day, Mrs. Carver, Mr. similar capacity for the men. Ruby is also a and Mrs. Emerson were driving down a director of the Past Presidents' Club, Second c?untry road .. Suddenly they glimp~ed a beau­ District of Massachusetts Women's State tiful oak wtth a magnificent breadth of Federation. branch. They all fell so in love with the tree If you were to ask Ruby's friends individ­ that in order to possess it they bought the ually what her chief interest is, each one farmhouse.
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